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Hoss, I want to see the bike...General Lee. Please...

If you really want a vector art version, I'll put it on my 'to do' list. Until then, here's some pictures I found that'll hopefully keep you happy in the meantime. There's bicycles, scooters, motorcycles and a couple of oddities at the bottom:



And for anyone who hasn't seen it, don't forget to check out CDoherty's General Lee bicycle here.


Alex, I'm making a start. As CDoherty said, the last few pictures were made by changing colors and moving a few elements around. Starting something from scratch takes longer, although a side only view is much quicker than multiple views in orthographic projection. I'll put my current project on hold to squeeze this in, but don't expect anything for a couple of days.


Hoss I'm not sure whether this will be a help or hinderence,but the specs for my General are

26 inch wheels

Crank and pedals-9 inches

Handlebar end diameter-1/4 inch

The flag and "General Lee" text are on the top bar of the frame,and the "01" is on the bottom bar. The "01" is 3.5 inches long and the flag and text are 12.5 inches long.

If you're feeling really creative its also got two bell horns,saddle tan saddle and handlebar grips,an orange rear fender 14 inches long,and a wrap around front fender (silver).

If you've any queries or problems please don't hesitate to ask me. I'm happy to share my knowledge with everyone :)


Thanks for the specs, CD. Rather than copying an existing bike, I thought I'd use my imagination. You'll have to wait and see whether that was a good idea or not :).

Artwork...Bike...General Lee...

Please, Hoss...

I hope this is ok for you Alex. I decided to do a kids' bike - the chain was quite tricky to get right, even without the complexity of gears. I've put the Confederate flag on the saddle and given it 10-spoke wheels - I'll be expecting to see similar modifications to CDoherty's real General Lee bike ;).



Amazing work Hoss,did you intend it to look like a dk bmx? :) When I was building the second General over the summer I considered hand stitching the confederate flag onto the saddle,but it would have been to hard and time consuming.

With all the trouble that the Rosco bike is giving me I doubt I'll be doing any changes to the General :p

  • 1 month later...
Hey Hoss, did you know that the General Lee was originally meant to have the confederate flag on the hood?

I wonder what that wound look like? :) *hint hint wink wink*

Answer: Just plain wrong ;).



Boy that flag on the hood does look odd doesn't it? LOL. Of course, we're used to it bein' on the roof. Perhaps if we'd always seen it on the hood we woulda accepted it as natural. Or not. LOL

Kinda like trying to picture a Trans Ams screaming chicken being on the roof instead of the hood. Provided, of course, it's a solid roof car (no T-top). :wink:


Hey Hoss I love all of your artwork! You seem very knowledgable about all of the vehicles and pretty much anything Hazzard. Do you by any chance know the name of the wheels on daisys roadrunner and lucifer, I know they are the same, also I need to know what wheels are on Mason Dixsons firebird? Im building models of all the vehicles and im trying to make them accurate to the show! Im having a hard time finding these wheels because I dont know what they are called. LOL

BTW Im a newbie LOL


Welcome to HNet jacobsoj74, and thanks for your comments about my artwork.

I think the wheels on Daisy's Road Runner and Lucifer are Cragar Nomads, although similar wheels are available from other sources. I never managed to identify the wheels on the Trans Am - I just made something that looked about right. By the center nut I'd say they're some kind of knock-off wire wheels. I'll post a screengrab later (probably in the Mason Dixon's Trans Am thread) to see if anyone else recognizes them.

Make sure you post your model pics when they're finished.

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