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  1. DaisyMaeDuke

    tom caught with weed?

    Ok...well I will put my two cents in here too I guess... I am very sad this happened, and though I think he made some bad choices, I don't know anyone on Hazzardnet or elsewhere that hasn't done things that they regret. In Tom's case, it just gets publicized for the world to know about. I certainly don't condone it in any way, but NONE of us have a right to judge him for anything he did. And Kay I'm sorry, but I disagree with you... He is not "bad news" or "major trouble" You like most of us on here can not make a judgment like that based on what is publicized. For example, I think it was last summer Tom put a new roof on his step mom's house. It didn't make front news, but I think that is a nice thing for him to do. During his Dukes days, when the Hazard, KY mines collapsed, both Tom and John did a benefit concert to raise money for the families of the miners, and Tom himself put in 25,000 dollars extra to cover the concert expenses. Stuff like that is quickly forgotten. I am not saying he didn't make a mistake. But we don't have a right to judge him. We don't know why he is turning to alcohol or drugs but he is obviously hurting somehow and looking to make himself feel better. He needs our support, not our judgment. If you are like me and believe in God, take this to be a wake up call for us to pray for not ionly him, but others who are struggling with similar issues. Think what Uncle Jesse would do...would he be disappointed...sure....but he would love him and pray for him...and support him all he could. We Hazzardites should strive to do the same...
    1 point
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