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Hey everyone...I grew up watching Dukes of Hazzard as a kid and have been a big fan. I now have the opportunity to work with Tom Wopat on his Facebook & Twitter. Looking forward to meeting other Tom Wopat fans!


Welcome to HazzardNet DukesLuvah. Sounds like you should be a great source of inside knowledge on Tom. Maybe you could even persuade him to stop by at HazzardNet between Broadway shows ;) (Jimmie Best popped into the chat room at Christmas).


Welcome to the HazzardNet.

Regarding your question, do you mean interest in his music or interest in Tom being in the Chat Room? The answer is yes to both.

If you pull off getting him in the CR, the more advanced notice we'd have the better.

Hey, if you get a chance go down to Tom's forum and click on my thread "Would You have Raced Luke?" I moved it to the front page so it's easy to find. Let me know what you would have done.

Maybe I can get Tom to answer it someday!


Thanks for bringing that interesting question to my attention RogerDuke!

Speaking of chatting with Tom, he is going to be logging into his Twitter account to chat live with his fans this Thursday 4/28 at 11pm / 8pm PST. Make sure to follow him here (http://www.twitter.com/wopatofficial). Hopefully a lot of HazzardNet fans will be there to represent!

Please help spread the word :)

Welcome and thanks for this news, I would've missed it otherwise! I've been reluctant to get on Twitter all this time but if anything could get me to reconsider...

Yah it's pretty easy to sign on to Twitter and it's free. If you need help let me know - don't want to miss this opportunity!


If you go to Twitter and search for "wopatofficial" and scroll down to Apr. 28 you can see various comments from the chat. Since he mainly answered the lump of questions that were asked early on, you kind of have to jump back and forth and match up replies to questions by username.

I was thinking of re-arranging all the comments in a more readable text file, unless Twitter has an easier way to do this (but I don't know much about Twitter yet).

As for me, I asked whether his interest in music or in theatre came first (he said music), and if there were any songs he'd always wanted to do but hadn't had the chance yet (he said on his next album he might do Joe Cocker's "Feelin' Alright," which I think is an awesome song choice).

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