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When Daisy got there she saw Bo and Luke who had solem looks on their faces "Hey boys." Daisy choked.

"We're so sorry Daisy." Luke said.

"How is he?" Daisy cried.

"Well." Bo started, looking to Luke for guidance "He wrecked and I'm really not sure how it happend, but. . .next thing you know. . .well he's alive. . .in really no danger there, but he's cut and bruised and . . .I don't know. . .kinda slipping in and out."

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When Daisy got there she saw Bo and Luke who had solem looks on their faces "Hey boys." Daisy choked.

"We're so sorry Daisy." Luke said.

"How is he?" Daisy cried.

"Well." Bo started, looking to Luke for guidance "He wrecked and I'm really not sure how it happend, but. . .next thing you know. . .well he's alive. . .in really no danger there, but he's cut and bruised and . . .I don't know. . .kinda slipping in and out."

Daisy just wanted to sink to her knees "I can't lose him!...if he goes I go with him"

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Luke laid a hand on her shoulder "We tried Daisy. . .really we did. . . .I really can't explain how it happend cause me and Bo were chasing the other guy in the general. . .we only know he wrecked cause of the condition the car is in."

Daisy nodded sadly.

Just then Enos stirred slightly and Daisy tried not to cry.

Daisy said "I-I can't beleive this happend....I need him"

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Enos gave her a look like he was trying to focus "I want you Daisy." he said reacching out.

Just then Doc. Applebey came in and sadly looked at her "Daisy. . .he doesn't really know who you are. . .he's got some. . .I don't really know all what yet."

Daisy said "Amnesia?....but...he knows my name..he has to know who I am"

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