daisydukeXenosstrait Posted September 21, 2009 Posted September 21, 2009 Luke said No Daisy you stay here you are pregnet. I will handle this.(holding his arm) Luke goes into the driverside of the General lee. when Bo Stops him and said first you are going to the hospital. Luke looks at him. Enos said Ya we Know were thay are going I will call the station and have them put a look out on them. and Enos went to his car and called the station. and he gave a discription of the men Kathy and the car. and Enos said the woman is pregnet.Daisy sighed "Luke let me come..I'll be careful"The guy at the station said "Okay we'll call the team to look for her"
dukesrule2000 Posted September 21, 2009 Author Posted September 21, 2009 Luke said Daisy, Please I don't need to worry about your baby too. I'm all rady have to worry about Kathy and Our Baby.MEANWHILE IN DALLAS...JR was sitting in his office when his cell rings.He said JR HERE.....That's great. the Ewing Plane is waiting for you at a privite airfeild. the police won't be looking there. oh don 't hurt her. after all she is my sisther. and he hung up the phone.IN CALIFORNIA...Bo tooK Luke to the hospital.at the privite airfeils.JR'S men got Kathy on the plane. and then the plane took off.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted September 21, 2009 Posted September 21, 2009 Luke said Daisy, Please I don't need to worry about your baby too. I'm all rady have to worry about Kathy and Our Baby.MEANWHILE IN DALLAS...JR was sitting in his office when his cell rings.He said JR HERE.....That's great. the Ewing Plane is waiting for you at a privite airfeild. the police won't be looking there. oh don 't hurt her. after all she is my sisther. and he hung up the phone.IN CALIFORNIA...Bo tooK Luke to the hospital.at the privite airfeils.JR'S men got Kathy on the plane. and then the plane took off.Daisy sighed "I need to help...." Daisy was getting discouraged at everyone
dukesrule2000 Posted September 21, 2009 Author Posted September 21, 2009 IN THE HOSPITAL....Luke already seen a doctor. and he had his shoulder wraped and in a sling. Luke was sitting on the bed waiting to get released. When the doctor came in and said you are free to go. and he gave him some Pain medicain and some instructions for his arm and then he got up and walked out. Luke saw Bo and said I have bought 3 plaine tickets and Luke smiled and said Bo you need to stay here with Gabby. and Bo said I'm not letting you take on the Ewings on your own and Enos is coming also. He knows a Texas Ranger that will help us. and Luke said You know Daisy isn't going to like being out of this. Enos said well she isn't coming. and the three of them left the hospital. and went to the airport.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted September 21, 2009 Posted September 21, 2009 IN THE HOSPITAL....Luke already seen a doctor. and he had his shoulder wraped and in a sling. Luke was sitting on the bed waiting to get released. When the doctor came in and said you are free to go. and he gave him some Pain medicain and some instructions for his arm and then he got up and walked out. Luke saw Bo and said I have bought 3 plaine tickets and Luke smiled and said Bo you need to stay here with Gabby. and Bo said I'm not letting you take on the Ewings on your own and Enos is coming also. He knows a Texas Ranger that will help us. and Luke said You know Daisy isn't going to like being out of this. Enos said well she isn't coming. and the three of them left the hospital. and went to the airport.Daisy heard Enos and said "Who are you to stop me? I'm sorry...but Kathy is my best friend!"
dukesrule2000 Posted September 21, 2009 Author Posted September 21, 2009 Enos said I'm your husband.Luke looked at Daisy and said Daisy you can come as long as you promise me that you will stay in the hotel .MEANWHILE IN DALLAS..The Ewing Plane landed and the men and Kathy got off the plane and she knew she had to stay calm for her baby. and she knew that Luke wasn't to far behind them. and she smiled.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted September 21, 2009 Posted September 21, 2009 Enos said I'm your husband.Luke looked at Daisy and said Daisy you can come as long as you promise me that you will stay in the hotel .MEANWHILE IN DALLAS..The Ewing Plane landed and the men and Kathy got off the plane and she knew she had to stay calm for her baby. and she knew that Luke wasn't to far behind them. and she smiled.Daisy sighed "Fine..I'll stay in the hotel."
dukesrule2000 Posted September 21, 2009 Author Posted September 21, 2009 Luke smiled and said Ok Let's go and the 4 of them got on the plane.IN DALLAS...AT SOUTHFORK.....Kathy was in her old room. and she was sitting on her bed and she was cring when someone came in the room and she looked up and it was her favrote brother Bobby. She ran into his arms. and Bobby held his sister. and then he saw the ring on her finger and said JR was right you are ingaged. Kathy smiled and said Bobby Luke is a great man . He may not be rich. but he loves me and I Love him and Oh I pregnet also. and then they heard well we can take care of that easy enough. They looked and there stood JR. AND Kathy put her hand over her stomach and said Over my dead body. JR started to laugh. and said How about over Luke's dead body.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted September 21, 2009 Posted September 21, 2009 Luke smiled and said Ok Let's go and the 4 of them got on the plane.IN DALLAS...AT SOUTHFORK.....Kathy was in her old room. and she was sitting on her bed and she was cring when someone came in the room and she looked up and it was her favrote brother Bobby. She ran into his arms. and Bobby held his sister. and then he saw the ring on her finger and said JR was right you are ingaged. Kathy smiled and said Bobby Luke is a great man . He may not be rich. but he loves me and I Love him and Oh I pregnet also. and then they heard well we can take care of that easy enough. They looked and there stood JR. AND Kathy put her hand over her stomach and said Over my dead body. JR started to laugh. and said How about over Luke's dead body.Bobbye said "You will not touch Luke! or Kathy!"
dukesrule2000 Posted September 21, 2009 Author Posted September 21, 2009 Kathy said No Leave Luke alone. Jr smiles and said well little sister all you have to do is sing this paper and you can go back to your boring life and I won't bother you ever again. and he set the paper down and he left. and Bobby said Kat. When Dad Died he left you his share of Ewing Oil. Kathy looking at him and said Bobby that is 65%. Bobby smiles and said Yup. Think about your baby's future before you sing that paper.It could make life easer for you and Luke.and I will be standing beside you all the way and so will Gary. Kathy looked at him and said Thanks Bobby..
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted September 21, 2009 Posted September 21, 2009 Kathy said No Leave Luke alone. Jr smiles and said well little sister all you have to do is sing this paper and you can go back to your boring life and I won't bother you ever again. and he set the paper down and he left. and Bobby said Kat. When Dad Died he left you his share of Ewing Oil. Kathy looking at him and said Bobby that is 65%. Bobby smiles and said Yup. Think about your baby's future before you sing that paper.It could make life easer for you and Luke.and I will be standing beside you all the way and so will Gary. Kathy looked at him and said Thanks Bobby..Bobbye said "Of course...even if we don't know were Gary is...."
dukesrule2000 Posted September 21, 2009 Author Posted September 21, 2009 Kathy smiled and said Ya him and JR never got along any way. Just then Lucy came running threw the door and she said Aunt Kathy and she hugged her. Kathy smild and she thought that she wasn't much older then Lucy . they could be sisters. Kathy is 9 years older then Lucy. and Bobby left and said I will leave you to alone. and Lucy said Here Aunt Kathy. My cell phone call Luke. and Luke handed her the Phone and Kathy said Thanks and she dieled Luke's number and it rang and the she heard Luke's Say Luke here. Kathy said Hay Baby. Luke said Kath, You all right? Kathy smiled and said I.m now. Luke said Sweetheart Our Plan Just landed in Dallas where are you? Kathy said Luke I' m at Southfork. Baby becareful I love you. and Luke said I Love you to. and then they hung up.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted September 21, 2009 Posted September 21, 2009 Kathy smiled and said Ya him and JR never got along any way. Just then Lucy came running threw the door and she said Aunt Kathy and she hugged her. Kathy smild and she thought that she wasn't much older then Lucy . they could be sisters. Kathy is 9 years older then Lucy. and Bobby left and said I will leave you to alone. and Lucy said Here Aunt Kathy. My cell phone call Luke. and Luke handed her the Phone and Kathy said Thanks and she dieled Luke's number and it rang and the she heard Luke's Say Luke here. Kathy said Hay Baby. Luke said Kath, You all right? Kathy smiled and said I.m now. Luke said Sweetheart Our Plan Just landed in Dallas where are you? Kathy said Luke I' m at Southfork. Baby becareful I love you. and Luke said I Love you to. and then they hung up.Daisy said "I hate JR....I really do"
dukesrule2000 Posted September 21, 2009 Author Posted September 21, 2009 Luke said Now to get Kath out of there. Enos called his Freind who is a Texas Ranger Cordell Walker. AND Enos got of the Phone with him and said Walker is On his way.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted September 21, 2009 Posted September 21, 2009 Luke said Now to get Kath out of there. Enos called his Freind who is a Texas Ranger Cordell Walker. AND Enos got of the Phone with him and said Walker is On his way.Daisy said "Whose Walker?"
dukesrule2000 Posted September 21, 2009 Author Posted September 21, 2009 Enos said He's a friend of Mine. He 's a Texas Ranger and he Knows Dallas Like Luke knows Hazzard.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted September 21, 2009 Posted September 21, 2009 Enos said He's a friend of Mine. He 's a Texas Ranger and he Knows Dallas Like Luke knows Hazzard.Daisy nodded "I just want my best friend and her baby to be okay"Soon Walker showed up.
dukesrule2000 Posted September 22, 2009 Author Posted September 22, 2009 AT SOUTHFORK.Kathy was walking the grounds but she wasn't along. JR had hired some guards to follow Kathy every were she went. Kathy walked to the barn and she saw her horse. Buttercup and she smiled and walked to her. she started to Pet the Horse's nose and she said hello old friend. Walker had come and got Bo Luke Enos and Daisy at the airport. They dropped Daisy Off at the Hotel. Enos Told Daisy to Stay Put. and thay they would keep her updated about Kathy. and then they drove off.Kathy was brushing Buttercup when she heard some one say She has missed you. Kathy looked up and she smiled when she saw Bill(he takes care of the horses).Kathy said I have missed her tooBill said why don't you take her for a run?Kathy said I can't.Bill said Why?Kathy said Because I'm Pregnet, Bill said Congradulations.Kathy said Thanks.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted September 22, 2009 Posted September 22, 2009 AT SOUTHFORK.Kathy was walking the grounds but she wasn't along. JR had hired some guards to follow Kathy every were she went. Kathy walked to the barn and she saw her horse. Buttercup and she smiled and walked to her. she started to Pet the Horse's nose and she said hello old friend. Walker had come and got Bo Luke Enos and Daisy at the airport. They dropped Daisy Off at the Hotel. Enos Told Daisy to Stay Put. and thay they would keep her updated about Kathy. and then they drove off.Kathy was brushing Buttercup when she heard some one say She has missed you. Kathy looked up and she smiled when she saw Bill(he takes care of the horses).Kathy said I have missed her tooBill said why don't you take her for a run?Kathy said I can't.Bill said Why?Kathy said Because I'm Pregnet, Bill said Congradulations.Kathy said Thanks.Enos said "So Walker...whats the plan once we find the ranch and when we find Kathy" in an official police tone as he was talking to another law man.
dukesrule2000 Posted September 22, 2009 Author Posted September 22, 2009 Walker said I have a couple of My Men over at Southfork now asking questions. Luke said Walker, you know JR will keep Kath someplace so where the police can't see her.Walker said, I'm counting on that. We have been tring to Get JR Ewing for years but he always seems to find a way out of it. Jr isn't no dummy. He wants something from Kathy, Or he would have never bothered her.AT SOUTHFORK....Kathy was kepted in the barn. JR walked over to the Rangers and said.Ranger Trevette, what do I the pleasure? Trevet said Just asking questions about a kiddnapped woman.JR smiled and said. Now Ranger why would a kiddnapped woman be here?Trevett said because the woman is your Half sister Dr Kathleen Ewing.Jr had a concerned looked on his face and said. Ranger I had No idea she was Kiddnapped. I will Post a award of who ever founf her. Ranger I would Question her husband to be Luke Duke. after all Kathleen is a Ewing.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted September 22, 2009 Posted September 22, 2009 Walker said I have a couple of My Men over at Southfork now asking questions. Luke said Walker, you know JR will keep Kath someplace so where the police can't see her.Walker said, I'm counting on that. We have been tring to Get JR Ewing for years but he always seems to find a way out of it. Jr isn't no dummy. He wants something from Kathy, Or he would have never bothered her.AT SOUTHFORK....Kathy was kepted in the barn. JR walked over to the Rangers and said.Ranger Trevette, what do I the pleasure? Trevet said Just asking questions about a kiddnapped woman.JR smiled and said. Now Ranger why would a kiddnapped woman be here?Trevett said because the woman is your Half sister Dr Kathleen Ewing.Jr had a concerned looked on his face and said. Ranger I had No idea she was Kiddnapped. I will Post a award of who ever founf her. Ranger I would Question her husband to be Luke Duke. after all Kathleen is a Ewing.JR said "Oh and also question her best friend Daisy Duke-Strate...she knows Kathy just as much as Luke does"Trivette nodded and left not trusting JR but decided to go with what he had.
dukesrule2000 Posted September 22, 2009 Author Posted September 22, 2009 After Trevett left, JR went in the barn. and he looked at the guards and they left. and he walked up to his sister and said.Well your boyfriend is not as Stupit as I thought he was.Kathy smiled and said what has luke done?Jr said, Well he has the Texas Rangers looking for you. cause one of them was just here.Kathy said That's My Baby. JR SAID, but I pushed it back on him. by putting dough in the Rangers mind. I acted Like the concerned Brother. and I told him to go talk to Luke and Daisy Duke Becase they Know you are a Ewing.Kathy got angery at JR.Then she bent over in Pain. Jr Just watched her.Bobby came in the barn and he saw Kathy and he said For Goodness sack JR do something? Bobby walked over and picked up Kathy and he told Bill to call a doctor.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted September 22, 2009 Posted September 22, 2009 After Trevett left, JR went in the barn. and he looked at the guards and they left. and he walked up to his sister and said.Well your boyfriend is not as Stupit as I thought he was.Kathy smiled and said what has luke done?Jr said, Well he has the Texas Rangers looking for you. cause one of them was just here.Kathy said That's My Baby. JR SAID, but I pushed it back on him. by putting dough in the Rangers mind. I acted Like the concerned Brother. and I told him to go talk to Luke and Daisy Duke Becase they Know you are a Ewing.Kathy got angery at JR.Then she bent over in Pain. Jr Just watched her.Bobby came in the barn and he saw Kathy and he said For Goodness sack JR do something? Bobby walked over and picked up Kathy and he told Bill to call a doctor.Just as they had done that Enos, Luke, and Walker had come up to the farm in Walkers pick up and Walker pulled in to the ranches driveway and said "Theres Ray and Lucy running in the house...I wonder why JR is just standing there though", Enos said "Lets go find out."
dukesrule2000 Posted September 22, 2009 Author Posted September 22, 2009 They get out of the truck. The guards walk over to them and they started to fight but the guards where no match for Walker, Enos, Bo and Luke. and then Luke ran in the House. Lucy saw him and she smiled and said You are Luke?Luke said Yes, Where's Kath?Lucy said In her room. My Uncle Bobby carried he there. Luke said The Baby. and he ran Upstairs.UPSTAIRS....IN KATHY'S ROOM...Luke saw Bobby and the Doctor.and he heard the doctor sayBobby I have given her some medican to stop the contractions but she needs to be still and calm cause she still can lose the baby.Luke walked in and said Kath,Kathy looked at him and she smiled and said Luke and he went to her. Bobby smiled and said to the men it's ok He's her fence'Then they all left the room.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted September 22, 2009 Posted September 22, 2009 They get out of the truck. The guards walk over to them and they started to fight but the guards where no match for Walker, Enos, Bo and Luke. and then Luke ran in the House. Lucy saw him and she smiled and said You are Luke?Luke said Yes, Where's Kath?Lucy said In her room. My Uncle Bobby carried he there. Luke said The Baby. and he ran Upstairs.UPSTAIRS....IN KATHY'S ROOM...Luke saw Bobby and the Doctor.and he heard the doctor sayBobby I have given her some medican to stop the contractions but she needs to be still and calm cause she still can lose the baby.Luke walked in and said Kath,Kathy looked at him and she smiled and said Luke and he went to her. Bobby smiled and said to the men it's ok He's her fence'Then they all left the room.Kathy said "Luke...get me outta here...I don't wanna be here..."
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