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My phone's off. I'm writing this at school. I miss y'all and I hope to be back online soon but it might not be until after the first of the new year. :cry: Take care and hope to be back as soon as possible. I might also loose my internet provider so it could be longer htan that, I don't know. Sorry. It just depends when my dad can pay the bills. My email's open still, but if you need to get ahold of me, please, email me at scoot_986@yahoo.com . My aol accounts are still open, but I don't know how much longer that is for. I don't know when I'll be able to check this junk and I don't know when I'll be able to check my email. Technically we're not supposed to do that in school bus omethimes i can get away with it, with teacher permission, depending on the class.

In the meanwhile, I'm taking this time offline to get some writing done. I'm in the middle of rewriting Memories (for those of you who remember that ol' thing lol). I might start one or two new things while I'm gone too.


P.s. Riddick,Don't worry about me, I'm sure Brian'll keep ya busy. Just nuttin' violent!

  • 8 months later...
  • 10 months later...


I'm not dead if anyone is wondering. I just don't have any internet... or phone for that matter. I miss y'all something aweful. I finally moved into my own place (well i have a room mate), but it's cool.

I really miss y'all :cry: i know my disappearence was sudden, but hey, crap happens. Here's an update though:

I graduated!

Spent a month camping.

Moved into my own place (and believe me, seems like brians terf, no offense buds, but it is in one of hte shoddiest areas of the city i know of, guns going off every night, prostitutes everywhere, condoms left all over hte place, including the entrance of hte appartments, graphiti, can't go out alone at night, bars, clubs, liquire stores galore all over the place). Don't blame me, state is paying for my housing. It's through a transitional housing program.

Looking for a job.

Gonna have a step dad soon.

Busy as heck.

that's my update for now. hope to really be back soon.



I'm not dead if anyone is wondering. I just don't have any internet... or phone for that matter. I miss y'all something aweful. I finally moved into my own place (well i have a room mate), but it's cool.

I really miss y'all :cry: i know my disappearence was sudden, but hey, crap happens. Here's an update though:

I graduated!

Spent a month camping.

Moved into my own place (and believe me, seems like brians terf, no offense buds, but it is in one of hte shoddiest areas of the city i know of, guns going off every night, prostitutes everywhere, condoms left all over hte place, including the entrance of hte appartments, graphiti, can't go out alone at night, bars, clubs, liquire stores galore all over the place). Don't blame me, state is paying for my housing. It's through a transitional housing program.

Looking for a job.

Gonna have a step dad soon.

Busy as heck.

that's my update for now. hope to really be back soon.


Hi Hilery!

It is good to hear from you! Thank-you for the update!

Congradulations on graduating...that is a big mile stone.

Your new apartment sounds too scary for me! I'd find it hard to sleep at night hearing that and knowing what is outside.

Good luck at finding a new job...I hope it will be one that you enjoy.

Thanks for the post. I've missed talking to you...

Good luck with everything! It was good hearing from you!

~Garrett Duke~


Hi Hilery!

It is good to hear from you! Thank-you for the update!

Congradulations on graduating...that is a big mile stone.

Your new apartment sounds too scary for me! I'd find it hard to sleep at night hearing that and knowing what is outside.

Good luck at finding a new job...I hope it will be one that you enjoy.

Thanks for the post. I've missed talking to you...

Good luck with everything! It was good hearing from you!

~Garrett Duke~



So glad to hear from ya! Congrats on graduating! :)

Housing sounds rough but hopefully it's just what it is, transitional and soon you'll be out in a better place.

I've thought about ya and wondered how you were doing. I hope everything goes well with the job hunt and getting to a better apartment. And we hope to see you back here soon! :wink:




So glad to hear from ya! Congrats on graduating! :)

Housing sounds rough but hopefully it's just what it is, transitional and soon you'll be out in a better place.

I've thought about ya and wondered how you were doing. I hope everything goes well with the job hunt and getting to a better apartment. And we hope to see you back here soon! :wink:



As ol' Rosco would say,

Good News! Good News!


Bad News! Bad News!

I finally got a job, unfortunately, it's selling cancer stix, gingivitis, bad breath, heart disease, weight problems, birth defects, and emphesyma :p among other things. In other words, a Cigarette shop.

Met a fellow dukes fan though named leo. He cool.

A jobs a job though, even if i don't like a product that kills half its users. But we do sell chips and drinks.


As ol' Rosco would say,

Good News! Good News!


Bad News! Bad News!

I finally got a job, unfortunately, it's selling cancer stix, gingivitis, bad breath, heart disease, weight problems, birth defects, and emphesyma :p among other things. In other words, a Cigarette shop.

Met a fellow dukes fan though named leo. He cool.

A jobs a job though, even if i don't like a product that kills half its users. But we do sell chips and drinks.


As ol' Rosco would say,

Good News! Good News!


Bad News! Bad News!

I finally got a job, unfortunately, it's selling cancer stix, gingivitis, bad breath, heart disease, weight problems, birth defects, and emphesyma :p among other things. In other words, a Cigarette shop.

Met a fellow dukes fan though named leo. He cool.

A jobs a job though, even if i don't like a product that kills half its users. But we do sell chips and drinks.


As ol' Rosco would say,

Good News! Good News!


Bad News! Bad News!

I finally got a job, unfortunately, it's selling cancer stix, gingivitis, bad breath, heart disease, weight problems, birth defects, and emphesyma :p among other things. In other words, a Cigarette shop.

Met a fellow dukes fan though named leo. He cool.

A jobs a job though, even if i don't like a product that kills half its users. But we do sell chips and drinks.


I'm sorry for you. My mom and a bunch of family smokes i hate the damn things! My pops's lungs got so bad he had to carry air tanks. I feel the same way you feel. I'm glad though that at least that's not all you sell! i'm sorry though!


I'm sorry for you. My mom and a bunch of family smokes i hate the damn things! My pops's lungs got so bad he had to carry air tanks. I feel the same way you feel. I'm glad though that at least that's not all you sell! i'm sorry though!


We have a good news/bad news item like that too.

Jam also got a job, kinda opposite though, as it's in healthcare. She starts Monday and has been looking for a long time, so it's really a big relief.

The bad news is, it's an evening shift so she'll be missing Dukes of Hazzard on CMT. :cry:

The good news is, Amanda's gonna figure out the VCR so she can tape episodes for Jam. And we have the DVD's for 1-4. We'll be sure to get 5-6 when they come out, Coy and Vance or not!


We have a good news/bad news item like that too.

Jam also got a job, kinda opposite though, as it's in healthcare. She starts Monday and has been looking for a long time, so it's really a big relief.

The bad news is, it's an evening shift so she'll be missing Dukes of Hazzard on CMT. :cry:

The good news is, Amanda's gonna figure out the VCR so she can tape episodes for Jam. And we have the DVD's for 1-4. We'll be sure to get 5-6 when they come out, Coy and Vance or not!

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