inga Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 Here's one Cooter quote about the script: "Profanity," he says. "A lot of profanity. And these slacker attitudes; punk 20-somethings doing Mad Magazine and 'Saturday Night Live' satires of us. They do this thing where the Duke boys are involved with these lesbians. In fact, the script that I read ended with Bo Duke falling out of a bunk bed and breaking his Johnson while they're straightening out these lesbian girls." It's from a long but interesting article about Ben Jones: says:"..... if you can't take your children or your grandchildren to see this thing -- then it's not 'The Dukes of Hazzard.' " Quote
426GeneralLee Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 I agree with good ol Ben. This movie will be an embarassment to the original Duke of Hazzard....none the less, I'll still go watch it and buy the DVD of it, but, it will never mean as much to me as the orginal cast series did.. Quote
Mrs. Luke Duke Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 I also have to agree with ol' Cooter! He's right, the big-screen versions of TV classics are not the same as what you grew up watching. Quote
renoman Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 Who gives a crap what "cooter" thinks? Mr. Jones is in it for the money. Do you really think he cares about you or the rest of the Duke fans? Him and Scheinder are as phony as 2 dollar bills. Cooter has milked his fame for 25 years now. Him and John are upset because they weren't asked to be in the movie. I love the show but, current audiences don't want to see these old actors doing the same thing they did 25 years ago. This movie is not the show. Get over it. Quote
renoman Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 Oh and by the way, everyone is always harping on Liberal Hollywood...well I got news for you Cooter is a liberal democrat. Hellooooo....Has anyone looked into his political background? He may talk to everyone at these Dukes fests like he is a "fight for what's right" good ole boy but, his political affiliations speak his true beliefs. This is the same people that want to take any mention of "god" out of everything. This struck me the other night watching an episode of the Dukes. They were all sitting at the table praying to God for help about something going wrong. If Jones' liberal pack had their way back then you would have never seen that scene. I mean how often do you see that kind thing on tv today ? And this same crowd would like the Rebel to be outlawed. Jones is always harping on what the Dukes stood for but, it seems to me he is playing on the wrong side. I am not either republican or democrat but, I have seen enough to know which side has more of my beliefs. Jones was interviewed in our local paper during dukes fest in Bristol. He was quoted "When I am not pushing for the Dukes, I am pushing for John Kerry for president." This is the same John Kerry that the liberal hollywood crowd was voting for. I don't agree with everything George Bush does but, I definately have a problem with bleeding heart wussies. This is the same crowd that says cartoons we grew up with are too violent or that video games make kids kill people. What do you think they would say about the Duke boys fighting at the boars nest all the time? Do you think John Kerry and Ben Jones would solve their problems with their fists like the Dukes did? NO! They would do it with their lawyers! I am not saying violence is the answer but, I am just trying to make a point. I don't want to start a political discussion here but, sometimes you guys have to realize these guys are actors not the charactors they play on TV. Stop and think about their motives in what they are doing and saying. Stop being star struck and look at the whole picture. THESE PEOPLE ARE ACTORS, stop holding them up on pedalstools!!! Quote
dukesran1 Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 First of all i do agree that Ben jones problem is that he is greed but i have never read anywhere where John sead he hated the movie in facted i read an acticly that sead he liked the movie Quote
renoman Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 I saw an interview with John where he says he wasn't happy with the movie. He says something like " I wouldn't even drive my car on that set." I'll try and find it. I am sure someone else here has read that interview. Quote
malchus Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 Come on! This is a good revenue stream for Jones. He hasn't got much else going on but a few plays and such. The man has been typecast as "Cooter" forever. And the people want it. Have you seen his museum? It rocks. Sure the prices are high but the man's got to make money. I didn't mind one bit paying $15 for my "cooters garage" hat.I believe he genuinely loves the show and it what it means to our culture. It seems he is the only vocal defender. I think the others in the cast just want to enjoy retirement or futher their careers. As for the political side. Sure he's a democrat. Doesn't make him a liberal even if he did support John Kerry. He's been talking about the family value of the show forever. He's from the South where those things mean a lot. I think upbringing means more than politics. No matter how politiical you become, ultimately your own experiences will mean more. For Jones, that means the historical and family values he learned will mean more that the Hollywood Liberal Machine.I am a Republican and lean pretty far right, but thats no reason to be supicious of the cast for being Democrats. Quote
travelerF150 Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 I think Mr. Jones has made the show out to be more than it was. There was sex in the show and there were drugs too. Hello what do you all think moonshine is? I'm sure he's upset about not being included in the movie. He's been quoted as saying that the movie should star the original cast. But the last thing we need is another "Hazzard in Hollywood". I welcome a new take on the idea of the show. But I also own both seasons available on DVD and will buy any other seasons that they might sell. And if the movie sucks then oh well. I'll always have the reas show. Quote
bamamediamafia Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 everyone will agree that we can wish for the movie to be made, but this is 2005, unless someone has the backbone to dig up Denver Pyle and the actor that played boss hogg, i highly doubt there will ever be an original cast ever again.i love ben jones, wonderful actor, but stuck in the 70's/80' really don't hear david hassellhoff b****ing about wanting the original cast fr the proposed knight rider big screen movie? Quote
malchus Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 Remember when the Bo and Luke accidentally got a shipment of marijuana instead of a water heater. Cooter probably means they weren't using the drugs. Plenty of sex. Daisy in a bikini to distract the enemy.Suggestions of the boys gettting down with the farmers' daughtersMaybe no one was seen doing the deed but tv/movies can easily ellude to things.Of course none of this is near as blatent as what today's movies depict. Quote
bamamediamafia Posted February 2, 2005 Posted February 2, 2005 Remember when the Bo and Luke accidentally got a shipment of marijuana instead of a water heater. Cooter probably means they weren't using the drugs. Plenty of sex. Daisy in a bikini to distract the enemy.Suggestions of the boys gettting down with the farmers' daughtersMaybe no one was seen doing the deed but tv/movies can easily ellude to things.Of course none of this is near as blatent as what today's movies are so true, but remember, things are different today than they were in the 50's-80's.what was once taboo is now the norm. atleast we will still be able to see that confederate flag and dixie horn on the General Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted February 3, 2005 Posted February 3, 2005 I've gotta disagree with ol' Renoman. ( welcome to HazzardNet, by the way! ) I don't think Ben is in it for just the money. I'm not denying that he makes some. But I've been fortunate enough to speak with him on quite a few occassions, and I can honestly say this: You don't have to be a "paying customer" to get Ben's time. If you took any of the Dukes shindigs since 1999 through present, and you broke it down by the numbers of how many people he talked to, shook hands with, or stood still for a picture...there's no way in hell it's "all about the money." For every one person that buys a little something, there's five more who just want to say hello and meet him. And that's alright with Ben. I think he enjoys the attention and enjoys people. Frankly, if he didn't enjoy it, there's no amount of money that would be enough for the time he puts in. I've been kinda riled by a few of the opinions I've seen, suggesting that "nobody cares about the original cast." Well, next time you're at a DukesFest, count the people in line, eh? Meanwhile, I will be among the first in line for the new Dukes movie, and I hope the new cast represent themselves, and the show, to the best of their ability. And hell....I hope they will be out there signing autographs and shaking hands, 25 years later. We'll see. Brian Quote
jaydee311 Posted February 3, 2005 Posted February 3, 2005 Hey Reno Man.. it's obvious you don't know Ben Jones' political history in the least. A "liberal" democrat is a far cry from what he really is. How many "liberal" democrats do you know that fight for the freedom of flying the confederate flag? Learn your politics before you jump on here bashing everbody simply because the show was a big part of our lives or at least something we really enjoyed, acting as if you know what the hell you're talking about. Yes, Ben Jones was a democrat when he served, but not all politicians have tunnel vision and only argue "democrat" or "republican" issues simply because that is what they're "supposed to do". And who gives a crap about what the original stars opinion of the new movie? I'd say a darn good percentage of people on this board. The movie wasn't the beginning of the legacy. The show was. End of story. Quote
coy&vancefan Posted February 3, 2005 Posted February 3, 2005 I have never met Ben Jones, but I have only heard good things about him. I am not a political person so I will not cross that bridge. However, I truly believe Ben and those guys do appearances because they love the show and fans. Yes, they do make a few dollars, but nothing in the world is free. I have had the pleasure to meet John, Tom, and Sonny and John and Sonny are at the top of my list. They wanted to meet the fans and get to know each one, however Tom was the exact opposite. Quote
jaydee311 Posted February 3, 2005 Posted February 3, 2005 I have had the honor of meeting Ben Jones and Sonny on a few occasions and they are some of the most pleasant, kind, fun people I have ever met. Truly gracious to their fans as they take all the time in the world to greet, talk to fans, etc. There's no rush with them. Especially with Cooter. As long as the line was to meet him, he spared a GREAT deal of time talking with me and my girlfriend. It was truly a great experience. He even took the time to ask somebody to use my camera to take pics of all 3 of us together. And to make sure we got a good pic he asked them to take three pictures. Anyway, no.. it's not all about the money, and when you have the honor of meeting them, you'd clearly understand that. Quote
JESSI DUKE Posted February 4, 2005 Posted February 4, 2005 He's such a sweetheart. He takes his time to meet with us the fans. He's still country boy heart. All the fame from Dukes has not changed him any. Quote
RedJohnson Posted February 4, 2005 Posted February 4, 2005 I gotta disagree with renoman. Just because someone is Democrat, Republican it doesn't mean a thing. I agree with the Dems on some social issues. Toby Keith is a Democrat, but he's patriotic. Just becuase someone is a liberal, doesn't mean they can't agree with the right. Not everyone religious person is on the right. But it is Hollywood that's screwing things up. No repect. They don't have any respect for the show, for the people that watched the show. They have to sex everything up, and cuss every other word. The original Dukes didn't do that and how long was it on air. The target audience isn't going to be New Yorker's or Californians. It's gonna people like me that grew up on the show, people that want to go as a family and watch good, wholesome entertainment. The same thing we got from the TV show for years. Quote
malchus Posted February 4, 2005 Posted February 4, 2005 We should distinguish the word liberal and democrat. One is not the same as the other. Today liberal means those on the extreme left who hold somewhat socialists values under the guise of compassion.Democrats are members of a polical party who like a larger federal governmentto provide rights they believe are necessary.The democrats were not always liberal as liberal means today. Not all Democrats today are liberals. Joe Libermen (sp) is not what I call a liberal but he is a democrat. And although I republican I like Liberman because his policy are not an extreme ideology. Anyway, for what its worth, Jones may be a democrat, but that does make him a Hollywood liberal,. Nor does it mean that we should say every democrat is a liberal. Quote
dukefan Posted February 9, 2005 Posted February 9, 2005 ,as far as i'm concern,politics have nothing to do with it! who cares,ben jones was a great actor as cooter,this forum made me sick,who cares if bo and luke had sex or not in the back round,do you go telling everyone when you had sex???? If this new movie is gona have profanity and such,wich i strongly dought, then they will never be on the big screen! warner brothers ain't dumb,they will make this movie the way they want,but it will also be familly oriented,so all ages can enjoy the new dukes of hazzard! All duke fans know that this film will be familly oriented,and warner brothers will make it so! anyways,it is what it is I guess! Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted February 9, 2005 Posted February 9, 2005 It's a free confederacy, Dukefan. Lots of folks got different opinions, and the Forums allow everybody scream somethin' from the rooftop. Here's mine:EEEEYAAAAAAHHH!! Ah, much better. I'm refreshed. Anyhow, don't take anything too much to heart. Any new Dukes stuff automatically promotes the original by way of publicity. New Dukes, old Dukes, Coy and Vance....somehow, Hazzard endures.Brian Quote
Meadowmufn Posted February 12, 2005 Posted February 12, 2005 I agree with Bri'. I've had several occasions to talk with Ben (and most of the cast for that matter). I don't think it's all about the money. They put in a lot of hours at events across the country, lots of travel, lots of time. If it were me, there wouldn't be enough money to get me to do that unless I truly loved doing it. I can't speak for all the cast. Maybe some of them are just in it for the money, but I doubt that's their entire motivation. But seriously, if you're a fan, do you really care? You get to meet the citizens of Hazzard that you grew up with.As for politics, not all the cast are Democrats. John and Jimmie are Republicans. Couldn't tell you about the political affiliation of the rest of the cast.MeadowmufnHazzardNet ProprietorComplaint Desk OperatorActin' Sheriff Quote
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