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Coy: its okay Julie, im just glad were on the same page with you and Daisy now

Julie looked and Says "So what do you think were both all dressed up all the time now guys."

Cue Anybody or daisydukeXenosstrait

Daisy: *thinks* well I don't know how for you to actually be a part of it. Reckon you could be ushers or something, but you can come. Uncle Jesse and Granny's wedding also. Know they'd be glad to have you

Coy: well, thats great, man, i cant wait to catch up with Bo and Luke and you and Enos


Enos: Seems like we're getting a start right now.

Daisy: and since we are catching up here's a couple things you might like to know. First Bo is in the hospital and should be home tomorrow and we'll be heading to Hazzard not too long after. Second we're thinking about making Roscoe the twin's godfather.

Enos: Seems like we're getting a start right now.

Daisy: and since we are catching up here's a couple things you might like to know. First Bo is in the hospital and should be home tomorrow and we'll be heading to Hazzard not too long after. Second we're thinking about making Roscoe the twin's godfather.

Coy: what happend to Bo? and Rosco will love to be a godfather

Daisy: Wrecked in a race. Poor thing, he'll be in a wheelchair for a while. Doc said he had brain damage. He seems fine, but I just don't know.

Enos: *Lays a hand on Daisy's*

Vance: Hey, if we know Bo, and we do, hes gonna be okay, remember that time Luke hit him in the head with that baseball bat?


Vance: *Chuckles* yeah

Luke: *shakes head*

Daisy: Well at least I know he has Uncle Jesse to look after him. He's the only of the three of us that Uncle Jesse will have left . . .Course Elly, Jethro, Granny and Uncle Jed will change that.

Vance: *Chuckles* yeah

Luke: *shakes head*

Daisy: Well at least I know he has Uncle Jesse to look after him. He's the only of the three of us that Uncle Jesse will have left . . .Course Elly, Jethro, Granny and Uncle Jed will change that.

Coy: well, me and Vance are moving to Hazzard, we'll see yall a whole lot more


Daisy: Look you two. *Sighs* I really do forgive you and I'm willing to give it a try. . .It's just these mood swings . . .I'm just going through a lot right now. I hope you know that I really do mean it. I love you two. I love all of you. Uncle Jesse, Bo, Luke, you two. Enos *smiles giving his hand a squeeze*

Daisy: Look you two. *Sighs* I really do forgive you and I'm willing to give it a try. . .It's just these mood swings . . .I'm just going through a lot right now. I hope you know that I really do mean it. I love you two. I love all of you. Uncle Jesse, Bo, Luke, you two. Enos *smiles giving his hand a squeeze*

Coy: thanks Daisy we appreciate that, and we'll do our best to help you if you eve need it


Daisy: I probably will need help. Like I said Bo will be off his feet for awhile so he won't be able to help Uncle Jesse and well . . .not really sound like anything . . .hope I am not jynxing it, but the twins are supposed to be born durring tornado season.

(You know she just jynxed it there. Our little plan)

Daisy: I probably will need help. Like I said Bo will be off his feet for awhile so he won't be able to help Uncle Jesse and well . . .not really sound like anything . . .hope I am not jynxing it, but the twins are supposed to be born durring tornado season.

(You know she just jynxed it there. Our little plan)


Enos:boy i hope these little ones can wait if we have a twister around that time, that wouldnt be good at all if they decided to come during one


Daisy: *reaches into her pocket and pulls out a tiny wraped up item*

Enos: *Opens it and chokes when he does* Daiys . . .What?

Daisy: Enos, Uncle Jesse told me a long time ago that . . .this . . .was my . . .dad's ring . . .and. . .I want you to have it. *breaks down crying.

Enos: Oh Daisy *takes her into his arms as tears begin to fall from his eyes also

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