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I don't know if the Trans Am was considered, but one of its cousins was.

On the DVD extra 'General Lee: The Legendary Charger' there's a discussion between Tom Sarmento, lead mechanic on Dukes, and Wayne Wooten, founder of the Dodge Charger Registry. They mention that "At one time, the Camaro was considered for a little bit because of availability.", but they decided against it "... because it never raced in NASCAR and it had never actually been used as a NASCAR vehicle." After explaining why Mopars have much better suspension than Camaros for stunt work they also say "... they could have chosen a Ford Torino but they would have had the same problem with the springs.

... (maybe it's because I like Mustangs better)

The same DVD extra also discusses the '68 Mustang and Charger used in Bullitt. Steve McQueen got the Mustang because the Charger had more of a "bad-boy" image. In reality the Charger was much faster and had to be held back to make it look like a fair fight.


I've read the same thing in a car magazine special about Bullit that the Mustang could maybe out-corner the Charger but once it came to straight aways the Charger would eat the Mustang.

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