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What was the episode?

Daisy Duke 01

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Can any one tell me wich episode the Dukes lost the farm and were leaving when Bo and Luke started revisiting there past like were one about hit the other in the head with a baseball bat but missed and they said "We gotta get this place back for Uncle Jesse." i've got about everyone DVR'd but can't find this one. can any one help me? thank you. =)

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The episode you're after is 'Farewell, Hazzard', near the end of season 5. Boss forecloses on the Duke farm and Jesse and Daisy leave for an 80 acre farm in Hatchapee County owned by Ben Whately. Meanwhile, Bo and Luke stay behind to try to find out what L.S. Pritchard's really up to.

Here's the opening line about the baseball bat (it's about 2/3 of the way through the episode):


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  • 2 weeks later...

CMT is using Dukes to fill up odd, late-night timeslots and they've been doing this for awhile. They are not airing eps in order, except if it's a two-parter, they'll air the second half of the ep in order. Thankfully.

They seem to be rotating the same few dozen episodes and ignoring the Coy and Vance era altogether. Probably because the Coy and Vance era does not draw in as many viewers.

We've attempted to contact the program director at CMT and we've been consistently ignored, which is a fine how-do-ya-do when you consider all the bloody free promotion we've given them over the years. I'll try again; I'm in one of those ornery moods.

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yeah what I seen so far on CMT when I every time check on my favorite show when they on it sometime not. oh well.. if you can't watching then you can buy all seasons dvds sets from store like walmart, borders, amazon to be easier to watching it. good thing I have dvds myself.. yeah I hate Coy and Vance myself too.. they bit boring but I like Bo and Luke better. :)

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