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*after the call gets through Jesse does most of the talking*

"I just got at call from Cousin Alice. She's over there at the Boar's Nest but I don't think she's going to be staying too long. Swamp Molly was in Boss's office but Alice had to hang up when she came out because she didn't want Molly knowing she was talking to me.

Anyway, something's going on out at the swamp. Alice didn't say what it was but I've never heard her sounding like that before. She's scared. I can hear the fear in her voice. I need you to head on over there right away. Don't tell either of them you know anything. Just pretend you just happened to stop by. See if you can get any information out of either one of them that might tell ya what the heck's happenin' out there.

If Alice doesn't want to wrastle ya, we know something's really bad.

In the meantime I'm heading in there too but I might not make it before they leave. That's why I need you to git over there quick. This sounds serious."

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*Several minutes later, Bo finds himself parking The General in the parking lot of The Boar's Nest and hears himself mumbling under his breath as his bad mood continues to grow worse as the day grows on. As if things weren't bad enough lately, now he has been sent into town to check on Cousin Alice and Molly. If they were in town, it generally brought trouble to him and his family, but despite how he feels about them, he would never wish harm to them or anyone. Despite how he feels about them, he would do all he could to help them out in any way he could. That was how he was brought up and taught.

Walking into the Boar's Nest it takes a while for Bo's eyes to adjust the smokey shadowy room and takes a deep breath to control his emotions. Spotting Alice and Molly at the bar, Bo makes his way over there and sits down next to Alice who seems to be oblivious to him.* Well Cousin Alice and Molly," Bo forces a smile as they slowly turn to face him "this is a pleasant surprise. What's the special occasion?"

*Alice gives Bo a stern look before looking away and giving Bo her back and Bo is instantly relieved not to hear her famous question that is always directed at him *do you wanna wrastle?* but is quickly reminded of what Jesse had said that would mean if she didn't ask him that. Molly stares at Bo for a long moment and opens her mouth to say something before going silent in second thought. A moment passes she looks away from Bo and at Alice and says, "OK Alice, we're all done here. Let's get going while the day's somewhat young." *The two ladies stand up and move to the door. Molly looks over her shoulder at Bo and says, "Have a nice day now, Bo." *Before Bo could say anything, they leave.*

"Well that was a waste of time," Bo states to himself before the bartender approaches him and he orders his normal water down beer as he waits for Jesse to arrive.


Jesse's driving his truck down Miller road. He rounds a curve and sees Molly's old 1949 Chevy pick-up coming around the corner too fast and hogging his lane. Both vehicles slide off the road shaking up all three occupants but nobody is injured.

Jesse quickly gets out of the pick-up pretending to be surprised to see Molly and Alice.

Jesse "What in the world are you doin' on my side of the road? Not only that but what 'er ya doin' out of yer swamp?"

Molly "Now I believe it was YOU in MY lane Jesse Duke and it ain't none of yer business what I'm doing away from the swamp. I pay taxes just like you do and can use any road I want. Now if you'll excuse me I have somewhere to be."

Jesse "What's that there shotgun doing between you two? Y'all might have a lot of varmits out in the swamp but it's dangerous ta carry that thing on the roads of Hazzard, especially how you drive."

Molly "Maybe I am havin' a little trouble with varmits but that ain't none of yer business either"

Molly starts engine and puts truck in gear.


*Finishing the glass of beer and looking up at the clock, Bo sighs heavily in contemplation of what to do. Jesse had told him to wait, but he should have been there by now. Only to send worry to grow within Bo, worry that perhaps something had happened to Jesse. Perhaps Jesse got caught into Coltranes' speed trap, but Jesse knew better than that. Though if Jesse found Molly on her way out or on the road, Jesse could have gotten sidetracked by talking or helping Molly out. If that was the case, Bo would find himself at The Boar's Nest by himself for a long time.* Thanks Jerry *Bo puts down his money for his beer and nods at the bar tender before making his way to the door, once again wishing Luke was there with him as he always was in the past. It just feels so different without Luke there. To be alone and on his own.*


*Molly's truck stalls as Jesse gets in his Ford pick-up.

Molly gets her truck started again and drives off.

Jesse gets on the CB*

This here's Shepherd calling Lone Sheep, Shepherd calling Lone Sheep....if yer listenin' I got the situation under control here. I've talked to that person we was discussin' earlier and yer free to go about yer business lone sheep. Did ya copy that?"

*Jesse looks down the dirt road and Molly's truck appears to have stalled again just before the road curved to the left. He puts it in gear and drives toward her*


*Climbing into The General, Bo is in time to hear Jesse's call out to him. Sighing in relief, Bo starts up the General and grabs his CB handle.* Lone Sheep *Bo starts to say to be reminded of what lone means...he's alone. Meaning no Luke.* I read you loud and clear. I'll meet up with you at the farm later on. Take care, now.* Bo throws the handle down as he slowly pulls out of the Boar's Nests' parking lot. Seeing no one in sight and the silence of the early afternoon, Bo presses hard on the accelerator and finds a smile creeping across his face at feeling the strong power of The General.*


*gets out of truck and walks up to Molly*

Jesse "Come on now you two, hop in my truck and I'll take you home and I'll git Cooter to fix up this old Chevy and bring 'er back out to the swamp later this week"

Molly "I ain't comin' with ya"

Jesse "Well then, what er ya gonna do...jist sit here?"

Molly "Maybe"

Alice "I'm going with Jesse"

*Molly looks disgusted realizing she's out of options but then grabs her shotgun and hops in Jesse's truck after Jesse and Alice do*

*Jesse puts truck in gear and heads toward the Hazzard Swamp*


*Several miles of pushing The General to his limit the all too familiar sound of the sirens begin to scream through the country silence and Bo glances into the rearview mirror to find Rosco only a few feet behind him.* Damn it *Bo cusses aloud, his thoughts turn back to Jesse and their lack of money. Jesse'd kill him if he took home a speeding ticket, especially since he was actually guilty of it.* Hang on, General *Bo speaks aloud as he pushes the accelerator down farther down to send The General faster ahead and farther away from the sheriff. Coming to another road, Bo sharply turns and races down that road and a smile crosses his face as he sees the familiar road sign that boldly reads: Bridge out. And a moment later the large gap between the two lands comes into view only for Bo to press harshly upon the accelerator.* See ya later, Rosco. Me and General are going flying. *Bo speaks aloud just as he feels The General hit a large lump of dirt and the solid ground disappears from under The General and Bo finds himself looking out the window and down at the thick body of water that lies several feet below.*


*After stopping at the dock at Hazzard Swamp Jesse, Alice and Molly get out of the truck*

Jesse "Now ya sure ya got enough gas in yer boat ta git all the way across?"

Molly "Jesse Duke, I been livin' there my whole life. I think I know how much gas I need"

Jesse "All right. All right. I was just lookin' out fer ya. Ya seem a little nervous fer some reason."

Molly "Git in the boat Alice"

Alice (wispering to Jesse when Molly wasn't looking) "I'm nervous"

*Jesse watches boat leave then gets in his pick-up and notices Molly forgot her shotgun. He tries to yell but the boat motor drowns out his voice as Molly and Alice get further away*


*Landing hardly on the dusty ground on the other side, Bo lets out a sigh of relief before gunning the car forward and excitement builds within him at seeing Sheriff Coltrane's car at a dead halt on the opposite side.* Yee Haa *Bo lets out his famous rebel call and looks ahead only for his excitement come to a dead halt and dread settles within him as Deputy Strate's car comes into view coming right at him.* Oh no *Bo groans while continuing to drive forward fastly despite the oncoming police cruiser. A moment later, realizing Enos wasn't stopping or turning around, Bo cusses under his breath before he shoves forcefully on the brakes and yanks the wheel to slide sideways to a halt. Bo holds his breath while watching Enos do the same thing only to come to a halt three inches away from Bo's passenger door.* Damn it *Bo cusses as he watches Enos crawl across his passenger seat to open the door and climb out.*

"Bo and Luke Duke you two are now under arrest for -" *Enos starts to say as he looks into the car to only find Bo sitting behind the steering wheel of the famous General Lee, the passenger seat empty.* "Uh I mean," *Enos fumbles for words* "Bo Duke you are under arrest for excessive speeding on county roads. Now if you don't mind stepping out of The General, we can get this done and over with."

*Bo eyes Enos and more dread fills him. He had been expecting a speeding ticket, not to be under arrest for his misadventures he decided to go on after being dismissed from The Boar's Nest. Jesse's really gonna kill him now.* "Wish I could do that for you, Enos, but I can't. You see, with Luke and Daisy outta town for the next few days to help out with our sick aunt," *Bo goes silent and forces a sad face to play on Enos' guilt and emotions towards the aunt Bo barely even knew.* "I can't go to jail. Not now. Now I have to be home to help out Jesse with the chores and all."*

*Enos eyes his friend with sad eyes.* Sorry Bo. The law is the law and you broke it. Jesse's gonna have to fend for himself and you have your own sorry self to blame. Now get out of your car or else I'm going to have to add resisting arrest onto your charges."

*Bo eyes Enos with surprise. Normally Enos wasn't so serious or that upset towards him and Luke. Then again, it was now just him. Enos and Luke were the same age, same grade in school. Bo just tagged along.* "No can do, Enos. Hate to do this to you, but you leave me no choice." *With that, Bo glances down at Enos' nicely shined boots, looks up at Enos, nods and presses harshly onto the accelerator. Feeling his heart race rapidly within him, Bo drives quickly away from the standing deputy to drive on the bright green grass, driving between trees, Bo looks back to find Enos racing to his parked car; yelling something into the summer air.*


*Jesse sees an available boat. Knowing that it belonged to his old friend Henstep McCullum, he grabbed the shotgun and untied the small motorboat figuring Henstep wouldn't mind. While crossing the swamp, Jesse hoped that Alice or Molly would turn around and see him but he had no such luck. His boat was slower than theirs so he arrived at the other end of the huge swamp later than them. By that time, they had already tied their boat up and went back to the shack. Jesse got out of the boat with the shotgun. He wondererd what had been making Molly and Alice so nervous. As the sky darkened in the shadows of the thick trees and vegation and the fog got thicker he noticed a gator's eyes poking above the water in a wet spot near him*


*Bo kept his right foot tightly upon the gas pedal as he drove in between the maze of trees, his concentration half way on the darkening path ahead of him and the bright red and blue strobe lights behind him. His thoughts bounce back and forth to how Jesse will kill him if he is caught or once he hears about what he had done. Afterall, the charges were legit this time; he was speeding, but he never thought he'd be arrested for it. Before his thoughts bounce back to what Luke would do or tell him to do in a situation like this. But Luke wouldn't find himself in this sort of trouble, trouble just found him. Luke didn't find trouble as Bo always seemed to do. Only to underline to Bo the differences between Luke and himself; Luke was too smart to be caught with legit charges.* Damn it! *Bo cusses aloud and hits the steering wheel as he sees the gap between the bumper of The General and the patrol car shrinking slowly. Normally by now he'd have ran Enos into a tree or lost him some other way. Yet Enos remains stuck on his rear, never flinching or shying away. First Enos' different attitude towards him and now he can't lose him as he normally would have.* C'mon General. You can do it! *Bo attempts to push confidence into The General. Looking ahead, a bold idea hits him to send his dread into excitement of his new plan.*


*Jesse calmly walks past the big gator without event. It had been awhile since he had been out to Molly's shack but he managed to weave his way through the thick vegetation, quicksand, gators, snakes and bird-sized mosquitos, then finally located the beaten up shack. It appeared that Molly and Alice had already gone inside. At least that's what Jesse assumed since he hadn't run across them on the dangerous path.

Jesse knocked on the door.

Immediately a blood curdling scream pierced his old ears and sent shivers up his spine.*


*Bo smiles as he begins to quickly zigzaging in between the trees, barely missing a couple, while watching Enos' car slowly inch farther away as the deputy struggles from keeping from hitting the thick trees. Looking ahead he sees where he'll be able to execute his idea and he shoves the accelerator forcefully tighter to the floor as the large gap between the two lands that is seperated by a thick creek ten feet below; only a few miles to the south of where he had jumped the broken bridge to escape from the sheriff. If he can escape the sheriff that way, he'll be able to lose Enos the same way. Without the dirty white sheriff's car no where in sight across the creek, Bo knows he'll be escape the law if only he can fly The General one more time.* OK General. Grow them wings and lets go for a fly *Bo speaks up to break through the silence of within the car before he feels the tires below him hit another lump of dirt before the dirt and ground evaporates from under him.*


*Jesse takes the shotgun off "safe" thinking somebody or something might be inside attacking Molly or Alice.

The air become silent with no trace of any aftereffects from the scream. Jesse wonders if he should intrude. He is concerned if he goes in he might witness an unspeakable horror. He is concerned if he doesn't go in he might miss an opportunity to save Molly and Alice.

Jesse opens the door slowly.*

"Alice? Molly? Can ya hear me? This is Jesse Duke here."

Molly "Jesse, is that you?"

Jesse "It's me."

Molly "Are ya alone?"

Jesse "Yep, nobody 'ere with me 'cept yer shotgun that ya left in the truck"

*Door opens. Jesse is greeted by Molly while Alice is in the back of the room shaking like a leaf from fear*


*Feeling all four tires hit the solid dirt ground on the other side of the gapped land, Bo lets out another rebel call before watching Enos' patrol car come to a dead halt a foot from the edge on the other side. Sighing in relief, Bo quickly presses on the accelerator on the opposite direction of where he had noticed the sheriff's car speeding off towards before he had ran into Enos. He'd be dead out of luck if the sheriff found him again.* Nice work, General. Now if only we can get home without getting caught. *After saying that, he begins to wonder if going home is the wisest choice to make. Afterall, everyone knows where he lives. But he has no where else to go. Sighing heavily, Bo races towards the dirt road that'll lead to the farm in hopes of the sheriff and deputy forgetting about the past half hour and of the legit charges that he has been caught with.*


*hands shotgun to Molly then looks her in the eye with deep concern*

Jesse "Now Molly, I've known ya since ya were a little kid, now tell me what's goin' on"

Molly "We're fine Jesse. Alice just looked out the window and from where she was sittin' all she could see is the end of the shotgun. She didn't know it was you who was holdin' it"

Jesse *stern voice* "I ain't buyin' it. Alice has seen enough shotguns in 'er life to not scream like a banshee. Now what's goin' on?"

Alice "It's the monster! I thought ya was the monster!"

Molly *angry* "Alice, you git yerself out back and quit talkin' nonsense!"

*Alice runs out back door*

Molly "You can just git yerself home now Jesse Duke. Thank ya fer brinngin' the shotgun back but it's time fer ya to go."

Jesse "What's this talk of a monster?"

Molly "You know how Alice gits. If there was a monster out there she wouldn't be screamin' about it....she'd be wantin' to wrastle it. She just has a wild imagination. You have a nice trip home and thanks again."

*Molly lightly pushes Jesse's chest until he backs out of the door then she slams it shut*


*After pulling to a halt in front of the Duke farm house, Bo slowly climbs out through the open window to take a cautious look behind him before taking in the rest of the empty drive way. Jesse wasn't home yet. Sighing deeply, Bo makes his way up the porch and into the kitchen to be greeted by a thick eery silence. Only to remind him he didn't pick up a thing he had been sent to town for. No ice cream. Nothing.* Yeah Bo, you done real good today. *He says sarcastically aloud to break through the silence, his mind wondering from his run in with the law to Jesse's call about Swamp Molly and Alice. Of his short encounter with him. He never cared much about them two, especially Alice who seemed to have something for him and trying wrestle him. But he definately wouldn't want anything to go wrong for them or wish ill of them; they were just better left at the swamp and him at the farm, in his mind. And Alice not once asking him if he wanted to wrastle was a clear indication that something was wrong. But what? Bo was left with his imagination as he takes a seat and feels his heart racing from all the excitement he had with the law, only to remind himself of his own predictament and to send questions racing through his mind of how he can free himself of his own troubles.*


Jesse wasn't very pleased about being pushed out of the shack. He knew there was trouble in the swamp and was frustrated he couldn't find out from Molly or Alice what it was.

He walked back to the borrowed boat, took it back to his truck, tied it up and drove home.

Back at the farm, Jesse greeted Bo.


*Hearing the engine penetrate through the thick silence, Bo slowly makes his way to the living room window to find Jesse pulling to a halt besides The General. Sighing in relief, Bo makes his way to the kitchen to watch Jesse making his way up the porch steps before opening the kitchen steps.* Uncle Jesse* Bo says, giving him a smile before noticing the angry and worry look wrote across his beloved uncle's face. With little thought, he asks, "How'd it go? Any luck?"


*Jesse hangs up hat on the rack and pulls out a kitchen chair, making a rubbing noise on the floor.

He then sits down without sliding the chair back in and sighs.

He looks at the apples on the middle of the table while talking, appearing to be in deep thought as he spoke*

"I've known Molly since the day she was born. And I helped bring Alice into this old world. When her folks couldn't make it to the hospital, they stopped here. Yer aunt wasn't home so it was me who had to be the doctor."

*Jesse paused for a moment*

"I've never seen the look of fear on Alice like I did today. That girl ain't afraid to wrestle a ten foot gator but she's scared to death. Molly is just as scared. She won't say it but I can see it in 'er eyes.

I got a terrible feeling something horrible is about to happen out there. I don't know what. Molly won't say nothin' and Alice is so out of her mind, she says there's some kind of swamp monster running around."

*Jesse continued to stare at the table*


*Bo leans against the counter and listens to his uncle. His uncle's worry spreads worry through him. Jesse wasn't the one to worry easy. When Jesse finishes, Bo opens his mouth to say something, but only to close it again, not saying anything. Bo shakes his head and looks down at the floor while continually thinking that if Luke was here, he'd know what to do. But he wasn't and Bo was more good at getting into trouble and not out. Not alone to help someone else out of their own trouble they were unable or unwilling to talk about.* They're both as stubborn and strong. Obviously, something is wrong or going on with them. *Bo pauses for a long moment.* They know where we are if they need anything or when they are wanting some help with whatever it is.* Bo shrugs, thinking of how lame he must be sounding. *Or if we knew how to get around the swamp we could do some private investigating, but I'd rather not end up being some alligator. I don't know what else to say, Jesse. If Luke were here... *He lets his words trail off and falls into silence.


*Jesse, his voice sounding troubled, shakes his head while still staring at the table*

"I just can't figure out what the best thing to do is. I don't want to force my help on Molly but I can't sit back and watch something bad happen either. I think I'm just going to pack up some vittles and head on out there tomorrow and spend the day explorin'. Lord knows I wouldn't be able to live with myself if somethin' happened to those two and I didn't even try to help."

*phone rings*

"Bo, would you mind gittin' that?"


*Bo eyes Jesse worriedly for a long moment before the phone continues to ring and he slowly walks out of the kitchen and into the living room to answer the phone. Picking up the receiver, Bo says, "Duke residents. This is Bo."

*Bo hears someone clear his voice on the other end before raw silence comes back at him and for a moment, Bo thinks it must be a prank caller. When he goes to hang up a familiar male voice cuts through the silence by saying,* "Hi Bo," the caller goes silent as excitement races through Bo as he instantly recognizes the voice. "I see the phone is still in working order there, so I reckon the old farm is holding up without Daisy and I being there to help out."

*Bo finds himself nodding before realizing that Luke can't see him.* "Luke!" Bo goes silent as he attempts to adjust his excitement only for him to remember how Luke had left. Angry and upset at him. Taking a deep breath, he says, "It seems like you've been gone forever now, but yeah, the farm is still up and running without the two of you. When you coming home?"

*Bo looks up and at the open kitchen doorway, expecting Jesse to walk out in excitement over hearing Bo say Luke's name so loudly, yet no one comes. Only to make him a little more worried over how worried Jesse is over Alice and Molly. Looking away from the doorway, he sits down upon the desk chair to give Luke his full attention and to attempt to shove his worry away.*


*Just as Bo begins his phone conversation Jesse hears a vehicle and gets off his chair and walks outside.

Jesse sees his old friend Andrew Harkness pull in the driveway with his beat up brown 1949 Chevy pick-up. Andrew stops the truck and gets out with a worried look on his face. He looks at Jesse then leans against his front fender and removes a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his forehead*

Jesse "How are ya doing Andrew? I ain't seen ya fer a few months now?"

Andrew "I ain't doing so good old friend. My body's holdin' out perty well fer a feller my age but I think I'm losing my mind."

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