forbiddenplateau Posted March 26, 2005 Posted March 26, 2005 I have been carrying this note written from John Schneider, dated June10, 1997. It has been in my purse since the day I received it.It was sent to me by a ex who is also an actor in Hollywood and workedwith John on the set of "Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman". I met John in 1979 when I was a runaway teen trespassing on the BurbankStudio lot.I mistakenly walked on the Hazzard County set during filming. By thetime I got to the (courthouse", John was taking a break, sipping on acup of coffee and walking in my direction. Behind me was a motorcyclesecurity guard fast approaching me. My stomach was in knots as I knewtrouble was following me.John and I crossed paths just as the guard pulled up to me. I was soscared, I couldn't look in the direction of the motorcycle when heyelled for to me to stop.I'd guess the look of desperation on my face gave John the quickthinking idea to save me. John spoke fast and yelled to the guard ,She's with me."Those were the nicest three words I'd heard in a very long time.I'd been in Hollywood for only two weeks. Left my home and family inNew Orleans. Caught the Grayhound bus with a one way ticket and sevendollars in my pocket. I was in search of Shaun Cassidy and the Americandream.After the guard left, John and I shook hands in an officialintroduction. He invited me to watch the Dukes of Hazzard being filmed.He introduced me to the cast then offered me his directors chair. I remember sitting in it proudly, like I was suddenly crowned Queen ofHazzard County. The chair had John Schneider monogrammed on the backand pockets on each side that hung halfway to the ground which housedhis script.I don't think I laughed as much in my life as I did watching Bo andLuke being chased by Roscoe in the General Lee.When they broke for lunch I decided to say goodbye to John and thankhim for his kindness.John invited me back and said if I had any trouble at the gate justcall for him on the set and I'd get in, no problem.John, really had no clue what he had done for me. I was a lost soulwhen I walked on that studio lot.I had no friends, I was home sick and lonely. Depressed from aninterview I had with Actor Cornel Wilde when I went on my first castingcall the day before. And to top it off, I had a big fight with a livein relative of my new boss just that morning.While waiting for the bus to Hollywoodland where I lived as ahousekeeper and nanny for the family of Director Robert Lieberman I meta runaway. His bed just happened to be the bench I was occupying. Hewas a teen about the same age as I. 19. He told me how to sneak on thestudio lots without getting caught. That was how my mission started atBurbank Studios.John showed me compassion that I had not had in years. I was a strangerin trouble and he came to my rescue.The next time I went back to the studio I went straight to the guardshack and had them call John to OK my visit.This time they were in a big warehouse like studio. Not outside as theywere the first time.When John and mine eyes met he was way across on the other side of theroom finishing a taping. He looked at me and smiled. Then he raised uphis arms and held them high across the room until we were face to face.John leaned over and gave me a hug. The tightest bear hug I had everexperienced. He literally lifted me off the floor and he said hello tome and how nice it was to see me.The feeling I got from that hug was powerful to say the least. I hadawakened on the wrong side of the bed that day but after that hug I wasdancing on air.When they started filming again, I watched them until the next cut andhad to leave to find the bathroom. Walking in the bathroom I recognized actress Jane Wyman at the sinkwashing her hands. I recognized her from the television show "FalconCrest" and followed her to the set in hopes to get a glimpse of LorenzoLamas.He was more handsome then I ever imagined him to be. I was too scaredto talk to him but I'll never forget the chill I felt when he smiled atme.I didn't feel comfortable inside that set so I quickly left.Mr. Cornel Wilde wasn't impressed with me during our interview that dayand told me to go back to New Orleans. He told me, I'd never become anactress.He pushed me down one day and the next John picked me up.I decided to join an acting school. The Theatre of Performing andRelated Arts on Wilshire in Los Angeles.Within a month I was cast to work in a Coca Cola commercial with RayParker. Soon after I was cast to be a roller skater in the movie"Roller Boogie" with Linda Blair and within a few months I had acharacter role in the movie "Fullmoon High" with Adam Arkin and workedseveral episodes of the television show "Making a Living " with ActressAnn Jillian.After my last day of filming "Making a Living". I wrote a note to Mr.Cornel Wilde telling him how I had become an actress and told him ofall my accomplishments since our interview.During the time I was cast to work in the movie "Beastmaster" Ireceived a letter personally from Mr. Wilde. It was a letter ofapology. He also congratulated me for jobs well done.I turned down the work in "Beastmaster" because I was really acting toprove a point. After Mr. Wildes letter, I did not continue my studyingat Theatre of Arts nor did go on anymore casting calls.In the beginning I would go to the studio to see John and the Dukesfilm two or three times a week. Whenever I was feeling down and I had abad day. I'd go the see John. No matter where he was when he first sawme he'd hold up his arms and keep them raised until we were face to faceand he'd again give me a big teddy bear hug lifting me off the ground.The more I started liking myself, the less I was going to the studio.The more love I felt, the less I needed that hug.At one point, it had been months since I'd seen John. When I went tothe set, he smiled at me as if I was a long time school friend comingto see him. He lifted me up high, hugged me as and said, "Were ya been?and How are you?"I hadn't been going to the set because I started working as a volunteerat a hospital in Hollywood as a Candy Striper and also volunteering atHollywood Community Services helping them deliver meals to the homes ofthe poor and shut ins.When Hollywood Community Services got the call to turn a home donatedto them on Beachwood Drive into a Runaway Shelter. I was there to helpthem clear the house and transform it to OPTIONS HOUSE.The same runaway teen I had met on that bus bench turned out to be oneof OPTIONS HOUSE first teens to reside in that house.I remember the last time I went to see John and the Dukes being filmedEnos was getting ready to film his own show. He invited me to watch hisshow being filmed as well.An entire year had past almost and what a difference a year made forme.The first time I walked on that lot I was lonely, alone, depressed andhomesick.The last time I saw John and the Dukes film I was happy, still workingfor the Liebermans, separately this time. I was still living inHollywoodland with Mrs. Lieberman and her two kids and working as ahousekeeper for Robert and his partner Ed Shapiro.I was also working for Director John McTiernan at the time as ahousekeeper for he and his wife and volunteering at three differentplaces helping the poor, sick, elderly and runaways.On my last day at the studio as I was about to enter the exit gates Irecognized actor Sidney Poitier walking across my path.When I stopped to say hello he invited me to watch him direct the movie"Stir Crazy" with Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder.What an adventure I had that year. I also met Greg Evigan and JackKlugman at the Universal Studios and watched B.J and the Bear and"Quincy" bing filmed. I met the cast of "Love Boat" and met many, manyactors.But.............. Nomatter what show I watched or what actor I met.Nothing or no one compared to watching Boss Hogg, Crazy Cooter, UncleJessy, Enos, Daisy, and the Duke boys and getting bear hugs from JohnSchneider. Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted March 26, 2005 Posted March 26, 2005 Thank you for sharing all of that with us here at HazzardNet...I am very jealous of your accomplisments. You should be very proud of what you have done and how you went about it. My hat's off to you...Isn't it funny or lack thereof of a better word what effect the Dukes has on people. This story proves it....Once again thank you for sharing....Darrell Quote
Jamanda Posted March 26, 2005 Posted March 26, 2005 A great story! We're all proud.Just another little tidbit in your story. The address of the pad the Monkees lived in in the 60's sitcom was on Beachwood, and it was named after that street in Hollywood.You may have more connections than you know you do. Keep up the good work! Quote
bethie88 Posted March 26, 2005 Posted March 26, 2005 That's a great story. I love John, because he's one of those people who never got too big for his fans... Quote
Dixie Lee_01 Posted March 26, 2005 Posted March 26, 2005 That's a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing, and I am so happy he and they helped you out so much. The Dukes are like that... John especially is like that. <smile>I am happy for you. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted March 26, 2005 Posted March 26, 2005 That is a great story! Thank-you for sharing it with us!-Garrett Duke- Quote
MaryAnne Posted March 26, 2005 Posted March 26, 2005 This is a great story. Thank you for sharing it. Yet another example of the positive influence and effect the Dukes can have on someone....and be part of that which turns things around in their lives. Not bad for just a little ol' tv show... Quote
DaneyDuke Posted March 27, 2005 Posted March 27, 2005 Yet another example of the positive influence and effect the Dukes can have on someone....and be part of that which turns things around in their lives. Not bad for just a little ol' tv show... =) You got that right. Quote
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