DaisyMaeDuke Posted June 5, 2011 Posted June 5, 2011 It's because they've already printed up the t-shirts. That is not true Brian...Ben and Alma did not have the Tshirts made for us...one of the members did and we, along with Miz Alma, wore them so, if anyone had questions they could differentiate the people helping from the people there to get autographs and what have you.... the name is not brand new...nor is the group of friends...it's been around a while.As I said I think it was Ben and Alma that coined the name for the group, though I am not even sure about that...they were called that long before I came into the picture. But if Ben and Miz Alma were that concerned of the bad connotation, they wouldnt have let us host the BBQ, would not have been wearing their own shirts, asked us to help at Sperryville etc. In fact, you are two of the few who have said something...most think it is a fun name and quite appropriate when you know us and our loyalty to all things Duke.I'm sorry you dont like the name. Im sorry you feel we give people a bad impression when they see the name. I will say this: You have "Mafia" Wars that hundreds of thousands of people play on facebook-including at least one of our beloved Dukes cast that I know of...you have "Chrome Shop Mafia" on tv that thousands watch. These things sure wouldnt last if everyone got offended about the name "Mafia."Someone mentioned that given what Been feels about the 2005 movie its surprising he would support the HCM....that has a dope-smoking uncle Jesse, tons of swearing and nudity, and promotes promiscuity. I dont understand how a group who donates their time and money to give away free food and prizes all in the name of Duke can be associated with that. I didnt see anyone so offended at our group name that they refused a hot dog, or a prize when they won the donated items.In the end you cant please everyone...so I aint gonna try...like I said I am sorry I replied to Daney's post period. I am not sorry to be considered a partof the HCM. They are a special group of people and if they were called the Hazzard County Manure Scoopers I still would be just as proud to be a member. Just sayin... Quote
Meadowmufn Posted June 5, 2011 Posted June 5, 2011 It doesn't matter what the group does or doesn't do. You could all be saints and walk on water and we'd STILL argue you need a more appropriate name that reflects the good that you do. There will be a large group of people who don't know you who will get the wrong impression from the name alone. You know what they say about first impressions. And if you make the wrong one, you spend an inordinate amount of time battling against that wrong impression instead of doing better things. I think the fact that you're here defending the group illustrates my point.We're not the only ones who have publicly stated the name is unfortunate and inappropriate. The discussion didn't start here and I think you know that. Obviously, Daney was concerned enough to start the discussion here as well. For every vocal person who states their concerns, you can bet there are plenty more who feel the same way that don't state their opinion publicly.Whether you choose to believe it or not, our concerns are not just for the good of the fandom, but for the good of the group. The group shouldn't have to keep on explaining themselves and the good that they do. With a more appropriate name, they wouldn't have to. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted June 6, 2011 Posted June 6, 2011 They are a special group of people and if they were called the Hazzard County Manure Scoopers I still would be just as proud to be a member. Go ahead. There's still time to get new shirts! The name Mafia is about intimidation, money, power, greed, corruption. I saw the "fan" banner on Flickr. Hazzard County Mafia. Black, with orange horror-font lettering. Nice. You couldn't associate yourselves with something more welcoming for kids, like the Rocky Horror Picture Show? *sarcasm* Do a google search on Mafia, see what you get. Do a google image search on Mafia. Not exactly a good match for a "Dukes" crowd.I'm sure it makes for a macho image, but jeeze, when I think of the little kids who are at these things, this is NOT what I'd want them to think the Dukes of Hazzard is about. Mafia could be all the in-thing to call a group or a club, and if this was a gathering of Soprano fans I'd say, go for it. But it ain't. It sounds like a select group of fans who've taken pains to differentiate, and perhaps alienate, themselves from the rest. In the past, volunteers at Dukesfest were simply "staff." I wore a lanyard with a badge. I helped lost kids find their parents, I helped security remove troublemakers, I explained rules for autographs, I assisted members of the cast. No special shirt. No special clique. I was there before the grounds opened; I was there after it closed. At the end of the day, I was just a fan, donating my time, covering my own travel expenses, to help other fans have the best possible experience at the event. It wasn't about me. It was about them. That's what being a volunteer is about.And I'm sure your group knows that and shares the spirit or you wouldn't be helping out (unpaid) at a BBQ. I only wish your name better represented the spirit of the Dukes of Hazzard and was something that evoked a more positive image. I salute your individual efforts but I can't support your name. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted June 6, 2011 Posted June 6, 2011 Ok. You win. I am no longer wasting my breath trying to explain how I feel when it doesnt really matter to anybody but me...think what you want.The admin, like the customer, is always gonna be right.... Quote
MaryAnne Posted June 6, 2011 Posted June 6, 2011 It takes a LOT of diplomacy, I tell ya, because I've had to deal with some truly hostile and violent people and troublemakers of all stripes, many of which, thankfully aren't here anymore. (Though, some of 'em still are. LOL.) And some of them, you recruited as administrative staff. Though I shouldn't bring up MaryAnne's past like that.She's just lucky she's got mad webpage skillz, otherwise she'd be out on the street.I thought we agreed to not bring up my checkered past? If it weren't for my mad webpage skillz I'd still be that violent, hostile troublemaker of yesteryear... rolling through four-way intersections without stopping. Man, I was a bad moutha-shut-yer-mouth. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted June 6, 2011 Posted June 6, 2011 Ok. You win. I am no longer wasting my breath trying to explain how I feel when it doesnt really matter to anybody but me...think what you want.The admin, like the customer, is always gonna be right....I'm not right or wrong, it's just an opinion. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted June 6, 2011 Posted June 6, 2011 I thought we agreed to not bring up my checkered past? If it weren't for my mad webpage skillz I'd still be that violent, hostile troublemaker of yesteryear... rolling through four-way intersections without stopping. Man, I was a bad moutha-shut-yer-mouth.What do you mean, "was?" You've been HazzardNet's dirtiest secret for years, it just ain't much of a secret anymore. But don't worry, I'll keep paying my, uh...."union dues." Ma'am. Quote
lost_sheep3 Posted June 6, 2011 Posted June 6, 2011 I have to say that I agree with the admin, in this instance. I don't think the word mafia is a good reflection on any group that is representing Hazzard County. I'm no one 'important' in the fandom, but the fandom has been important to me, and I've also had the pleasure of volunteering at several Dukesfests and car shows, and would do so again if I had the opportunity, but I would not wear a shirt with the name of Hazzard County Mafia. For the most part Duke's was a very family friendly show. And the fandom has been very, very family friendly. It does my heart good to see kids now, that are 6 or 7 years old (the same age I was when I started watching!) that know and love the show. No offense intended toward Ben or Miss Alma, I have a great deal of respect for both of them, but I think that this is just a very, very unfortunate moniker for a group of people that are supposed to represent Hazzard County. Quote
Meadowmufn Posted June 6, 2011 Posted June 6, 2011 I am no longer wasting my breath..My whole point about picking an unfortunate name like that is it makes you waste your breath trying to defend a poor name and explain that the group is good. If you had a good name, you wouldn't have to defend it and "waste your breath", would you? The name would reflect the good the group does. Quote
Lukas_KD Posted June 6, 2011 Posted June 6, 2011 I dunno. I don't have a strong emotional response to the whole thing... although I do have to admit, sounds like the combo of name and graphic font was quite an unfortunate mix (whose edgy sense of humor came up with that?). Believe me, I'm around the "younger" set all the time at work - work with them - so I know how they talk and what they mean. The word's connotations may change in time, I suppose; after all, how many slang words of the past are common now? Or on the other hand, how many words that used to mean something innocent, now mean something else entirely and are almost unusable now for it? So I know language changes. It just hasn't changed enough here-and-now to be a comfortable companion to something Dukes, especially since the Mafia were known in the Dukes' day maybe even more openly than now as the biggest bad guys in existence (at least, it seems like more shows then dealt with bringing down organized crime than they do now... what, is it now politically incorrect or something; would it offend somebody? Maybe I don't wanna know....).Even in "friendly" usage, the word/name still is used in a gangsta-type, "hiphop and cool" sense, because that's the culture it's coming out of. And to me, that whole culture-thing just is not cool - if anything, gangs are even more violent than the Mafia, so why is that whole culture so "cool" now that everyone wants to dress like them, talk like them, etc? (Let's not get me started on this...) Anyway, it's certainly not compatible with Dukes. So... I suppose with all that I'm saying, there could have been a lot better names to choose.PS: I'm not putting down the group itself or anything it does... just not so comfortable with the name. Quote
RogerDuke Posted June 6, 2011 Posted June 6, 2011 Okay, so let's review. Some folks like me don't like the word mafia. Some folks here view the word "mafia" differently even though they don't like the real mafia. Well, I think the Dukes of Hazzard is the best show to ever be on television and my wife thinks General Hospital is. I love her with all my heart and I've given up trying to convince her I'm right and she's wrong....and.....we still have a wonderful marriage despite our disagreement. I've accepted the fact that she's wrong about what the best TV show in history is and she'll probably never see the light. She's done the same.She tolerates the Dukes of Hazzard and I tolerate General Hospital. Friends don't agree on everything....be they next door neighbor friends, forum friends or married friends. But they can still be great friends. I respectfully make a motion to let the healing begin. It hurts too much to see people I love not getting along. Hmmmm, maybe we can find common ground and start a thread explaining why Dukes is better than General Hospital. Now if I can just find a way of convincing my wife to read it. Quote
Meadowmufn Posted June 6, 2011 Posted June 6, 2011 The admin, like the customer, is always gonna be right....Contrary to popular belief, an admin's opinion holds no more weight than anybody else's. I think we've done a darn good job of allowing people to express their opinions freely and openly here, even if we don't agree with them. Would you prefer a place where we just deleted everything and banned every member we didn't agree with? I sure wouldn't. It would be a pretty lonely place, wouldn't it?Just ask the many people here who have gotten second chances after breaking rules, harrassing, or what have you. I think we do a pretty fair job of providing an open forum and being as inclusive as possible. Frankly, the reason Brian and MaryAnne are admins along with me is because, like me, they can allow disagreement and still get along with folks. We only take drastic measures when things turn ugly and I think this debate has stayed pretty on topic and respectful for the most part. Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted June 6, 2011 Posted June 6, 2011 I think we've done a darn good job of allowing people to express their opinions freely and openly here, even if we don't agree with them. Would you prefer a place where we just deleted everything and banned every member we didn't agree with? Just ask the many people here who have gotten second chances after breaking rules, harrassing, or what have you.Pretty much, MaryAnne and I ban each other. Saves time when we fight. I can disagree with somebody intensely about a given issue, and not be angry with them personally. Mufn and I wouldn't be in the same airspace after 12 years if we couldn't separate the issue from the person. The real-life arguments that have happened between Mufn, MaryAnne and I over the course of our history together, have been terrible to behold. Fortunately they are rare. But we're human and it happens. Families get into disagreements sometimes. It's a fact of life. It doesn't mean we're not a family anymore. Nobody is unwelcome here over anything that's been said, so don't worry.In that spirit, I updated the homepage with this post. We are all Dukes of Hazzard fans, and we remain a community and family. Take a look at the joy these fans felt in 1981. It's still with us, today...even if some of the people are not. http://www.hazzardnet.com/ Quote
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