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The next morning found the Duke farm a flurry of activity. There were several things needed to be taken care of in town. Luke had volunteered himself and all the others to do the chores that Bo, Beth and Jesse usually did. After the chores were done Luke began to measure and mark off for the expected addition to the house. If everything went OK, hopefully they could get started tomorrow on it. Luke knew Jesse would come up with the money somehow.

First, Jesse needed to go to the Courthouse with Bo and Beth to get the marriage license in Hazzard County there is a three day waiting period so the sooner they got the license the better. With Jesse's signature and the note from Beth's Mother getting the paper work done was at least easy! Jesse needed to go see Boss Hogg at the bank while Bo went over to see the doctor about his hand.

Beth and Bo went in Doc's small office. Doc was looking in the file cabinet for something when they entered. Doc looked up and asked, "Well, Bo are you about tired of that cast yet?"

Bo smiled a bit embarrassed, "I was tired of it five minutes after you put it on."

Doc said, "I bet you were! Especially since it was self inflicted?"

Bo looked puzzled at Doc.

"Be glad Doc - patient privacy is more secreative than Uncle - Nephew privacy is. Now, do you want to tell me what got in to your head and caused you to do this?" asked Doc.

Beth was enjoying this just a bit and added Luke's standard line, "Twice."

Doc said, "Yeah, that's right. Twice."

"Why do I get the feeling I'm out numbered here?" asked Bo.

Doc and Beth answered together, "Because you are!"

Bo smiled just a bit. He hoped to get this conversation headed a different direction by bringing up something he and Jesse had talked about without Beth knowing they did. "Well, let's just say my temper got the best of me. I think you'll understand a bit better after I ask you something else. ......."

Doc waited for Bo to continue.

Beth looked at him questioning.

"What do we need to do to get Beth here a check up?" he asked.

Beth could have hit him.

Doc looked at the two, still not catching on to Bo's line of thinking. It was obvious Jesse hadn't told the doctor everything. He pulled her file. "Well, Beth are you needing this check up for softball again this year? All you'll have to do is like ususal just come by with your Mother."

Beth said rather embarrassed, "Well, you can give me a physical form for softball too if you like while I'm here." she looked at Bo. She really did enjoy playing softball and since she intended to go to school she may be able to get by playing at some on the early games before she started showing too much, but she'd have to talk that over with Bo.

Bo saved her, "Doc, we'd like to get Beth started with the pre-natal visits just as soon as we can. We want to do everything we can to insure our baby will be healthy."

The old Doctor took a seat on his desk before continueing. Jesse hadn't told him this. "Well, now Bo, I admire you both for that, but we have us a little problem. You both are underage and without permission from her parents I can't treat her for anything. Ah, that is unless, you were married then you would be consided, for this purpose, adults."

Bo's next statement just about made the doctor fall off the desk, "Just set up the appointment for next Monday. Doc, you remember that patient privacy thing you mentioned? Well, other than family you can be the first to know we are getting married Saturday. You can just send her bill to me with the one for the hand. I'm sure that I'll be able to keep you in enough 'supplies' this next year that your supplier will think you retired or something."

Doc laughed, "I'd say you'd be right. I want to congratulate you both on the wedding and the little one. It's been sometime since I've gotten to take care a Momma." Doc picked up Bo's file, "With that second injury to this hand I'd say you need to be in the cast another three weeks anyway. Then I expect you to take it easy with it for about a month."

Bo sighed a bit disappointedly, "Ok, Doc. Thanks, we'll be back Monday."


Jesse was waiting in the pickup outside when they came out. Once they were inside the truck Jesse said, "Well, it's nothing much but I want to give you your wedding present from me." He handed Beth and Bo a check made out to them both for a thousand dollars. "Its not much but I think we can build a couple pretty nice rooms for you three and still have a little something to get you all started."

Though Bo knew that most of the money would go for the new rooms, this was the most money he'd ever had in his name ever. He tried to find his voice.

Money wasn't that big of a deal to Beth though her father had tried to impress the importance of it to her all her life. She knew that this money could have been used by the Dukes for many other things, yet, Jesse hadn't just got it for the new rooms but had given it to Bo and her to start their family with. With tears in her eyes she turned to Uncle Jesse and hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much. This means more to me and Bo than you know."

Jesse simply said, "You two just take care of each other."


At Ruebottom's Jesse and Bo explained to Mr. Ruebottom what they would need for the new rooms. Jesse's truck was loaded with treated 2x6's for the frame of the floor, more 2x4's for the walls and roof, plyboard for walls, tar paper and felt for the roof, a spool of wire, assorted nails, assorted fixtures for the wall sockets and lights. While they were taking care of those details, Beth was eyeing some material. Figuring with a couple days to have to wait that it would be cheaper to make a wedding dress than to buy one. She figured to let the guys get there thing done then she could talk with Bo and they could decide what they could afford. She knew Bo had several suits, but she'd like him to rent a tux. They'd just have to see how the money went. Beth knew that Luke would be his best man. Maybe they could rent him a tux to match Bo too.


Jesse and Bo smiled when they pulled into the farm with the overloaded truck seeing the string and stakes were up to mark off the new rooms. Bo thought, 'No matter how mad Luke was at me he still is backing me. Wonder if it's just to get his own room?'

Cue Beth


Well Knowing Luke i would say that maybe the reason considering he was pretty happy when he found out he was getting his own room that way he won't be rudly awakened by Bo anymore so this is a nice change For the Boys

So anyway meanwhile Outside Bo and Uncle Jesse was just pulling in With the fixings for the additon onto the DukeFarm and Luke was really trying to hide his Anger that he has for Bo so that he won't jepordize his

chances of getting his own Room

Luke was inside getting his and Bo's old room ready for change he had already put his stuff in a box as he was doing that he was thinking " boy what a change i will be having my own Room even though this room used to be mine before it was Bo's and mine boy I'll never forget the day that Bo and Me first shared this room i was not a happy camper when i found that out seeing as how i loved having my own space but he didn't turn out to be a bad roomate even though he did bug me more then anybody else",

Meanwhile Outside Bo and Uncle Jesse was pulling out the wood , the paint , and Luke was just finishing packing stuff before he left the room he said " I wonder what it's gonna be like know with him being in here without me who am i gonna talk to at night , Who can i share stories with about the day , when i pretend to be asleep who gonna cover for me i hope this works out ". " But Then again i don't see how it couldn't i mean their ain't no way that I can get a decent night sleep with Bo and Beth's Baby in the room not that it's their fault i just don't do well if i don't have a good night sleep i was already grumpy yesterday morning So i don't want to go through that again", Bo and Uncle Jesse was wondering what was keeping Luke from coming out so Bo went in and said " Hey Cuz what's the hold up we's been waiting for you Luke said " I guess i just didn't realize the time i've been busy getting my side of our room to be moved into the other room ", then Bo said " Boy this is gonna be different huh me and you in seperate rooms i bet your happy about this Luke seeing as how you always wanted your own room ", Then Luke said " Well that's true but hey who knows this could turn into something good even though i'm gonna have to go through some adjustment periods considering we've always shared this room since we was babies .


Beth and Bo couldn't believe Uncle Jesse's gift of $1,000. Beth had always known a life where money was never an issue, but having given up her former lifestyle, Beth was quickly coming to realize how hard money was to come by. And she loved Uncle Jesse all the more for the sacrificial love he had for his whole family, including her.

Beth had become especially close to Dixie, Cooter's little sister. They had been friends when they were very young, but since Dixie's mother had taken her away, they hadn't seen each other much. The two girls shared a love for cars, and for the Duke family.

Bo, Luke, Jesse, Jeb, and even Coy and Vance had pretty well spent most of their time hard at work on the addition to the house.

That Friday, Dixie was planning to stay at the Dukes for the night. She helped Beth and Daisy finish up the wedding plans for the next day, and also helped them keep the hardworking men supplied with water.

Both Dixie and Daisy helped Beth finish the dress. It looked absolutely beautiful, and Beth was just glad that she'd learned to use a sewing machine. Beth made the dress white with a light blue trim. The sleeves were fitted to the elbow, then became bell sleeves. She made the collar high and lacy, and added a short train. The dress fit Beth well. She wasn't really showing yet, so it was fine. Dixie and Daisy each purchased

inexpensive navy blue dresses to wear as bridesmaids.

After Bo and Luke had tried on more tuxes than they thought possible in that period of time, Beth put them in navy blue, as well, which brought out their blue eyes.

Later that night, as Dixie, Daisy, and Beth were sitting in Daisy's room, when everyone else was asleep, the conversation quickly turned to...



Well, what else would three teenage girls talk about on the eve before one got married. Daisy asked, "Are you nervous?"

Beth replied, "I was more nervous about telling everyone about the baby!" she sighed.

Dixie asked, rather shyly, "What about the wedding night?"

Beth had the good graces to blush, "Well, honey, it's not like we haven't 'practiced' before." she smiled though her face was as red as a beet.

They all had a good laugh.

Dixie asked, "Hey, you all, what can I do to get a half way look from some of the guys at school this year? I mean I love riding the wrecker with Luke and Cooter but they all treat me like a little BROTHER."

Daisy said, "If you want the fish to react different maybe you need to change the bait a little. If that blue dress, those high heels and the hair do I'm planning doesn't turn at least several hers I'll eat my bouquet. Sugar, just which fish are you after?"

Dixie just shook her head. "You know, I'd just like to have a different reaction from the guys this year at school. I'm not a dress and pearl person. Mom tried her best to make me one. ....."

Daisy said, "Neither am I. I do like to wear a dress occassionally, but I'm more at home in shorts or jeans. But, you can wear shorts and jeans and still dress to impress. We'll help you for awhile if you like, right Beth?"

"Sure, after all the help you've all given me. You got it!" she said.

Dixie continued the conversation by asking, ................

Cue Beth


"Beth, what's it like... I mean, knowing Bo's the right one and all?"

Beth heaved a sigh of relief, glad Dixie didn't ask what it was like...being... with a man. She shook her head. "Honey, I wish I could explain it. It's like, even when everything seems to be going wrong, I still know that Bo and me are together, and we're meant to be together. It's just... I don't know..."

Dixie sighed.

"What is it, honey?" Daisy asked.

"Nothin'. Just thinkin'."

"About what?" Daisy asked.

"I don't know... different stuff."

Beth shook her head. "Honey, that's about the weakest cover-up I've

ever heard. Now spill."

Dixie smiled. "Maybe another night. Nothing's wrong... just kinda thinkin'."

Beth smiled. "I know how that can be sometimes."

Daisy looked at her future cousin-in-law. "Honey, we better get you in

bed, or you'll have dark circles under your eyes for the wedding."

Beth smiled weakly. "I guess you're right." The girls all crawled into their sleeping bags, none of them using the bed. The next day was going to be busy.


The next morning, the house was full of activity, and it was driving Bo half crazy that Daisy and Dixie refused to let him see Beth until she was walking down the aisle. "It's bad luck!" Daisy insisted. "Now shoo!"

Bo shook his head. Sometimes, he really thought women were all crazy.



While the girls were talking last night, they only thought everyone else was asleep. Bo, Luke, Cooter and Jeb had slipped to the barn for a little 'bachelor party' being careful not to let Jesse know about it Jesse just happened to be standing in his bedroom window as the four crossed the yard under the almost full moon. He smiled to himself and thought, 'After all that Bo had been through and all the hard work the fellas put into the two new rooms, I figure if they are in the barn what harm can there be to letting them have a bit of a party.' After all, this would be what Jesse hoped would be Bo's last night as a single man, though he hadn't yet seen his eighteenth birthday party.


Jesse and Luke almost had to 'hog tie' Bo to keep him away from seeing Beth before the girls left for the church. After they had left Luke poured two cups of coffee, handing one to Bo. "Here, get the cobwebs out of your head before we leave."

Jesse just raised his eyebrows a bit and 'acting' as if he didn't know what they were talking about.


Beth was glad that she had let her Mother know about the wedding. Her Mother meet her at the church against her Father's wishes. The girls had all the decorations in place and began to get dressed. Daisy fixed all their hair. Dixie and Daisy helped Beth's Mother get Beth dressed and her hair done. Beth said, "Thank you all so much for this. It means more to me and Bo than you may ever know."

Beth's Mother said, "Just be happy!"

Beth replied.............


"I will, Mama. I love Bo... so much... and thank you for giving us this chance."

Mrs. Smith hugged her daughter. "Honey... your father... I know he'll come around someday. Just give him time."

"Mama... after the way he treated Bo? After he tried to take my baby... And you want me to give him time?"

"Honey, as hard as it might be for you to believe that right now, he loves you. He was only trying to protect you. But he just doesn't understand."

Beth shook her head. "Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's just have my wedding."

Caroline nodded. "OK, honey. That's fine. I love you."

"Love you too," she replied. "Mama," she added. "Since you're here, will you give me away?"

"Of course I will, baby. I'd say I already did, though."

Beth smiled, and kissed her mother's cheek. Caroline couldn't believe how beautiful and grown up Beth looked. Her thick brown hair was curled, compliments of Daisy, and swept back out of her face with two clips, one on either side. Her veil was becoming to her, and had belonged to Bo's mother. She carried three red roses surrounded by baby's breath, extremely appropriate given the circumstances. She was completely in love, and that look was in her eyes.

After all the guests were seated, Luke and Dixie walked out arm in arm, followed by Cooter and Daisy. Cooter had cleaned up and shaved for the ceremony, and noone would have recognised him had they not known that he and Bo were such good friends. Especially not in a tux.

Then, the organist began playing the bridal march, and Beth and her mother stepped into view. Beth's mother walked her toward Bo, who was beaming. The two of them were so in love. As each step brought her closer, Beth looked at Bo, and noone else existed. Beth's blue eyes met Bo's, and neither of them saw anything or anyone else. Then, she was beside him, finally becoming his wife. Caroline put her daughter's hand in Bo's with a gentle smile, then sat down.

Bo and Beth said their vows, then the minister pronounced them man and wife. Then Bo lifted Beth's veil, and they shared a long passionate kiss. At that moment, tears began to stream freely down Beth's cheeks. This was the moment she had dreamed of... the moment all of them had fought so hard for, sacrificed so much for, and she couldn't help the tears streaming down her face.

Cue Dixie


After the wedding, all the guests went to the Boar's Nest for a small reception.

NARRATOR: Being Cooter's sister Dixie had many hidden talents, one of which was her photography hobby. It would be her gift to Bo and Beth by filming the wedding and also taking the still wedding pictures. Now, have you all tried to keep a man of any age dressed in a tux for a PICTURE? Those girls had thought of everything and had guts!

After the still pictures were taken of all the family members, group pictures, the bride and groom parties. Dixie set up the movie camera, then got her camera ready as Daisy got all the females to get in one group.

Dixie stood at the back of the room to catch in pictures Beth's toss of the bouquet. Beth turned her back and tossed the bouquet. She was aiming for Kathy as she and Cooter had dated for quiet sometime, but those danged bouquets have a mind of their own! Dixie followed the bouquet with the camera lense until it went out of sight. Then she felt something hit her as she still searched for the reciever. It took several seconds for her to realize it was her who had caught the bouquet while the other females were tripping over each other to catch it!

Now it was Daisy's job to get the guys in one group to catch the garder.

NARRATOR: Believe me folkes that wasn't easy to get them guys there in front of a groom with a garder!

Now for this shot Dixie got up close to catch in pictures Bo removing the blue garder that Daisy had made and she had embroidered with Bo and Beth's name and wedding date. Bo and Beth both were caught on camera blushing as Bo removered the garder. Dixie eased to the back of the room to catch the reciever on

camera as the throw would be caught on film. Now, Bo didn't have an intended receiver he simply turned around and tossed it behind him. Dixie followed the garder with the camera lense. It landed as if planned right in Luke's lap as he talked to Mark McCormick who was a friend of his.

NARRATOR: You can all bet that ol' Luke will take a lot of ribbing about this one!

Luke insisted as it started, "Anybody who'd believe a fool thing like that would be too superstitious to go out of their own house! Just ask Robin!" (He was refering to Mark's sister his recent ex-girlfriend.)

Daisy was elected to take a picture of Luke with the garder and Dixie with the bouquet.


As soon as the pictures were FINALLY over Luke and Cooter made a trip out to the car to get their changes of comfortable clothes. While they changed in the men's room Cooter said, "Ok, now there's all kinds of talk going around. What's up with this sudden wedding between those two who are younger than us? I know that Uncle, Mister Jesse and Beth's Mother had to sign for them to get hitched. I am just wondering what the rest of the story is? Cause I know it had to be a heck of a reason and I also noticed that Beth's Father was'missing'?"

Luke sighed, ................

Cue Beth


"Cooter... Bo and Beth got their reasons... If Bo or Beth don't tell ya, you'll still find out soon enough."

"Luke," Cooter said. "You, me, and Bo's always been close. Why're ya keepin' stuff from me, now?"

Luke shook his head. "It ain't that I'm keepin' it from ya. It just ain't mine to tell. It's Bo's and Beth's. And I got a real good feelin' it'll be gettin' told pretty soon."

Luke's real good feelin' proved well-founded. It wasn't long before Bo stood up. "Everybody, me and Beth got somethin' to say." He looked at his bride, who was leaning against his side. "Me and Beth know y'all came to this weddin' on real short notice. And we sure appreciate that y'all came. Reckon y'all are wonderin' why we're gettin' married so young, and in such an all-fire hurry. Well, the truth of the matter is... The two of us made a mistake, but it turned out all right..." Bo looked around at the small gathering of friends and family. "Me and Beth are havin' a baby."

The whole room went quiet, but most Hazzard County folks loved the couple too much to let it bother them.

Cooter turned to Luke and said,.......

Cue Dixie


"Weeeelllllll, I'll be!" Cooter smiled. "Luke, I'll let you slide just this time! Now, let me see if I can get over there to Bo."

Luke took a drink of his beer and sighed, 'I'm sure glad the cats out of the bag!'

The whole crew managed to have a great time that night. Everyone danced some and drank some. Bo made a point when one slow song came on that he excused himself from Beth. He walked over to her Mother who was tlaking to Jesse, "Mrs. Smith would you do me the honor?"

She was slightly surprised but hide it well, "Yes. Thank you."

Bo took her by the arm and escorted her to the dance floor. He started to dance being the utmost gentleman he knew how to be.

Jesse followed Bo's lead, going to Beth.

For several minutes there was no one else on the floor except for Jesse and Beth, and Bo and Mrs. Smith. There wasn't a dry eye in the house.

Daisy nudged Luke. "You go get Dixie. I'll get Cooter." Soon the other two couples joined the others in the dance.

After the dance Luke, Cooter, Mark, Dixie and Daisy slipped outside to decorate the General Lee. Dixie's job was to take white shoe polish to the inside windows of the General and write, "Just Married" and "Bo and Beth" on back windows. She wrote it on the inside so no matter how many times you washed the outside it wouldn't come off until you cleaned the windows.

They put streamers, balloons, and many beer cans behind the General Lee and pushed the cans up under the car so Bo wouldn't see them until he pulled out.

Mark asked, "Where are they going tonight?"

Luke replied, "Things are a bit tight for them so they are going to their new room at the farm."

Mark reached in his pocket pulled out his wallet. "How much is a room at the Dixie Inn?"

Cooter smiled, "Let's do it!" reaching for his wallet.

Luke said, "I'll go call and make the arragenments. You all keep them occupied," he paused and looked around, "Dixie you're not drinking. You drive and we'll go get the room key to give to them so they can't turn it down! I'll be right back."

As Luke went to call the Inn, Daisy and Dixie got out their share of the money for the room.

Luke returned, "I called it in. " He reached for his wallet. "It will be eight each." They all gave Luke the money. "Daisy can we take your car? The General's a bit over dressed for this trip?"

"Sure." She handed Dixie the keys.

Dixie and Luke went to the Road Runner. Dixie looked at Luke, "You know I don't have my license yet."

"We won't need a license unless we get stopped." said Luke rather matter of factly. "Besides if you can drive the wrecker like you did the other night I know you can drive this. If we get into a stop I'll slide under the wheel."

Dixie opened the driver's door, "Well, Ok. If you say so!"

Dixie and Luke were back at the Boar's Nest in no time. It wasn't long before Luke noticed Bo and Beth looking for a way out of all this. Luke went over the the bands mic, "Excuse me. If I know my cousin, our newlyweds are looking for a back door right about now......"

Bo gave him an evil look.

Luke smiled and continued, "Well, Bo, I know I for one gave you a hard way to go about all this early on. So, for my part to try to make it up to you tonight and several other people wanted to give you two a little something to get you started off on the right foot, Mark over there came up with a good idea since we know money is a little tight." Luke reached in his pocket and took out a key. "We have booked you a room for the night....." Luke walked over the Bo and said only loud enough for Bo to hear, "At the Dixie Inn."

Bo was relieved that Luke didn't announce to everyone there where he'd gotten the room because people in Hazzard County can do strange things on wedding nights! Bo smiled. Luke handed him the key and they both hugged. Bo said, "Thanks, cousin and thank the others so we can get out of here."

Luke said, "You got it!" Then Luke turned to Beth and said as he hugged her, saying "Welcome to the family."

Knowing how close Bo and Luke were, Beth couldn't have been happier knowing Luke accepted and welcomed her into the family.

Everyone had several baggies of rice to toss at the couple as they left. The party at the Boars Nest continued several more hours.

Cue Beth


Bo helped Beth into the passenger's side of the General Lee, then walked around to his side. He climbed into the driver's seat, and cranked the car. Before he left the Boar's Nest, Bo hit the Dixie horn, and yelled out the window, "Yeeeehaaaa!"

All the guests had to laugh. Bo put the car in gear and pulled forward. He shook his head with that prizewinning grin of his when he heard the beer cans clanking behind them. Beth moved over to the middle seat and layed her head on his shoulder. He put his arm around her. "You OK, Sunshine?"

She closed her eyes and smiled. "I'm fine. Just tired."

"This was too much," Bo said. "We shoulda just had a quiet wedding... just Uncle Jesse and the cousins, and your mama and your little sister. Where was she anyway...But...What with the baby and all... I'm so stupid."

"No, honey. It was perfect. And about my sister... Mama said Daddy wouldn't let her come." Bo looked at her and kissed her quickly.

"I love you," he said quietly as they pulled into the parking lot of the Dixie Inn. The two of them were glad they had brought an extra change of clothes, just in case. In Hazzard County, you never know what might come in handy.

Bo took their one light bag up to the room, then he walked Beth up. Once they had closed the door, Bo kissed her passionately, and Beth held on to him tightly as he whispered into her ear, "I love you, Mrs. Duke."

She kissed his cheek and replied, "I love you, too, Mr. Duke."

Bo smiled and put his hand on Beth's stomach, though she wasn't yet showing. "I love you, too, Baby Duke," Bo said with a grin. Beth covered Bo's hand with hers and smiled.

Bo stood up, a good 10 inches taller than his bride. "Well, I say we get this little honeymoon started," he said with a wicked grin.

Beth just smiled and let him kiss her again.

Cue Dixie


Long after his bride had fallen asleep, Bo layed by her side and counted his blessing as he watched Beth sleep. Bo was still several months away from his 18th birthday but he had in the last two months gotten a wife with a baby on the way and two rooms at Jesse's to put a roof over his young families heads. Thanks to his family and friends they were able to have a real honeymoon, even if it would be a short one. Now, all Bo needed to do was to get that danged cast off his arm so he could start earning their keep. He sighed, as Beth snuggled closer to him. He'd worry later for now he was very content.


Bo wasn't the only one still awake. Luke layed in his bed looking over at Bo's empty bed. Luke and Bo had shared this bed since they had came to stay at the farm. Of course they had both spent nights here alone when the other was spending the nights with friends, but, this was different. Luke knew this was now his room alone. Yes, things were going to be different around here with Bo being married, and having Beth and a baby around here. Luke reached in the floor and picked up a bottle of beer which if Jesse knew he had in his room he'd have to listen to a lecture. They weren't suppose to eat or drink in the bed rooms. Luke figured to ditch the evidence in the morning. He had been good at the reception because he was driving home, but fully intended to celebrate once he got home.


The sun shined through the window in Bo and Beth's room at the Dixie Inn. Beth opened her eyes and it took a second to realize where she was. Once she got her bearings she was content to just snuggle and watch Bo sleep. She still had butterflies in her stomach not quiet believing she was finally Bo Duke's wife.

Cue Beth


Bo woke up and looked over at Beth, who was looking at him. "Hey, Sunshine," he whispered, kissing her.

"Hey," she replied. They couldn't take their eyes off of each other.

"Beth..." Bo said.


"I love you. So much."

"I love you, too."

"So... I been wonderin' this... ain't thought to ask ya just yet... but... when is the baby supposed to be born?"

Beth smiled, and snuggled closer to him. "June. Somewhere around the end of June."

"Be somethin' if it was born on your birthday."

"Yeah, it would." She closed her eyes, her head resting on Bo's shoulder. It was warm against her cheek. And he smelled good. Really good.

"Are you scared?" he asked after a few minutes in silence.

She spoke without opening her eyes. "More than I've ever been scared in my life... except about having to tell everyone."

"I'm sorry, honey. I wish I hadn't..."

She pressed her fingers over his lips to hush him. "No. No blamin' yourself. I'm still happy about the baby. And I want you to be happy, too."

"I am happy. I just worry about you."

"Don't worry about me. Just love me and be here for me."

Bo grinned. "That, I can do." He kissed her, and she smiled.

"And you do it so well," she said, kissing him back.

"Beth," he said, looking at her with love in his eyes. "I'm sorry things worked out the way they did... But I'll never be sorry you're my wife. I'll never be sorry about that."

She snuggled even closer to him. "I'll never be sorry either. Never in all my life."

He squeezed her shoulders and smiled. "When do we have to be out of here?"

"Eleven," she said. "But it's only eight. We've got plenty of time."

Bo grinned, and kissed her again. "Plenty of time for what, if I might ask."

She just returned his kiss. That was all the answer he needed.

Cue Dixie


The morning after the wedding found Jesse Duke walking up the street of Hazzard. Walking down the street was none other than Mr. Smith, Beth's father. They saw each other at the same time. Jesse hoped to smooth things over by speaking as he always had, "Morning, Andrew."

"You know Jesse, ....... all these years I've known you, I'd never thought you'd uphold those two. Letting them live in sin under you own roof!......"

Andrew Smith never got to finish that thought, "NOW, you just hold on there a minute!" Jesse roared, which got everyone in earshots attention. "There isn't anyone now or ever has been anyone living under MY roof in sin! That girl of yours was raised better than that and so was my boys!" Jesse said pointing his finger in Mr. Smith's chest. "You are so quick to condeem me, my family and your own daughter instead of trying to help them get through this. You can't change what has already happened. All we can all do is try to just make the best of this and help those two all we can."

"You can do as you please. I have washed my hands of the whole dirty situation." said Mr. Smith as he walked off.

Jesse stormed up the street to the Hazzard Garage where he'd parked. Cooter's father, Luther had seen the show. "Jesse is everything alright?"

"Oh, that man makes me so mad I could spit." ranted Jesse. "I surely don't approve of Bo and Beth's actions without being married, but what would it prove to throw them to the wolves. Besides, given the situation, Bo has done his level best to take on his responsiblities."

Luther spoke words that may some day come back to haunt himself. "Yeah, give him a year and he'll be bragging on that grandchild of his. You'd think those two were the only two every jumped the gun!"


Luke had taken Jeb with him to repair a fence near the road. They were busy working on it when Bo and Beth returned to the farm. Daisy was hanging up clothes on the line. Coy and Vance were cleaning out the barn.

Bo helped Beth out of the car and grabbed the small overnight bag. They walked into the empty house. Bo opened the door to their new room which had been left empty until after the wedding.

Beth said, "I had better get busy getting my things moved out of Daisy's room. I bet she'll be glad to get rid of me."

Bo cautioned, "Well, you just don't do too much. I'll grab Luke in a bit and we'll move the furniture. I for one will be quiet glad to have you as a room mate!" he smiled as he kissed his wife.

Daisy had just came in the door and saw the kiss, "Hey, we'll have none of that until this work get done." She said teasingly


Bo had joined Luke and Jeb in the fence repair. When they came in for lunch, the three went to what was now Luke's room. They took Bo's twin size bed apart and put it back together in Bo and Beth's new room. Despite suggestions of a new bed, Bo and Beth had agreed that was an expense they didn't need now and they were certain they could make due with the twin bed. They boys also moved Bo's chest of drawers into the other room. Daisy brought Bo two clothes baskets with instructions to empty the dresser into two baskets -- one to keep one to pass to Jeb, Coy or Vance and anything else to throw out. Once Bo got the dresser empty Daisy and Beth would reorganize it to fit Bo's and Beth's things.


After lunch Daisy and Beth spent the afternoon setting up the new room. They put clean sheets on the bed and Daisy hung the curtains. Beth suddenly felt very helpless as Daisy wouldn't let her even stand on the small stool to hang the curtains. Everything was set up before supper. The girls had even swept Luke's room, made his bed and moved it to the center of the wall since the other bed was out of the room.

Bo caught himself at Lukes' door when he went to get a change of clothes before showering. After continueing down the hall to his new room Bo opened his bottom drawer for his socks and found instead his T-shirts. He laughed to himself, thinking, 'This is going to take some getting used to!' He went to the door and said, knowing that he wouldn't hear the last of if, "Beth can you give me a hint where my socks might be?"

She smiled and blushed at the looks from the others, "Top drawer on the left."

Luke couldn't resist, "He hasn't been married 48 hours and can't find anything with out you!"

Beth blushed a darker red.


Much later that night. Luke had driven the wrecker until midnight then closed the Boar's Nest down. The whole house was asleep when he had gotten home. All the lights were out except one very dim light in the kitchen that stayed on. He removed his boots on the porch, tip toed to his room, closing the door behind him he turned to fall across his bed.

The still of the Hazzard night was disturbed by a loud "THUD!" Followed by an immediate, loud, "!%#&!%#!&%#@(#)#@)^)@!!!!"

The entire house was awake and heading to Luke's room. Daisy and Beth both looked just a little guilty as Bo and Jesse were the first through the door to find Luke still laying flat of his back in the middle of the floor three feet away from where his bed was now at.

Together Jesse and Bo asked, "Are you alright?

Luke sighed, rolled to his side, as he got his breath back, "Why? Can those two just answer me why?"

Seeing that Luke was OK. Both Dixie and Beth said, "We centered the bed to make it look better."

Daisy continued, "Half the room was empty and half was full."

Beth held up her hands, "Luke you saw it before you left." she said with a smile.

"Yeah, I did." said Luke. "It's amazing what you forget after several hours...."

Bo interupted, "and several beers!" he said as he helped Luke out of the floor.

"Funny Bo!" said Luke.

Cue Beth


Beth shook her head. She was so sleepy. Bo smiled. "Go back to bed, honey. I'll be there in a minute."

Beth smiled. "OK." She walked away quietly, back to their room. Daisy followed her out the door.

"Well, honey," Daisy said, "How are you likin' married life?"

Beth smiled. "I know it's just fine so far, but give me a while to get into it."

Daisy smiled. "Bo's a good guy. I know he'll treat you right."

Beth nodded. "I know he will, too."

She went to bed, as Bo had insisted she do, and waited for him. When he finally came back to bed, he was grinning from ear to ear. "What is it?"

Beth asked.

"Just Luke. He's mad now, because he embarassed himself... and because Jesse knows he was out partyin', now. Jesse's gonna tack Luke's hide on the wall."

Beth smiled. "Poor Luke."

Bo put his arm around Beth, and the two of them went back to sleep.


Early the next morning...

Cue Dixie


Bo stirred after smelling breakfast. It was far earlier than Beth was use to getting up.

Luke smelled the breakfast cooking. He turned to get up. That was his first mistake of the day. He knew he had messed up by flopping down where his bed SHOULD have been, but he now realized he did NOT bounce like he used to. He also knew that his 'beloved' Uncle Jesse would chalk up his soreness to drinking 'too much' last night. He carefully made his way to the table, trying not to let on he was hurting this morning.

Jesse looked Luke in the eye. "Luke there are several places in the fence that need work today. ......" Jesse sighed.

Luke was relieved to hear his jobs for the day. "After we get the back forty plowed."

Luke cursed to himself. The back forty was nothing but rock!


Bo had awaken Beth. She put on a robe over her nightgown. They left their new room and headed for the table. Beth breathed in the delicious smells of breakfast. The next thing she knew she was grabbing her mouth and heading to the bathroom.

As she shut the door, Bo gave Jesse a questioning look.

Jesse smiled, "It's normal. She'll be fine shortly. There are some Saltine crackers in the cabinet. It will get worse before it gets better."


To Beth, it was still night. The sun hadn't come up yet, but at the Duke farm, that didn't mean much. The Dukes were always up before dawn, eating breakfast and getting dressed... there was so much work to be done. And especially for Luke, who was in big trouble. Plowing the back 40 was no easy task. Nor was it necessary in all honesty. But those rocks taught the boys many lessons. Many many lessons.

As she washed her face, she found herself wondering about her baby... what it was going to be like... How she was going to feel when she saw it. She couldn't believe that she and Bo were having a baby. She waited a little bit, and then she was hungry. By the time she got to the table, the rest were finishing off cups of coffee... all except Daisy, who had been serving the boys and Uncle Jesse almost constantly, and was finally getting to settle down to her own breakfast.

As the boys left the table, Bo walked over to Beth. "Are you OK, honey?"

She nodded. "I'm fine. I reckon you better get to work, though."

Bo grinned. "Yeah." He leaned over and kissed her cheek before walking out the door.

Beth sat down, and looked at the food. She shook her head. She knew she'd never be able to hold the big country breakfast down. So Daisy grabbed her the box of Saltines and poured her a glass of Cola. Beth ate slowly, and the crackers stayed down, thankfully. "Thanks, hon," Beth said, smiling at Daisy. "You're a godsend."

Daisy smiled. "I wouldn't go that far."

"You are, honey. You're sent straight from God to make my life easier... I don't know what I'd do without you and Bo and the rest of the family."

Daisy shook her head. "I don't know what I'd do without them, either. When our parents died, Uncle Jesse took us in without a question. He wouldn't let us be raised outside the Duke family. I love Uncle Jesse. He's like a father to us all."

They were silent for a few minutes, when Beth said....

Cue Dixie


"Oh, no. " She grabbed her mouth and fled to the bathroom once again.

Daisy being raised in a house of all males was torn between going to Beth and going to get Uncle Jesse or Bo. She chose to see about Beth. She knocked on the bathroom door, "Can I do anything? Do you need me to be with you?"

Though Beth had lost the little she had on her stomach she still felt sick. "I think I'm OK." She wiped her face and opened the door. "I don't mean to be such a bother."

"Don't be silly." said Daisy as she wet a cool cloth and put in on the back of Beth's neck. She looked really pale and scared Daisy.

Beth was about to force herself out of the bathroom and had intentions of starting to help Daisy. She stood up still very pale.

Daisy said, "Come on. I'm putting you back to bed for awhile. Go rest and try it again in a couple hours."

Beth didn't want to be a burden but the idea of going back to bed sounded very good to her at this moment. "Ok, but dont' let me sleep all day. Promise?"

"You won't sleep all day." insisted Daisy.


With Bo's help Luke had finished the fence repair in a couple hours. "Well, I better get started on the bavk forty." Luke sighed. Making sure Jesse was not around before he continued. "Like there is a point to plowing it. I love that back forty but it is a rock and stump garden!"

Bo nodded, "You know....."

"Yes," Luke said with a sigh, "That I'm only plowing it because I forgot where the bed was and didn't turn on the light. He--, I've come in a lot drunker and not missed the bed! The bed just moved!"

Bo replied, "Yeah, sorry about that. I knew they moved it but I never thought about you flopping into the floor instead of the bed."

"Well, He--, I knew they moved it too, but I 'flopped' from habit!" said Luke.

"You want some company?" asked Bo.

Luke knew he'd rather be near the house and Beth. "Nah, go see about Beth. She looked awfully pale at breakfast."


Luke began the ordeal of plowing the rocky ground having to stop and toss the rocks every few feet. His back was sore from the fall and bending over to pick up the rocks wasn't making him any happier. After several hours Luke felt like he'd done enough to satisify Jesse at least for awhile. He'd go grab a little lunch and maybe Jesse had come up with a job that actually needed to be done.

It was near lunch time when Jesse returned to the farm from running errands. He purposely took a short cut through the back forty. Luke was not in sight but Jesse saw where he'd been working. He had worked not slacked off. 'Maybe he did just miss the bed. Heh heh!'


Jesse came into the kitchen. Everyone was surrounding Beth who sat at the table.

Bo was the first to speak, "Uncle Jesse, I think she needs to go to the doctor but she won't hear anything of it."

Jesse sized up the situation. She was very pale. He felt her forehead, no temperature. "Have you eaten anything?"

Beth smiled weakly, "I'm afraid too. I ate a few crackers and a Cola. It didn't stay."

Daisy continued, "I made her go back to bed for a couple hours. "

Jesse asked, "Bo when did you say Doc told you to come back?"

"After we were married, so she'd not need her parents consent." replied Bo.

"Well, I think it just normal morning sickness but ya'll better run her up town in a bit. Bo, you know your Mama got sick only once like this with you. She was sick about the whole day. Then she was fine. After that when she got sick it was only at night." Jesse explained. "It's time you get a check up anyway there Beth."

Beth smiled a little. "Thanks."

"Boys you can both go and get supplies while your there. And check the mail." said Jesse.


Once they got into town, Luke went to the Post Office. Miss Tisdale told Luke, "I have some odd jobs for Bo to do if he's needing to earn some extra money for that little Duke."

"Yes, Mamm, I'll be sure to tell him. Thanks I'm sure he'll be by to see you."

This would be the story of the day. News had spread about Bo and Beth's marriage and the raason for the rush. It seemed Bo had more odd jobs than he could possibly imagine. He knew that several like Miss Tisdale had probably invented some of the things he was asked about doing. Bo was very grateful for their kindness.


Beth sat on the examining table at Doc's, after he had given her a check up. Bo sat in the chair beside her. "Well, Beth, Bo..." Doc said. "It appears to me that Beth here just has a simple case of morning sickness. She'll be fine soon enough. Now, you, Beth, you just eat healthy, and that baby's gonna be fine."

Beth smiled. "Thanks, Doc."

Doc smiled. "Now, Bo... I've got some jobs at the house I could use your help on... You think you could get away from the farm long enough to do them for me?"

Bo grinned. "Should be able to... What kind of work are you talkin' about?"

Doc smiled. "I'm not much with workin' fences, but my wife wants to keep cows around the house. She takes care of them and such, but she can't rightly fix a fence. She loves fresh milk and all... But one of the fence lines is down, and I need somebody to fix it... we blocked it off, but the cows are liable to get out at any time..."

Bo smiled. "I'll be over first thing in the morning."

Bo paid Doc for the checkup and he and Beth went outside. It was a warm day for fall, and Beth breathed the fresh air. Bo put his arm around her. "How are you feelin', now?"

"Tired. But better than I did this morning. I just keep getting sick."

"I'm sorry, babydoll," he whispered, holding her close.

"Don't be sorry... Just be here for me..."

He smiled, "Love you."

"Love you, too."

She looked at him lovingly. "It's gonna be OK, honey."

"I know," he said.

They sat down together on a bench to wait for Luke, who was in Rhuebottom's picking up some things. Before long, he pulled the truck around to pick them up. They hadn't driven the General at Jesse's insistance that a pregnant lady didn't need to be climbing in and out of windows. Beth and Bo climbed in without noticing several cans of paint in the truck bed. When they go home, Bo and Beth went inside, but Luke went to the barn with the cans of paint. He set to work there on his and Jesse's gift for the baby. It was the crib Bo had slept in as a baby, which had been saved by Jesse, sanded and soon to be repainted by Luke. He smiled as he painted, and knowing how much Bo and Beth would appreciate it made him feel good.

Luke worked hard on it, but kept it hidden in the barn... which meant that keeping Bo and Beth out was imperative... This might take some doing.


The next day at the Duke farm...

Cue Dixie


Saturday morning as the breakfast dishes were stacked, Luke asked, "Uncle Jesse yesturday Doc asked Bo to come by his house to do a fence repair for him. Me and the others can cover for him if that's OK with you."

Jesse nodded, "We all should be able to manage without you today." Jesse saw what the others were up to. It was good they were covering for Bo so he could earn some cash, yet, he'd have to talk to them all. He couldn't let Bo dodge his responsibilities at the farm. Maybe Bo could take one or two days a week and schedule the odd jobs that way.

Luke said, "Go get started. Repairing that fence one handed may not be that easy. I'll be by later to see of any poles need reset or anything you need help with."

"Thanks Luke." said Bo as he kissed Beth and headed out toward the barn for tools.

Luke saw where he was headed. "I better just go make sure he doesn't forget anything." he said as he was going out the door. "Bo wait up!"

Everyone but Jesse gave Luke a puzzled look. 'What could Bo forget? Lord, knows they had all repaired enough fences.' they thought.


Beth was feeling much better this morning than she had yesturday. She helped Daisy with the dishes. Daisy said, "You seem better today?"

Beth replied, "Much better then yesturday!"

"Good. The others are cleaning the remained of the garden out today. This afternoon will be a busy one with all the canning and freezing things for the winter ahead." said Daisy.

Beth smiled shyly, "I guess I'll just have to do what you tell me needs done. I dont' think anything has ever been canned at my house."

"Don't worry. It's not hard. Just takes time!" Dasiy sighed.


Luke managed to 'have' to go to town around lunch. Jesse figured he swing by and check on Bo which was Luke's plan.

Bo had everything he could do alone done when Luke arrived and within an hour they were done and returned to the farm together. Doc knew he'd get it back one way or the other but paid Bo $50 for the job.

"I sure was glad you had it mostly done. Jesse's got plans for us." Luke paused.

Bo sighed, "Not stringing beans?"

Luke smiled an evil grin. "Yep! And of course what he doesn't want stringed has to be cleaned and frozen."

Bo looked a bit eager for a second, "You know I don't mind cleaning the ones for the pickled beans."

"Well, just pretend that he's pickling them all then." Luke rolled his eyes as he walked into the house.

Bo said from behind, "I wish he would! And you like them too."

"I'll like them when they get ready. Right now after all that we have done I am tried of looking at grean beans!" replied Luke.

From the kitchen, "I heard that!" said Jesse laughing a bit at his two nephews. This conversation was played out by one or the other at least once a year.


Sunday went by much to fast. After church and a big dinner, Bo took advantage of a quiet Sunday afternoon by taking Beth for a drive. This gave Luke time to work more on the baby bed. Jesse wouldn't have any work done on Sunday much to the others relief!

Beth looked into Bo's eyes as they walked around the lake. "Bo, you know I love you and i'm more proud of being your wife than you'll ever know......"

"But?" he asked.

"Tomorrow?" She sighed, "I don't know what our friends, .... well, our so called friends are going to think."

"Look, we made it through telling everyone, getting married, and your first doctor visit." Bo said jokenly. "Besides our true friends know and were there for us. The others don't matter."

She looked down. "I know. But I know some of them are going to be hurtful and I' not sure I'm ready for that......."

Bo replied...............


"Honey, if they say anything, you just let me know... Nobody talks too much crap about the Dukes without having to deal with 'em."

"Bo, you can't just go pummel somebody for talking about you. It's not..." she shook her head. "There are better ways to handle things."

Bo shook his head. "If you think of one, let me know."

Beth let Bo put his arm around her. "Honey, please don't do anything dangerous... Don't get in trouble over it. Words are just words. If someone tried to hurt me or the baby, that would be one thing, but we're talking about words. They hurt for a little while. Besides, it's like you said... The people who really matter are the ones who love us anyway..."

Bo smiled. "Sunshine... Sometimes I don't know what I'd do without you."

She turned to look up at him. She smiled, thinking about how tall and handsome he was. "I love you, honey. I really do. More than you'll ever know."

He pulled her close and kissed her. "I love you, too."

She tasted the moonshine in his kiss. But she didn't say a word. Just reached up, and pulled his head down to kiss him again.

He grinned. "Hm... I reckon we better get home. We've gotta get ready to go back to school in the morning. It was nice being out for a whole 2 weeks... Too bad that'll never happen again."

"Oh, hush! You're a Sr. You'll be out, soon. I'm stuck for a whole nother year after you get out."

"So! I don't like it... and a school year's still a long time."

Beth smiled. "Well... I still have to finish that essay for English."

"What essay?"

"It's supposed to be about the most important person in your life. I'm writing about you."

Bo smiled, suddenly shy. "Aww.... you didn't have to do that, honey. I'm not..."

She pressed her fingers to his lips, then kissed him passionately. "Yes, you are."

He smiled, then lifted her into his arms and carried her home.


The next morning....

Cue Dixie


The next morning was a bit hectic with one more body getting ready for school. Luke was setting at the table drinking coffee trying to just stay out of the way. Beth and Daisy were trying to hurry so the guys could have the bathroom. Jeb, Coy and Vance were dragging their feet as usual.

Bo didn't want to go to school but he was ready to go. He walked into the kitchen and shot Luke his usual evil look. He hadn't gotten use to Luke not going to school with him, yet. He nodded at Luke for him to walk outside with him.

Luke sighed, picked up his coffee and followed Bo outside. Luke looked up at him, "What did I do?"

"Graduate!" said Bo.

Luke shook his head. He and Bo had, had this conversation several times since last June. "Sorry about that Cousin!"

"Why'd you have to go and graduate and desert ME?" asked Bo.

"Bo we've had this talk before. Now, what IS wrong?" asked Luke.

"Last night Beth was telling me how she was worried about going back to school today. She's worried about the students reactions to 'us'. " explained Bo.

"And?" asked Luke.

Bo continued, "I told her our real freinds already knew and were there for us."

"And?" said Luke again.

"I told her that I'd handle the rest!" replied Bo. Not quiet as confident as he'd been with Beth.

"And?" questioned Luke.

"I wish you and Cooter hadn't graduated last year......" Bo paused.

"Bo you have Jeb there with you. But, you or Jeb need to get into any trouble in school. You all don't need it. Neither does Jesse. And most of all Beth doesn't need it. If you two get suspended then it will be that much harder for her to go to school. Who knows how much school she might have to miss this year anyway. You know how important her grades and school has always been."

Bo sighed, "You're right Luke. But, can you answer the phone if the school should call today?"

Luke smiled a bit, "I'll try." He thought for a minute. "If it looks like it's going to end up in a fight." Luke paused. He knew he'd hate himself later if Bo did this. "Call them out to a place off school property and time."

"Yeah! That might work!" exclaimed Bo.

"Yeah, it just might." said Luke with less enthuasim. "Come on Cuz, let's get them out the door.


At school:

Bo, Beth Daisy and Jeb walked into the large brick building that was Hazzard High School, home of the Cougars. Just up the hall was a group or five or six girls all talking eagerly until the Dukes approached then the conversation stopped. Bo held Beth's hand tightly and kept the bunch walking like nothing had happened.

Bo walked Beth to her first class. Her first teacher was one that Luke and Bo had started off onthe right foot with and got along with him well. Bo called himself sneaking a kiss right in front of the teacher.

Mr. Crouse known by the Dukes and several other of his favorite student as 'Kool-Aid' walked over to Bo. "Now, Bo Duke, we can't be heving you kissing your girlfriend in the hall like that."

Bo smiled rather smuggly and asked, "Well, could I kiss my wife in your hall, Mr Crouse?"

Mr.Crouse looked at the young couple in front of him smiling from ear to ear and said, ................

Cue Beth


"Well, is that how it is now? When'd y'all tie the knot? And why wasn't I invited?" he jabbed Bo in the ribs.

"Well, we were kinda in a hurry, if you get my drift," Bo replied.

Mr. Crouse smiled knowingly. "Oh, so that's how it was."

"Due in June," Beth said, looking up at Bo with a smile.

Mr. Crouse shook his head. "You kids are somethin' else. But... congratulations anyway."

Beth smiled. "Thanks, Mr. Crouse."

"No problem. Now, you better let your husband get to his first class."

Bo smiled wanly. Unfortunately, his first teacher was hardly Kool-aid. More like Lemon Juice. Mrs. Carson. Algebra 2. Bo hated math.

Bo slipped in the door, and sat down in his desk, glad to be sitting beside his friend, Brody, one of the few black people in Hazzard High. "Hey, Brody," Bo whispered to his friend.

"Bo Duke!" Brody said. "Reckon the honeymoon went well?"

"Yeah. Too bad it's over."

Brody grinned. "Yeah... Miz Carson's class sure ain't no honeymoon."

Bo laughed. He couldn't disagree with that. Mrs. Carson had to be the meanest teacher in the Hazzard County School System, and she had always especially disliked Bo, Luke, and Cooter. bo was barely passing her class, and she wouldn't explain anything to him to make it easier. Bo wished he had Kool-aid with Beth first period. They only had one class together, English 4, which was an honors class for Beth. She had good grades in everything. She would have been going to college if not for the baby. But that was all over, and she was just settling in to being Bo's wife and the mother of his child... or maybe, children.

Beth usually enjoyed Mr.Crouse's class, but this particular day was rough. Especially when she heard a girl sitting a few seats back say, "......

Cue Dixie


Beth usually enjoyed Mr.Crouse's class, but this particular day was rough. Especially when she heard a girl sitting a few seats back say, just loud enough to be sure that Beth heard her, "....... I heard the REASON why too!"

Whom every she was talking to had the good taste not to be heard. The first girl was heard to reply but Beth only heard the parts that she was meant to hear, "she's pregnant." Beth was sure that at least several others setting near them also heard and knew they were talking about her also that 'news' this 'juicy' would spread like wild fire. She tried to act like she didn't hear them and waited for the bell to ring. Beth knew the next class would be better because some of her closest friends would be there as it was an elective class so several grades were together. This was also one on Beth's favorite classes, Music. In Mr. Kumps class they learned not only the music but how to work microphones, sound systems. Mr. Kump even let them pick the songs.


In Math class Bo was getting the opposite reaction from Brody and the others. He was the 'MAN' of the hour which eventually disturbed Mrs. Carson's teaching. She finally could not ignore the group of guys any longer and maintain control of her class. She cleared her throat loudly, and asked, "Would you young gentlemen like to explain to the class just what is so important that you feel the need to interupt my class? ........" After a long pause with no answer Mrs. Carson asked, "Mr. Duke the attention seems to be centering on you. Is there something you'd like to tell the ENTIRE class???"

Bo knew she was trying to embarrass him so he figured by answering her question it might put the shoe on the other foot, after all she DID ask and it might just stop some of the 'rumors' people were in such a hurry to spread secretly. "Mrs. Carson, I don't mind telling you, the class or the world. ...... Beth Smith and I recently have gotten married and expect our first child about graduation. The guys were offering their congratulations." Bo saw the look on the older woman's face, 'Yep, that was worth coming to school for!'

The class was mixed with the guys congratulations and the females 'shock'.

NARRATOR: Isn't it amazing how different the guys and girls took that?

Before Mrs. Carson could gain her composure the bell rang. Brody put his arm around Bo's shoulder, "Buddy, that was worth getting up for this morning!"


The bell rang and Beth headed for her next class. Dixie Davenport, Cooter's younger sister caught up to her in the hall, and said, "Hey, glad you're back. I missed you being here even though I saw you at the Dukes some."

"Well, there are others that are glad I'm back for other reasons, too." said Beth glumly.

Dixie smiled for her friends sake, "They are just jealous knowing your going home to Bo. I know I am and he's not my type!"

A bit confussed, Beth asked, "So what is your type?"

Dixie looked impish, "Oh, slightly shorter, a little older, much darker hair, and WAY MORE HANDSOME!" When she saw Beth smile she knew she had succeeded in getting Beth out of her bad mood.

Beth said, "Well, except for the last statement there I'd say you would have to be talking about none other that Luke Duke, but everyone knows Bo is more handsome and blondes have more fun."

Dixie replied, "Well, the handsome part is a matter of opinion and as for the fun part IF I ever get to find out I'll let you know, though being a brunette I would have to disagree about the 'blondes having MORE fun.' "

At this exact moment one of the Hazzard cheerleading 'snobs' was passing by and heard part of Beth and Dixie's loud conversation. And stuck her 'two cents' in the middle, "Looks to me like that BLONDE boyfriend of yours knows how to have way to much fun for any 'decent' girl to date!"

Dixie and Beth both turned on the girl. Dixie saw the hurt in Beth's face as her own anger reached boiling. Before Beth could reply or the girl could react Dixie had hit her, just as Jeb, Bo, Brody and Daisy walked up the hall.

NARRATOR: Now Dixie might be Cooter's sister, but, boy she sure didn't hit like a girl!!!!

Cue Beth


As the girl hit the floor, Dixie looked at her and said sarcastically, "And he's her husband."

As Bo, Jeb, Brody, and Daisy looked up the hall, Bo looked at the scene in front of him, then turned to Jeb and Brody and said, "Oh, Lord."

All four of them ran to where Dixie and Beth stood, Dixie still fighting mad, and Beth somewhat in shock. Bo walked over to Beth

immediately. "Hey, what happened?" he asked, sliding his arm around her waist.

"She just said something about us, and Dixie... Wow!"

"Dixie did that?" Bo said, looking at Cooter's younger sister incredulously.

"Yep," Dixie said, somewhat proud of herself. "And I dare her or anyone else to say another word about it."

The girl looked at Dixie with hatred in her eyes. She stood up, and realized that her nose was bleeding. "Dixie Davenport, you'll pay for this!" she screamed.

Bo, Jeb, and Brody all stood up straight to get the full effect of their heights. Bo looked at the girl, recognising her as a girl that had dated his friend, Mac Jones, and had done him wrong. "Lyndsie, I suggest you get on out of here. Leave Dixie and everybody else alone."

"Are you threatening me?" she asked, looking for another way to get someone in trouble, since Dixie was as good as suspended already.

"Lord, no," Bo said. "I wouldn't hurt a girl. But I'm just sayin'. These girls here ain't gonna take a bunch of junk from you. Or nobody else for that matter."

"Well, I'm just saying you better watch how you talk to me," Lyndsie said, turning up her nose.

"Oh, believe me... I will." Bo gave her his meanest look, then turned to Beth. "You all right, honey?"

"I'm fine. I didn't have a chance to get in any trouble. Dixie was on her like a duck on a june bug."

Bo grinned, and gave Dixie a pat on the back. "Thanks, Dixie. But I hope you don't have to do that again. 'Cause you're in a big pile of crap already."

Dixie nodded. "I know. Lord, I know."

Bo smiled. He was glad to have so many friends. Especially friends that had his and Beth's backs.

Cue Dixie

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