daisydukeXenosstrait Posted June 11, 2009 Report Posted June 11, 2009 Luke: Suddenly looks over at the radio on the stand beside him. it had been playing silently but he now realized that it was playing Home.* Yeah . .Don't know what it is bout Alan Jackson, but home does sound real good.Bo: *already asleep* (sorry i waited so long to respond)
Elly May Duke Posted June 11, 2009 Author Report Posted June 11, 2009 Back at the MansionJesse: You know Jed. I know Bo and Luke love racing, but after this i'm not sure about them doing it.Jed *nods* I see what ya mean. Reckon I'll go check on the girls before bed. You goin up too Granny?Granny: *nods* yeah but i want to check on thet Enos firstJed: *Gives her a look* he's a fine boy
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted June 11, 2009 Report Posted June 11, 2009 Back at the MansionJesse: You know Jed. I know Bo and Luke love racing, but after this i'm not sure about them doing it.Jed *nods* I see what ya mean. Reckon I'll go check on the girls before bed. You goin up too Granny?Granny: *nods* yeah but i want to check on thet Enos firstJed: *Gives her a look* he's a fine boyGranny: i know, just gonna see if hes okay
Elly May Duke Posted June 11, 2009 Author Report Posted June 11, 2009 Jesse: oh you mean bout the baby . . .good idea just be gentle with him . . .Enos is kinda well you have to be gentle with him.Granny: *nods and goes to see Enos while Jed goes to see the girls*
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted June 11, 2009 Report Posted June 11, 2009 Jesse: oh you mean bout the baby . . .good idea just be gentle with him . . .Enos is kinda well you have to be gentle with him.Granny: *nods and goes to see Enos while Jed goes to see the girls*Enos: *looks up when Granny comes in and smiles* hey Granny
Elly May Duke Posted June 11, 2009 Author Report Posted June 11, 2009 Granny: Hey honey *sits down beside him* You all right?Enos: yeah. I'm just a little surpprised after Daisy telling me the news. I love her with all my heart and I know I told her that Boss has changed . . .and he has, but . . .I don't know
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted June 11, 2009 Report Posted June 11, 2009 Granny: Hey honey *sits down beside him* You all right?Enos: yeah. I'm just a little surpprised after Daisy telling me the news. I love her with all my heart and I know I told her that Boss has changed . . .and he has, but . . .I don't knowGranny: Jed went through the same thing with Ellys mamma, dont worry, both of ya'll will do fine
Elly May Duke Posted June 11, 2009 Author Report Posted June 11, 2009 Enos: *smiles* reckon I'd like it if he'd talk to me bout it . . .for some odd reason i imagine he was as skitterish with her as I am about this. Tho the thing is Granny . . .he didn't have a lawman chasing his family . . .I mean i really meant it Boss has changed, but he's not young as he used to be and all his nephews are a lot worse than he is. I worry what they'll do . . .well I know Daisy is capable, but i guess it's the little ones that really have me worried. Daisy will work with me so I'll know she's safe but the little ones. . .
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted June 11, 2009 Report Posted June 11, 2009 Enos: *smiles* reckon I'd like it if he'd talk to me bout it . . .for some odd reason i imagine he was as skitterish with her as I am about this. Tho the thing is Granny . . .he didn't have a lawman chasing his family . . .I mean i really meant it Boss has changed, but he's not young as he used to be and all his nephews are a lot worse than he is. I worry what they'll do . . .well I know Daisy is capable, but i guess it's the little ones that really have me worried. Daisy will work with me so I'll know she's safe but the little ones. . .Granny: you just have to protect her, and for this Boss feller, if he tries something, or his nephews, you talk to that Uncle Jesse feller, he seems to know how to handle stuff like that
Julieduke Posted June 11, 2009 Report Posted June 11, 2009 Granny: you just have to protect her, and for this Boss feller, if he tries something, or his nephews, you talk to that Uncle Jesse feller, he seems to know how to handle stuff like thatJulie Duke is waiting outside the door and rings the doorbell because she just flew in as well and waiting for somebody to open the door now as well.Cue Anybody
Elly May Duke Posted June 11, 2009 Author Report Posted June 11, 2009 Enos: *chuckles* Uncle Jesse protected us since the day we came to live with him tho . . .well you don't know Hughie Hogg. His Uncle may have problems with our Uncle but Boss wouldn't try to kill us . . .Hughie and the others . . .yeah.
Julieduke Posted June 11, 2009 Report Posted June 11, 2009 Enos: *chuckles* Uncle Jesse protected us since the day we came to live with him tho . . .well you don't know Hughie Hogg. His Uncle may have problems with our Uncle but Boss wouldn't try to kill us . . .Hughie and the others . . .yeah.Julie rang the doorbell again and kept waiting and waiting and suddenly she beeped the General's horn it was sitting right there to begin very convienant as well.Cue Anybody
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted June 11, 2009 Report Posted June 11, 2009 Enos: *chuckles* Uncle Jesse protected us since the day we came to live with him tho . . .well you don't know Hughie Hogg. His Uncle may have problems with our Uncle but Boss wouldn't try to kill us . . .Hughie and the others . . .yeah.(Julie found our way to this rp, though its not a bad thing, i hope)Granny:im glad yall have some one to look up too * goes out of the room and closes the door and Jed in the hallway* how are the girls?
Julieduke Posted June 11, 2009 Report Posted June 11, 2009 (Julie found our way to this rp, though its not a bad thing, i hope)Granny:im glad yall have some one to look up too * goes out of the room and closes the door and Jed in the hallway* how are the girls?Julie played Dixie again, hoping somebody would answer the door for her she didn't like standing outside in the rain right now as well.Cue Anybody
Elly May Duke Posted June 11, 2009 Author Report Posted June 11, 2009 Jed: Like two peas in a pod. Elly's starin out the window . . .Daisy's sleep. Reckon she needs it.Jethro: *opens door for Julie*
Julieduke Posted June 11, 2009 Report Posted June 11, 2009 Jed: Like two peas in a pod. Elly's starin out the window . . .Daisy's sleep. Reckon she needs it.Jethro: *opens door for Julie*Julie Says "Well thank You kindly is there a Jesse Duke and Daisy Duke I'm Daisy's cousin and Jesse's niece now and listen what took so long now. Oh my outfit, this old thing but thanks anyways thow."Cue anybody
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted June 11, 2009 Report Posted June 11, 2009 Julie Says "Well thank You kindly is there a Jesse Duke and Daisy Duke I'm Daisy's cousin and Jesse's niece now and listen what took so long now. Oh my outfit, this old thing but thanks anyways thow."Cue anybodyGranny: *nodds* good
Elly May Duke Posted June 11, 2009 Author Report Posted June 11, 2009 Jehtro: I don't mind *gigles*Julie: um yeah . . .if you do that again i'll snap yer armJehto *quiets and looks scared*
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted June 11, 2009 Report Posted June 11, 2009 Jehtro: I don't mind *gigles*Julie: um yeah . . .if you do that again i'll snap yer armJehto *quiets and looks scared*Jed: *sees Julie* now whose that?
Julieduke Posted June 11, 2009 Report Posted June 11, 2009 Jed: *sees Julie* now whose that?Julie sticks her hand out and introduces herself and tells them she's Ms. Julie Duke and she is Bo Duke's little sister and she missed her family as well.Cue Anybody
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted June 11, 2009 Report Posted June 11, 2009 Julie sticks her hand out and introduces herself and tells them she's Ms. Julie Duke and she is Bo Duke's little sister and she missed her family as well.Cue AnybodyJethro: your cousin Daisy is right upstairs asleep, shes havin a baby with that deputy feller and their gettin hitched
Elly May Duke Posted June 11, 2009 Author Report Posted June 11, 2009 Jed; Jethro! *gives him a look*Julie: okay
Julieduke Posted June 11, 2009 Report Posted June 11, 2009 Jethro: your cousin Daisy is right upstairs asleep, shes havin a baby with that deputy feller and their gettin hitchedJulie Says "Uh listen y'll got a room for me and thanks for telling me that where's my Uncle Jesse right now as well. And Granny all the girls in Hazzard where's clothes like these now as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted June 11, 2009 Report Posted June 11, 2009 Julie Says "Uh listen y'll got a room for me and thanks for telling me that where's my Uncle Jesse right now as well. And Granny all the girls in Hazzard where's clothes like these now as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstraitGranny: i dont approve
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