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Everything posted by EJD

  1. EJD


    I watched this film the other day, and discovered a continuity error! When the bomber comes out of the loo in his flat, you see him sit down in front of screens. One of them has a film of the bus moving along the highway with police escorting them, while Jack and Sandra Bullock (the character's name skipped my mind right now) are speeding round the airport runway. With no police at all!!!
  2. Hi, just off the topic, Ethan is my name as well! Two of 'em on here...
  3. EJD here with an update... PICS! The steering wheel I'll be using... very stylish! Pic's a bit blurry... The kart... The existing brake system... And ME, on the existing chassis! Another future improvement might be those slicks... and a 'lil old Bucket seat right at the back. 8)
  4. Thanks, CC! But, I don't have any clubs or tracks near me... and an engine wouldn't be road legal. But, if I find a track somewhere, I might install an engine. Right now, I only have a solid kart made from wood, and, as I think you said, a pivoting front axle for steering . I will install the steering wheel, etc. but the engine's a no-no . I just take my kart out while my dad walks Paco (my mutt). PS: I had a dream about it. I did everything to it (Slicks, engine, steering, etc.) but instead of a tiny scooter engine, I got a superbike engine! Top Gear invited me onto their show, and I beat Jerry Clarkson in a Ferrari!
  5. Spaghetti with Parmesan cheese. And tomato sauce with little bits of veggie-meat, or something.
  6. Spaghetti with Parmesan cheese. And tomato sauce with little bits of veggie-meat, or something.
  7. Hey, that looks really good! Even without the decals... Good luck!
  8. Hey, that looks really good! Even without the decals... Good luck!
  9. I had a dream last night... I went to Dukes Fest, and did lots of Dukes stuff. Then, I grabbed a hotdog or something and sat down. Ben Jones himself came up to me and said "Mind if I sit here?" so I agreed, and I got his autograph!
  10. I had a dream last night... I went to Dukes Fest, and did lots of Dukes stuff. Then, I grabbed a hotdog or something and sat down. Ben Jones himself came up to me and said "Mind if I sit here?" so I agreed, and I got his autograph!
  11. EJD

    Theme Tune!

    Just browsing the net, and found THIS: http://tv.cream.org/specialassignments/themes/dukes.mp3 And the NEW tune by cage9: http://www.hazzardretreat.com/sounds/cage9-dukesofhazzard.mp3 Y'all need Quicktime. Or, if you download it, Media Player will do.
  12. EJD

    Theme Tune!

    Just browsing the net, and found THIS: http://tv.cream.org/specialassignments/themes/dukes.mp3 And the NEW tune by cage9: http://www.hazzardretreat.com/sounds/cage9-dukesofhazzard.mp3 Y'all need Quicktime. Or, if you download it, Media Player will do.
  13. That would be great! Although, I'll deffo have to save up for the engine... but good suggestion! PS: Is there anything you could suggest for the steering? Like a wheel system?
  14. EJD

    My Petition

    Hey y'all, have you heard of a game called Stuntman? If you thought it was good, then sign this petition: http://www.petitiononline.com/stunt2/petition.html It's for a much needed sequel to Stuntman. I know it hasn't got anything to do with Dukes, apart from a parody called Whoopin' and a Hollerin'. But I just thought I'd spread the word... I did on Neoseeker, but they just said bad things about it.
  15. Hey y'all, have you heard of a game called Stuntman? If you thought it was good, then sign this petition: http://www.petitiononline.com/stunt2/petition.html It's for a much needed sequel to Stuntman. I know it hasn't got anything to do with Dukes, apart from a parody called Whoopin' and a Hollerin'. But I just thought I'd spread the word... I did on Neoseeker, but they just said bad things about it.
  16. I think so... they're always chasin' women!
  17. I think so... they're always chasin' women!
  18. I just realized... in the Round Robin story "Hazzardous Secrets", Bo has a girlfriend with reddish-blonde hair. However, in the Return of the General Lee (the game), he has a girlfriend called Sally-Jo who runs the Orphanage (the redhead). Is the girlfriend in Hazzardous Secrets made up, or is Sally-Jo made up? Just a thing that crossed my mind...
  19. I just realized... in the Round Robin story "Hazzardous Secrets", Bo has a girlfriend with reddish-blonde hair. However, in the Return of the General Lee (the game), he has a girlfriend called Sally-Jo who runs the Orphanage (the redhead). Is the girlfriend in Hazzardous Secrets made up, or is Sally-Jo made up? Just a thing that crossed my mind...
  20. ! The part where you said Luke was in bed with two girls (but was cut out)... It doesn't seem like Dukes of Hazzard at all. I haven't seen it yet (It comes out on the 6th in Britain) but from what I heard, the theme tune SHOULD be "Just two good ol' boys, always meanin' some harm..." I mean, all the drugs in the original series (from all the episodes I've seen) is a TINY bit of Marijuana, (no-one even smoked it!) and a bit of Shine, as well. Should be a good movie on it's own, but for original fans of the show, it's not like the original at all.
  21. ! The part where you said Luke was in bed with two girls (but was cut out)... It doesn't seem like Dukes of Hazzard at all. I haven't seen it yet (It comes out on the 6th in Britain) but from what I heard, the theme tune SHOULD be "Just two good ol' boys, always meanin' some harm..." I mean, all the drugs in the original series (from all the episodes I've seen) is a TINY bit of Marijuana, (no-one even smoked it!) and a bit of Shine, as well. Should be a good movie on it's own, but for original fans of the show, it's not like the original at all.
  22. Since I'm 11 , I don't really drive anything. But I have a go-cart, made of wood and pram wheels... . My dad drives a Mercedes 230 TE Estate, and rides a Serow motorbike. And an Armstrong bike that actually served in the Gulf War!
  23. Hey y'all, (I'm getting that accent now!) I just started a new game on DOH: Return of the General Lee on PS2, and all the missions were easy up to "Still Runnin'". Well, I spend infinity getting to 3 Oak Hill, and Jesse says "Hmm, there he is. Now I gotta stay far enough back so he don't see me.". Now, I wait till the runner's out of view, so I lurch forward. It flashes up with "Try Again!", and I think it's really unfair. Do I have a really bad bug on my disk? EDIT: Lol, August 1st. I've found out how to do it! You gotta keep yer distance... and generally stay fairly close!
  24. Hey y'all, (I'm getting that accent now!) I just started a new game on DOH: Return of the General Lee on PS2, and all the missions were easy up to "Still Runnin'". Well, I spend infinity getting to 3 Oak Hill, and Jesse says "Hmm, there he is. Now I gotta stay far enough back so he don't see me.". Now, I wait till the runner's out of view, so I lurch forward. It flashes up with "Try Again!", and I think it's really unfair. Do I have a really bad bug on my disk? EDIT: Lol, August 1st. I've found out how to do it! You gotta keep yer distance... and generally stay fairly close!
  25. :x I've just seen that video. It's not Duke-like at all. I mean, I know they had to change some things for 2005, but this is too far. Daisy, in the original series, was a nice, considerate Hazzardite. Now she's a total slut. :x
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