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Hey Brian, I'll meet you at the Boar's Nest to celebrate!

I don't drink so I'll just bring a little food coloring and me and Enos can tip our glasses to some cold, green buttermilk.

I wonder if Hoss is celebrating across the green pond?


"Med O' Mufn." Heh heh!

Roger, green milk is fun to celebrate with. You know what's fun too, is green mashed potatoes with dinner.

I hope ya'll had a good one. I didn't do anything too crazy for St. Pat's. The weather was great, so I walked around town with friends and watched for lunacy. And I wasn't disappointed. Saw an older guy dressed up as a leprechaun - green suit, green top hat, short white beard, the works - and he was going up to women and giving them kisses on the cheek "for luck" and wishing them a happy St. Patrick's Day. And totally getting away with it. He looked like he was having the time of his life.

This auburn haired (when I get enough sun. LOL), green eyed HNet admin is wearin' plenty o' green and tipping a glass of ale (ginger ale) to her Irish ancestors today.

- Med O' Mufn

The Irish language is a tricky one that I don't profess to understand. Having said that, and just to be unnecessarily pedantic, your Irish name would not be "Med O' Mufn". Being female, it would be either "Med Ní Mhufn" if it was your maiden name or "Med Bean Uí Mhufn" if it was your married name - the "Bean" is optional and usually omitted. "Ó" is only used for male names. Note that female names get lenited (have an "h" added) - "mh" is pronounced like a "v".

I didn't do anything too crazy for St. Pat's. The weather was great, so I walked around town with friends and watched for lunacy.

Being Ireland it rained here for most of the day so I didn't bother going to the parade. Today is bright, the sun is out and the sky is blue - "the luck of the Irish" doesn't always hold true :(.

Brian dyou think you could convince Boss to serve Guinness at the Boars Nest?

Maybe someone can give Uncle Jesse a good recipe for Poitín. It's a popular subject for folk songs, including this one:

I don't know what I'm doing wrong - I've been in Ireland for over eight years and I still haven't seen a leprechaun. Boss and Rosco found some on their first night :):


Brian dyou think you could convince Boss to serve Guinness at the Boars Nest?

If he does I'm claiming 50% of 50% :)

CD95, ol' buddy, once yer 21 I'll se about that Guinness for ya. :D

Hoss, great screen capture there. I can't get my video thang to pull from the Dukes animated DVD's. I can pull everything else tho'.

You've never seen a leprechaun? I guess next year, you'll have to dress up like one and pull what this ol' codger did on my neck of the woods. I gotta admit there was an audacious brilliance to it.

just to be unnecessarily pedantic

Yes, that was unnecessarily pedantic because if I had followed Irish naming conventions 1) it wouldn't have been as funny and 2) there'd be a lot of Americans (and non-Irish) members on this site scratching their heads. LOL. But thanks for giving everyone a lesson in it anyway. You can be the Cliff Clavin of the Boar's Nest. :wink: Cheers!

You should try tracing Swedish ancestry. Holy moly.

You can be the Cliff Clavin of the Boar's Nest. :wink: Cheers!

I'd prefer to be the Sam Malone of the Boar's Nest, but Cliff's probably more realistic :).

Your Irish name did amuse me, and anglicized versions of names are more common than their Irish counterparts, so "Med O' Mufn" would be quite acceptable - sorry to spoil the fun. In Irish your deputy would be MáireÃine if you translated the name literally.


Hope everyone had a good one. I am Irish, with an Irish last name. I didn't get into the green beer even though I had prenty of opportunity. Don't like beer lol. Did participate in a parade for the holiday and my health allowed me to finish unlike the event before.

And I can have fun with a couple of posts on here majorly, but I have too much respect for the authors of said posts. Sides, I really don't want to create waves and make anyone mad.

Hope everyone had a good one. I am Irish, with an Irish last name. I didn't get into the green beer even though I had prenty of opportunity. Don't like beer lol. Did participate in a parade for the holiday and my health allowed me to finish unlike the event before.

And I can have fun with a couple of posts on here majorly, but I have too much respect for the authors of said posts. Sides, I really don't want to create waves and make anyone mad.

Nobody gets mad too much around here. Except MaryAnne, she's the one you gotta watch out for.

Nobody gets mad too much around here. Except MaryAnne, she's the one you gotta watch out for.

That depends on your definition of "mad". Do you mean mad as in angry? Or mad as in crazy? LOL.



Did you enjoy your kiss Brian? Or should I say did your alter ego enjoy. Hers... or did she live up to your reputation and react. To the codger by hiding in the shadows? ? ;-) hope you puckered up nice and big!

:-P. Just remember Brian, I wasn't going to say what was on my mind!

PS I have the utmost respect for hnet moderators, and would not have. Spoken my mind had Brian not informally said I could without him getting mad above.

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