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I think the organizers got a little mad at me when I sat at a table beside Enos with a sign saying that I played Pa Beaudry on the show.

Oh well, I made 25 bucks and signed 3 toy General Lees and a Coy and Vance lunchpail before they threw me out. They didn't let me keep the 25 bucks but I did run off with the luchpail.

HA! That's hilarious! Sounds like something I'd do... ROTFL!

Wish I could meet the rest of the people left from the show. If they're ever gonna be in the Lubbock or Odessa Texas area let me know!

I feel bad for you texasdaisy.

If you're interested I'll sell you a Coy and Vance luchbox real cheap. It's been autographed by Pa Beaudry.

  • 2 months later...
Well, I can see why everybody loves meeting Sonny Shroyer so much.

Sonny is as genuine as they come. DaisyMaeDuke, who has met him several times, said it best: "He makes everybody who meets him feel like they're the most important fan in the world." That's an understatement.

Not only does he make you feel like you're his most valuable fan, he makes you feel like you're a member of his family, a long lost friend and a citizen of Hazzard County.

A skeptical person might point out "Well, he is an actor after all" but I'll gaurantee that anybody who's ever met him wouldn't say that.

Now, I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I do know human nature and I pride myself in being a good judge of character and I'd bet the farm that Sonny is one of the most down-home, loving, friendly, loyal, thoughtful actors to ever walk the streets of Hollywood. It doesn't take too long after talking to him to feel his genuine love of his fellow human beings.

He put a smile on the face of every single fan who met him and made everyone feel like they were his personal friend.

There's not a whole lot of heroes left in Hollywood but Sonny Shroyer tops the shrinking list of the few that still exist. For that, he has my admiration and respect. He is certainly deserving of respect since he gives so much respect to others.

In addition to meeting Sonny, I also had the pleasure of seeing DaisyMaeDuke and TimDuke again. Also, I talked extensively with Ray Kohn of "Northeast Ohio Dukes". Ray has jumped General Lees five different times and was displaying a General that he jumped over a bus (by the looks of it, it was a horrendous crash, Khee Khee!!) He was also displaying one of his Hazzard County patrol cars that was detailed to look exactly like the real McCoy.

I've never met him, but from what I can tell, I could not have said that better myself.

  • 3 months later...

I'm replying to my own post, I know. I'm still flying after meeting Sonny last Sunday. He is, hands down, the sweetest person I've ever met in my life. He's a big guy with a big heart. He's one of the few people in this world there just isn't enough good to say about him. I somehow knew he'd be that way. Even wished my family a safe trip home. I told him hubby does the driving and I do the praying so it evens out. LOL

Sonny, wherever you are, love you to pieces!!!

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