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Uncle Jesse was in the kitchen making breakfast while Bo was the first one up for some

strange reason was the first one up this strange morning and Luke was asleep still which is strange. for Luke considering he usually is the first one up but this was strange for Luke has been feeling sleepy lately which was strange.

Cue Elly Mae Duke


Jesse went about as usual, fixing breakfast with the help of his niece Daisy. She smiled when Bo came in, but after awhile she began to notice their eldest counsin was not there

"Where's Luke?" she asked Bo.


Bo said " Luke's still asleep in bed ", then Daisy gave Bo a look like " that ain't like Luke".

Then Jesse said " Bo you best go in their and try to wake Luke up he's missing breakfast,

Bo said "yes sir i'm on my way " so Bo went back into the boys bedroom to see if he could wake up Luke " Luke c'mon cuz it's time to wake up " Luke sleepy reply " mmm".

" Luke c'mon now uncle Jesse want's you up " Luke said " Bo i don't feel good okay.


Bo gave Luke a surpprised look "That ain't like ya Luke."

Luke groaned and pushed back his sheets "Tell 'em I'll be there in a minute."

Bo only nodded knowing that there was defidantly something wrong with Luke.

(Let me know how I'm doing Kay)


So Bo made his way back into the kitchen and told Jesse , Daisy that Luke is awake now.

Meanwhile in the bedroom Luke was having trouble waking up on account he felt so sleepy,

he finally managed to open his eyes followed by a pair of short coughs which wasn't good.

When Luke finally showed up for breakfast Jesse said " are you feeling sick Luke ?",

Luke said " i just feel so tired for some reason , my throat hurts it's probably nothing.

Jesse said " will keep an eye on it just in case ", anyway Luke was trying his best to enjoy

his breakfast of fried eggs , bacon , toast and hashbrowns but he just couldn't wake up.

I don't know about y'all but i'm getting awfully concerned about Luke's bug.

After breakfast was done the boys decided to try and get their chores done even though

Luke wasn't feeling his usual self he figured collecting eggs couldn't hurt so he tried to

collect them when he felt a funny feeling in his throat again and so he coughed again

and then when Bo asked " Luke you alright ", Luke replied " just a cough cousin i'm fine".

But Luke wasn't fine he was just saying that so Bo wouldn't worry ", anyway Luke was making his way over to milk the cows when he started feeling sleepy again then all of a

sudden Luke passed out and landed right in the hay and was once again off to dreamland.

Cue Elly Mae Duke


"Luke!" Bo cried when he saw this happen "Great, now what?" he asked himself and rushed into the house. Daisy looked up from the dishes she was washing.

"What's the matter Bo?" she asked as Jesse had already gone out to the feilds.

"Luke just passed out." Bo explained panting.


Daisy said " oh no quick go get uncle Jesse he should be out in the back 40 ,

so Bo quickly made his way over to the back 40 by the time he reached uncle Jesse.

He was out of breath so he said " Uncle .. Jesse .. Luke passed out in the barn ",

Jesse said " well that ain't good c'mon Bo let's go check Luke out something's up for sure,

So when they arrived at the barn Bo tried to wake Luke up and he was having trouble.

But he didn't quit he kept at it and he said " c'mon Luke wake up cuz but Luke's eyes didn't open and he said " dangnit Luke would you wake up ", Luke started making a moan

when Bo heard him he said " Luke you okay cuz ", Luke slowly started to wake up.

Luke said " what happened " , Bo said " i was just about to ask you the same thing",

then Luke said " i was feeling fine until i started feeling tired again for some reason".

Then Bo decided to help Luke up Bo asked Luke if he felt like he needed to rest,

and Luke just said " no i'm fine Bo just got a little dizzy that's all no worries.

So anyway later on that afternoon the boys decided to go over to the Boars Nest",

Cooter and the boys was talking about the stuff that's going on around town and for now

Luke seemed to be holding up good for now after a few rounds of beers and chuckles.

Luke started getting a funny feeling in his throat again he let out a few short coughs,

his head starting hurting , he shook it off thinking it was nothing when Bo noticed Luke

looked like he had a headache he said "Luke okay cuz ", Luke said " Bo ... i feel sick.

Bo said " c'mon let's get you home Luke ", then Luke slowly started getting up then

he almost made it to the door when he started getting dizzy again then he passed out.

When Bo noticed Luke wasn't behind him he said Luke , Luke " then when he looked down

he said " LUKE ", " Luke you alright , Luke " when Bo didn't get a response he felt Luke's

forehead he was burning up then he tried to wake Luke up again but he still didn't reply.

So Bo told Enos who was off duty told him to call an ambulance so he did sadly poor Luke

who was laying in Bo's arms was in a very deep sleep and Bo was trying to be brave.

Once the ambulance arrived Bo told him where he was and one of the paramedics ",

checked Luke out and he said " this boy is burning up , then once they got Luke into the

ambulance they started checking out his vitals and one of them tried to wake Luke up,

but he wouldn't respond and Bo wo was sitting on one of the benches could hear one of

the EMT's tell the hospital about Luke's condition : comatose , high fever , unresponive.

Once they arrived at the hospital and rushed Luke back into the ER Bo was told to wait,

until one of the nurses came and told him that he could see him won't be too long.

Cue Elly Mae Duke


Meanwhile, Enos, who was at the Boar's Nest with Luke decied to call Daisy and tell her what was going on.

"Are you serious Enos?" she asked, holding the cb mic.

"I am Daisy. . .I think you and Uncle Jesse ought to head on out to tri-city hospital. That's where Luke is."

Daisy nodded trying not to cry "Okay Enos. . .we'll be there." she sobbed

"Don't worry Daisy. Me and Cooter will meet you there." Enos promised.

"Okay." Daisy nodded "I'll be waiting for you." she said.

"Right. Well I reckon this is where I'll say bye." and Enos hung up.

Daisy stood there shocked "I can't--I just can't" she tried not to cry, but failed and she rushed out to the barn where Jesse was just finishing up a few before-dinner chores.

When Jesse saw her he was shocked "What's the matter baby?" he asked concerned.

"Bo's been taken to tri-city hospital." she said through her tears.

Jesse nodded "Get what you need and go on to the truck. I'll be there in a minute."

Daisy nodded and did what he told her.


Meanwhile, Enos, who was at the Boar's Nest with Bo decied to call Daisy and tell her what was going on.

"Are you serious Enos?" she asked, holding the cb mic.

"I am Daisy. . .I think you and Uncle Jesse ought to head on out to tri-city hospital. That's where Luke is."

Daisy nodded trying not to cry "Okay Enos. . .we'll be there." she sobbed

"Don't worry Daisy. Me and Cooter will meet you there." Enos promised.

"Okay." Daisy nodded "I'll be waiting for you." she said.

"Right. Well I reckon this is where I'll say bye." and Enos hung up.

Daisy stood there shocked "I can't--I just can't" she tried not to cry, but failed and she rushed out to the barn where Jesse was just finishing up a few before-dinner chores.

When Jesse saw her he was shocked "What's the matter baby?" he asked concerned.

"Luke's been taken to tri-city hospital." she said through her tears.

Jesse nodded "Get what you need and go on to the truck. I'll be there in a minute."

Daisy nodded and did what he told her.


meanwhile in the ambulance Luke was out like a light he also has a very high fever ",

then one of the EMT's decided to check Luke's reflexes so he opened one of his eyelids

and shined a light in it and Luke started moaning because of the flashlight , his head hurt

so the guy said " just relax son go back to sleep and Luke mumbled some nonsense.

When Jesse and Daisy arrived at the hospital Jesse said " alright where's my boy ",

the nurse at the desk said " can i help you sir ", " my nephew Luke was brought in",

I was wondering if you knew anything ?", she said " i'll see what i can find out for you ".

Meanwhile in the ER Luke's doctor was checking Luke out and sadly the doctor was having no luck in waking Luke even though he tried to slap him a few times it didn't work,

so he then checked his breathing and it was good , he checked his vision he could just see white so he told the nurse to write down " comatose and check his temp.

So the nurse checked Luke's temp. and she noticed that it was high wrote it down,

on his chart and then when the doctor came back she said " fever is high ",

so the doctor then said " well looks like he has the epstein -Barr virus .

I would have to run some tests to make sure but i'm pretty sure of it.

Cue Elly Mae Duke


Jesse and Daisy were finally allowed to go to the ER waiting room where they saw Bo.

"Hey son." Jesse said sitting down.

Bo looked to his Uncle "I'm so sorry Uncle Jesse. I should've told you about Luke's condition."

Daisy patted his shoulder and gave him a sad smile as she herself didn't know what they could do about it now.


Later on that afternoon Luke's doctor came out she said " i'm looking for the Duke family

then Bo , Daisy and Jesse walked over to the doctor and Bo said " how's my cousin,

the doctor said " well i'm sorry to say that Luke is in a deep coma due to his fever ",

he seems to have caught the epstein Barr virus which is a bad one but he is okay.

Unfortunetly we had to hook him up to an Oxygen mask due to the fact that the virus

he has effects the lungs you can see him now if you want but only one at a time,

Bo said " i'll go first ", the doctor said " okay follow me", when Bo arrived in Luke's room

Luke simply looked like he was sleeping until you took into account the machines .

Bo slowly walked over to Luke's bed and he picked up his hand and said " so sorry cuz ",

" i don't know how you got so sick you gotta make it Luke you can't die i wont' let you.

" you just rest concentrate on getting better don't worry about a thing sweet dreams.


Bo sighed and after a minute he left.

Next, Daisy came in. She sat at his bedside and stroked his hair for what seemed an eternity, while, at the same time trying not to cry "Luke, you know we love ya. We need you. Me and Bo need our oldest cousin so please pull through for us." she nearly choked on the last word she whispered "please." she finally succumbed to crying slilently untill Jesse came in and she went back out to where Bo was.


So Uncle Jesse said " my poor boy ... i wish you would wake up Luke you can't die ,

" Bo and Daisy are worried sick for you so hopefully your body will fight this bug off.

then a couple minutes later a nurse came in and she told Jesse that his time was up ",

so went back to the waiting room to sit with Bo , Daisy while Luke was being checked.

So the nurse figured that Luke looks good and went to report to his doctor ",

the dukes was getting tired of sitting so he asked Jesse if he needed a drink of coffee

cause he figured it was gonna be a long night so Jesse replied " sure i'd love some.

So as Bo was getting Jesse a cup of coffee and he was trying to think good thoughts.


"Oh Uncle Jesse what are we going to do?" Daisy asked.

Jesse shook his head hugging her close to him "Well . . .all we can do is wait baby." he said

Daisy sighed wishing he had a better answer.

It wasn't long before Bo showed up with coffee for Jesse who gladly took it from him

"Thank you boy." Jesse said taking a slow sip of the hot drink. Soon the three of them were sitting silently, then after Jesse was asleep as well as Daisy who laid against him, Bo looked up hearing Cooter come in along with Enos.

"Hey guys." Bo whispered.

"Hey Bo." Enos said sitting on one side of him "How's Daisy doing? I mean you kow how's she coping with Luke?"


Bo replied " well she's holding in their as well can be expected but it's hard.

Then Enos said " Bo any word on how Luke is doing is he gonna make it ?",

then Bo said " sadly Luke is in a coma due to his fever so far nothing new",

we don't know if he is gonna make it yet considering he ain't out of woods.

Meanwhile Luke's doctor was checking him out and she was checking his temp

and she wasn't that pleased it was still high ", then she checked the machines

other then the fact that his breathing was a little shallow he was okay ".

So she figured she go out to the Dukes and tell them that Luke is okay ",

but he still is not out of the woods considering he still has a fever ".

Meanwhile Bo , Daisy , Jesse, Enos, and Cooter was still waiting patiently

So finally the doctor came out and Bo was the first to notice her".

Then she said " unfortunetly Luke's fever is still high , he is still in a coma",

then Bo said " he will wake up eventually right doc ?", " i'm hoping he will but

it will all depend on when his fever dies down but y'all can see him now",

Then Jesse said " Is their anyway to bring Luke's fever down sooner ".

then Dr. Duncan said " since Luke has a viral infection he can't have meds",

" we could try to put him on a cooling bed that would bring it down for sure.

So after the doctor was done talking she said who would like to see him ",

Bo said " i guess i will doc ", so Bo followed the doctor to Luke's room .

Luke looked so fragile just lying their covered in a blanket up to his chest ",

and he was hooked up to an IV with water , breathing mask , so Bo picked

up his hand and said " hey Luke i hope you feel better soon cuz i miss you.

then he gave Luke's hair a rub and he moaned some but he didn't stir",

" you know cooter and Enos are here now if you would just wake up .

Then he said " dangnit Luke would you wake up ", Luke wake up please.

but Luke's eyes remained closed but he's still alive which is good.


Bo sighed as he wasn't seeing how Luke would possilby get better. He shook his head and came back out to where the others were.

"What's the matter Bo?" Daisy sighed, rubbing his back as he sat down beside her.

"No change. . .I just. . .I just can't see how he's ever going to get better." Bo said trying to keep back his tears.

"We just have to keep praying and hoping." Jesse answered.

Enos gave Daisy a sad smile as he wished he could make her a little happier. As well as Cooter wanted his friends to be happier also.


Later on that night Luke's nurse came in to see if Luke was out of his coma yet ",

she said " are we awake yet ?", she lifted up one of his eyelids and shined a light in it.

she said " i don't think so " then she wrote on Luke 's chart still in coma ". then she left.

Early the next morning Luke's Doctor came in to check him and she checked his temp",

was happy to see that it had gone down some but he was still in a coma unfortunetly.

Anyway Bo was the first to arrive to see Luke , Daisy couldn't make it cause of work.

about 30 minutes later Luke's doctor came out and when Bo saw her he walked over.

She said " Well I have some good news for you Luke's fever went down some ",

Bo said " that's great news doc will Luke be waking up soon ?", " unfortunetly i can't give

you a day when he'll wake up at the time now he is still in a coma but he's doing better,

" I just want Luke to be okay ", the doctor said " i'm gonna make sure he makes it.

Meanwhile Luke was trying to wake up but his eyes felt like bricks he couldn't wake up,

all of sudden he started having seziures he flooping around like a fish out of water".

So when Luke's doctor saw a light blink by Luke's room number she hurried into his room.

" Oh Lord friends .... I'm too scared to look i just hope Luke's doctor wasn't too late.


"Oh Uncle Jesse." Daisy cried hiding her face in his shoulder.

"I know baby." Jesse patted her shoulder.

"Luke!" Bo cried and rushed to see what was the matter with his cousin. Daisy, out of despair followed him and Jesse tailed behind them


Meanwhile Luke was still having a seziure and his doctor , couple nurses trying to stop it.

his doctor told one of the nurses to turn Luke on his side even though he was hard to move

anyway his legs were still flapping , arm's and Luke's seziure lasted well until noon ".

Then when he stopped finally he fell back into his deep slumber ", and the doctor decided

to check his temp to see if maybe that is what caused him to have those seizures",

she was shocked when she noticed that his temp. had gone up she thought it was gone.

then she thought she check his eyes so she lifted his left eyelid up it was the same ",

then she told his nurse to refill his IV bag because it was getting low then she left.

Luke's doctor went and told the Dukes that Luke just suffered a seizure because his temp.

went up again then Uncle Jesse said " that ain't good news ", then she said " unfortunetly

he is still in his coma and i wish that i could tell ya'll that he would wake up but i can't.

Then Bo said " I don't want Luke to become a vegetable ", the doctor just sighed .

Then she said " i'm sorry but i ... can't make you any promises ", the sooner Luke wakes up

the better his chances will be of making it through this bug but he is still with us ".

Then Bo said " can we see Luke now ?", she said " not right now you can see him later.


"Well what's going to happen to my nephew?" Jesse asked concerned. The doc turned to him "I just said it. . . I don't know." Jesse nodded not seeing how he would get another answer.

"Oh Uncle Jesse." Daisy whispered,leaing her head against his shoulder "I . . .I can't loose Luke. . .what will we ever do without him?" she asked.

Jesse wrapped an arm around her "I don't know Daisy, but I know it won't be the end of the world."

"How can you be sure?" she asked.

"Well. . .the doc said that. . ."

"I don't care what she said Uncle Jesse." Daisy declared "I want Luke."


So later on that night when Bo went to visit Luke he still looked the same,

but he figured that Luke would've woken up by now so he sat by Luke's side.

And he picked up his hand and said " Luke i don't know if you can hear me",

" but i really wish that you could wake up and talk to me cause i miss you.

Then all of sudden out of the blue Luke starts making a moan he tries to open

his eyelids started to flutter some and he tried to say something but he can't.

so he just said layed their and opened his eyes and he was back for now.

Then Bo said " Luke your awake oh my god " " Luke you okay ", talk to me",

since the oxygen mask was still on him he couldn't talk so he just blinked.


Out of happines and not really knowing anything else to do Bo said "Luke. . .stay her cousin and . . .I'll be right back." so Bo rushed to where Daisy and Jesse, as well as Cooter and Enos were.

"What's with you boy?" Jesse asked.

"The greatest thing just happend Uncle Jesse. . .Luke woke up."

Daisy leaped up and hugged Bo "Oh Bo. . .I am soooo glad. . .you have no idea how happy I am."

"Believe me I think I do Daisy." Bo said and took Daisy hand leading her back toward Luke's room. Jesse and the others followed slowly behind.

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