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Roscoe: How are y'all doin?

Daisy: Roscoe, youre a goddaddy.

Roscoe: I am? Where--

Daisy: Yeah, Coy, Vance . . .where are they?

Coy And Vance come in

Coy: were right here

Daisy: the twins came today Rosco, Enos is gonna bring them by tommarow, there names are Andrew Jackson Strate for the boy, and for the girl Andrea Lee Strate"

Roscoe: Oh. So are they with Coy and Vance or what? Didn't Jesse say that Bo and Luke are looking for the Clampetts?

(Nice middle names)

Coy: we dropped them off at Lulus, she was more then happy to watch the twins for ya Daisy and yes Bo and Luke are looking for the Clampetts


Roscoe: *nods* I know it would. Be like something happening to Uncle Jesse. I know you three think of him as a father. If there's anything I can do for you at all Daisy let me know. I reckon I'm going to head on over to Lulu's and see her. I'll let you know if i get any news.

Roscoe: *nods* I know it would. Be like something happening to Uncle Jesse. I know you three think of him as a father. If there's anything I can do for you at all Daisy let me know. I reckon I'm going to head on over to Lulu's and see her. I'll let you know if i get any news.

Daisy:*nodds* okay


Elly: Oh Daisy. Be happy to help

Daisy: I know. I think Enos would be glad too.

*Cooter walks in*

Cooter: Elly, you all right?

Elly: *nods and accepts the hug he gives her*

Jesse: *stares*

Cooter: Well you see Elly brought me this little 'critter' and I've been helping her take care of it. Uncle Jesse . . .I know people would talk, but Elly and I get along real good.

Elly: Oh Daisy. Be happy to help

Daisy: I know. I think Enos would be glad too.

*Cooter walks in*

Cooter: Elly, you all right?

Elly: *nods and accepts the hug he gives her*

Jesse: *stares*

Cooter: Well you see Elly brought me this little 'critter' and I've been helping her take care of it. Uncle Jesse . . .I know people would talk, but Elly and I get along real good.

Julie was in Beverly Hills staying at the Mansion and she gotten a rental and went shopping on Rodeo Drive like she always said that she wanted to do she wandered how everybody was doing in Hazzard right now as well. It wasn't the same nobody was here with here she didn't have anybody checking up on her as well she wanted to go back home she knew that she had put herself at risk as well.

Cue Anybody

Elly: Oh Daisy. Be happy to help

Daisy: I know. I think Enos would be glad too.

*Cooter walks in*

Cooter: Elly, you all right?

Elly: *nods and accepts the hug he gives her*

Jesse: *stares*

Cooter: Well you see Elly brought me this little 'critter' and I've been helping her take care of it. Uncle Jesse . . .I know people would talk, but Elly and I get along real good.

Daisy: hey Cooter, im a mamma now and thnks Elly, now, Cooter what exact kinda critter did Elly give ya


Cooter: Well um. It's a little three legged poodle. Never seen poodles around here, but I had to take a chance and take her leg off.

Elly: Granny . . .I'm awful sorry, but me and Cooter really like eachother. I'm only seven years younger than him.

Cooter: Well um. It's a little three legged poodle. Never seen poodles around here, but I had to take a chance and take her leg off.

Elly: Granny . . .I'm awful sorry, but me and Cooter really like eachother. I'm only seven years younger than him.

Daisy: a three legged poodle, weird, but okay

Granny: if you love him, i wont stand in yer way

Elly: oh thank you Granny. Pa? *Elly looks to Jed and Jesse who had been watching the whole time*

Jed: ive never thought of you bein serious about a boy, but if you love Cooter, go ahead, like Granny said, your a grown woman and we cant stand in yer way

Jesse: almost the same think i told Daisy


Elly: Thank you Pa *gives him a hug* Pa you know I never liked a man because they was all sissy, but Cooter here . . .I tell you. He saved me. Man like him can't be a sissy so I'm gonna be Ms. Elly May Davenport.

Cooter: Daisy. . .You had the twins in the middle of all that? Well how did Enos do. Suppose this is going to be a big thing for him being a daddy now. Kind of like how i was when I had my daughter. we were foolish kids Daisy. I really loved her tho. I got news from Ashley that she died. Oh Elly did I mention that. I have a daughter named Ashley. She lives in Alabama

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