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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. "Not much, " began Harve, "just revenge...pure sweet deadly revenge."
  2. "Maybe you had better ask your cousin that...or maybe you better ask why he left ya in the first place..."
  3. Luke shook his head. "Ain't you learned you can't lie to me?"
  4. Harve stood in front of Bo, smirking at him. "Don't you worry...we ain't gonna kill you...yet..."
  5. "My head is plenty clear...you like Lori...you love her..."
  6. The doctor continued to examine him. "He'll be alright...provided he rests...and does nothing strenuous for a spell." "Thank you Doc" The doctor nodded showing himself out.
  7. "You didn't come," he stated jerking his head away. "Don't act like ya care now."
  8. Luke swallowed and looked at him, realization dawning that he had seen it all but didn't care enough to come see if he was ok. "Why?"
  9. The doc started to examine him frowning a little as he did so. "He alright?" "He's got a slight concussion..." begins the doc.
  10. He put the jug down now considerably lighter than it had been and sits shakily down. "You...you saw...how close..."
  11. Luke nodded, and takes the small jugof shine out of the picnic basket. He had brought it for emergencies but as bad as he was shaken he reckoned this would do. Uncorking it, he took a swallow.
  12. Luke fell into a restless sleep once more. Jaime's mother waited by his side until there was a knock at the door. Quickly she got up to answer it. "He's right in here Doc," she said as she led the man inside.
  13. Luke shook his head as Lori ran off thinking her a very excitable person...almost like Bo. Slowly he got out of the General, not even getting a chance to ask if she had found Bo, looks up at the tree house and climbs up, thinking he needed a drink of the shine he brought. He stopped in surprise when he saw Bo. "Bo!"
  14. Her mother looked at the pale young man on the couch. Checking to ensure that Jaime was safely upstairs she went to the phone and called a doc.
  15. Luke swallowed and nodded. "Bit shook up is all."
  16. He couldn't hear her. he was too focused on controlling the car. He quickly pulled to a stop breathing hard, shaken slightly butno harm done.
  17. Luke was pulling up to the treehouse when a deer jumped out in front of him. He swerved quickly to avoid it.
  18. She frowned. "Well, I'll call him... but you skidaddle...we don't need no one askin questions..."
  19. There was no sign of Bo along the road. He sighed turning back around and heading for the treehouse once more.
  20. Just as she was thinking thather mother bustled inside. "How's the patient?"
  21. John is his hero. I don't talk to him about John much.., but he does adore his dad.
  22. Unaware that Bo had been found continues searching the roads, his heart beating faster as there was no sign of him.
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