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This role play is for Garrett and myself.

I will be playing the part of Uncle Jesse and Garrett will be playing Bo.

We hope our readers will enjoying following the story and trying to figure out what the commotion's all about......as Bo and his Uncle try to solve the Mystery of Hazzard Swamp.

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It was a hot afternoon in late April. Uncle Jesse was plowing the back 40 with Maudine the Mule because the tractor was broken down. It could of been easily fixed with spare parts laying around the farm but Jesse always found every excuse he could to use Maudine.

He stopped her briefly and took the white handkerchief out of his back pocket to wipe the sweat off his old forehead. Maudine scuffed the north Georgia soil with her front left hoof kicking up dust, itching to get started again.

Jesse looked up at a red-tailed hawk circling above. The hawk screeched as if he was hoping that Jesse and Maudine would kick up a meal for him.

Jesse: All right darling we'll git started again. Don't be gittin' too impatient 'er I'll git Bo to fix that tractor today and you'll be out of a job. Speaking of Bo, I wonder where the heck he is right now.


Bo swore silently to himself as he feels the heat seeming to pound deeply within him to send his attention up towards the sky. It was only April and yet it was already feeling this hot. Feeling this hot only has seemed to help worsen the irritated feeling that seems to have him complaining about every small thing, things that would normally not bother him at all. The past couple of days he has been irritated and easily upset and it was no secret to the cause of it all. Luke and Daisy had been the ones that had earned the trip to their aunt's house a couple of hours away to help their cousins take care of their large farm while looking over their ailing aunt. Which wasn't that big of deal to Bo other than the fact that RoseAnn lived fifteen minutes away of whom he had met the last time he was down there and fell instantly in love. They all knew he was excited at the prospect of going down there to see if she still felt the same for him, but Jesse had picked him to stay in Hazzard to help on the farm. For reasons he has yet to disclose to Bo. And it wasn't just that that had bothered Bo, but it also left their farm quiet, their room quiet. Without Luke around, life just wasn't as fun or as real when Luke was around. It made him feel just as alone as he felt when Luke was off at war. Just this time, Bo knew that Luke would sooner or later be returning home alive.

Looking away from the sky and across the farm, Bo slowly begins to make his way to the large field where he could see Jesse and his mule hard at work. Only to remind Bo, that without Luke and Daisy around, it'd be him left to do their chores as well. Life just couldn't get much worse, in Bo's mind.


Maudine and Jesse were both past their prime. Jesse knew he was but usually acted like he wasn't. Maudine, on the other hand still thought that she could plow all day. She would have run herself into the ground if Jesse wouldn't have stopped to rest her often.

After getting one more glance at the hawk, Jesse yelled "Yaw!"

Most mules require a little physical encouragement to get started but Maudine knew exactly what the old farmer wanted by the tone of his voice.

Jesse's eyes were on the ground focused on keeping a straight line as Bo approached so his nephew got pretty close to him before Jesse realized he was there.

He caught him out of the corner of his eye and then looked up.


Maudine stopped in her tracks.

Jesse smiled at Bo.


"Well Jesse," Bo Duke broke the silence as he eyes his uncle and then eyes the impatient mule before glancing back up at Jesse. "I finished Luke's job on the fence and fed the animals." He goes silent as he switches from foot to foot. "You want me to take over here for you?"

He eyes his uncle inquistiviely as he silently pleads his uncle to be done for the day. The General could use a tune up and deep down he yearns to just take The General for a drive. A long fast drive. A drive in The General seemed to ease all the problems that had bugged him in the past. Except for when he got caught in one of Rosco's speed traps, though, Bo had to admit that despite the feelings the Dukes and the law had for one another, he enjoyed the car chases. Enjoyed finding ways to escape from the law. Enjoyed driving away with the law stuck or lost knowing he had out drove them and out smarted them. But if he got caught, both the law and Jesse were bound to be mad. The law for giving them a hard time and Jesse for getting himself into trouble and having to find the money to bail him out or pay for the ticket. Money they didn't have. But with Luke and Daisy gone, he'd love to take The General for a ride. Perhaps egg the law on a bit to go on another fast car chase. To see how far The General could fly today.

But family, chores, and the farm came first no matter what Bo thought or wanted to do and he would respect his uncle's wishes no matter what. The General and the law could always wait for later or another day.


"Naw Bo, you know how ornery Maudine can git if anybody but me is behind 'er."

*wipes off sweaty forehead again and then reaches in chest pocket of his overalls and hands his nephew a piece of paper*

"I'd appreciate it if you'd head into town and pick up these supplies. The money in the tin on top of the refrigerator should cover it. If there's not enough, ferget about the shotgun shells. I'll git those when I sell that firewood."


Taking the paper from his uncle, Bo nods as he glances down at it momentarily. Glad to have the excuse to put The General to work, even to go to town to get some supplies. He could always have a little fun while on his way back from the store. Which would only upset Jesse worse if he got in trouble while running errands for him. Especially with Luke and Daisy gone. But in order for him to get in trouble, the law would have to catch him first and everyone knew how great of a driver Bo is and the lack of driving talent the local law has.

"OK Jesse," Bo nods as sweat tickles down his back and he places the paper into his pockets. "You need these right away or would it be OK if I stop by Cooter's on my way home?" Normally he wouldn't be asking, but without Luke and Daisy around, his help around the farm would be needed more than normal.


*thinks for a moment*

"We're way ahead of the game here so take your time and visit Cooter fer awhile...but you'd better do yer visitin' before you fill pick up the things on that list"


"elsewise my ice cream will melt"

Bo smiles back and starts to walk away before Jesse interrupts

"Oh, one more thing...stop by and see Emery Potter. He's got some papers fer me....and don't go peeking in the envelope and reading 'em now. You're not too big fer a whippin'.

Well, you are too big fer a whipping. Just don't look 'cause I told you not to."


Gives Jesse a short quizzical look before nodding. "Yes sir," he finally states, his mind seems to fall from that famous car chase to the ice cream Jesse had mentioned earlier. The car chase could always wait. Gives Jesse a smile and nods again as he takes a step back. "I'll be back before you can miss me." Gives Jesse an ornery look before turning around to start towards The General Lee.


*raised voice*

"Hang on a second there young man. What in the world was that look for? You look like you just swallowed some of Grannie Annie's bitterweed tea without any sugar added. What's a buggin' ya?"


*Slowly stops half way between General Lee and Uncle Jesse to slowly look around and give Jesse an innocent look.* Who me? I didn't drink nothin' but that sour orange juice this morning. Hadn't had much time to drink much else, Uncle Jesse. *Goes silent for a moment.* What look? What makes you think somethin' is botherin' me? I alright, Jesse.


*voice not as loud but more stern*

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Just before you turned around I saw that same face I've seen fer the last 20 years every time you were mad. Now tell me what's on yer mind. Are you missing yer cousins?"


*Hearing the sternness in Jesse's voice forces Bo to momentarily go silent as if he has just gotten in trouble for skipping school once again. Finally shrugs. Bo had attempted to go on with life and to act like nothing was wrong. But everyone knew what a bad liar and actor Bo was just as everyone knew how badly Jesse hated being lied to.* Yes sir *He hears himself say, once more thinking of the years he spent without Luke while Luke was at war.* It's just not the same without them here. The room is so damn quiet at night, I can't sleep. Don't matter no how. I can complain til I'm blue in the face, won't bring neither one of them back. I'll be fine. *He says the last sentence mostly for his own benefit, trying to convince himself that he'll be OK without his cousins around.*


Jesse stands there for a moment in deep thought feeling his nephew's pain.

As he often does in moments like this, the old wise man speaks few words but the meaning and love behind them more than make up for the number. He looks at Bo with sympathetic eyes.

"I understand"


Bo nods slightly as he feels a slow tickle of wind brush up against the back of his neck. Looking at Jesse, he sighs and says, "Well, I'll get goin' to town to pick these things up. Anything else?" He takes a couple of steps backwards, giving Jesse a quizzical look though thinking he already knows the answer to the question. If Jesse wanted anythign else, he'd have put it on the paper.


*Nods slightly at Jesse before turning back and walking to The General. Climbing into The General, feels the lonely feeling once again tugging at him as he finds himself looking across the car at the empty passenger seat. Where Luke would've been sitting if he were there. Breathing in deeply he starts the car and listens to the powerful engine while reminding himself that it all is temporary. Sooner or later, Luke will be home and griping at him for something he done wrong as was normal from time to time.* "Just you and me today, General," Bo speaks up as he backs the car up and out onto the dirt road.


*As soon as the General Lee gets out of sight Jesse stops Maudine.

He only has half the field done but feels deflated upon seeing Bo pull away knowing how depressed he is.

Jesse unhooks the plow in the middle of the field and takes Maudine back to the barn.

He steps into the kitchen. As he is pouring a tall glass of iced tea the phone rings.*


*Watching the familiar scene pass by him, Bo's mind wonders from the mundane list Jesse had sent him to town only to make him wonder if this was Jesse's way of getting him out of his way. To thoughts of what Luke may be doing now. Other than taking care of their aunt and her farm, what else was there for Luke to do. Only to make him wonder if Luke was missing him as well.* Nah he's probably glad to be away from me. Not to put up with me any longer. Probably dreads returning home.* Bo rants aloud as his mind falls upon the harsh argument he had with Luke the night before he left Hazzard with Daisy. Words were spoken by both of them that deep down they know neither one meant, but it stung all the same. They've had their fights in the past, but normally, they'd wake up the next morning apologizing and feeling stupid over fighting over whatever it was. Not this time. Luke could barely look at him to say good-bye before he gotten into Dixie with Daisy.

Oddly enough, neither Jesse nor Daisy has yet to say one word about it. Only to give Bo the hint that Luke had already told them about it and that they sided with Luke. But how else was Bo suppose to feel and act after what Luke had done? He may no longer say it aloud, but he looked up to Luke, admired who he was, wished he could be more like him. Smart, thoughtful, and quick. Whereas Bo felt like he was the opposite. He was naive, careless, and easy to upset. Bo got them both into trouble by his temper, his quick mouth, and his lack of thought before acting out; Luke always got them out of trouble with his thoughtfulness and brains. Bo was willing to look past what Luke had done to him due to how he admired Luke, but it was what was said that hurt the most, that had upset him the most. And of course, Bo being who he was, had quick comebacks to what Luke had said only to make it all worse. The silence that morning before they had left had almost been unbareable to Bo and had built some guilt within him, but his stubbornness and pride allowed Luke to leave before addressing Luke and how he felt. Or to apologize for his harsh words.

And now all that will have to wait until whenever Luke decided it was time to return to Hazzard.*

Just me and you, General * Bo says aloud to change his line of thought as he enters the small town while pocketing the list Jesse had given to him.


Jesse "Hello, this is Jesse Duke here."

female voice "Is that you Mr. Duke?"

Jesse "That's what I said. Who am I speaking to mam?"

female voice "Mr. Duke, this is Alice. You know, Cousin Alice from the Hazzard Swamp."

Jesse sounding surprised "Hello there Alice. Did you and Swamp Molly git yerself a phone out there?"

CA "No sir Mr. Duke. Me and Molly is here at the Boar's Nest. They got this here phone where you put a dime in and talk to just about anybody in Hazzard......but I don't have time to talk. Molly's in Boss's office discussin' something and she could be out any minute so if'n I hang up quick I don't mean to be rude but I don't want her to know I'm talking to you."

Jesse "Well what can I do for you?"

CA getting upset "It's Molly. We got us some real problems up in the sawmp but she's too embarressed to talk about it."

Jesse "Well what do you want me to do about it?"

CA "I don't know but I thought maybe you could talk to her without letting her know I asked you to."

Jesse "Well I suppose I could."

CA "Remember she saved you from the Feds back in '38.....I gotta go...she's coming out of Boss's office." *phone clicks*

*Jesse looks at the phone confused and then mutters "I'll never understand them swamp people" then hangs up*


*In town, Bo Duke parks The General in front of Rhuebottom's General Store and stiffly climbs out of The General through the open window. He glances at Rhuebottom's old store building before walking away from the store and across the street where Hazzard's only garage proudly sits. Stuffing hands into his pockets, Bo silently walks into the dark garage to find the family friend half hidden beneath an old rusted dark green truck, only his legs and feet hanging out from underneat. An ornery smile crosses Bo's face before he moves forwards and kicks Cooter's legs as he acts as if he's tripping over them. Cooter gives a surprised yelp from under the truck before he begins to scoot out from under the truck. Bo rests against the desk as Cooter sits up and Cooter gives him a suspisious look before faking an angry look.*

Sorry Cooter *Bo shrugs nonchalantly* Didn't see you lying under there. Perhaps you should get yourself better lighting in here so people can see where they're walking and you wouldn't get kicked or stepped on. Plus, you'd probably actually get to see what you're doing and all.

*Cooter shakes his head at his friend before wiping his stained hands on his stained denim pants before saying,* Yeah, well maybe I would if my mortgage for this damn building wasn't so damn high. You know Hogg, he has to milk it all for what it's worth. *Cooter goes silent while eyeing his friend, taking in Bo's silent and sulky composture before asking* So, where's your better half? *Cooter laughs at his own joke.*

*Bo raises an eye brow at Cooter, confused on who he means.* You mean The General or Luke? * He goes silent waiting for an answer. When he don't get an answer he continues,* The General is across the street. Jesse sent me into town to run some errands and I figured I'd drop by to say hi since I was in town and all. So hi* he goes silent, his thoughts once more return to Luke and their fight* And Luke and Daisy have left and are at Aunt Cathrine's farm to help out there since Cathy's sick and all. Didn't he tell you?

*Cooter nods before shaking his head at himself for being dumb enough to forget.* Damn Bo, I'm sorry. This dang truck here's been giving me a fit and I guess I ain't thinking straight. How's it goin' without having them around? *Bo gives him a stern look that Cooter clearly reads as 'I don't want to talk about it' look.* OK, you're point is taken. Give me a call if you need anything. Until then, I need to work on this here truck. Clarence Hughes is already upset at me for not having it done. Wants it done by tonight or he's taking it somewhere else for service. Don't know how since the damn thing won't start, but all the same, I'd rather keep my business here if you know what I mean.

*Bo nods as he eyes Cooter for a long moment and then eyes the truck and is quick to forget about why he is in town for.* Well Cooter, I could always give you some help. Let me have a look. *Before Cooter can argue, Bo is on the ground and shoving himself under the truck and anxious to be of help. Looking for a way to feel useful and relevant with Luke out of town.*


Frustrated that there was a lot of work to be done on the farm in Luke and Daisy's absence, Jesse sat down and sipped his iced tea and thought for a moment.

He then quietly muttered to himself "Ya know I wouldn't be too surprised if Bo was planning on stopping by the Boar's Nest for a cold one before he heads into town. Maybe I can just add another thing to his list."

*groans as he gets off his comfortable kitchen chair and walks to the other side of the room where the CB is located then checks to make sure it's still on channel 22*

"This is Shepherd to Lone Sheep.....Shepherd to Lone Sheep....ya got yer ears on?"


*Looking up at the bottom end of the truck, Bo calls out to Cooter* Did you check or see if someone replaced PART of the fuel line with copper tubing?*

*Bo hears Cooter mutter something a few feet away as well as the scuffing of his feet.* Uh no *Cooter goes silent and Bo looks back at the copper tubing once again and a smile forms on his face. Perhaps for once, it'll be him who saves the day.* I didn't. I guess I didn't even think to look. *Cooter slowly finishes up, embarassed at not even taking a look at the copper tubing. He was certain it had to be something else and had been too proud to think it could be something else that was wrong with the old truck. Taking an audible loud breath, he forcefully asks. * Why you askin' for, Bo?

*A proud smile seems prominant on Bo's face as he eyes the problmatic tubing* Only because there is some running up in the front of the firewall that has a large kink in it. *Bo can't help but to give a small laugh* That there may be your problem *With that he slides out from under the truck, giving Cooter a large smile just as he hears his uncle's voice calling out to him from the CB. *Guess that's for me. Mind if I take it?

*Cooter shakes his head while eyeing the truck, frustrated at himself for not noticing what was wrong with the truck. He was suppose to be the best mechanic in town, not Bo. As Bo walks past to the CB, he slowly crawls under the truck to have a see for himself.*

*Taking the mic from the box, Bo pushes the buttons and says* Yes sir, Uncle Shepard. This is lone Sheep *he goes silent. With Luke he was always lost sheep 2, now he's the lone sheep. * I got ya loud and clear. What can I do for you? *He lets go of the button and watches Cooter's legs under the truck and was glad to be the one to be of some help for once.*


Jesse "I can tell by that crackling in your voice that yer talkin' on Cooter's CB. He can fix anything on wheels but still can't figure out what's making his CB crackle so much.

Anyhow, I'm glad yer at Cooter's by a phone 'cause I'd much rather talk to you where half of Hazzard ain't listening....so give me a call 'cause I got another job fer ya. I'll be a sittin' here a waitin' fer this here phone ta ring. I'm gone."


Bo eyes the CB for a moment before setting the handle down and walks over to the phone and eyes Cooter momentarily who remains working under the truck. Looking back at the phone, Bo picks it up and says, "Yes, Mabelle. Please put me to the Duke farm."

"Ah Bo Duke. I'd recognize your voice anywhere," the sweet voice of Mabelle returns on the other end and Bo is momentarily filld with impatience at his old flame. "Bet it's kinda embarrassing having to lean on little ol' me to help you out. Perhaps this should come at a price to you."

Bo is about to hang the phone up on her but is quick to think otherwise at the thought of Jesse's anger directed at him for not listening to what he had told him to do. "I'm about to throw the phone at you if you don't do what you're paid to do. Now put the call through or I'm walking across the street to do it for you."

"OK, OK, no reason to get all upset for," she lets out a long breath and Bo forces himself to breath in deeply as he hears the call go through; hoping Jesse would answer the phone and not one of his ex girlfriends as Mabelle had done to him last time when he tried calling Cooter. She had sent his phone call to the girl friend he had seen after Mabelle; not only had he had to listen to Mabelle's anger and resentment towards him, but also Liza's as well.

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