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(For Me and Kristy Duke/Garrett Duke only..thanks ya'll...but please feel free to read along)

One day in sunny Hazzard Georiga Daisy Duke was hanging clothes and she was waiting for her best friend to pull up since they were going on a girls day and she just couldnt wait


Meanwhile, Kristy was in her truck, driving to the Duke farm, enjoying the warm sun shining down upon the dirt road and the music that Elton was playing on the radio. Momentarily her mind falls back onto her kids who she had left back home with LB and Garrett, worried that the men would properly care for them. Sighing heavily, she assures herself that all is fine. After all, she has left them with them numerous times and all has been fine. But with Shay's bad cold and the medicine. . .

Glancing at the time on the truck, she is alerted that she is late for her meeting with Daisy and her thoughts turn from her kids to the plans that Daisy and her had made last week. Just a girls day out. It would be nice to get away from her brother, boyfriend, and her kids for a day to just hang out and not worry about anything. She loved her kids more than anything in the world, she would do anything for them, but once in awhile it was nice to get away.

Pulling up to the farm, she smiles as she sees Daisy in the front hanging up laundry before pulling her truck to a halt and jumping out. "Hey Daisy," she gives her another smile, "sorry I'm late. Jamie had a hard time letting go this morning," she shrugs as she automatically begins to help Daisy with the clohtes, "she had a hard time understanding that she couldn't go. After all she is a girl too, you know?"

Meanwhile, Kristy was in her truck, driving to the Duke farm, enjoying the warm sun shining down upon the dirt road and the music that Elton was playing on the radio. Momentarily her mind falls back onto her kids who she had left back home with LB and Garrett, worried that the men would properly care for them. Sighing heavily, she assures herself that all is fine. After all, she has left them with them numerous times and all has been fine. But with Shay's bad cold and the medicine. . .

Glancing at the time on the truck, she is alerted that she is late for her meeting with Daisy and her thoughts turn from her kids to the plans that Daisy and her had made last week. Just a girls day out. It would be nice to get away from her brother, boyfriend, and her kids for a day to just hang out and not worry about anything. She loved her kids more than anything in the world, she would do anything for them, but once in awhile it was nice to get away.

Pulling up to the farm, she smiles as she sees Daisy in the front hanging up laundry before pulling her truck to a halt and jumping out. "Hey Daisy," she gives her another smile, "sorry I'm late. Jamie had a hard time letting go this morning," she shrugs as she automatically begins to help Daisy with the clohtes, "she had a hard time understanding that she couldn't go. After all she is a girl too, you know?"

Daisy said "yeah i know..poor Jamie..i feel sorry she couldnt go..but we do need our time together..maybe even more now"

Daisy smiled and the two girls finished up the chores


Kristy gives Daisy a questioning look as concern and wonder rush through her from Daisy's last statement. Why did Daisy feel like they needed to be together more so now than ever? When they had talked about going out for a girls' day out, it had to be just to hang out and relax as they had often done so in the past. But with Daisy's last statement, questions enter her mind. The statement forcing Kristy to think that Daisy had more in mind when she had brought up the girls' day out last week, that Daisy had a purprose other than just to get away for a day. But what?

"Jamie will get over it. Plus Garrett and LB are planning on taking them to the park today," Kristy finally states, shoving the questions behind her, "I just hope that they'll keep an eye on Shay and remember his medicine. He has a horrible cold. Who would think he'd get a cold when it's almost a hundred degrees out...but leave it to him. Anyway," she pauses once more, "what you have in mind for the day? Where to first?"

Kristy gives Daisy a questioning look as concern and wonder rush through her from Daisy's last statement. Why did Daisy feel like they needed to be together more so now than ever? When they had talked about going out for a girls' day out, it had to be just to hang out and relax as they had often done so in the past. But with Daisy's last statement, questions enter her mind. The statement forcing Kristy to think that Daisy had more in mind when she had brought up the girls' day out last week, that Daisy had a purprose other than just to get away for a day. But what?

"Jamie will get over it. Plus Garrett and LB are planning on taking them to the park today," Kristy finally states, shoving the questions behind her, "I just hope that they'll keep an eye on Shay and remember his medicine. He has a horrible cold. Who would think he'd get a cold when it's almost a hundred degrees out...but leave it to him. Anyway," she pauses once more, "what you have in mind for the day? Where to first?"

Daisy said "that new spa in Atlanta..and i need to tell you something...im not completely sure of it yet..but I'm real nervous about it...and it involves Enos"


"The new spa in Atlanta? Never figured you to be the spa-type Daisy," Kristy states patting Daisy on the back, "Not that that matters any. But now that you got my curiosity up," Kristy pauses for a moment as Bo runs out of the front door with Luke close behind him. "But know one thing, Daisy, I'm here for you. To listen or to help you anyway that I can."

Bo and Luke come to a halt as they overhear what Kristy had said. "Daisy needs help?" Bo questions, unable to contain his curiosity.

"Oh Bo," Kristy rolls her eyes at him, "it's girl talk, you stay out of it. Plus don't you and Luke have your own troubles to be worrying over?"

Bo gives her a pouty and upset look before eyeing Luke and then Daisy. "Was just worried is all, but I guess the girls can take care of themselves all by themselves. C'mon Luke," he turns to Luke while patting him on the shoulder, "let's go see if Cooter's done with the General yet. Can we use the jeep, Daisy? Or is that cutting into your girl time?" Bo questions Kristy sarcastically.

"It's not my jeep, so don't go looking at me," she turns to Daisy while lifting up her keys, "come on Daisy, I can drive."

"The new spa in Atlanta? Never figured you to be the spa-type Daisy," Kristy states patting Daisy on the back, "Not that that matters any. But now that you got my curiosity up," Kristy pauses for a moment as Bo runs out of the front door with Luke close behind him. "But know one thing, Daisy, I'm here for you. To listen or to help you anyway that I can."

Bo and Luke come to a halt as they overhear what Kristy had said. "Daisy needs help?" Bo questions, unable to contain his curiosity.

"Oh Bo," Kristy rolls her eyes at him, "it's girl talk, you stay out of it. Plus don't you and Luke have your own troubles to be worrying over?"

Bo gives her a pouty and upset look before eyeing Luke and then Daisy. "Was just worried is all, but I guess the girls can take care of themselves all by themselves. C'mon Luke," he turns to Luke while patting him on the shoulder, "let's go see if Cooter's done with the General yet. Can we use the jeep, Daisy? Or is that cutting into your girl time?" Bo questions Kristy sarcastically.

"It's not my jeep, so don't go looking at me," she turns to Daisy while lifting up her keys, "come on Daisy, I can drive."

Daisy nodded and goes to Kristys truck and said "boys becareful with Dixie or ill take the fryin pan after ya!"


Kristy smiles at her cousin before climbing in behind the wheel and restarts her truck. "Didn't mean for him to overhear me like that. Sorry," she states as she backs back out of the driveway and out onto the dirt road, "Now, off we go for a little fun and relaxation. But seriously," she pauses to eye Daisy and turn off the radio at the same time, "I'm here to listen to whatever it is that is bothering you. You should know that."

Kristy smiles at her cousin before climbing in behind the wheel and restarts her truck. "Didn't mean for him to overhear me like that. Sorry," she states as she backs back out of the driveway and out onto the dirt road, "Now, off we go for a little fun and relaxation. But seriously," she pauses to eye Daisy and turn off the radio at the same time, "I'm here to listen to whatever it is that is bothering you. You should know that."

Daisy sighed and nodded "there might be a little one running around...i think its Enos's"


Kristy glances over at Daisy once more as she thinks in stunned silence of what Daisy had just said. "A little one running around?" she finally asks, "OK...I don't want to sound dumb, but I also don't want to jump to any wrong conclusions. What little one running around?"

Kristy glances over at Daisy once more as she thinks in stunned silence of what Daisy had just said. "A little one running around?" she finally asks, "OK...I don't want to sound dumb, but I also don't want to jump to any wrong conclusions. What little one running around?"

Daisy said "im pregnant Kristy"


Kristy nearly choked on her saliva at Daisy's answer and she shoves the truck to a halt in front of the stop sign to the road that will lead them out of town. Glad for the break and the sign, Kristy glances over at Daisy with mixed emotins racing within her. "Congradulations, Daisy!" she finally comes up with the words to say, "I'm so excited for you and the new future that lies ahead of you. All the many firsts you will witness and the love you will feel and receive from that little bundle of joy. I can't wait to take you shopping for maternity clothes and baby toys and clothes!"

She goes silent as her thoughts slowly slow down within her as she takes in how nervous her cousin seems to be sitting besides her. "Look Daisy, I know how nervous and heart wrenching this is probably for you. Especially if it wasn't planned, having to face everyone and tel them all the news. I've been there," Kristy takes a deep breathe as her thoughts fall back to when she had first found out she was pregnant with Jamie all those years ago, of her emotions and the reactions she had recieved. Smiling at Daisy she continues, "Trust me, I've been there. But at least the father to your child is Enos. Someone who is so nice and caring and loving. You know he'll be there for you and for the baby. And you know I will be there for you both as well. I'm not an expert by any means on pregnancy or children, but I do have experience and advice that I could help you with. I'm here for you."

Looking forward she slowly turns left to head out of town for Atlanta to allow silence into the car. "What you mean, you think it's Enos'?" she questions, "Does he know?"

Kristy nearly choked on her saliva at Daisy's answer and she shoves the truck to a halt in front of the stop sign to the road that will lead them out of town. Glad for the break and the sign, Kristy glances over at Daisy with mixed emotins racing within her. "Congradulations, Daisy!" she finally comes up with the words to say, "I'm so excited for you and the new future that lies ahead of you. All the many firsts you will witness and the love you will feel and receive from that little bundle of joy. I can't wait to take you shopping for maternity clothes and baby toys and clothes!"

She goes silent as her thoughts slowly slow down within her as she takes in how nervous her cousin seems to be sitting besides her. "Look Daisy, I know how nervous and heart wrenching this is probably for you. Especially if it wasn't planned, having to face everyone and tel them all the news. I've been there," Kristy takes a deep breathe as her thoughts fall back to when she had first found out she was pregnant with Jamie all those years ago, of her emotions and the reactions she had recieved. Smiling at Daisy she continues, "Trust me, I've been there. But at least the father to your child is Enos. Someone who is so nice and caring and loving. You know he'll be there for you and for the baby. And you know I will be there for you both as well. I'm not an expert by any means on pregnancy or children, but I do have experience and advice that I could help you with. I'm here for you."

Looking forward she slowly turns left to head out of town for Atlanta to allow silence into the car. "What you mean, you think it's Enos'?" she questions, "Does he know?"

Daisy said "i know im keeping the baby and it definatley is Enos's child...and i cant wait to do all that stuff either..but what if somethin goes wrong or something?"


Taking a hand off of the steering wheel, Kristy places it on top of Daisy's hand for support. "Look something could happen, but something could happen while we go to Atlanta too. Sometimes you have to go with what you have and pray for the best and do the best to take care of yourself and to make the right choices. More likely than not, you will be fine and I will be here for you every step of the way," Kristy states as she takes her hand from Daisy's and puts it back on the wheel, "Trust me, Daisy, if I can do it, so can you. . .especially since you have Enos. I didn't even have that. . .I had Trevor," she goes silent as a shudder rolls through her body at the mention of her ex-husband, someone who she continues to have nightmares over, "but he couldn't care less for Jamie or what the outcome of my pregnancy was. Enos will take care of you and you'll do just fine."

"After you get past the first shock and the fear that comes with first finding out," Kristy changes the topic, "you'll be excited and love every minute of it. Picking out names, getting ready for the baby, holding the newborn baby that you helped make, and all the other firsts that come with the baby. You'll be a great mom and I'm sure Enos will be a great dad. And oh boy," Kristy smiles over at Daisy, "Bo and Luke will probably end up mothering the poor baby to death once they get past their shock. Though I'll tell you one thing," she pauses to look back over at Daisy with seriousness, "life will never be the same. I don't say that to scare you, but say it in a good way."

She pats Daisy's hand for support once more before turning her full attention onto the road ahead.

Taking a hand off of the steering wheel, Kristy places it on top of Daisy's hand for support. "Look something could happen, but something could happen while we go to Atlanta too. Sometimes you have to go with what you have and pray for the best and do the best to take care of yourself and to make the right choices. More likely than not, you will be fine and I will be here for you every step of the way," Kristy states as she takes her hand from Daisy's and puts it back on the wheel, "Trust me, Daisy, if I can do it, so can you. . .especially since you have Enos. I didn't even have that. . .I had Trevor," she goes silent as a shudder rolls through her body at the mention of her ex-husband, someone who she continues to have nightmares over, "but he couldn't care less for Jamie or what the outcome of my pregnancy was. Enos will take care of you and you'll do just fine."

"After you get past the first shock and the fear that comes with first finding out," Kristy changes the topic, "you'll be excited and love every minute of it. Picking out names, getting ready for the baby, holding the newborn baby that you helped make, and all the other firsts that come with the baby. You'll be a great mom and I'm sure Enos will be a great dad. And oh boy," Kristy smiles over at Daisy, "Bo and Luke will probably end up mothering the poor baby to death once they get past their shock. Though I'll tell you one thing," she pauses to look back over at Daisy with seriousness, "life will never be the same. I don't say that to scare you, but say it in a good way."

She pats Daisy's hand for support once more before turning her full attention onto the road ahead.

Daisy laughs "i know...how do i tell them and Uncle Jesse...and Enos"


"That's the hard part right now. It'd be better if you were married already at least to tell Jesse and the boys," Kristy sighs, "well what I did was I invited mom and William and his two sons out to dinner with Trevor," chills go down her back at mentioning his name again, "and told them then. It probably wasn't the best way to do it, but thought that was the best way to do it without Dylan and Wade killing Trevor. Looking back on it, I should have done it at home and allowed them to kill him." She pauses, smiling at Daisy, "But seriously, it'd be best to be upfront and tell them as soon as possible. Get it out of the way and allow them to adjust and get ready for the change and everything."

"That's the hard part right now. It'd be better if you were married already at least to tell Jesse and the boys," Kristy sighs, "well what I did was I invited mom and William and his two sons out to dinner with Trevor," chills go down her back at mentioning his name again, "and told them then. It probably wasn't the best way to do it, but thought that was the best way to do it without Dylan and Wade killing Trevor. Looking back on it, I should have done it at home and allowed them to kill him." She pauses, smiling at Daisy, "But seriously, it'd be best to be upfront and tell them as soon as possible. Get it out of the way and allow them to adjust and get ready for the change and everything."

Daisy said "ill tell them tonight then"


Kristy nods while she watches the familiar scenery flash by her, while her thoughts flash back to the past. Of when she had once lived in Atlanta, where the fear and pain had began at shortly after her wedding. Of the reason why she had fled from Atlanta with her two children in attempt to rescue them from their own father. It has been a couple of years since she had seen Trevor, but everytime she comes to Atlanta, her mind rewinds back to the past and to worry of running into him. If he was still in Atlanta and saw her...

"That'll be good, Daisy," she averts her attention back to the present and what Daisy had said, "I can be there if you want me to."

Kristy nods while she watches the familiar scenery flash by her, while her thoughts flash back to the past. Of when she had once lived in Atlanta, where the fear and pain had began at shortly after her wedding. Of the reason why she had fled from Atlanta with her two children in attempt to rescue them from their own father. It has been a couple of years since she had seen Trevor, but everytime she comes to Atlanta, her mind rewinds back to the past and to worry of running into him. If he was still in Atlanta and saw her...

"That'll be good, Daisy," she averts her attention back to the present and what Daisy had said, "I can be there if you want me to."

Daisy said "be were?" now confused by her cousins statement

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