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Granny: i dont approve

Julie Says "I am the same size as maybe my cousin if you's want to I could where a dress tomorrow won't hurt just for one day. Okay, I'll wear something that you approve tomorrow okay and listen what is there to do around here as well."

Cue Anybody

Julie Says "I am the same size as maybe my cousin if you's want to I could where a dress tomorrow won't hurt just for one day. Okay, I'll wear something that you approve tomorrow okay and listen what is there to do around here as well."

Cue Anybody

Jethro: well theres the cement pond out back, thats always fun at night, and well i could drive you around town

Jethro: well theres the cement pond out back, thats always fun at night, and well i could drive you around town

Julie Says "Tomorrow I'm beat and I just flew in boy are my arms tired now, listen I can go to sleep for the night and nice mansion you have here as well."

Cue Anybody

Julie Says "Tomorrow I'm beat and I just flew in boy are my arms tired now, listen I can go to sleep for the night and nice mansion you have here as well."

Cue Anybody

Jethro: You hear that Uncle Jed. She can up like a bird and fly *Gigles*

Julie Says "Tomorrow I'm beat and I just flew in boy are my arms tired now, listen I can go to sleep for the night and nice mansion you have here as well."

Cue Anybody

Granny: *nodds and everyone goes to bed*


Daisy is the only one up besides Granny and goes in the kitchen to find Granny getting some stuff out for breakfast

Daisy: Granny, can i help make breakfast, im an excellent cook

Jethro: You hear that Uncle Jed. She can up like a bird and fly *Gigles*

Julie looks and Says "It was joke, all the comedians say that now I flew in a airplane Jethro and I was thinking maybe sometime you should come to Hazzard now."

Cue Anybody

Granny: *nodds and everyone goes to bed*


Daisy is the only one up besides Granny and goes in the kitchen to find Granny getting some stuff out for breakfast

Daisy: Granny, can i help make breakfast, im an excellent cook

Julie was going to walk down the stairs but she seen Elly Mae fly down the bannister and after she was done she gave it shot and landed right on Jethro causing Uncle Jesse to notice the collision now.

Cue Anybody

Daisy: *sits* im sorry Granny

Julie gets off Jethro and Says "Sorry I could resist but I didn't know you was walking through as well. Sorry Uncle Jesse, it was too fun to pass up now as well."

Cue Anybody

Granny: You sleep good last night?

Daisy: yeah . . .i feel better now that Enos is here. I missed him soo much

Julie walks in being followed by Jethro and Says "Hey listen you don't have to pick me up all the time Jethro I have feet I think he likes me Daisy."

Cue Anybody

Julie walks in being followed by Jethro and Says "Hey listen you don't have to pick me up all the time Jethro I have feet I think he likes me Daisy."

Cue Anybody

Daisy: *turns around, the movement is to fast for her but she shakes off the dizzyness* Julie! i cant believe your here!

Daisy: *blushes* its true, im gonna have a baby, might be twins, and Enos is the dad *glares at Jethro* and yes Julie, me and Enos are gettin married

Julie Says "Jethro okay I'll go for a ride with you in the city allright first I want to eat breakfest. And Howdy Daisy, congrulations as well."

Cue Anybody

Julie: *looks happily surpprised* Recon it okay if i take Jethro.

Jesse: Julie . . .*shakes head*

Jethro Says "Were going courting today, the drive around town and the cement pond later and don't worry we got a extra and Elly Mae's critters will join us later as well.

Cue Anybody

Jethro Says "Were going courting today, the drive around town and the cement pond later and don't worry we got a extra and Elly Mae's critters will join us later as well.

Cue Anybody

Daisy: *stands up* okay Jethro, ya just met my cousin, yall aint dating yet, okay, i know ya like her, but i think shes taken

Daisy: thanks . . .where's Enos? I woulda figured he'd be up by now

Julie Says "Jethro I don't mind were just friends now and listen Granny I liked the dress Elly Mae let me borrow now so does it win your approval for you."

Cue Anybody

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