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Okay, the sub-forum seems to be in consensus. I'll stay away from the shiney delete key.

We'll hammer out and sort through the rest of the ideas and suggestions made.

And do please keep in mind folks, we are trying to find a win-win here. This is not a popularity contest, this is about putting your, YOUR, best effort forward here at HNet.

One more thought I had on this. Folks, this isn't about any of the themes or storylines that are going on. With few exceptions, HNet policy is pretty open. First Amendment and all that. The issue here is that we all learn to read the same format. It's a visual format, that cues our brains in to understanding the printed words that are on the paper. It's not my format. It's not Mufn's format. It's not Brian's format. It's the UNIVERSAL format (at least, for English speaking peoples).

Another way to think of this. Most all of you read stories posted to fanfiction.net. Can you imagine if each chapter an author posted only had one or two lines?

Do you see where we're going with this?

Thus, I repeat my question to the writer's out there. Do you care about your audience? It's easy to say "well, don't read it," but the thing is, people do want to read it. Don't you want people to read it?

HNet policy is pretty open. First Amendment and all that.

Don't act like you care about the Constitution and people's rights. After all, you just threw me in jail on some phoney trumped up charge and haven't even told me what it is. (I'm only assuming it's phoney and trumped up because I haven't done anything wrong).

I didn't have my rights read to me. I'm running out of toilet paper and the computer in this cell is slower than Morgan's molasses.

If I was you I'd be worried about Emma Tisdale. I was supposed to take her catfishing tonight. As soon as she finds out I'm in here, she might be exercising her Second Amendment rights and try to break me out.

HNet policy is pretty open. First Amendment and all that.

Don't act like you care about the Constitution and people's rights. After all, you just threw me in jail on some phoney trumped up charge and haven't even told me what it is. (I'm only assuming it's phoney and trumped up because I haven't done anything wrong).

I didn't have my rights read to me. I'm running out of toilet paper and the computer in this cell is slower than Morgan's molasses.

If I was you I'd be worried about Emma Tisdale. I was supposed to take her catfishing tonight. As soon as she finds out I'm in here, she might be exercising her Second Amendment rights and try to break me out.

I'm sorry we interrupted yer date takin' Miz Tizdale to a catfight. But lookit the bright side, the AOL dial-up is a free trial.


Can you imagine if each chapter an author posted only had one or two lines?

Ooooh, I think I'm gonna go login to FanFiction.net and modify my stories to have one or two lines per chapter and thus claim the title of story with the most chapters ever! :D


I have to respectfully question the value of keeping some of the low-quality fics. If it doesn't attract readership, doesn't promote interest in the DOH or HazzardNet, and it's basically the writer's equivalent to ...manual self-gratification, then why dedicate server space to it?

After looking some of these RR's over, I'm not seeing much more than a quest to see how many posts can be racked up.

A couple years ago or so, we broke up the categories in the RR's to please a particular segment of members. In the process, we displeased a particular segment of HNet staffers. Nobody's been bothered by that latter fact, apparently, but I don't see where the change brought any improvements.

Excuse my temper, but it's starting to piss me off, when I stop and think about how much we sweat the details on how this site looks and functions, and what the user experience is like.... and then we pretty much get run over with crap and we're expected to protect it. Say what?

I'm not saying everything is Masterpeice Theatre around here, or has to be, Lord knows I've got baloney posted in several areas. But I think we NEED to use that delete key to get the point across, in the most blatant cases. If we don't care about the content in the RR's, nobody else will either, and the quality will never improve.

I'm all for supporting budding authors and helping people grow their skills. However, when the RR's pretty much become a Twitter page - we're done. Can it. Flush twice to make sure it goes down.


Brian, cousin, it says right here on the application for moderator "Must be able to put up with a lot of crap." It goes with the territory. Our job is to do what's right for the most members. Sometimes that means pissing people off, sometimes that means coming up with a happy compromise. I think this is an area where we have to tread lightly instead of going blazing around in a monster truck demolition derby.

Brian, cousin, it says right here on the application for moderator "Must be able to put up with a lot of crap." It goes with the territory. Our job is to do what's right for the most members. Sometimes that means pissing people off, sometimes that means coming up with a happy compromise. I think this is an area where we have to tread lightly instead of going blazing around in a monster truck demolition derby.

I think deleting the crap would be doing the right thing for HNet and most members. After further review, you could say, my stance on the issue has changed.

I think deleting the crap would be doing the right thing for HNet and most members. After further review, you could say, my stance on the issue has changed.

We say we accept all levels of writing. We either do or we don't. If we don't, do we set minimum standards? Do we exclude people from the RRs? Do we say you must improve your writing to stay and then police them to see if they've improved? This is a much more complex issue than just "deleting crap".

We say we accept all levels of writing. We either do or we don't. If we don't, do we set minimum standards? Do we exclude people from the RRs? Do we say you must improve your writing to stay and then police them to see if they've improved? This is a much more complex issue than just "deleting crap".

This thread, and it's title, speaks for itself. I think there's been plenty of concensus that says, stories that are mostly one-liners, are not what the RR's ever intended, nor what a reader expects.

My stance was different when I was picturing some budding writer trying to elk out a story. But after really looking at what is here.... that doesn't seem to be the case. I think our generosity and openess can, in fact, be taken advantage of.

This thread, and it's title, speaks for itself. I think there's been plenty of concensus that says, stories that are mostly one-liners, are not what the RR's ever intended, nor what a reader expects.

My stance was different when I was picturing some budding writer trying to elk out a story. But after really looking at what is here.... that doesn't seem to be the case. I think our generosity and openess can, in fact, be taken advantage of.

If what we want are quality stories, why don't we just do away with the RR/Roleplay section altogether, since that seems to be where the problem really is. RRs aren't always conducive to "quality". I've seen even ones that started off good go bad.

If what we want are quality stories, why don't we just do away with the RR/Roleplay section altogether, since that seems to be where the problem really is. RRs aren't always conducive to "quality". I've seen even ones that started off good go bad.

That's true. Then again, I've seen ones start of bad and get worse. The difference is , if the participants are actually trying to move the story forward. It's subjective thing, and open to a lot of opinion and interpretation, but I believe our members trust the HNet staff to make those judgment calls.

And again, this thread speaks to the one-liner post habits as being the most unacceptable. I'm OK with taking some input from people here, and keeping what's worth keeping, but I'm also saying that we've got the right, and responsibility, to make determinations on what gets kept in the forums and what doesn't.

That's true. Then again, I've seen ones start of bad and get worse. The difference is , if the participants are actually trying to move the story forward. It's subjective thing, and open to a lot of opinion and interpretation, but I believe our members trust the HNet staff to make those judgment calls.

And again, this thread speaks to the one-liner post habits as being the most unacceptable. I'm OK with taking some input from people here, and keeping what's worth keeping, but I'm also saying that we've got the right, and responsibility, to make determinations on what gets kept in the forums and what doesn't.

The Deputy and I are discussing an option that would organize the HNet stories, but would ultimately end up getting rid of the fan fiction section on the forums altogether, except for general discussion. It would be an easier way to leave feedback for authors and such. I'll shoot ya an email in a bit to get your feedback on it.


Just my two-cents thought 'bout it.

I hope all this thing 'bout one-liners here brings something good in the future.

Everyone has his reponsability in it.

I've been here since 2006, and even before I was an avid reader of fics on this board (I remember great writer like Valerie, Maryanne, Cassie, Jamanda, and so on).

But then the RR's section has been a bit abandoned (or at least it's my feeling). No reviews or feedbacks (only few exceptions)..... Few writers joining a new fic.

I wrote some RRs almost all by self. Maybe it was crap, I don't know and I can't know it 'cause nobody told me his opinion; sometimes I ended these RRs and sometimes not, because a lot of things: lack of time, lack of ideas ongoing, lack of help or feedback, random posts without any connection with the plot, and so on. In effect, lately I prefer to write a fic all by myself and to post it on Fanfiction.net instead of starting or join in a RR.

Maybe the “one-liners†are the new generation of writers (unfortunately): nobody learning them how to write something different…. Or maybe them refusing to learn how to write in a different way.

Anyway, the voting thread is a great thing in order to refresh some good old RRs. But I hope you don't delete some RRs only because of a lack of voting or a sort of lack of "popularity". Don't forget there are a lot of "guests" out there, reading a lot but not posting nor voting.


With the voting thread, I've gone in and "bumped" those various RRs that have been touted to bring them back to the forefront again. Some of these are unfinished and maybe, just maybe, it might spur folks to pick them up again.

If there's any consensus on anything here, it's that folks wanna read and take part in the kind of RRs we used to have. Many of these writers feel they got pushed aside.

We're still gonna look at that option about organizing the fics and whatnot, but in the meantime, there's no sense in stopping the tide here because I get the sense that folks are fired up again.

Since many of us felt we got pushed aside, perhaps it's time to push back.

No deleting anything. No moving anything to a subforum. Not right now anyway.

Fight fire with fire. You wanna see good RRs again....let's WRITE THEM! Yah!!

One-liners from this point onward? Not allowed. We all know what RRs have the one liners. They can have 'em. They wanna be left alone? Fine, y'all will be left alone.

But one liners in new RRs? One liners in RRs reserrected? *BOOM!* Gone. Deleted. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.

I got dis shiney badge and I like that shiney delete button and I will use it.

Time to get back to writing again folks! Kheehaaaa!! :D


Yeehaw! Looks like things are really coming together, I know its been crazy the last few days and I do apologize for my short absences. But truely it does not look like ya'll need me, this has all really taken off. For the better, its wonderful, now the future of Dukes of Hazzard writing and the furture of the writing here in Hazzardnet looks so much more promising!

Thank you to everyone, especially a certain few folks who know who they are that finally one by one all came together to raise the roof on this. Everything looks so much better from here on out, I know theres still gonna be some goffer holes but folks, WE CAN DO IT!

THREE CHEERS FOR HAZZARDNETS FUTURE! May it make the past of this wonderful place proud of its foundation.

}~* Chet


It was a good, productive discussion all the way around. We're glad ya'll piped up and made your points. We'd rather know about something, and have a chance to improve it, than just see people walk away with no explanation whatsover.

And Mufn's got some new scheme in mind that should make the fanfic section pretty cool. Tho' we had to take our discussion "outside" to settle some differences in viewpoint....*holds an icepack over eye*

Just kiddin', we're all on the same page, if you'll pardon the expression. ;)


*Comes out of the woods, pushing back some of the ferns and coming forward timidly* Is this a time of revolution? Do I sense a time of change and a new fire of revival? Are there now county funds for a Wildlife Department and a new Park? *blink, blink* Do we now have a writing stimulus package that will get the ball rolling for new life around Hnet?

*Comes out of the woods, pushing back some of the ferns and coming forward timidly* Is this a time of revolution? Do I sense a time of change and a new fire of revival? Are there now county funds for a Wildlife Department and a new Park? *blink, blink* Do we now have a writing stimulus package that will get the ball rolling for new life around Hnet?

A stimulus package would imply funds. Unless y'all wanna send me some, there ain't gonna be a stimulus package. But we will spruce the place up a little usin' good ol' fashioned elbow grease.

A stimulus package would imply funds. Unless y'all wanna send me some, there ain't gonna be a stimulus package. But we will spruce the place up a little usin' good ol' fashioned elbow grease.

Elbow grease? Eeeww, does that mean we haven't bathed in a while? So we're too poor to afford soap? No stimulus for the writers, so it also means no funds for soap either? So we're on the recycling program of writing? Rewrite, Reuse, and renew? Same old cast with new plot lines? *blink, blink* Or was there ever any plot to begin with?

Elbow grease? Eeeww, does that mean we haven't bathed in a while? So we're too poor to afford soap? No stimulus for the writers, so it also means no funds for soap either? So we're on the recycling program of writing? Rewrite, Reuse, and renew? Same old cast with new plot lines? *blink, blink* Or was there ever any plot to begin with?

MaryAnne, can you throw Val in the Hazzard hoosegow next? :-?

MaryAnne, can you throw Val in the Hazzard hoosegow next? :-?

Awww, come on! Ya question where the county funds are going and its automatic imprisonment? What about my rights as a citizen, to be annoying as possible? I have the right to clean bare arms! We ask if there is soap and it's off to the clink! Scandalous I tell you! Scandalous! Is there no paper towels in the outhouse either, or did we run out of magazines?

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