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Enos: Course . . .I know they won't be here for six or seven months but still. . . course on the other hand . . .Daisy you sure that we ought to tell Lulu?

Daisy: What do you mean? I was the one who was unsure.

Enos: I'm really not saying we shouldn't besides Boss will have to figure it out at some point when you take off at the station and all. I guess i'm just thinking about the right time to tell him.

Daisy: you gotta point, i just cant wait to get back to Hazzard, i mean, this masion is cool, and all, and im greatful, but im not a city girl, never will be, i cant deal with the city, Enos how did you do it when you went to LA with the SWAT Team


Jesse: It will be baby you'll see. I think Enos's suggestion was to get your mind off of him for a bit.

Granny: Well . . .from what I can hear y'all talkin bout Hazzard sounds a heap better than Beverly Hills

Jesse: It will be baby you'll see. I think Enos's suggestion was to get your mind off of him for a bit.

Granny: Well . . .from what I can hear y'all talkin bout Hazzard sounds a heap better than Beverly Hills

Daisy: Hazzard, is much better than here in city life, i mean, everybody knows everybody, everyone helps out the neighbors, and theres a little fun in between, especially if Bo and Luke are around in the back roads


Granny: Jed . . .you go an tell Mr. Drysdale that you want ALL your money.

Jed: What fer?

Granny: You realize we just met these people yesterday and they've done more for us than anybody for about ten years?

Jed: What bout Pearl?

Granny: *shakes head* If Ga is anything like Tennessee then I say we're moving there.

Granny: Jed . . .you go an tell Mr. Drysdale that you want ALL your money.

Jed: What fer?

Granny: You realize we just met these people yesterday and they've done more for us than anybody for about ten years?

Jed: What bout Pearl?

Granny: *shakes head* If Ga is anything like Tennessee then I say we're moving there.

Daisy: *looks at every body and thinks Daisy, what did you just do?!*

(sorry, i was checking something)

Jed: *comes in* Mr. Drysdale, we want all our money

Back At The Mansion, Julie comes up to her Uncle Jesse and Says "Are sure Hazzard is ready for the Clampetts you know Boss is going to love their deposit as well now."

Cue Anybody

Jesse: if they try, there gonna have to deal with two angry familys

Julie looks and Says "Uncle Jesse do you want to go and see Bo, he teases me that I don't know what a dress look likes now as well."

Cue Anybody

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