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Luke was up already. and he had coffee going. and then he heard his beautiful wife's voice and he walked over to her and handed her a glass for milk and said Hello beautiful. Kathy smiled and said I don't feel beautiful and she looked down at her growing stomach. Luke took her in his arms and Kissed he and said I Love you. Kathy Just smiled and said Luke Duke You have a way with words.


Luke was up already. and he had coffee going. and then he heard his beautiful wife's voice and he walked over to her and handed her a glass for milk and said Hello beautiful. Kathy smiled and said I don't feel beautiful and she looked down at her growing stomach. Luke took her in his arms and Kissed he and said I Love you. Kathy Just smiled and said Luke Duke You have a way with words.

Luke smiles and in the next room Daisy sighes and gets up and gets dressed..she knew Enos would tell her she looked bueatiful but she didn't feel it beautiful either.


Luke said Sweetheart How are you feeling? Kathy said I didn't sleep very well. The baby kept moving all night.So I'm beat. Luke looked at her and said Sit down and relax and drink the cold milk and Maybe that will calm the baby down. Kathy did as she was told and she sat down. Luke sat down beside her.and He put his hand on her stomach and said Now Little one you need to let mommy get her rest.

Luke said Sweetheart How are you feeling? Kathy said I didn't sleep very well. The baby kept moving all night.So I'm beat. Luke looked at her and said Sit down and relax and drink the cold milk and Maybe that will calm the baby down. Kathy did as she was told and she sat down. Luke sat down beside her.and He put his hand on her stomach and said Now Little one you need to let mommy get her rest.

Daisy felt her baby move to "Your gonna be a hyper little one ain't ya...hopefully you don't get your Uncle Bo and Uncle Lukes crazy streak."


Kathy smiled and said Luke, how about if this baby is a boy we name it Jesse Jock Duke. and if it's a girl Rose Elisabeth Duke. Luke smiles and said Sounds good to me. Uncle Jesse and your father would have been honored. and so would my mom and ms Elly.

Kathy smiled and said Luke, how about if this baby is a boy we name it Jesse Jock Duke. and if it's a girl Rose Elisabeth Duke. Luke smiles and said Sounds good to me. Uncle Jesse and your father would have been honored. and so would my mom and ms Elly.

Kathy nodded "I wonder what Daisy and Enos will name there little one"

  • 2 weeks later...

Luke said I think It's time to go home anyone agree with me. Kathy looked at him and said I do I had enough of Dallas. Bobby said he will run Ewing Oil.and if he needs me he will call. So lets go home.

Luke said I think It's time to go home anyone agree with me. Kathy looked at him and said I do I had enough of Dallas. Bobby said he will run Ewing Oil.and if he needs me he will call. So lets go home.

Daisy nodded "I'm ready to get home too, I want any children I have to grow up in Hazzard."


Kathy Smiled and said Me Too. and she looked at Luke and said Baby take me home. Luke, Smiled and said Your wish is my Comand. and HE got up and he went to their room and he packed their close and then he calded Bobby and Told him what they were going to to and Bobby said take the Ewing Plane Home I will call the piloit and let them know. Luke said Thanks Bobby, and then he walked out to the living room and he told Kathy and Daisy and Enos what was going on.

Kathy Smiled and said Me Too. and she looked at Luke and said Baby take me home. Luke, Smiled and said Your wish is my Comand. and HE got up and he went to their room and he packed their close and then he calded Bobby and Told him what they were going to to and Bobby said take the Ewing Plane Home I will call the piloit and let them know. Luke said Thanks Bobby, and then he walked out to the living room and he told Kathy and Daisy and Enos what was going on.

Daisy nodded "I'll be glad when we get home."



Luke drove the Jeep to the Farm and he parked the Jeep by The General Lee and he Helped Kathy out of the Jeep and Luke sasid Welcome home. Kathy smiled and said Nice to be home and she walked into the house and there was a note on the door that said Taxes are due and Luke said we better be heaqdeing to town Kath you go in the house and rest I will go to town and get this cleared up.


Luke drove the Jeep to the Farm and he parked the Jeep by The General Lee and he Helped Kathy out of the Jeep and Luke sasid Welcome home. Kathy smiled and said Nice to be home and she walked into the house and there was a note on the door that said Taxes are due and Luke said we better be heaqdeing to town Kath you go in the house and rest I will go to town and get this cleared up.

Daisy and Enos came in too and Daisy just sighed "Its good to be home..but I sense somethings not right."


Meanwhile in hazzard

Luke walked up to the court house and he went in to the office and he saw Emery Potter and he smiled and said I'm here to pay the Taxes on the farm. and Emery said Sorry Luke the Taxes have been paid all ready by a JR Ewing. He said he was paying it for his sister Kathleen Duke. Luke said Thanks Emery and he left and he called Dallas and Bobby. and he told Bobby what just happened and he said he will looked into it. and Luke said Bobby don't tell Kath. I don 't want her to worry and Bobby said He agred with him and he said he would call him back when he found out anything and Luke said Ok. and then he hung up. and then he got in the General Lee and headed for home.

Meanwhile in hazzard

Luke walked up to the court house and he went in to the office and he saw Emery Potter and he smiled and said I'm here to pay the Taxes on the farm. and Emery said Sorry Luke the Taxes have been paid all ready by a JR Ewing. He said he was paying it for his sister Kathleen Duke. Luke said Thanks Emery and he left and he called Dallas and Bobby. and he told Bobby what just happened and he said he will looked into it. and Luke said Bobby don't tell Kath. I don 't want her to worry and Bobby said He agred with him and he said he would call him back when he found out anything and Luke said Ok. and then he hung up. and then he got in the General Lee and headed for home.

Daisy saw Luke was angry "I wonder whats wrong."



Luke walked in to the house and he just went to his room and then he walked back out and then he went to the barn. Kathy went after him...


Luke was punching the punching bag. Kathy looked at him and said I HOPE IT'S NOTHING i HAVE DONE. Luke looked at her and said no Sweetheart it has nothing to do with you. Kathy said then who? Luke looked at her and said I don't want to saw anything right now till I get a call back and then it depends on what he says in how we act. Kathy looks at him and said Ok Baby.


Luke walked in to the house and he just went to his room and then he walked back out and then he went to the barn. Kathy went after him...


Luke was punching the punching bag. Kathy looked at him and said I HOPE IT'S NOTHING i HAVE DONE. Luke looked at her and said no Sweetheart it has nothing to do with you. Kathy said then who? Luke looked at her and said I don't want to saw anything right now till I get a call back and then it depends on what he says in how we act. Kathy looks at him and said Ok Baby.

Daisy was sitting on the couch "I must have done something to make Luke mad..." and sighed.


Kathy walked in to the house and Daisy looked at her and said How's Luke? Kathy said He's Mad but it's nothing we did. But he won't tell me who did he's waiting on a phone call.


Luke was still punching the punching bag When his cell rings. and Luke stopped and he picked it up and it was Bobby and he Said Hello. Bobby said Hay Luke I checked in on it and he uses Ewing Oil creid cards to pay the back taxes on the farm so leaglie Ewing Oil owns the farm and if Ewing Oil owns it. Luke smiles and said Kath, Owns it. Bobby smiled and said that's right. and Luke smiled and said Thanks Bobby and he closed the phone and walked back in the house...


JR just found out the same thing and he was mad and Bobby had frozen all his Money So now he was broke. So he snuck out of the hotel and headed back to Dallas to have it out with Bobby.

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