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(lol. . .forgot my own chars name. . .seriously it is a funny last name when your mama doesn't grow up with it.)

Daisy: Hello.

Enos: I'm Deputy Enos Strate and this is my wife Daisy. . .and our wonderful kids Lily, Andrew and Andrea

(the others were with thier Granny and Uncle Bo)

Mr. Outlaw: well come in ya'll, and hi

Anne: Thank you. . .I hear you're the Sheriff right? Well. . .tell us a bit about our new town

Enos: really everbody knows everybody..we can get wild here some times but not to much, were just like any ole country people really.. and if you see an orange car with sirens.. watch out, there my Deputys and my wifes cousins

Louis: *smiles* Sound like somehow they'd be a big help if we were in trouble. . .so about this orange car? Never heard of an orange squad car.

Daisy: its called the General Lee, its orange with a big 01 on the side and a rebel flag up top... theyve had forever and i guess they found it eaiser to use it as a squad car so Rosco dont have to pay for em one


Louis: Well. . .I heard that there was a new Sheriff and Comissioner around here. . .we're from one of the surounding places and We decided that our family might be safer here. . .specially with your husband and well we've heard a bit about a couple boys named Bo and Luke.

Louis: Well. . .I heard that there was a new Sheriff and Comissioner around here. . .we're from one of the surounding places and We decided that our family might be safer here. . .specially with your husband and well we've heard a bit about a couple boys named Bo and Luke.

Daisy: them cousins of mine are somethin else.. but there really good fellas.. wouldnt ever hurt a soul, just like Rosco and Enos too

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