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Elly: Thank you Pa *gives him a hug* Pa you know I never liked a man because they was all sissy, but Cooter here . . .I tell you. He saved me. Man like him can't be a sissy so I'm gonna be Ms. Elly May Davenport.

Cooter: Daisy. . .You had the twins in the middle of all that? Well how did Enos do. Suppose this is going to be a big thing for him being a daddy now. Kind of like how i was when I had my daughter. we were foolish kids Daisy. I really loved her tho. I got news from Ashley that she died. Oh Elly did I mention that. I have a daughter named Ashley. She lives in Alabama

Daisy: Enos passed out Cooter, Uncle Jesse helped me but i dont blame Enos, he dont like seein me in pain and everything, and hopefully i have my next kid in a more peaceful setting


Daisy: So Cooter, what are yours and Elly's plans?

Cooter: Well, for one I made her a nail ring and I told her about my daughter Ashley.

Jed: Well . . .Elly I reckon I've done my job. I'm awful proud of what you become. I know Granny would have liked you to be more girly, but well you found a man anyway.

Daisy: So Cooter, what are yours and Elly's plans?

Cooter: Well, for one I made her a nail ring and I told her about my daughter Ashley.

Jed: Well . . .Elly I reckon I've done my job. I'm awful proud of what you become. I know Granny would have liked you to be more girly, but well you found a man anyway.

Daisy: congrats, Cooter, treat Elly right, shes my best friend

Granny: Jesse Elly is Purt'near 28 and she ain't married. You think she's got the rest of her life? I'm still surpprised you let Daisy go so long. Specially sine that boy loved her.

Elly: but we are gonna get married, but Granny me and Cooter just met

Daisy:shes right Granny, but well with me and Enos, things were well complicated

Granny: Well that didn't stop Jed. He was shy, but he married.

Jed: Granny. *shakes his head*

Daisy: Enos is a whole different kind of shy, now, he has a fighten side, ask Cooter, and you dont wanna walk on Enos fighten side either, but he just takes shy to a whole nother level, but thats why i love him so much more

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