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I just found out tonight that Next week wednesday Dukes season two will be avaliable for purchasing. Found out at my work place because they already have it there but it won't be for sale till the middle of the week. I CAN'T WAIT TO BUY IT. I AM JUST SO EXCITED!!!!!!


It goes on sale tomorrow - I get off work at 6 in the morning and the store opens at 9 in the morning - I won't be going to sleep until I have my copy safe at home - so basically around lunch time because I also want to watch some before I go to bed. Working the night shift really sucks - but oh-well what can you do. The total cost for me will be $40.40 - I don't even get a discount - does that suck or what? Catch ya's all later!!


That is strange that it goes on sale tomorrow. Here in the states it went on sale today, Tuesday. That is the day all new releases, CD/DVD's, go on sale. My friend who own's a video store, got me my copy last week. He always gets in movies a week to two weeks earlier.


i got mine last night, it is pretty cool, well worth the money , i watched a lot of them last night, i will finish watching them tonight, cant wait to get home.


I went today to my workplace and they were sold out. Not surprising that they only had four copies to begin with. So I went to CD plus and got it there for cheaper. So from now on I think I'll be going to CD plus because they always get alot of copies and they do match their competitors prices - if not beat them. Now that is the way to do business. Haven't watched anything yet but I will once I get off the computer. But now I finally have Dukes Season Two. Next thing I want to get is Magyver Season One. I'll get it soon enough!!! Later all! By the way - I only Paid 39.89 canadian for Dukes Season Two. 8)

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