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Haha this is a little idea I got when Roger started something funny on my "Redneck Sleds" thread so come on y'all and jump in. All y'alls welcome.

It was a strangely, unusual day in Hazzard as it was a snow day and the boys were out with their younger cousins, Dixie Lee and Kristen.

They were racing eachother around the snowly landscape when suddenly Uncle Jesse called into the General's CB

"Sheperd to Lost Sheep!" he called for the fourth time, now slightly annoyed.

Dixie made her way as quick as she could to it "Stars to Sheperd" she said back.

"Now what are you kids up to?" Jesse demanded.

"What else? Having fun." she answered.

"Well you tell Bo and Luke that they better get themselves back here."

Dixie sighed "Yes sir." she frowned slightly when the other three looked her way "Uncle Jesse wants y'all back at the farm."

Bo sighed, but nodded his understanding. Just then they heard Daisy over the CB

"Uncle Jesse, let them have their fun." she sighed "Come on and help me with this soup."

Jesse shot a warning look her way "Your cousins need to get back here." he said stating his authority.


14 year old Kristen took the CB and said "Uncle Jesse...please don't be so hard on the boys... I should be to blame..I asked them to take us out today and well...they did....but I'll tell them the best I can that we need to get back to the farm."

She heard Daisy laugh and take the CB and say "Ya'll just start headin' back I'll talk to ol' Uncle Jesse." Kristen smiles and says "Okay, Dixie Darlins out, see ya'll back at the farm." and put down the CB down.

  Elly May Duke said:
Jesse hung up the CB and shook his head.

Dixie and Kristen explained to the boys about heading back and soon they were on their way back to the farm.

Soon Bo, Luke, Dixie, and Kristen were all back and the farm and the others went in and Kristen scraped the dirt, snow and mud off her boots and enterd the house behind them and went up to her room to warm up a little before supper...she didn't expect to see Daisy come in.

  Elly May Duke said:
(Hmm I smell a plan from you haha)

Daisy sat down beside her "Something wrong sugar?" she asked laying a hand on Kristen's shoulder just as Dixie came in.

Kristen said "Yeah I'm fine why?" The truth was, Kristen had a boyfriend...but she was scared to tell anyone about him...afraid Daisy and Dixie would make fun of her and the boys wouldn't like her having a boyfriend and fourteen and they would go into overprotective older boy cousin mode.


However, she didn't have to say a thing because, Dixie, who knew her better than the others knew this fact and gave Daisy a nervous look as she knew how much Kristen wanted to keep it a secret.

"Something the matter Dixie?" Daisy asked.

Dixie nodded, as she wrapped an arm around her younger cousin "Well. . .Kristen doesn't want the boys and certainly not Uncle Jesse, but she has a boyfriend and she doesn't want the boys to become overprotective of her and I really don't blame her."

  Elly May Duke said:
However, she didn't have to say a thing because, Dixie, who knew her better than the others knew this fact and gave Daisy a nervous look as she knew how much Kristen wanted to keep it a secret.

"Something the matter Dixie?" Daisy asked.

Dixie nodded, as she wrapped an arm around her younger cousin "Well. . .Kristen doesn't want the boys and certainly not Uncle Jesse, but she has a boyfriend and she doesn't want the boys to become overprotective of her and I really don't blame her."

Kristen said "Really nice..thanks Dixie!...." she sighed, she wasn't mad at Dixie or anyone but she really wanted to keep it a secret until she knew that she could trust everyone to give the boy a chance...so she was fourteen but she knew enough about what to do and what NOT to do, Kristen wasn't stupid....but still...she just didn't want anyone to know right now "Sorry, I'm not mad at you..just...nevermind."


Dixie nodded "No, you have every right to be upset that I told. It's just that I know how bothered you've been by it. Would it make you feel better if the three of us went somwhere secret and talked? I mean just so we'll know a little about him, like what's his name?"

  Elly May Duke said:
Dixie nodded "No, you have every right to be upset that I told. It's just that I know how bothered you've been by it. Would it make you feel better if the three of us went somwhere secret and talked? I mean just so we'll know a little about him, like what's his name?"

Kristen sighed "His name is Scott Jacobs...and yeah going somewhere private would help...but how do we keep the guys from following us..." thats when the idea clicked in Kristens head "An All day, All Girls, No Guys, Secret Snow day!" she thought it was perfect and the guys wouldn't dare follow them...they would know the consequences if they did.


The sun came out in Hazzard GA that day and the snow melted all away and the pretty possies all grew up in place of the mud.

"Dont go driving today, the weathers terrible." Chet told everyone on his way through town. "Your liable to get frost bite and a sun burn, make sure you take plenty of water so you dont drown."

His dog bundled up and braved the drifts of hot snow and freezing sun, what a lovely day in the dersert of Hazzard.

(Compliments of the Hazzard County Cowboy.)

  Elly May Duke said:

Daisy grinned "All right you two. I'll talk Uncle Jesse into letting us and we'll go right after lunch."

"That good kristen?" Dixie asked.

Kristen smiled "Yeah and I'll go take care of the boys.." and thats what she did...she had a long talk with Bo and Luke that took a lot of Kristen telling them what would happen if they followed. Finally Luke said "Bo..look at it this way..if we get caught its 3 against 2 were outnumberd and by girls, lets just stay here," and Bo sighed "fine!" and Kristen just smiles.


Dixie batted her eyes a little and gave Bo a quick kiss on the cheek as she passed knowing that would stun him "Ready to go girls?" she asked, a adventerous glint in her eye "We taking Dixie?" she asked refering to the Jeep that had been named after the same woman as she had.


(Chet we thank ya for joinin!)

Kristen smiles and says "Yeah, we better, it has more traction than your car and were by the looks of this...were gonna need traction." Kristen was 5'3 in height and the snow came up to her knees "Dang this stuff is deep...I don't think it could get any deeper without swallowin' up Hazzard."


"DOC! Doctor Holiday! Oh please oh please summon the great Sherlock Holmes, we have a disasterous investigation to start!"

"I'll get right to it." The Pope replied. "It would be an honor."

So the Pope walked off into the great unknown, trudging through land and stone to find the great Sherlock Holmes. He was only a few continants away when he came across a pharo, sitting on a bone.

"Why great pharo.." Said the Pope. "Where do you roam? Have you seen the great Sherlock Holmes?"

"No." Answered the pharo. "But if you go down the mine, you mind find the Sherlock Holmes you seek."

"Thank you, Doc Holiday will be very pleased." And there before the pharo at the bottom of the mine, stood his love, the great Sherlock Holmes.

( }~* )

  daisydukeXenosstrait said:
(Chet we thank ya for joinin!)

Kristen smiles and says "Yeah, we better, it has more traction than your car and were by the looks of this...were gonna need traction." Kristen was 5'3 in height and the snow came up to her knees "Dang this stuff is deep...I don't think it could get any deeper without swallowin' up Hazzard."

"You're telling me!" Dixie agreed who was only 4"9' "Yeah I reckon Dixie is a better choice than mine, but you have to admitt that she runs somewhat amazing with what Cooter did to her."

  Elly May Duke said:
"You're telling me!" Dixie agreed who was only 4"9' "Yeah I reckon Dixie is a better choice than mine, but you have to admitt that she runs somewhat amazing with what Cooter did to her."

Kristen gets in the back of Dixie "Ya have a point....I guess.." thought she wasn't paying attention to anything else much more than the great plan she thought of..but somewhere deep in her mind she knew Bo and Luke would let their curiousity get there better of them and follow and she mutterd to her self "Curiosity kills the cat boys....watch out."

  Elly May Duke said:
(and y'all know that's really true in Hazzard.)

Dixie, as usual read her cousins mind and nodded "So what kind of plan you have if they do follow us?"

Kristen said "I'm not exactly sure yet...its something that won't tick them off to bad I hope....." Kristen actually planned to get the boys girl friends into the plan if they followed them...and she knew what she had in mind would be really funny..she of course didn't voice this and wished for once her and Dixies minds weren't so creepily wired like they were...it was like all the time they could read each others minds and it got creepy at times.


"Throw me a show Sam, I thirsty, gotta have something to drink my guts outta this place!" The chickens sqawked in amusement.

Romeo rode in on his moped called fred and swept the pink spotted elephant off its feet and escaped to the outbacks of Austrailia.

Next came the mighty thunder chicken, with a beard as long as a fire hose. But it was no match for the scrawny milk man, he bought it a nice hot root beer and sent it afloat with the Titanic.

  Elly May Duke said:
Daisy chuckled to herself "Well I'm sure you'll have it in for them if they do follow us." She smiled "So where do you want to go?" she asked.

Kristen laughed "You definantly have that right..." Kristen was quiet for the rest of the trip making sure that no orange cars were following them..she had the Generals make up and everything commited to memory..and she knew the horn a mile away.


(Who doesn't? I hear it in my sleep)

Finally they reached their place of meeting and got out to sit among the clearing. Daisy had brought some sandwiches in case they wanted a snack or were out too late for supper.

"All right girls, let's get to this." Daisy said as she and the other two sat down.

Dixie nodded "Yeah, we're all ears to hear about your fella."

  Cowboy said:
"DOC! Doctor Holiday! Oh please oh please summon the great Sherlock Holmes, we have a disasterous investigation to start!"

"I'll get right to it." The Pope replied. "It would be an honor."

So the Pope walked off into the great unknown, trudging through land and stone to find the great Sherlock Holmes. He was only a few continants away when he came across a pharo, sitting on a bone.

"Why great pharo.." Said the Pope. "Where do you roam? Have you seen the great Sherlock Holmes?"

"No." Answered the pharo. "But if you go down the mine, you might find the Sherlock Holmes you seek."

"Thank you, Doc Holiday will be very pleased." And there before the pharo at the bottom of the mine, stood his love, the great Sherlock Holmes.

( }~* )

Out in the plains of East Africa, astride a powerful fast moving steed, rode a man known to all, and loved by many: Michael Jackson. It was rumored that a grand ball was to be held down by the Nile River, a ball so grand that not even Harry Potter could afford to miss it!

"T'heck with Lord Voldemort!" said Harry to a very dazzling, well endowed Princess Diana whom seemed to be heeding more attention to the great and almighty Buddha that floated a couple of feet away from them.

Meanwhile, in another corner of the ball room, Mohammad Ali was occupying himself with a small, amethyst butterfly that passed by.


Averting his eyes to the spot where the small, dainty cough came from, Ali's eyes grew in size as he gazed upon the heavenly features of Cinderella and her seven dwarfs.

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