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Everything posted by countrygirl1986

  1. Hielry sees brian wink at her friend, who is getting to be more like a cousin thanks to how much her cousin LB talks about her and their possible future, Hilery takes a moment to think, then picks up a rootbeer float, crushes some pretzil into it, into very small pieces, and dumps it on Brians head. "how dare you, she's my cousin LB's girlfriend, and she's like a cousin to me, it's as if they already tied the not, even if there aren't any plans for it yet!" Hilery yells, hten smooshes hte ice cream into his hair so a towl won't get it out. "leave all my cousins' gilrfriens alone, andi mean it. Besides, Kristy loves LB, and she sure as heck ain't lookin'." *looks at maryanne* Go ahead, I dare you, I'm simply upholding my cousins honer not to have someone trying to get his girlfriends attention. Just be glad I didn't take and do a beer over his head because i'm underage. Brian should be ashamed because Kristy does have those two adorable children LB is nuts about and someday wants to adopt them for his own when he finally decides he's ready to marry kristy!
  2. Before anybody could acknoledge maryanne though, a 1968 shelby mustang flew by, turned around sharply, then screached to a hault infront of the garage, and Hilery Davenport hopped out of her grinning. "Well well well," she said walking up, past the deputy sheriff, over to Chet. Nice to see ya home again." "Nice to see you again too Hil," he told her and gave her a hug. "Missed ya ya little squirt," he laughed. "Been keeping out of trouble I hope?" he asked, only for her to shake her head. "You shouldn't be asking me about me staying out of trouble when you know you can't." He gave her a nice hard, long look, like one that only an older brother could give. The young davenport woman looked around quickly, knowing Chet would yell at her for causing trouble without him around to help. "Oh hey Maryanne," Hilery smiled. "Chet you remember Maryanne, don't ya?" "Yup, sure do." "Hello, welcome back to hazzard." "Hey Hilery," Cooter asked, getting his cousins attention, "HOw'd you know that was chet when I didn't even completely recognise him wen he walked into the garage?" "Well, see... I sorta knew he was commin', known for a while now," hilery told them. "Yup, we been keeping in touch."
  3. "What's wrong?" Hilery said innocently, then broke out laughing. It was an odd laugh, one no one recalled her having. "Hil, calm down, we might as well give up and spill the beans," Cooter hissed at her, trying to hush her. This just made her laugh even harder. She suddenly stopped and shoved Cooter into Daney, then grabbed Rosco's gun, quite quickly. "Since when have you known me to give up cousin?" she asked hims eriously, the gun pointing at everyone as she hearded them into Rosco's office. "Until later," she laughed again and ran out the door, after blocking bosses using a chair, then ran to her car. With tires smoking, Jumper pealed off around the corner, on her way out of town. Hilery was out of site before anyone could get out the booking room. No body had tried to stop her out of sheer shock.
  4. Hilery looks at brian sympathetically, knowing how bad hte beer was from how much Cooter ranted and raved about how bad it was at times, she ordered the young coltrane a rootbeer, and dunked some ice cream into it, then placed it infront of him. "There, a late Easter present," Hilery chuckled.
  5. just then Hilery Davenport strolls up and looks at them, unsure what the caskets were saying and shruggs her shoulders. "Ya know, there is another way to improve the soda sides adding peanuts, especially the rootbeer." She said, waiting for them to look at her. When their eyes were on her, she pulled her insulated lunch box onto the counter top, pulled out a small tub of briyerhills ice cream, and scoops some of it into the mug, then dunks some into maryannes and daneys. "Here ya go, Rootbeer floats, using vanilla ice cream!" she laughs. "Makes it creamier and it seems less watered down. Dunno what it'll do to the beer though, but i know it improves soda pop!"
  6. NOw if anyone is wondering why Scooter, the black cat, and boots, the red and white cat weren't with rosco anymore, Hilery had sprung them, but had told them to complete their mission. She had watched them attack Brian and felt awful. He was the one they were supposed to be covering, not attacking. "SHould have been more specific," she muttered as the felines came back to her. "Guys, GO attack the REAL sheriffs department and don't get caught again!" she told them as they scurried off. Looking around, hilery went back to the board and posted another message for brian. Brian Got the spare, and it's done early, by 3 days. Part came in early. You can pick it up when ya ready. Hilery PS. Sorry bout the cats. though, you should have left your jacket on until maryanne and Rosco went out on patrol. MIght have saved yourself from crashign into the cans. tell cooter that Rosco and MA asked you to pick it up, or if need be, i'll deliver it if he get's suspicious.
  7. *meanwhle, HIlery has retrieved her obediant only to her and who ever she says they are to listen to and only those people felines. "Boot's, scooter, do me a favor. Drive the hazzard PD loco. I mean it. drive them mad by complaining for attention. DO ANYTHING YOU HAVE TO. jump on the table,get cat hair in their coffee, knock over stacks of paper. Just don't hurt them. Get in through the windows or hte doors. I know thye are push open and the windows are always open and never have screens. Run if they call the pound or try to catch you to put you out, but cause all the mayhem you can while running." The young davenport gets up and the cat's run off to complete their mission.
  8. *leaves note on diablo: Speaking of eggs... I got about six dozen sitting in the front seat of Jumper If ya is interested in egging some buildings. If not, I am. *posts this on board: when does a person give idea's like that without willing to lend a helping hand? Y"all should have remembered i'm a trouble maker to a degree, just on a way lesser scale than brian.
  9. *walks up to diablo and leaves another note* Well you're gonna need a patrol car. I'm sure something can be arranged though. Either that or steal Rosco's patrol car or maryannes, but they'd notice immediately. Your best bet is to take a car from teh junk yard, get it painted white, and stick a gold sticker on it to make it look like a patrol car. Don't forget the gumballs. Things have been so dull i'm willing to help. Call on the CB if you need some help. At this rate, no one will know you're getting these idea's from me LOL. oh and another idea for ya: steal all the coffee makers out of the auto lots, or spray paint something saying what kind of junk the cars are onto the sign. Boss Hogg would just love that. Or you could even find a cat (stay away from mine unless you want the dogs t be hurt), and drivet hem nuts. ie rosco and maryannes dogs. it'd be commical that's for sure. You could even throw bags of flour at the sheriffs department and turn them ghost white, and throw mudd at Boss.
  10. *slips another note under diablo's wiper blade, hoping this owrks like the last time to prevent being caught* Hey brian, here's another one for ya. Why don't you try stealing boss hoggs fridge while Miss LUlu is gone. You could also impersonate a police officer... well, okay, rosco and MA would go nuts and gocrazy, and i know you'd never be able to live up to that, so i guess you can't do that one. YOu could loose your trademark black and inmpersonate boss... nah, you'd probably not like that... hmm... knock over the gun shop or hte knife shop? You could also go into boat stealing. or you could do some pit pocketing (stay the ehck out of my perse). why not try stealing everyones hats too?
  11. *goes up and reads after Brian leaves then leaves something under Diablo's wiper blade* Gee Brian, why don't you steal Boss Hoggs Cadilac or something, i don't think that has been done yet. I know his house has been burgulerised already though otherwise i'd suggest that lol even though Lulu is ur cuz. I dunno, you could also steal dixie because i don't think that has been done yet either (i could be wrong). Or you could take Cooter's tow truck and start towing away cars and sticking them infront of real parking meters instead of having you're poor cousin drag the fake one out or the fake fire hydrant, but you'd need to get rid of Cooter and the Dukes, as in keep them occupied while you did the towing. Oh, and another thing, you're right about things being dull, it's been driving me crazy! Please liven things up.
  12. Great to be back MA, great to be back. I missed y'all somethin' terrable. I hope y'all missed me, I know a lot of ya did, that is, who i spoke to already. SO what all i miss? oh, and please don't run for the hills. it's too quiet though. I was wondering if y'all up and died for cryin' out loud. C'mon online and catch me and give me a pat ont he back sayin' wlecome back and you'll get a bone crunching hug in return!
  14. I'm BACK! My dad siad yesterday he would be calling the service provider for our connection and he said he would do it today, so tomorrow i should be on... er atleast ishould be on on thursday... i got more moving to do tomorrow :-\ I am alittle dissappointed no one was on yahoo but Kristy, i know some of y'all don't have Yahoo, but i expected to see mroe than just her... seems like since i dissappeared, everyone else did too! booo hooo hooo! See y'all again soon! I hope more people will be on when i'm officially back, using my home pc.
  15. Bad news y'all, My internet is down, i'm writting this at school with a teachers permission. DO not panic if I haven't been around for a few days. Also, be leery of my original aim screen name (i run under a name on here where it is the same as the screen name if you aren't sure which it is). I have not bene able to access it for email or anything, i cannot try getting onto it through AIM but that is because the computer here does not have it, and we aren't allowed on messengers at school. I hope to be back in action soon. Scoot
  16. Happy B-day Daney. I'll give y'all an astrological clue to my birthdate. Second day of the Libra astrological sign. For those who don't know when the sign starts and all, (and when it's the average or normal first day of autumn, some folks dispute it being the first day of autumn, or the day before) on average I am the second day of autumn, rarely the third day, depends when the first day is; but this year it's the second day. but uh, HAPPY BIRTH DAY TO YOU; HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR DANEEEEEY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Essy-Jane, everything you have said is true; and I'm quite flattered by what you said 'bout me. You are a great friend to me as is everyone else. Keep ya head high, keep being my buddy, and keep doing a great job. Don't you ever give up on life and having fun, or else you'll have me to deal with LoL. Oh, and by the way, what Ess said about everyone else, I agree 100% and I back her statements she has said so far on this thread. Oh, sorry I didn't respond sooner, i been busy, but i have been reading the stuff. I am really sorry. I guess I was also really speechless. Love y'all like family (well, I think that is as simple as I can get it, and it fits perfectly too).
  18. Okay, okay, okay, here's my answers with of course, some comments : 1. B. Only when the bus don't pick me up and i can't get a ride (literally) 2. B. but believe it or not folks, i found a way out. 3. C. 4. B. The danged cross walks don't work in this town! 5. C. Unless it's a friend of grammoms .... There aren't a whole lot of 'em round here to help. Crossing guards usually do it, it's only at those times their out lol. 6. B sorry, but i got a dense memory sometimes 7. B. Yeah, sure it don't always work, but oh well, and yeah, i knwo, i'll get my butt kicked. 8. D. very unfortunate ... but i'm a teenager and their tougher on teens 9. B. Fighting can be bad... sides, you probably haven't heard about those girls who pulled knives out in school and cut a bunch of other kids up really bad... very true, very recent. 10. B. Clothes are clothes
  19. Perfect car for brian: get a patrol car,paint it yellow and black, and give it to him or put gum balls on the road runner
  20. Now that's scary....
  21. NOTE: thanks Brian for the insperation. Which is your favorite color? A. Orange B. White C. Dirty White D. Black, White, Gold E. White, Gold F. Yellow G. Too much mud, dirt, and mudd to tell, but I'll drive just 'bout anything, but mostly blue and white... I think. What is more your pace? A. Fast, racing in cross country races; lead footing B. Luxury C. Farm work D. Off road driving E. Chasing people F. Fast driving but no cross country racing; lead footing G. Work; Helping others Car Decoration, which would you prefere? A. Rebel Flag; 01 B. Steer horns C. dents and dings D. Picture of bird; maybe no doors E. Star F. Large black stripe G. Tow chain and hook (usually) Favorite way to loose the local law? A. Just jump over the dang creek or throw them in the local car wash B. I own the law C. Don't normally run, usually get a ride with the boys or Daisy if I do D. Cross country E. Uh, I am the law F. Pedal to the metal G. Let them pull me over, wait for them to get out, back up, hit the switch, floor it and leave the scene with the Deputy at the side of the road yellin' to bring back their patrol car ************ Your ideal Dukes car: A's: The General Lee B's: Boss Hogg's Catilac C's: Uncle Jesse's pickup D's: Daisy's Jeep E's: Rosco/Enos/Cletus' patrol car F's. Daisy's Road Runner (before Bo and Luke wrecked it, that is) G's. Cooter's tow truck Multi answers: well uh, looks like you would prefere a mix car, er a combination of the listed above. You must like some mighty weird cars, though, there are ways for you to get the combinations you desire through getting other cars, but then they wouldn't be cars from the original show, so I guess you'd have to go with the catagory you got the most of the same letter in.
  22. Rid, I agree. A few days ago was the anneversery of the Challanger Launch where the first teacher who was schedualed to go into space lost her life, along with the rest of the crew. It was realized back then that sometimes temperatures can cause something like that to happen, if their in the extremes. I will remember hearing about what happened today i guess. They gave their lives for science. Sometimes things happen sometimes which aren't in our control though. Bless them, and I know that no matter how long from now it is, their families will always feel some pain over it, but i hope that over time, the pain gets numbed a little so they may get on with their lives like those on the Columbia would want them to.
  23. "I don't know, maybe just a sandwhich i guess," LB said, glaring at his cousin. He hadn't been expecting to see her there. The Davenport went to the window after he heard a car engine. He shook his head and went over to the table and sat down. "I can't see the car yet," He said. It didn't take too long though before the clear distinct sound of rock was heard over the engine. "I think it's Garrett coming home," Kristy said. "Who else do we know who listens to rock mostly?" "I don't know, but I can't stand the stuff," Hilery told her sipping her drink. "Why don't someone invite Cooter in anyway?" She asked sitting bakc in the chair, letting it lean back on two legs and her feet on the table. "Git your feet off the table!" Hilery put the chair back on all fours quite fast, so fast she nearly fell out of it. "Oh hi cuz," Hilery said sheepishly, getting up to get a rag to wipe the table down from kristy. "I'm home!" A males voice rang from the living room. Garrett had decided to come in the other door. He walked into the Kitchen and was surprised to see Hilery. "Hello," he said to her and looked at Kristy, LB, and Cooter. "Garrett, this is Hilery, she's my second cousin," Cooter said introducing her. "Hilery, this is Bo's twin brother Garrett." "Nice to meet ya Garrett. I've heard 'bout ya." Hilery said shaking his hand.
  24. "Yep, their okay," Hilery smiles. "C'mon, I'll take ya back to where you, ya kids, ya bro, and my cuz are stayin', and we'll have Cooter take Silver bullet back for ya." The young Davenport woman said as they pulled away. "Thank you, Hilery." Kristy told her. "No problemo." They talked for a few more minutes until they arrived at the older Davenport farm. Both girls climbed out of Jumper and walked inside quietly. "Thin's sure don't change much 'round here." Hilery said looking at the wall paper."Used to come up here to play when i was a teenager." She whispered. "Missed commin' up here." "Well, why don't you just come up here to see LB everyonce and a while so you can see the place?" "I work with him, so I see him daily anyway," Hilery giggled and sat down at the kitchen table. Old memories were flowing through her mind of when she would slip out without her cousin's knowledge and explore around the old place. "Want anything to drink?" "Sure, you got any RootBeer?" "Yeah, here," Kristy said giving hil a bottle of it. "Last one." About fifteen minutes, LB walked in, and boy was he shocked to see his cousin there. He and Cooter were there to drop the truck off, then they would have to go back to work. "HILERY!?" LB said seeing her. "Hello Cousin." She smiled. "Surprise. . . . thanks again for you and Cooter giving me the day off." She told him, still grinning.
  25. **Special Note: This is a story being done by both kristy and myself. Don't expect it to go very fast though or to be posted on frequently. We both have other stories we are doing so this will be slowly written prabably. Kristy's characters are used with her permission in my posts, and she has permission to use any characters which belong to me that show up in this fic. _____________________________ The Ransom The sun was hidden behind clouds as the rain fell from the skys in Hazzard County, Geogia. A few kids who were walking with their parents defiantly played in the puddles. It had been pouring on and off all day. The sheriff's department was busy writing tickets like they normally were. The only difference was they were speeding tickets, although, no one was on the roads, expecually the dirt roads because they were mud. There weren't many parking tickets because Rosco, Enos, and Cletus didn't feel like standing in the sopping wet weather. The garage was a little busier than normal too. The rain had made things slippery, so people were going off into ditches a little more. Boss Hogg had no mercy though on Rosco Coltrane and his deputies. Each time one of them came in to get a warm cup of coffee from the pot or drop off an accident report, JD yelled up a storm because they hadn't given out any tickets, which meant no new cash in his wallet. He looked at his watch eagerly though as Enos Strate left the Booking Room. Sheriff Rosco was due to be in any moment. They had fifteen minutes before their meeting with their newest associates. Rosco never showed up. His patrol car had run into a muddy ditch. The bad boys though showed up early. Having heard Rosco's distress call, he told the sheriff that the meeting would be held then, that he would fill him in later. Boss figured that he could more easily swindle the sheriff out of his share that way. What no one counted on though was Miss. Kristy Duke comming in through the soaking wet rain. She had forgotten her purse. They hadn't even been aware of her comming in. Bits and peices of their conversation caught her attention. She moved towards the door and listened closely. "So, when can you boys rob my bank?" "Soon as this blasted rain stops. We don't want to risk loosing control of the car and getting caught Hogg." One of the three said. "Understood. Now, if you give me half of the money, I'll garentee the sheriff stays out of your hair and you get clean passage out of the county." "Sounds good to us." "Wait a minute..." the third man started to say then noticed Kristy by the door. "Get her!" he yelled. The young Duke woman scurried out of the office and did her best to run out to the curb. She wasn't going to have time to get into Silver Bullet, her black '01 Silverado and get him started. Right then, right when she needed it most, a teal '68 shelby mustang pulled to the curb. The woman driving could see the three men running out cursing at the girl on the curb who looked to be running from them. "Get in! If Boss Hogg is after ya, it's good enough reason for me to help you," the blonde girl said to Kristy. "Thanks Ma'am," she told her as they pealed away. "My names Kristy Duke, I haven't been down here too long," she told her. "You're the one going out with LB, and Bo's sister, Luke's cousin." She said. "I've heard about you, and LB never shuts up about ya." Kristy raised an eye brow and giggled a little. "Nice to know how much he loves me." "He's nuts over you... by the way, my name is Hilery Davenport, I'm Cooter and LB's second cousin. I work at the Hazzard Garage with them, but I haven't been around much sadly because I have been really busy." the young woman said keeping most of her attention on the road due to how wet it was.
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