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Granny: Don't worry honey. I don't intend to spend one more minute in this Beverly Hills than I have to. I already have Jethro packing. Should be leaving about lunchtime.

Daisy: Thanks Granny. I can't wait to get back to Hazzard and tell everybody the news. I should have known when we went to Hollywood, but I'm now absolutely sur that Hazzad is the only place we belong, visit or not.

Granny: Don't worry honey. I don't intend to spend one more minute in this Beverly Hills than I have to. I already have Jethro packing. Should be leaving about lunchtime.

Daisy: Thanks Granny. I can't wait to get back to Hazzard and tell everybody the news. I should have known when we went to Hollywood, but I'm now absolutely sur that Hazzad is the only place we belong, visit or not.

Granny: i dont see why we moved here in the first dang place, we could have kept the money and stayed in Tennessee, but now that Pearl made us move here


Jed: *sighs as granny knows that it wasn't his intention to in the first place. He just thought that was what he was supposed to do* Well it's all over now Granny . . .were going to Ga. You can get the joy . . .not that i'm saying you should get joy . . .of having pearl be upset about it. We'll all be happy with the Dukes. . .Know Granny I just thought of something.

Granny: What?

Jed: Your name's Gonna Be Daisy May Duke . . .Course then Daisy's is gonna Be Daisy May Strate. *chuckles*

Jed: *sighs as granny knows that it wasn't his intention to in the first place. He just thought that was what he was supposed to do* Well it's all over now Granny . . .were going to Ga. You can get the joy . . .not that i'm saying you should get joy . . .of having pearl be upset about it. We'll all be happy with the Dukes. . .Know Granny I just thought of something.

Granny: What?

Jed: Your name's Gonna Be Daisy May Duke . . .Course then Daisy's is gonna Be Daisy May Strate. *chuckles*

Daisy: wow, i never thought of that

Granny:neither did i


Bo: Focusing on the young'uns? Okay. *chuckles* You know. I could be Enos's best man. Least when he faints I could catch him.

Daisy: *chuckles, but thinks to herself that Bo probably couldn't be much help with all his casts and all.*

Enos: Hey Daisy. You gonna be secretary for us today or you gonna stay with Uncle Jesse? *smiles as she gives him a kiss and some lunch for him and poor old skinny Roscoe*

Daisy: ill be here today

Rosco: how come you two are bein so lovey dovey, if Daisy usually kissed you before Enos, youd faint, whats goin on?

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