Van Deusen Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 I just thought I would put in my two cents about the new movie. I have to say I have read all the comments for and agianst. I know that I am not gonna see it because I just can't stand the whole reason behind it. All they did for a cast is pick whoever is popular right now. They are aiming it at Teens and Adults. O.K. that's cool but however what they are gonna see is not what the show was intended to be. A family show. I saw scene clips on another website like one scene had Jessica Simpson dancing in like some thong thing. Daisy would have NEVER done that. I know some people are saying to give it a chance and yeah I agree you don't want to see it don't buy a ticket and it's that easy and let other people see it. That is well and good but think about it. What we saw growing up and what they are gonna see I know will be two different things. How are people gonna walk away from it and will it ruin the show itself!! I am torn on the subject but I guess I have a hard time about seeing something with characters I got to know and love now for 26 years just get replaced just to make something cool. That is where I am torn. Thanks! Quote
Dale The Bold Posted April 15, 2005 Posted April 15, 2005 I think the photo you're referring to is this:It looks like a thong at a glance, but her knee is up and obscuring the view. You can see that it is just a pair of shorts. It's just a badly timed freeze-frame. And those dollar bills, I first thought were being thrown as if it were a stripping scene, but those are actually just decorations on the ceiling of the Boar's Nest. This is from a fight scene where she steps on some baddie, apparently. Quote
redneck236 Posted April 21, 2005 Posted April 21, 2005 I think my sentiments on this "Dude where's my General Lee" movie are well documented now, but you have rasied a point that I only touched on in a previous post as to why this movie should and will tank.My first and primary concern about this movie is I am a proud Southerner,(At least I was born there, and my G,G,Granddady was a CS Veteran) and the Dukes of Hazzard was one of the only pro-Southern TV shows that I can ever think of, so much so, that back when the show aired there were kids all across this vast nation that were carrying lunch boxes to school with the Dukes of Hazzard on it as well as a Confederate Battleflag, and everything was COOL! Even James Best (Rosco) said recently, the DOH was a Southern show, made no apologies for it, it didn't offend anyone and people loved it.Well, all that changed somehow these days, and from the reviews I have read, and part of the script I have seen, they tear all that to shreds and the General Lee is now a big mistake or misunderstanding that Bo and Luke end up apologizing for. That is enough for me to puke, so they lost my family's $30 when that happend, but even if I forget that whole "Patronizing and making fun of Southerners" issue and I try to look at what this new movie is from purely an objective marketing stand point, the movie fails again, miserabley.This movie would be like a Star Wars movie that was geared towards a "Sea Biscuit" fandome.When a Star Wars or Star Trek movie comes out, you can always predict that those die hard fans dressed in space suits are going to be found sleeping out days before the movie, because it's THEIR movie, and sure the fans will judge it and compare it against the movies of the past.What we have in the this Dukes movie, or I forgot, the "Dude Where's my General Lee", is a total stray from gearing it towards the true fans of the series. If anything, they have offended and upset us to say the least, instead they hedge all their bets on a crowd that never watched the old series, and will somehow be "captured" by the great acting and antics of a attractive pop singer that is afraid to get a little dirt or mud on her, and the fine acting of a "Jack ass" and throw it together in some sort of Southern "Hillbilly" fast and the furious.It's a double loosing proposition, even a bad Star Wars movie will sell tickets to Star Wars fans. This movie is making no attempt to hold onto it's original fans, on the contrary they are alienating and trashing "us" and gearing for the under 20-something crowd that rather see a movie with a fast Mitsubishi not a fine tuned V8 muscle car.They think someone else is going to be sitting in the movie house on opening day, instead on depending on the faithful to be there because if they had really made a Dukes of Hazzard movie, we would have had to be there, even if it stinks up the place.I know some of you won't listen to the warnings from me and many on here, and sometime during the summer after this movie comes out many of you will be singing the same tune as me, that's all well and good, but by then, these people who have destroyed an "institution" will already have your money in their pockets and that is all they are really concerned about, not the posterity of the true "Dukes of Hazzard". Quote
dgilbert Posted April 26, 2005 Posted April 26, 2005 redneck236,I agree with you 150%. This movie WILL tank and the executives will be scratching theirs heads and talking to themselves. It will sound something like this, "How could we have lost money on this movie?" "I don't know, we hired Jessica and I know everyone loves her." "She's always in the news, so those teen-agers had to spend their money to see her." "We also spent big bucks on Stifler and that Knoxville guy." "Yeah, I loved that JackAss stuff and American Pie was a big hit series of movies." "We even threw in Willie and Burt to keep the interest of those who used to watch the show." "What show?" "Years ago, there was a TV series." "You're kidding." "No really, it was pretty popular from what I'm told." "You need to stop smoking those funny cigarettes or I'll send you to rehab. Who in the world would make a TV show with a bright orange car with a rebel flag on the roof?" "They actually made the show for 7 seasons. The car was actually some type of an icon and the rebel flag never bothered anyone, since Political Correctness didn't exist yet." "No PC! Are you nuts?!" "They didn't PC back then because they had something else." "Oh, I can't wait to hear this one. Go ahead and tell me what was so appealing that they didn't need PC." "It was something called 'Family Values' and they also attributed it to high morals." "You need a vacation."Now after you all stop rolling around on the floor wetting yourselves, think about how true this could be. Quote
travelerF150 Posted April 26, 2005 Posted April 26, 2005 Anyone that thinks this movie will tank is living in a pipe dream. Fast cars and hot girls always rake in box office bucks. Fast and the Furious had a terrible and unrealistic script not to mention Paul Walker and Vin Deisle are two of the worst actors in Hollywood. Not to mention all that's been confirmed about the movie and the Confederate flag is that there's a scene in the movie where the boys are in down town Atlanta and they don't understand why some people love their car and some people hate it. The scene goes on to show them talking with a couple young African-Americans and the boys explain that they're from the rural south where the flag is just considered a symbol of regional pride and everything works out and the folks they explain this too wind up keeping an eye on the General Lee for the boys. This movie isn't going to be a carbon copy of the t.v. show and I for one am glad that it isn't. The original cast was so good at the roles that they have to be changed cause no one could fill their shoes and quite frankly the original cast is too old to be jumping in and out of car windows. I see this movie being just as popular if not more than Fast and the Furious and XXX and all those other movies that young Americans today flock too. Hopefully it'll make the south as popular with Americana as the t.v. show did. But the main point for me being excited about this movie is that I'm not asking for much from it, but what I have asked for they seem to have done. The General Lee looks same, they got a hot girl to play daisy, and the stunt scenes are real(no CGI). And I know deep down that as long as those criteria were met that this movie will be at least entertaining if not down right awesome. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 I'm gonna hedge my bets, by making sure I'm not sober when I see the movie. That way, if it's good, I'll think it's even better. If it's bad, I won't remember half of it. Yeeehaaaw!Rrrrrroll that beautiful bean footage....*hic * Brian Quote
Dale The Bold Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 But the main point for me being excited about this movie is that I'm not asking for much from it, but what I have asked for they seem to have done. The General Lee looks same, they got a hot girl to play daisy, and the stunt scenes are real(no CGI).They're gonna need CGI if Jessica Simpson is going to be hot! But you're right about one thing, you're not asking much from it.The one thing that it appears this movie won't have is a positive portrayal of rural/Southern America. I hope I'm wrong, but the main cast (a.k.a. the Duke family minus Willie) doesn't have a country bone in their bodies. And it's a shame, there's a lot of good ol' boys and girls that could have done it. They should have gotten Dierks Bentley to play Bo, it wouldn't be a John Schneider clone, like so many of you think I seem to want, but he would have been a country boy. THAT is all I ask out of a Dukes of Hazzard movie, but they've cast the film as "The Dudes of Suburbia." Quote
fathead Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 I hope I'm wrong, but the main cast (a.k.a. the Duke family minus Willie) doesn't have a country bone in their bodies. Welllll.... isn't Knoxville from Tennessee? And Jessica from Texas or whatnot?But I digress, I only hope they have an inkling of pride in their roots. Quote
travelerF150 Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 For one thing if you don't think Jessica Simpson is hot I think you need to get your eyes checked out and another thing Johnny Knoxville is a Tennesse native and if anyone has seen Jackass the movie, you'd know that when he performs a couple of his stunts he's wearing a helmet that has a big Confederate flag on it. And by the Deirks Bentlely while a good singer has never acted before in his life not to mention he was born in the mid-west not the south. Quote
Divia Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 Jessica isnt hot. And to make matters worse she is dumb as a box of rocks. She needs some sense beat into her. And thats just sad. If it is an "act" and she plays dumb she still needs some sense beat into her. Why anyone would want to protray themselves as "dumb" is beyond me.Horny teenage boys will go to this movie. No doubt in my mind. But will the hardcore fans? Dunno. Casual fans? Who knows. I'm gonna say there are some who dont even know this movie is coming out. I had to tell my brother, who loves the DOH. Quote
dgilbert Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 First thing, I see perfectly and I don't feel that Jessica is "hot". Pretty face, but you shouldn't see individual ribs when she's in a bikini.I agree with the comment that Derks Bentley has no acting experience, so he doesn't belong in the movie. But with that logic, Jessica goes. MTV is not acting, when you are dealing with Reality TV. Music videos could almost be considered acting, but since MTV hasn't shown videos in years they probably don't remember how. Knoxville makes it barely because of being in MIB II. The JackAss stuff doesn't count as acting, since being stupid in front of a camera doesn't quite constitute acting.They really didn't need to use "southern" actors in the movie, since John Schnieder was from New York, but filled the role well. There are plenty of better actors that could have been used and would have received a lot less flack about. This forum has listed some really great ideas for the different roles in the film. I understand that the movie isn't the same concept as the tv series and that is ok with me. But, with the right cast and concept, they could have had cameo roles for some of the tv cast to tie everything together and make it more paletable for those of us who grew up with the show. Some recent movies that have been made from older series' may not have been the best that they could have been, but they still included ties to the series and that made it appear to have the backing of the original series. The Hulk Movie was a far cry from the tv series and actually went back to the comic book and cartoon for basis, but Lou Ferrigno still appeared. Charlie's Angels is also a stretch from the tv series, but it still had Jacklyn Smith in the second one to help tie things together. The Star Trek franchise was lucky enough to own all of the rights to the movies and various tv series', but they were still smart enough to tie The Next Generation to the first by including many of the original characters in Generations and essentially "handing off" the series to the TNG group. It is always better to tie the newer movies to the older ones, than to totally alienate the original series and create a bunch of flack. If you are going to bring something back that was popular, don't butcher the film by hiring sub-standard actors and totally ignoring the original. Quote
travelerF150 Posted April 27, 2005 Posted April 27, 2005 I would hardly call Burt Reynolds a "sub-standard" actor. Knoxville has been in several films besides MIB 2. There's Walking Tall, Dueces Wild, and one or two others I can't think of right now. Scott has been in the Rundown, Bulletproof Monk, Old School, the American Pie movies, just to name a few. Yes I know Simpson hasn't acted and we'll wait to see how she does, but I think we should all give her a chance. Willie's been in a bunch of movies. And as far as I'm concerned no one has named two guys that would be better for Bo and Luke. If I hear Paul Walker and Ashton Kutcher one more time I'm gonna puke! Simpson wouldn't have been my first choice for Daisy but I'm willing to give her a shot, Willie I think is perfect for Uncle Jesse, and while Burt wouldn't have been my first choice for Boss Hogg, I'm interested to see what he'll do with the character. The only thing I would change right now before seeing the movie is maybe hire a more established actor for Roscoe like Billy Bob Thorton or Jeff Foxworthy if he wouldn't be too corny. Other than that I'm satisfied so far. But I'm holding final judement until I see the movie. Quote
01 GENERAL LEE 01 Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 DG, Hulk's a bad example as th' TV series had NOTHIN' to do with th' comic book. Hulk is based off th' comic an' Ferringo's role was a nod to th' popular TV show who thought he was good as th' Hulk. Either way, Hulk still sucked. Th' only people who LIKED Hulk were minor an' non-comic fans. Quote
fathead Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 ... If I hear Paul Walker and Ashton Kutcher one more time I'm gonna puke!Great post... when I heard that the Punk'd guy was in the running for the Luke role last year, I almost hurled... But Knoxville was also in Grand Theft Parsons, an OK flick with a cool storyline - the theft of Gram Parsons' body by his former manager (Knoxville). He pretty good in it, with the "borrowed" hearse and all. So he's not a complete stranger to car/road trip/buddy flicks. Quote
Virgin Enos Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 Afetr two great reunions its great to see a new take on the story.The version with paul walker as Bo and Danny Devito as boss wuold have been very entertaining but to much of a spoof. Do you really want to see well known aactors impersinating the dukes???? Like coy and vance. Why don't people get used to the cast So not every one will be happy . Paul Walker was one of the most popular chocis to play Bo and a few people seem to disagree. Why don't people accept the new movie instead of whining about it. 23 million people tuned in to watch the dukes on CMT so some people would see any movie tittled the DUKES OF HAZZARD.After all ITS JUST A MOVIE If it isn't the way you wanted it so what.Life goes on ..... The original cast will forever be known as the dukesSean william Scott will always be known as stiffler Jonny Knoxville will be known as his role on Jack??? and Jessica Simsipson will be known as a Pop DivaQUIT ACTING LIKE ITS THE END OF THE WORLD Quote
Julieduke Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 To the guy that his G.G. Granddaddy was a Civil War veteran , how cool is that. I know a little about my Great-Great Grandpa Szenger, I know that my family was hungarian Royaltly at one time according to my code of arms. I know from websites that he traveled the globe collecting artifects and bringing them back to him couintry. Oh my Grat-Great -Grandfathers name was Dr. Ede Szenger (1833-1904) if you want to look him up for yourself, but got to warn here that most of the information on him is in Hungarian. I know that my Great-Grandfather Josef Szenger served in World War I for the Germany I think on this one and died in 1914. I do know that through family information that my Grandfather Ted Joseph Szenger was in the Merchant Marines but that all I know about him and haven't been able to find out when he served with the Merchant Marines. And from what I can figure out here there has been five generations of Szenger's that served their country in some form or way. Oh my Father was in the Army and my Uncle was in the Army as well along with My cousin. I have never been in the service but does support what the country about everything going on right now. Julie A. Szenger Quote
Dale The Bold Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 For one thing if you don't think Jessica Simpson is hot I think you need to get your eyes checked out and another thing Johnny Knoxville is a Tennesse native and if anyone has seen Jackass the movie, you'd know that when he performs a couple of his stunts he's wearing a helmet that has a big Confederate flag on it. And by the Deirks Bentlely while a good singer has never acted before in his life not to mention he was born in the mid-west not the south.Anyone who thinks Jessica Simpson is "hot" needs to look a foot and half higher and see that big old broken nose on her face. One of the responses on the Ain't It Cool News site described her as Willem Dafoe in a blonde wig, and that's pretty much right on, only not quite as old yet.Dierks Bentley acts in his music videos and does just fine (yes, he delivers lines). And he's not known for other roles, which makes him perfect. Now, I have to point out that I said they needed actors that had a rural/Southern feel to them, NOT a rural AND Southern feel to them. They need to be country, which sometime people think needs to be Southern. There are plenty of great country singers from Canada, so being Southern has nothing to do with it, but since the Dukes of Hazzard takes place in the South, you need to give it that rural feel. Now, back to Dierks Bentley, if you wanted him to "act" like Bo Duke, in a worst case scenario he screws up and acts like himself...which would be a perfect Bo Duke! Quote
travelerF150 Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 I'll admit that Simpson might not be the sharpest tool in the shed and she might turn out to be not that great of an actress, but I don't know what the hell you're talking about her having a crooked nose. As far as I'm concerned her face is flawless. Yes I've heard that acne rumors but that was when she was younger. I've said before that she wouldn't have been my first choice for Daisy but the one comfort I'll take is even if she can't act I won't mind seeing her in short shorts or a pink bikini. And for that hollywood reporter who called her "William Defoe in a wig" I'm sure he was too busy smoking poles to get a good look at her. Quote
fathead Posted April 28, 2005 Posted April 28, 2005 ...And for that hollywood reporter who called her "William Defoe in a wig" I'm sure he was too busy smoking poles to get a good look at her.Wahahaha! You GOTTA post that article here, man! Quote
Dale The Bold Posted April 29, 2005 Posted April 29, 2005 Wahahaha! You GOTTA post that article here, man!Actually, it was another person's post on the Ain't It Cool site. I just didn't want to take credit for their perfect comparison.I've posted the pic below before, but I'll post it again to prove my point. And a quick Google revealed this little site, which proves I ain't the only one who noticed that speed bump in the middle of her face:, her sister has it even worse. Quote
Mrs. Luke Duke Posted April 29, 2005 Posted April 29, 2005 You know, the more I read about the plot of the movie, the more that I think about it's not that bad. Why, this movie could be just like the Canadian show 'Trailer Park Boys' (I am a fan of the Trailer Park Boys, I have seasons 1-4 on DVD). Of course, there's a lot more violence, drugs, and course language on Trailer Park Boys than there was on the original Dukes of Hazzard. Trailer Park Boys is not a show for people under 18 to watch. Quote
Van Deusen Posted April 30, 2005 Author Posted April 30, 2005 Well I peeked over everyones replies and everyone seems to have the point of view I have. Or at least 80% of ya'all. I guess the more I think of it the movie is gonna have the same effect I guess kind of like the whole "Coy and Vance" period of the show. It is hard to see different people playing the characters we have known and loved for 26 years and hate to see them get replaced. Hopefully that is not what is gonna happen and I am so glad that CMT is airing the original show before this movie comes out so kids can see what we all saw first. I believe that what is happening is yes another "Coy and Vance" period. The people making the movie want us to accept these actors the same way that they wanted us to accept those 2 gentlemen back in 1982. We all know how well that went!!!!! But I have to say as a die hard fan I will always love the original. It just can't be replaced because all of us die hard fans won't let that happen movie or no movie. We want to keep that alive no matter how many years pass!! I mean it was a great show and helped influence a lot of who I am today. I have always been big into muscle cars and have to say I am one heck of an archer to this day!! I know I am not the only person who can say the show influenced me it did a lot of us growing up back then!!! And that is why I know we are worried about the influence the new movie will have on kids now and such!!!!! Thanks for listining to me Ya'all!!!!! Quote
Julieduke Posted April 30, 2005 Posted April 30, 2005 I am fan of Dierks Bentley, but did you ever watch "Saved By The Bell" in the ninetes and see Mark-Paul Gossulaur play the part of "Zack" he reminded me of what Bo must been like in High School. Quote
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