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Status Updates posted by RogerDuke

  1. Hi BL I hope you're having a great New Year. It's hard to believe January's half over already.

  2. Hi BL We haven't chatted for awhile. I hope you're doing well.

  3. Hi Bo, I hope you had a Merry Christmas. You should consider entering the New Year's contest.

  4. Hi Bo, I see you're logged in!

  5. Hi Bo, I see you're logged in. I'm not staying but I just wanted to say hi. It's nice to have you back in the "dukes game" Finally it's going somewhere. It was stuck in a rut for a long time.

  6. Hi Bo, I'm sorry I couldn't stay last night for your trivia contest. I really wanted to but I worked all day and barely made it home in time for the 8:00 contest. I really wanted a little family time before the end of the day. Any chance you can rerun it for those of us who couldn't participate? Pretty please? *bats eyelashes*

  7. Hi Bo, my computer's been down. I posted it on trivia and Duke or Dupe that I'd be out of commision for awhile but you must not have seen it. My wife has it fixed (thanks to some help) so I'm back now.

  8. Hi Bo!!!!! How's things going on the other side of Hazzard Pond?

  9. Hi Bo. How's the air over there? CNN reported that the volcano spouted for 2 years the last time it erupted in 1821. I sure hope it ends soon.

  10. Hi Brian, how come when you're logged in, your name shows up at the bottom but when the other 2 moderators are logged in, their name doesn't show up? What do those two have to hide? LOL So, how have ya been?

  11. Hi Brian, I see you're hanging around the HazzardNet tonight. Happy New Year.

  12. Hi Brian. I see you're logged in. I posted Flash Chat in the Boar's Nest for Thursday at 7. I hope you can make it.

  13. Hi buddy, I see you're logged in. I hope you're doing well.

  14. Hi buddy. Check out word association. Some idiot is trying to sell you.

  15. Hi Daisy, I'm off to watch "The Great Santa Claus Chase" I have to get stocked up with trivia questions. Ho, Ho, Ho!!!!

  16. Hi Daisy. I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas. I rejoined the Hazzard Christmas party at 11:00 Monday night but you were gone by then *frowns* I stayed on until 1:00 *yawns*

  17. Hi Daisy. I hope you had a great weekend. I've been multitasking this evening so it's taken me awhile to respond to your last message. Gotta go. Catch ya tomorrow. Have a good Monday morning. (Not that there's anything good about Monday morning)

  18. Hi Daisy. I won't be at trivia tomorrow. I should be home by10;00 for Bo's if I'm lucky. Catch ya then I hope.

  19. Hi Daisy. I'm heading off to write up the Superfan Challenge so I'll catch ya later

  20. Hi Daisy. I'm logged on a little early today because it's raining and I can't work on firewood.

  21. Hi Daisy. I'm multitasking. I'm playing Wii golf with my wife, daughter and son-in-law right now. They're heading home to Virginia in the morning and taking their Wii with them...LOL

  22. Hi DaisyMaeDuke. Are you keeping warm up there in the frozen tundra?

  23. Hi Daney. I see you're logged in. How's things going in your neck of the woods? I hope you had a good Thanksgiving. I sure did.

  24. Hi Dixie, I see you're the only one logged in besides me right now (and I'm getting ready to log off). Anyway, I just wanted to say hi. How many fanfics have you been working on lately?

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