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Bo says "Enos is taking care of them"

just then theres a gun shot outside, on guys shot Enos in the leg

The Guys looks and Says "That will slow you down deputy and oh geez there inside getting to the girls right now as well."

Cue Anybody

Luke wraped up Enos's leg with his shirt "you wanna stop us! just try it!"

Julie looks and the second seems to have perfect aim as well and somebody just hits the ground and it seems that the world went black for her right now as well.

Cue Anybody

Daisy said "you and Enos were both shot, Enos was shot in the leg and you in the arm"

Julie Says "Am I going to need surgery for the bullet but why did they shoot me now I don't understand why would anybody shoot me Daisy?"

Cue Anybody

Daisy said "i dont know"

The Docter walks and Says "Well the bullet is in there and shatter her one bone as well but Ms. Duke you'll need emergency surgery that's what caused you to pass out as well."

Cue Anybody

Daisy said "are her and Enos gonna be okay, dont let me loose either of them please dont nurse"

The Docter Says "Yeah but we need to move her to surgery right away and reset that shattered bone as well and remove that bullet were keeping to give to the police for evidence as well."

Cue Anybody

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