DixieDavenport Posted February 7, 2005 Posted February 7, 2005 Jesse heard the General Lee roar up the driveway as he finished drying the supper dishes. He could hear by the "Yeeeeeehaaaaaaaa!" from both his nephews that they were in a much better mood. Jesse poured a two cups of coffee and headed for the porch. He met Bo and Luke on the porch and said, "The General sounds fit."Bo replied, "Yes, Sir. Cooter is a genius!"Luke added, "Now all he needs is a really good cleaning tomorrow.""That's real good. Bo, can you find something to do? Luke and me, here, need to have us a talk. I was too mad today to deal with him." said Jesse. Bo and Luke looked at each other before Bo answered, "Yeah, sure. I'll be in the house."Jesse added, "Ok, and call Beth while you're there. She called about an hour ago. Have a seat Luke." he said handing Luke his coffee.Bo replied, as he went through the door. "Thanks, Uncle Jesse."Luke was pretty sure he knew what was wrong.Jesse sat back and said, "Now, Luke I am glad you and Bo stick together and stick up for each other. However, when you hide something that could hurt someone then that is taking it too far. What is going on with Bo and Beth needed to be told so that we all can help them deal with the overwhelming responsibilities they have gotten themselves into.""Uncle Jesse from the second I found out I tried to get him to tell you. It was even hard for him to tell me. With this situation the harm has been done I didn't think by not telling, it was that big of a deal since it can't be changed." Luke tried to explain. The wiser Duke said, "Luke, Beth is 16. Bo is 17. What if they couldn't deal with the situation? What if one or both decided they couldn't handle this? We could have lost Bo, Beth and or an innocent life."The realization of Jesse's statement sunk in. "I would never think either of them capable of anything like THAT." Luke said.Jesse nodded, "I hope that they aren't. I just wanted you to know that there are times it is Ok to not back someone if it is for their own good."Luke nodded, "I know that and I had planned on telling you myself if he didn't tell you soon. I had told him as much."Jesse asked, "Can I take it that's what happened to the wrist?""Yes, Sir." Luke sighed, "The night before he went to the doctor the first time, he hit the oak dresser in our room. You were there for the second one, but, yes, I had told him I'd tell you if he didn't."After finding out about the baby, Jesse was pretty sure of what had caused the injury. "You never did tell me about where you all were the other morning."Luke sighed and took a drink of coffee. There was no point in not telling now, "Bo slipped out to go see Beth. I woke up, he wasn't there, so I went looking for him and by the time we got back you were up."Jesse sat quietly for several minutes sipping his coffee. "Luke go get Bo if he's off the phone."Luke did as he was told and returned with Bo shortly."Bo we are going to talk. Luke can leave or stay. It's up to you." stated Jesse.Bo replied, "I'd like him to stay, if you don't mind Luke?" he asked in an almost plea.Uncle Jesse nodded for Luke to set down which he did. "Bo first off there will be no more sneaking out in the middle of the night." stated Jesse.Bo looked to Luke who gave him a 'What was I suppose to do?' look.Jesse continued, "Secondly, Beth's parents have to know this and soon. Thirdly, What are your plans?" asked Jesse, then waited for Bo's reply.........Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted February 8, 2005 Author Posted February 8, 2005 Bo looked at Uncle Jesse, his young eyes more serious than they had ever been. "I'm gonna ask her to marry me, Uncle Jesse.""Well, now!" Jesse said with that knowing smile of his. "We'll have us a wedding AND a baby!"Bo just looked at Uncle Jesse. "You mean you're happy about all this?"Jesse smiled. "Bo... I'm not happy about you and Beth... foolin' around... without tyin' the knot first. But, a little baby ain't never a mistake. Babies... every single one, is as special as anything. I'm always happy to have a new baby around."Bo smiled. Then, he sobered again. "Uncle Jesse," he said, haltingly. "Do you think me and Beth can do this? I mean, get married, and take care of our baby and all?""Bo, you're a Duke. And Beth's carryin' a Duke. Which makes her a Duke, too," Jesse said. "And a Duke can and will do anything he or she puts their mind to."Bo smiled. There was noone in the world Bo loved like he loved his dear old Uncle. Jesse had that way of telling you just what you needed at the right time.Jesse put his arm around Bo. "That baby of yours is gonna be just fine."Bo smiled, because he knew that his Uncle would never tell him a lie.Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted February 9, 2005 Posted February 9, 2005 Luke was the serious one of the two even then. He asked, "Bo your 17, she's 16, do you really think her parents will let you two get married? You know they will have to give their permission."Jesse agreed, "Bo, Luke is right. How do you think they will take all this?"Bo shook his head, "I don't really know. Beth is afraid they will kick her out once they know."Jesse looked at Bo with deep and sincere love, "I don't believe her parents would do that. I want you to know though that you and your family always have a home here. I know times get hard for our family but we have always been able to add another potato to the soup or a little more water to the beans. No one has or will ever go hungry or not have a place to sleep as long as I'm here." Jesse continued, "I'd like you to ask Beth over tomorrow so as we can all have us a talk. And I mean all of us because this is going to involve all of us. Then, you two can decide on the best time to tell her parents. If you'd like to ask them over for Sunday dinner you are welcome to and you can tell them then with the support of your family. Bo was moved by his Uncle's offer of a home and the support that he was giving him though he had truely gotten in over his head. Bo knew of no feasible way for him and Beth to make it with out some help or at least a lot of support. He said to Jesse, "Thank you. I know that what Beth and I did was wrong because we weren't married and the fact that we're both under 18. I know that goes against everything you've ever taught us but yet you are here for us.""Bo that's what families are for. We have got to be there for each other in good times and bad." replied Jesse. "Now run along and call Beth.""Yes, Sir." said Bo.Luke looked at his Uncle as Bo went inside, "Do you really think that this is all going to be that easy?""No, Luke it's not going to be easy for any of us. If those two get married at such a young age they are going up against a stacked deck. They will be obligated from the get go to that child. It's going to take a whole lot of love and understanding on all our parts to get them through. I hope they truely love each other or they will end up resenting that they 'had' to get married. We will all get through this and that little baby will be just fine."Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted February 9, 2005 Author Posted February 9, 2005 Bo called Beth. She was coming over the next night for supper. Bo thought alot about what his uncle had said. "You and your family always have a home here." It had really hit Bo at that moment. He had a whole new family. A family of his own. And it also hit him just how much love there was in the family he had been raised in. Jesse was right. There had never been a time when there wasn't enough for another person or two. And he knew that there would always be a place for him, Beth, and their baby to stay.As he got ready for bed, he looked at his cousin, who was also getting ready for bed. "Luke," he said, softly."Yeah?" Luke replied, pulling on his flannel pajama bottoms, knowing it was going to be a cold night."Do you think... Do you think me and Beth can do this? I know Jesse thinks we can, but I ain't that sure." Bo felt sure that asking Beth to marry him was the right thing, but he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to do right by her or the baby."Cousin, you just do what every Duke's always done in any situation... Work hard to earn your keep, and do what you have to do to take care of everybody who's important to you. You can do it, Bo. You just gotta set your mind to it, and do your best. That's all anybody can ask of you."Bo looked at him. "But Luke, is that enough?"Luke smiled just a little. "I reckon if you do all that, you'll be just fine."Bo smiled. His cousin was really his best friend. The best he'd ever had.~*~*~*~*~*~*~The next day, at the Duke farm......Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted February 10, 2005 Posted February 10, 2005 Luke was up bright and early to get the chores he'd been doing since Bo hurt his hand. He left the things he usually did that Bo could manage and picked up Bo's that he couldn't do. Luke was not usually this eager to do his chores on most days but he still had a lot to do to the General Lee today so he'd be ready tomorrow for the race. By the time Jesse called them for lunch Luke had already washed the General and had backed him in to the barn to dry him off so the water wouldn't spot. After lunch when the car had cooled a bit he planned on putting several coats of wax on the beloved Dodge Charger. Jesse told everyone before they were excussed from the table that they were having company tonight and he wanted everything done and everyone cleaned up by 6:00 pm. Everyone but Bo and Luke wondered who the company was as they went on their way to finish up things so they'd be ready by 6. Jeb who was the next oldest and who was the closest to Bo and Luke noticed that in the past week or so the older two had kind of excluded him. He made his way to the barn as Luke applied wax to the General while Bo was waiting to wipe off the dried wax. "Hey, guys who's coming over for supper?"Bo replied, "Beth."Looking a bit confussed, Jeb asked, "So what is the big deal? She comes over what three or four times a week. Why is Jesse stressing?"Luke took over for Bo. "Let's just say, ......" he paused, "there's something Jesse wants to discuss with everyone."Jeb replied, "You know! Give."Luke looked serious, "Not this time Cousin.""Come on Luke. What's up? What have you done?" asked Jeb.Bo remained silent as Luke defended himself against Jeb's question. He was glad it wasn't him. He figured he'd have enough to explain tonight.I took Bo and Luke the better part of the day to wax the General Lee with three coats of wax. Luke was just now cleaning what little windows there was. He was also looking at the hood and trunk jams to get the left over wax out of them. All the seats except the drivers seat had been 'Armour All'ed with in an inch of its life. Luke knew not to do the drivers seat if he planned to stay in it. To make sure there was plenty of room Daisy asked Luke as he came in to clean up, "I dug out the second 'leaf' for the table. Can you help me put it in?"Sure." replied Luke. Bo took in the scene. He wondered to himself just how his cousins would react once they found out about his baby. When Luke reappeared from the shower he noticed the table set for eight looked more like a Sunday dinner than a Friday night supper. Daisy had even placed fresh flowers on the table. If he didn't know better he'd swear she knew something was up. Bo also noticed the table looked different as he heard Beth pull in the drive. He was out the front door like something was on fire. All eyes fell on Luke for an explaination, "What?"He was given a very dirty look by the rest of his cousins. Everyone took their seats. Jesse at the head of the table. To his left were Luke, Daisy, Vance and Coy. To his right was Bo, Beth and Jeb. Jesse began with a prayer. "Dear Lord, Bless this food and those that grew and prepared it. Also, Bless this family and let it grow and prosper. We want to thank you for helping each and every member of this family through troubled times. Thank you for providing us with the means to take care of our family. Amen."The Blessing was answered with ta chorus of Amens.Everyone dug in eagerly to the dinner of pork chops, mashed potatoes, gravy, homemade biscuits except for Bo and Beth. Beth ate but not alot. Bo seemed to pick more at the small portion he put on his plate than he ate. Jeb asked, "Can we be excused?"Jesse replied, "You may be excused to the living room. If everyone is done stack your dishes in the sink, I'll clean up later." Jesse directed.Jeb was in a hurry as they were supposed to play at the Boar's Nest tonight,but did as asked. Jesse said once they were all settled in the living room. "There is something we all need to talk about tonight." Everyone looked from one to the other wondering what Jesse was talking about. The look of assurance given to Bo and Beth by Luke and Jesse weren't missed by the others. Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted February 11, 2005 Author Posted February 11, 2005 Beth was squeezing Bo's good hand so tight he felt sure she was going to break it, too. He put his arm around her waist to reassure her. She looked up at him, and their eyes met in support and love for each other. Bo was the first to find his voice. He was strengthened somewhat by Jesse and Luke, who were quietly nodding at him. "Everybody... me and Beth are... We're havin' us a baby." He said the words carefully, as if he was afraid of letting the wrong word out.Daisy, Jeb, Coy, and Vance all looked at one another. Daisy's look was bordering on knowing, or just not being surprised. She wasn't, really. She knew her cousins. All of them, but especially Bo and Luke. And she knew that their "jukin'" rarely ended at the Boar's Nest. Although Daisy was the protected girl-child of the family, she wasn't stupid. And she was also the confidante of all the boys. She had always been afraid this would happen. But she couldn't help wishing she could have protected Bo from it. And Beth was one of her dearest friends.But Daisy stood up and smiled. She walked over to Beth and gave her a hug. "God bless ya, honey!" she said, kissing Beth on the cheek. Beth couldn't help smiling a little.Jeb, who was sixteen, stood up. He walked over to Bo. He didn't say anything, but a look passed between them. Bo looked at his cousin, trying to figure out what Jeb thought about all this. Jeb just nodded a little. "I gotta go. My band's playin. I gotta be there in a few minutes."Bo knew he and Jeb would talk later. They had gotten along really well all their lives, but when Jeb had hit 16, it seemed to have changed alot of things. The two of them had alot of clashes now. It bothered Bo. Especially the way that Jeb was looking at him this minute.Jeb headed upstairs to change. Coy and Vance came over, but they, being only 12 and 14, knew what was going on, but didn't fully understand all of the implications. But both knew that Bo and Beth had gotten themselves in alot deeper than they could have ever planned on.Bo smiled just a little as Beth relaxed her grip on his hand. He leaned over to whisper in her ear, "I love you."Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted February 12, 2005 Posted February 12, 2005 As Jeb cam back from changing his shirt. Jesse stopped him as the others were still gathered in the living room, he said, "Jeb come here just a minute before you leave." Jeb did as instructed. "I know you are in a hurry and I'll not make you late. But, I have something to say to you all while I have all of you here together. I can't uphold Bo and Beth in this. What they did was wrong. I have already expressed this to Bo, Miss Beth. Like I told him though a baby, any baby is special and is never a mistake. The mistake comes into the timing. I want all of you to know that they are going to need a lot of help and support from us. I let Bo know that there is always room for his family under this roof." Jesse smiled a bit at Beth and Bo. "You all may be a thin' that this is just there problem, well, you'd be dead wrong. This is going to effect each and everyone of you in one way or the other in some very simple ways like maybe there's an extra dish to wash, or later maybe just getting woke a time or two by a hungry baby. Then there may be times that won't be so simple, like hearing something you don't like said about either Bo or Beth. They are family and though they are starting their own family they are every bit as much a member of this family as you are. That said you all may go."Jeb wasted no time leaving. Yes, he was in a hurry but Bo, Luke and Jesse thought there was more to it. Coy, Vance and Daisy went to clean the kitchen. Luke didn't think the discussion was over. He looked to Bo, "I can stay if you like or I can go give the General Lee one more once over."It was Jesse that answered for Bo, "Take a seat Luke. Maybe you can help them decide the best time to tell Beth's folks. Bo have you thought any more about what I told you earlier on this matter.""Yes, I have. Beth, Uncle Jesse said we could invite you folks over for dinner tomorrow night. That way we could tell them here where we know we have support." said Bo. "Thank you Uncle Jesse." she said with tears in her eyes. "I love Bo and all of you. Thank you for all your support. I am just so scared and I know that I will be a disappointment to them."Jesse tried to comfort the teen, "Honey, you might have made choices that they won't be happy about and they might be upset at first. Just remember they love you and everything will work out. With the race tomorrow, can I plan on having your parents over for Sunday dinneror have you all made other arrangements to tell them?"Beth looked at Bo, then replied, "............................Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted February 15, 2005 Author Posted February 15, 2005 "That sounds good, Uncle Jesse." Beth was thankful for Uncle Jesse's offer. She was afraid of what would happen if her daddy found out, and there was noone there to protect Bo. She had no idea what he would do. But with Jesse and all of Bo's cousins around, she had a better feeling about everything.Luke moved forward in his seat, resting his elbows on his knees. "Bo... I hope you two are ready for all of this. I know you aren't really ready... but you can make it work. Life is what you make of it... This is up to y'all. And I know y'all are gonna do everything in your power for this baby."Both of them nodded. Beth held tight to Bo's hand. "Listen, honey," he said, leaning close to her.She looked at him. "What?""I need to help Luke with the General. It's a little warmer tonight, you wanna come out with us?"She nodded. "OK."Jesse smiled as all three of them walked out to the barn, where Luke had carefully cleaned and waxed the General.The three of them worked together, including Beth, to get the car ready for Saturday's big race.Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted February 17, 2005 Posted February 17, 2005 Saturday morning was warm and sunny. Luke and all the others did their chores in record time. Luke and Bo headed for the Boar's Nest about 9am for the noon deadline. Knowing the Hazzard law Luke was careful to drive just a bit under the limit. As luck would have it, they must have gotten out earlier than Rosco figured. They had a clear road all the way to town. Cooter met them at the Boar's Nest where the three touched up the windows, chrome and places both of the cars had gotten dusty.Dixie and Beth arrived about 1100 as others were beginning to gather. Jesse, Coy and Vance came in the pick up but Jeb had insisted on riding his motorcycle. All the racers and spectators gathered at the Boar's Nest both as a convienance to Bonnie Mae and to calm Boss's temper that they spending money at the race track.Now, organized racing in Hazzard was pretty new. A friend of Jesse's and her husband had a large amount of land just beyond the Boar's Nest. The soil there was only rich enough to grow rocks. A couple years ago with several teens in the area so interested in cars and racing, they took some old farm equipment, a used tanker truck and slowly started cutting away at the large area that they had once hoped would be a farm. With a lot of determination and against the wishes of the County, Bonnie Mae had made the best 4/10 mile oval dirt track in the several Counties. Entrance fees for the dirvers $20, for spectators $5. Bonnie Mae wasn't interested in getting rich. She just really wanted to give the teens something to do and a safe place to race. The winnings were First -- $500, Second -- $250, and Third -- $100. Once the track was watered and worked in somewhat all the drivers would make their way up the narrow dirt road to the track. Then the spectators would begin to follow after their dust settled. At the track there was a driver's meeting in the center of the oval where the rules were read, then each driver drew a number to see where he'd start the 20 lap race.The starting postions for today's race would be: First row (Inside) Enos -#12, Ralph - #10 (outside); Second row -- Buzz -#00, Doebro -#20, Third Row -- #11 Broody, Cooter -#88, and Fourth row -- Luke -#01.Luke wasn't happy with the starting postion but was determined to give the race his all. The pledge and prayer followed the drivers meeting. Then the drivers got themselves strapped in. They would all take several laps to work the track in before the race would begin. When the track was deemed ready the drivers would line up on the starting line in the correct order, the lead driver would start them out slowly aroung the track. When the starter was satisfied they were in line and bunched up, the starter would flash the green light which signaled they green flag would drop on the nest pass of the starting line. Luke rounded turn four spotted the light and saw it flash green. He edged up as close as he could to Cooter who was also running really low on the track both had plans to grab a few spots once the green flag dropped. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted February 17, 2005 Posted February 17, 2005 With Luke and Cooter running so low on the track, Broody in #11 didn't have much other choice but to run extremely low since he was in the inside position in the third row. Enos saw the pack of guys that were normamly his friends behind him to his right was Ralph Green in #10. Enos knew he was about to get eatten for lunch!The Green flag dropped in the first turn they were four wide (Buzz, Enos, Ralph and Doebro) the others were three wide (Luke, Broody and Cooter).Most of the spectators held their breath. Bo didn't he was yellling at the whole field, "That track is NOT that wide!"Amazingly they made it through the first turn. Enos and Broody's cars started getting loose in the high banked turn and they were floating up the track. Cooter saw this and dropped back giving Broody room. Enos and Ralph traded a bit of paint and pushed Doebro up into the railing where Broody barely missed him. They all made it through turn two with Buzz and Ralph up front, followed by Luke and Enos with Cooter, Broody and Doebro close behind. They completed the first lap without a Caution which was very unusual. Going into turn one Luke and Cooter got close to try to get around Buzz together. Broody and Doebro both had thoughts of going high to try to get around Ralph but thought better of it when they saw Luke dive to the bottom of the track. Though Buzz might be compition in an overland race he didn't have anything on Luke and Cooter working together. Down the back stretch and into turn three Luke was now trading paint with Ralph who wanted by on the high side. Cooter and Buzz were having troubles of their own as the four cars started pulling away from the other three. As Luke rounded turn four into the front stretch the light went yellow. Enos had spun in turn two. Luke slowed the cars. It took several laps to get them all back in line the way they should be. It would be Row 1 -- Ralph, Buzz, Row 2 -- Luke, Cooter, Row 3 -- Broody, Doebro, Row 4 Enos. Enos took the back position because he caused the caution. When the green fell Luke and Ralph were playing bumper tag. The entire lap no one traded places. On the next lap Luke rode Ralph's bumper down the back stretch, dove to the bottom of the track and got sbeside Ralph in turn three. There were side to side as they hit a slick spot in the track and started sliding up the track. Buzz hit the rail but kept moving. Cooter seeing what was happening dove to the bottom of the track. When they had gotten straighten out on the front stretch it was Luke, Cooter, Ralph, Buzz, Broody, Doebro and Enos. Luke and Cooter worked together to pull away from Ralph and Buzz who were battling each other. The race continued uneventful for the next several laps.Broody had a tire go down on lap 18 which brought out a caution. The line up to take the green was : Luke, Cooter, Ralph, Buzz, Doebro, Enos and Broody. At the Green Ralph was trying to get under Luke. The General Lee being a Charger was one of the longest cars on the track. Ralph hoped to push Lukes back end around and make him spin. Cooter saw the two into it below him and gave them room. Luke held Ralph off going into turn three Luke was waiting for Ralph. When Ralph cam up behind him he hit the brakes just hard enough to make Ralph hit his bumper pretty hard which caused Ralph to spin as Luke saw the Starter display the one lap flag and Caution at the same time. The caution was called on Ralph because he spun. Only he and Luke knew why he spun! The green would come out for the final lap with Luke leading, Cooter, Buzz, Doebro, Broody, Enos and Ralph. The battle was for second as Cooter and Buzz were trading paint. It was only a small miracle that there was not another caution as Ralph was driving recklessly trying to make it back to the front of the pack before the Checked flag fell. Luke rounded Turn four and crossed the finish line as Cooter held of Buzz in turn four. At the end on the front stretch Luke, Cooter and Buzz all took the small road to the right to go have the cars weighted and checked out before the results could be made official.Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted February 18, 2005 Author Posted February 18, 2005 Everything checked out, so Luke was declared the official winner. He and Bo were awarded the $500, which was to be split evenly. Bo was excited. Once he payed of Beth's ring, he'd still have $115 in his pocket. But he knew for sure that he'd have to use that for paying doctor bills and hospital bills, and buying stuff for the baby and all. So he figured he was going to be doing alot of saving. And penny pinching.Luke was basking in the glory for the moment, a young lady on either side. Bo knew where his cousin would be that night... just like every other night lately. And he only hoped that Luke would not get himself into the same stupid mess that he was in.Jeb's band was playing at the Boar's Nest again that night, and Luke told Bo that was where he was going.Bo shook his head as his cousin walked off, having chosen a young woman named Angie Martin to be his date for the night. Bo felt sorry for the girl. He had never thought of things the way he thought of them now, but he realized now what his cousin was doing. Using girls who thought he was something else for his own pleasure, then just leaving them behind to move on to the next challenge.Come to think of it, Bo didn't like the way Luke was acting at all. He wondered if a girl would ever come along to settle his cousin down.Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted February 18, 2005 Posted February 18, 2005 After collecting the prize money the drivers stopped at the Boar's Nest for a beer. A young girl with a pony tail ran up to Cooter, "That was Great! Do you all race like that often?"Cooter hugged his sister, Dixie. "Every weekend. AND Hello to you too!"Luke and Angie walked up to Cooter. Luke said, "Cooter I really appreciate you helping me the other night with the General Lee.""Well, next time I think I may not want to help you quiet so well!" replied Cooter sacrastically since he'd come in second to the General Lee.Luke just grinned at him, then said, "Hey, who's your friend?" It had been years since Luke had seen Dixie as a child.Cooter asked, "Don't you remember Dixie? I told you she might come spend the summer with us.""That's right you did. Kiddo, I'd not have recognized you at all if I'd seen you somewhere else. You sure have grown up. Cooter let me at least buy you a beer.""I'll let you buy me a couple since I have a throat full of the General's dust." Luke, Angie and Cooter headed inside as Dixie talked with Daisy. Bo and Beth just watched all their friends headed inside. Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted February 19, 2005 Author Posted February 19, 2005 Bo smiled at her just a little. "So, we have to tell your folks tomorrow."Beth smiled wanly. "Yep. I don't want to. Lord knows, this is gonna be the hardest thing I've ever done.""Me, too," Bo agreed, putting his good arm around her gently. "But I love you. And I'm going to take care of you and our baby. No matter what."Beth let him hold her for a little while. They finally went inside to join everybody else. Everyone, except Beth and Daisy, who were driving, joined in sipping beers. Jeb's band was always good, but they were really "on" that particular night.As they played "Crazy," which was sung by one Jeb's drummer's girlfriend, Bo took Beth in his arms... or arm... and they danced. "Beth," he said softly, "I DO love you.""I love you, too," she replied, as he moved in to kiss her.~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~The next morning was Sunday. Which found several hungover young Dukes sitting down on a pew with Uncle Jesse right in the middle. Even though he had quite the headache, Bo couldn't help grinning a little when Beth walked out into the choir loft. She smiled back at him, although her stomach was tied in knots knowing that she was getting closer and closer to having to tell her family what she and Bo had done.Luke was entirely too tired to listen to the preacher. Angie had played right into his hand the night before, and he'd been out way too late. By the time the sermon was over, Luke had drifted off more than a few times, each time rewarded by Uncle Jesse's elbow in his ribs.After church, Bo and Luke walked out to the General Lee. Luke slid across the hood, loosening his tie as he went. He was wearing a sport coat and tie with his blue plaid shirt, and he couldn't wait to get out of it. Bo had already taken off his coat and tie and tossed them in the back seat.Bo drove home, rather slowly, trying to kill time... Before Beth's daddy killed HIM."Hot d---, Luke," Bo said, shaking his head. "I done messed up so bad I can't get out of it." Bo turned into the driveway."Well, I'll have to say amen to that, as much as I hate to," Luke replied, seeing Beth's daddy's Cadillac in their driveway, parked next to Jesse's pickup."Well," Bo said, cringing just a little. "Here comes the fun part."Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted February 19, 2005 Posted February 19, 2005 Beth's parents were setting on the porch swing when Bo parked the General Lee. Luke had agreed to shift the gears so Bo could drive home. Luke really didn't feel like driving anyway. Bo said, "Thanks, Luke. At least that kept my mind of things for a few minutes.""Come on, maybe I can get you inside without having to play the host." said Luke.Bo did not want to get trapped alone on the porch with Beth's parents at this point. Luke gathered their coats and ties as he got out of the car. He handed Bo his things. Luke spoke to Beth's parents, nudged Bo to speak which he did, then Luke said to Daisy who was bringing out glasses of ice tea, "We'll be right out as soon as we hang this stuff up." He continued to push Bo through the door. Once in their room Bo said, "Thanks. You know I don't know if I can do this."Luke said gently, "You have to. You can't expect Beth to do it. AND you don't want Jesse to have to tell them."Bo turned on Luke, "Just what do you know about it?"Luke took his cousin's outburst in stride knowing Bo wasn't yelling at him but himself. "Bo if you want her father to respect you as a man that will take care of his daughter, then your going to have to be a man and stand up to him."Bo fumed, "What kinda of a man did it take to ...." Bo almost spit the word, " 'USE' Angie last night? You know I'm really not liking the person you have become since you and Robin broke up."Bo was looking for an arguement. Much to Bo's surprise Luke replied, "You know Bo, ...... you are absolutely right! And I haven't liked myself too much for it lately either." While Bo was still in shock at what Luke had said. Luke gently moved him to the bedroom door. "This isn't getting you anywhere. We'll talk more about me later." Luke had hopes of getting into the kitchen for another cup of coffee before all He-- broke loose. It only took a sideways glance at the kitchen to know he'd be run out before he even got through the door.Daisy and Beth were in the kitchen helping Jesse who unlike the younger generation had started preparations for today last night while they were all out partying. The girls set up a picnic table outside for lunch. Jesse had warmed the fried chicken and mashed potatos, and made gravy. He had made several pies before leaving for church. Daisy and Beth had also taken pitchers of tea and lemonade to the table. When everyone was called to the table Luke managed to get in the kitchen and bring out the coffee pot and several cups. The glare Jesse shot him went unnoticed by their guests but not the family. Jeb being the clown almost cracked up which got Coy and Vance started which got all of them a look from Jesse. Once he managed to get them quiet Jesse said grace. The meal was enjoyed by all though Bo felt like he'd choke on each bite as it went by the lump in his throat. Daisy and Beth cleared the dishes and brought out the pies and a fresh pot of coffee. Beth was trying to stay as busy as she could.Though Beth was shaking like a leaf she couldn't help but notice how relaxed her parents looked. She had never seen her Mother have a picnic let alone have Sunday dinner outside before. As everyone finished up their pie, the youngers ones were getting restless. Coy asked, "May we be excused?"Jesse suggested, "Why don't we all go get comfortable on the porch where it's a bit cooler."Coy sighed but took the hint. Jeb wasn't happy but went, too. Bo, Beth and Luke were hanging back quiet a bit. Luke tried to be encouraging, "It will all be over in a few minutes."Bo said only loud enough for Luke to hear, "You mean my life being over. That helps there cousin."Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted February 20, 2005 Author Posted February 20, 2005 Luke shook his head. Any other time, he would have confronted Bo about his attitude, but this particular day, he bit his tongue. "Alright, Bo. Whatever you say."They gathered around on the porch, with a bunch of kitchen chairs out on the porch. Beth's mother and father were on the swing, while Jesse, Luke, Bo, Beth, Daisy and Jeb sat in the chairs. Coy and Vance sat on the porch side by side, wishing they could go out and run around in the pasture. They got really bored really quickly. Beth and Bo were holding on tightly to one another's hands. Beth kept looking at her dad, and knowing that he felt that he was much better than the Dukes bothered her. He was one of the richest men in the county, second only to JD Hogg. But despite this, Beth was just as country as they come, having been raised in Hazzard, where very few grew up really caring all that much about money. She had grown up with the Dukes and the Davenports, and honestly, noone who met her anywhere would have known that she was the daughter of such a rich man. She dressed and behaved like her friends. And her father didn't like it. However, noone could long resist Jesse Duke's kindness, and the old man had gradually grown on Beth's family. But one thing still stood. Andrew Smith didn't particularly like Bo Duke, and he liked it even less that Bo was dating his daughter."Daddy," Beth said, becoming choked up. "Mama."Both of her parents looked up at her, her mother saying, "Yes, sweetie?"Beth looked helplessly at Bo, who tightened his grip on her hand. "Bo and me..." she began."Bo and I," her mother corrected, shaking her head."Bo and I," she began again. "We... well... I mean..."Bo couldn't stand seeing Beth like this, searching for words. Something inside of him seemed to snap. He squeezed Beth's hand again and took matters into his own hands. "Mr. Smith," he said, carefully. "Yes, Bo," the man said, glaring at him."Mr. Smith, me and... I mean, Beth and I are having a baby." Bo tried to say the words really fast, hoping that maybe it would be like ripping off a bandaid. The faster, the less painful.Beth's parents' eyes were boring holes through Bo.Finally, Andrew spoke. "Bo Duke," he said, evenly."Yessir?" Bo replied."Come here."Bo stood quietly and walked over to the older man. "Yessir?"Andrew stood up, facing Bo, although he was a good five inches shorter than the younger man. He looked at Bo with contempt in the blue eyes he'd given to his daughter. Then he angrily slapped Bo hard in the face.As Bo looked at Andrew, he saw the hurt and sadness in his eyes, mixed with anger. And Bo couldn't blame him for it. So he didn't fight back, but took it, like a whipped hound pup."Daddy," Beth said, trying to stop what was happening, and what she was afraid would come next.Her father didn't answer. "Caroline," he said to his wife. "I want you and Beth to go home. I need to talk with Bo."Beth wanted to argue, but she didn't. She and her mother went home in Beth's Camaro.Andrew took Bo off to talk."Bo Duke," he said. "You listen, and you listen good. At this particular moment, I hate you with everything I'm worth. And the way I feel right now, I might always hate you. As for my daughter and my grandbaby... You have one h--- of a responsibility to them. And either you take care of them, or I'll never let you see them again. Either one of them. I'm going to leave it up to you. Now... I don't know if I'll ever forgive you for this, boy. But maybe, if you prove yourself to be a man... maybe some day, I'll see you as one."Bo could say nothing for a long time. When his voice finally came, he said, "Mr. Smith.""Yes?""Can... I want... I want to ask your permission to... to marry Beth.""Bo... I honestly... You just take care of her. I won't tell you what you can and can't do, because obviously, that doesn't work anyway. What you and Beth do now is your business. But if you ever hurt her again, I will make sure you pay." Andrew turned from Bo and walked away. He climbed into his Cadillac and drove away, without another word.Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted February 22, 2005 Posted February 22, 2005 What had went unnoticed to all but Mr.Smith in the heat of anger when he slapped Bo, was that both Jesse and Luke had silently stood up. Neither liked what Mr. Smith had done to Bo, though really couldn't blame him at least they understood his being upset. Bo had just dropped his head a might. He never uttered a single disrespectful thing to Beth's father. Bo and Mr. Smith had walked out toward the barn to have their 'talk'. What had cut Bo to the quick was that Mr. Smith had told him, where thankfully no one else had heard, was that Bo couldn't keep Beth in 'Cokes' let alone support her!' Bo was determined to prove him wrong! He kept hearing Mr. Smith say the same thing over and over. Bo clinched his fist again and again. It took a lot of effort to keep from hitting something, but then he realized that hitting something had caused him enough problems. After Mr. Smith left, Jesse watched Bo head for the barn. He had not heard any of their conversation but had stayed pretty close. He wasn't going to let anyone hurt his nephew on his property. The one slap, he'd given Bo, well, considering the circumstances, Jesse couldn't blame Beth's father, but also couldn't uphold him either. Several minutes after Mr. Smith left Jesse got up to go to the barn. Luke said, "I'll go."Jesse stopped him. "Not this time Luke. Let me handle this right now." Jesse walked into the barn silently. Bo was petting the mare. Jesse eased over to his side, saying, "I don't think she can hold up her end of the conversation."Bo turned to Jesse but couldn't look him in the eye. "Bo, I don't know what was said, out here, but I'll listen to anything you need to say." said Jesse.Bo just shook his head, unable to voice what had been said to him. After several minutes of silence, he said, "Do, .... you know, ..... how much Beth, ...... enjoys coming here?" his voice cracked. He was near tears because he was furious. Now, he looked at his Uncle, "I love her. I've always known her Father didn't care for me. He--, I thought it was, ..... maybe the others girls I dated or mine and Luke's reputations, ......" He let his voice trail off. He needed to talk this out but didn't want to hurt Jesse. "I now know what his problem is with me. And believe it or not, it doesn't have anything to do with the baby. Of course he wasn't happy about that either as you saw. But, he thinks he's better than US!" Bo continued, "I know what me and Beth did hurt him and changed his plans for Beth. I can take that. I can take his slap. I'll even take him hating ME!" Bo's voice was raising. "I will not take him looking down on my family or me."Jesse put his hand on Bo's shoulder. "For starters you need to be concerned with Beth and the baby. What ever he said was said in anger. If he does think he's better than us, that's Ok, too." Jesse moved to be in Bo's line of sight. "Remember the meek not the wealthy will inherit the Earth.""I know, Uncle Jesse, but it wasn't just what he said but HOW he said it." said Bo. His mind was racing. "I have half a mind to march right over there and bring Beth back here tonight."Jesse was very wise, "Do that and he'll have the law out there in no time. You would be on his property. Beth is his daughter and you are both under age." Jesse said in a calm voice, "Just give it a little time. He has to have time to adjust to what you just told him. Jesse looked at his pocket watch. Is Beth suppose to work tonight?" "Yeah, she works at 7." replied Bo. He didn't see Jesse's point."Well, now that's still quiet awhile away." Jesse considered, "If you haven't heard from her by 6:30, Luke, you and me will ride to the Boars' Nest. If she's at work you can talk to her. We'll go from what she says then." Jesse saw the next question on Bo's worried face. "If she's not there, we'll just go find out why." Jesse Duke was trying to be calm about this, but he wasn't anyone to mess with when family was involved.The Dukes waited for Beth's call.............Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted February 22, 2005 Author Posted February 22, 2005 Which didn't come. Bo figured Beth could have driven her Camaro, under the circumstances, since her father probably didn't want her riding with Daisy. But Jesse wasn't quite as optimistic as Bo. "Come on, boys," Jesse said. "We're going to check on that girl."Bo and Luke walked out with Jesse to the pickup. They drove straight to the Boar's Nest. Bo was the first out of the car, figuring that if Jesse was worried, he better be worried too. Now, he didn't just have Beth to be worried about anymore. There was also his child, she was carrying his child. And he couldn't stand the thoughts of either of them being hurt. He ran up to the door and into the barroom quickly. He heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Beth wiping down a table. "Honey," he said, walking over to her. "Sunshine, are you OK?""Bo," she said, running over to him, letting him hold her. "Oh, Bo, honey, I'm so sorry." By this time, she was crying."No. No, honey. Don't be sorry.""Bo, Daddy said that he was gonna leave Hazzard, and take me and Mama with him. And he said he was gonna take our baby away. He said he was gonna give our baby up for adoption. He can't do that... Can he, Bo?""Not as long as I'm alive. I'll fight him over you and the baby. Hot d---. He can make fun of me, put me down, hate me, whatever. But I'll be da--ed if I let him take you and my baby away."Beth was crying pretty hard when Jesse and Luke made it inside. Jesse walked over to them. "What's wrong, sweetie pie?" Jesse said in that fatherly way of his."Uncle Jesse, Daddy wants to take my baby away." Beth burst into another fit of sobs."Well, now..." Jesse said. "We just won't let that happen.""But, Uncle Jesse," she said. "How?""Now, you just listen here, young lady," Jesse said, smiling a little. "That baby there is a Duke. And carrying him makes you a Duke, too. And as the oldest living member of the Duke family, I consider it my responsibilty to protect both of you. All of us do. And we're going to do whatever we have to do." He hugged her. "Now you just dry them tears.""What should I do, Uncle Jesse?" she asked."Well, for one thing," Bo said, pulling a box out of his pocket, and opening to reveal the ring he'd bought, "You should marry me.""Oh, Bo," she gasped. As he slipped the ring on her finger, she whispered. "I will, Bo. I will."He leaned close and kissed her."Bo," she said quietly."Yeah?""I don't know this for sure... but I've got a feelin' that my mama would sign for me to marry you."Bo grinned, "Have I ever told you how much I love your mama?"Beth grinned back, "Not near as much as I do."Bo smiled at her. "Well, what do we need to do?"Beth giggled a little. "Talk to the preacher, get a dress, a tux, and rings. And get married. Quick."Bo looked a little bewildered, but said, "OK. I love you, Sunshine.""I love you, too."Bo, Luke, and Jesse all sat down for a beer, since they were already at the Boar's Nest. Beth got back to work, but all the while, she was picturing the wedding in her head. Bo, however, was just ready to get the whole thing over with.Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted February 23, 2005 Posted February 23, 2005 Jesse said, "Bo she's scared. I know her father wouldn't do anything to hurt her or the little one. You need to find out if she thinks she'll be Ok for the night at her house. It would seem for Mr. Smith to pull out of Hazzard totally that would take time, if that's the case we've got at least a few days."Bo wasn't so sure, "I just don't know. I know I'd sure feel better if she was at the farm.""Bo, there's the legalities to think of here. She said she though her Mother would sign for her to marry you. You know you don't even have to ask me. I'm all for you taking responsibility. Just promise me one thing. NEVER throw it in that girls face you were forced to marry her OR you will have me to deal with! Do you think her Mother would sign?" asked Jesse. Luke saw Cooter who had witnessed the exchange between Bo, Beth and Jesse. He also didn't miss Bo place what looked like a ring on her finger. He was motioning for Luke to come over. Luke interupted Bo and Jesse's talk, "Cooter is over there motioning for me. You know he and everyone else saw what went down over there. What can I tell him before I get cornered?Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted February 26, 2005 Author Posted February 26, 2005 "Well, ah, tell him I was just givin' her a present...Or somethin'. Hot da--, Luke, you're better at comin' up with stuff than I am."Luke shook his head. "Maybe Cooter won't catch it if I shuck and jive him. Cooter is kinda... well...""He ain't dumb, Luke," Jesse said. "Crazy, yes, but not dumb. I don't think shuckin' and jivin' him'll be as easy as you'd think it was."Luke walked away from Jesse over to Cooter, hoping that his friend would have something else on his mind.Bo now turned to Jesse. "Uncle Jesse, you said her daddy wouldn't do nothin' to hurt her... But I don't know. I know that he don't like me. And since that baby's a part of me, I don't reckon he'll want the baby around any more than he wants me around.""Well, we'll just have to do somethin' about that. First off all, gettin' you two married is gonna be the most important thing, so that girl's daddy can't do nothin' about it. So the sooner you can talk to her mama, the better.""Uncle Jesse," Bo said. "Beth's daddy lied to me. Just flat lied. When I asked him if I could marry her, he said he didn't care. He said he wouldn't keep me from doin' my duty to her. I know I wasn't right in getting Beth pregnant. But I'll be d---ed if I let him take her and that baby away from me."~**~**~**~**~Meanwhile, Cooter had cornered Luke. "Hey, buddy-ro," Cooter said. "What's goin' on with Bo and Beth?""Nothin'," Luke lied. "They had themselves one h--- of a fight, and Bo bought her a little present to make it up to her."Cooter stared Luke down. "Alright now, Luke. I might be crazy, but I AIN'T dumb. A diamond on a girl's left ring finger ain't no 'I'm sorry' present. Now give it to me straight."Luke shook his head. "Da--it, Cooter. You're really on your game today." Luke couldn't help smiling, figuring that the only reason Cooter knew so much about this stuff was the fact that his girlfriend, Kathy, had been hinting strongly that she wanted a ring. But Luke knew Cooter, and he knew he wasn't anywhere near ready to settle down. "Alright, Cooter," Luke said. "Maybe I AM fudgin' just a little bit. But you'll have to get this one straight from Bo. It ain't my business."Cooter grinned, "I'll talk to Bo later. But Luke... ain't them two a little young to..."Luke interrupted, "Like I said, Cooter, this is Bo's business, not mine. Whatever you get'll have to come from him."Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted February 26, 2005 Posted February 26, 2005 Beth was suppose to 'close' tonight and Daisy get off early, but she had talked Daisy into trading with her so she could talk to Bo before going home. Her father had given her only thirty minutes to get home after work or he'd call the police and have them find her. By trading Daisy she'd have two hours to talk to Bo."Bo I was able to trade shifts with Daisy. I'll get off at midnight." Beth said as she brought Bo, Luke, and Cooter another round of beers. Considering Jesse had bought Bo a beer Luke folowed suit and ordered an extra one for him even though he wasn't 18 yet. Bo had joined Luke and Cooter right before Beth came over. "Great." he told her. As Beth walked away Cooter tried his luck, "You know Bo, if I didn't know any better I'd say that there ring on Beth's LEFT hand was an engagement ring?"Bo had enough problems without explaining himself to Cooter or anyone else. He replied, "Humm, Well, I wonder who she's engaged to?" he said as he walked away to talk to Jesse.Luke just shrugged his shoulders.~~~~~~~~~~~~Though Jesse usually left early he decided to stick around until Beth got off tonight. When she got off Bo and Beth came over to Jesse's table. Bo asked, "Sunshine, do you think you will be Ok going home tonight?""Well, I really don't want to, but I don't think he'll hurt me. But, I'm not sure when he is planning on leaving. I won't go." she said as tears over took her. Bo put his arm around her. "When can you, me or us talk to your Mother without your Dad finding out?"At that moment Beth went totally pale. Bo turned quickly to see what she was looking at. Her Father had just walked in!Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted February 27, 2005 Author Posted February 27, 2005 "Without me finding out what?" he asked, his cold stare fixed on Bo."Daddy...I..." Beth tried to speak, but trailed off."I can't even trust you to come home right after work. You lied to me about staying to lock up.""I didn't lie, Daddy. I was going to lock up, but...""But you didn't. And you didn't come home. You disobeyed me.""Daddy, I can't... I'm not letting you take my baby away. Bo and me were wrong. But our baby... It's ours, and you can't take it away from us!""Beth, get in the car. We'll talk about this later.""Daddy..." Beth hesitated. Bo was squeezing her hand. She turned to look at Uncle Jesse. The old man's eyes were somewhat sad as he nodded to her. She trusted Jesse, so she let his gestures direct her. "OK," she said. "But only if you promise me something.""I'm not going to promise you anything, now get in the car.""Then I won't go!" Beth said, defiantly wrapping her arms around Bo. "I love Bo, and our baby is not yours to punish us with. Bo and me can take care of our baby. We don't need you to give it away.""Elizabeth Anne Smith, if you don't get in that car, I will call the sheriff and have you taken in as a runaway.""Honey," Jesse said kindly, "Go with your daddy. He ain't gonna hurt you."Beth nodded, then pressed a kiss to Bo's lips before letting go of him. "I love you," she said, so noone but Bo could hear."I love you, too, Sunshine. Don't worry. We'll think of something."Beth was in tears as she followed her daddy out to his car. He told her that they'd get hers in the morning, since she'd switched with Daisy in case her father drove by the Boar's Nest. She figured it wouldn't do her any good anyway, since she'd probably have to give him her keys.~**~**~**~**~Bo lay in his bed wide awake, two hours later. He kept wishing that he was with Beth, or that Beth was safe in the Duke house.Luke had been asleep a while, but he was awakened by the sounds of Bo tossing and turning. He groggily asked, "You OK, Bo?"Bo shook his head. "Not really. I'm worried. I don't trust Beth's daddy. He'd give our baby up without thinking about it. That baby's his grandchild, Luke. And he don't want it because it's got a 'hayseed' for a daddy. Hot da--. It ain't like I'm a bad person. I'm honest. And I love Beth and the baby. Ain't that enough?""Bo... It should be enough. But in this world, it's hard to ever do enough to make other people happy. Just listen to your gut, Bo.""Thanks, Luke. 'Night.""'Night," Luke replied.Luke went back to sleep pretty quickly, but Bo lay awake for a long time.Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted February 27, 2005 Posted February 27, 2005 'Follow my gut.' Bo sighed, 'The last time I did that we lost the General's keys for two days.' he thought to himself. He turned and looked at the window. Bo sat up, slide his jeans on, put his shirt on, walked over to the dresser. He took a pen and wrote Jesse a note:"Uncle Jesse,Luke said I should follow my gut in this. I have a really bad feeling. I'm going over towards Beth's to see if I can find anything out. Bo."He set the note up so that Luke would see it. He grabbed his boots and jacket, then headed to the window. Luke rolled over as Bo opened the window but had not woke up. After getting outside Bo put on his boots and jacket and headed very quickly to Beth's. As soon as he got to the edge of the woods he knew he was right. Every light in the house was on, there were two U-haul trailers being loaded as Bo looked on. It took everything in Bo not to just run into the situation. From the looks of the scene he had a couple hours anyway before they'd be done. He ran back to the farm as fast as he could. When he swung the front door open with a bang the whole house was wide awake. He met Jesse at the top of the stairs shotgun in hand. "Uncle Jesse I knew he was up to something they are loading two U-hauls right now!"Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted March 1, 2005 Author Posted March 1, 2005 Jesse was ready for a fight, now. His family was being threatened, and he wasn't about to just stand by and watch. "Get Luke," he said. "And COME ON!"Bo and Luke were all but tripping over themselves as they rushed down the stairs. Bo had the General cranked before Luke ever got in. "Come on, d---it!" Bo yelled at his cousin.Jesse was in the pickup right behind them as Bo kicked up dust out of the driveway. "Now, you wanna explain to me just what the h---'s goin' on?" Luke asked.Bo upshifted, then replied without looking at Luke. "Beth's daddy's got 2 U-Hauls at their house. He's pullin' out."Luke now understood the reason for his cousin's alarm. Bo was pushing the General for all he was worth, tearing up the dirt road as he went. He had to get to Beth. And he had to get to her before it was too late. "Come on!" Bo whispered. He was in the Smiths' driveway before he could think about it. He parked the General and was out of the car in record time. Luke follwed him, and Jesse was right behind.Bo rushed up to the house to be met by Andrew Smith's angry glare. "So it's you again, huh?"Bo nodded. "You're darn straight it's me. I'm not gonna let you do this.""And how do you plan to stop me?"Bo glared at the older man defiantly. "Beth and me love each other. And even if you did take her away, we'd find a way to be together. That baby's ours, and you got no right to take it away.""How do you expect to be able to take care of Beth and the baby? Don't you see that what I'm doing is best for her and the baby? And it's best for you too. You two are young. This way, you'll be able to grow up a little bit. Beth can go to college and marry a man of her... standing. And the baby will have a good family to take car of it. And you'll be able to find a girl better... suited... to your lifestyle." Mr. Smith said this all so smugly that Bo, Luke, and even Jesse wanted to knock him a good one.Bo remained defiant. "So it's more important to you that Beth's husband has money than that he loves her? And for your information, I... we can give that baby a good home. So what if we ain't as rich as you or Boss Hogg? We've got love.""Love doesn't send children to college or put food on the table," Andrew snapped.Bo spoke, but this time his voice was tender. "You'd be surprised what love does, Mr. Smith."Both Jesse and Luke were standing behind Bo, but neither had spoken."Mr. Smith..." Bo said softly. "I've asked Beth to marry me."Caroline Smith had walked out onto the porch with Beth, who was holding a piece of paper. "And I've given her my permission," she said, her voice strong. Beth ran off the porch into Bo's open arms, careful not to hit the broken one. He looked at the paper in her hand, which had been hastily typed and signed by her mother with the two movers as witnesses.Andrew was so angry he could barely speak. "Beth... get your things and get out of my house... out of my sight. You're not my daughter anymore."Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 Just loud enough for Bo to here, "Give me two minutes." she turned to the house. She had already packed what she now knew she was taking with her. Outside it was a LONG two minutes for all the males. Jesse Duke was always one to try to make peace but he was steaming too. Now, just wasn't the time; though, he knew he would try to talk some sense into Mr. Smith sometime in the future. Bo stood straight and tall glaring at Mr. Smith. Luke and Jesse obviously were there to back him should the need arise. Beth was back very quickly. She wore a dress her Mother had made her with a knitted sweater her Grandmother had made for her. She had a small cartoon in her hands with her pictures of her friends, and Mother, her yearbooks, letters from Bo, and a couple stuff animals Bo had given her. Bo met her at the front door taking the box while being careful not to set a foot in Mr. Smith's house. Beth hugged her Mother and said, "Thank you. I love you!" Her Mother knew exactly what she was up to though she wanted to insist she take more of her clothes she figured now wasn't the time. She would just have to take them to her later. As she approached her Father she stood up straight and looked him in the eye and said the most un-ladylike thing any of them had ever heard! "I took MY things. I don't need you, your things, your fancy house....." she held out her hand to him, "or the car!" placing the car keys in his hand. That part hurt. "You can take it all and SHOVE IT!" Luke had seen this might get nasty. He had already taken the box and put it in the General Lee then returned to Bo's side. Bo helped Beth into the General Lee, he got in and started the car. Luke had put his one leg into the car before Jesse ever moved towards pickup.~~~~~~~~By the time they returned home the whole house was awake. No one had went back to sleep after Bo's enterance in the wee hours of the night. Daisy was at the stove when Beth entered the kitchen followed by Bo, Luke and Jesse. Daisy went to her friend and hugged her. Beth said with a weak smile, much to Jesse's approval, "Can I room with you? Until after the wedding?"Jesse smiled and thought, 'Yes, she is a good girl.'Daisy reassured her, "You know you can! We have a lot to talk about anyway!" Daisy was referring to wedding plans!Beth said a little embarrassed, "I might have to raid you closet?"Daisy hugged her again, "Sugar, if it fits wear it! It has always been that way around here!"Luke spoke up, "Speaking of which, wheres my solid blue shirt you wore last?"Daisy replied, "Luke it goes over my favorite tube top. It's getting warm, I'm sure it will turn up in your stack soon." she smiled an evil grin.Though wild horses couldn't have stopped Luke from going with Bo. He had been rudely awaken and was a bit grumpy this morning. He poured his first cup of coffee. Jeb being ever the instigator asked, "So when is the wedding?"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After they had finished their morning chores Luke and Bo found Jesse setting on the porch. He had a notebook and the advertisement from the hardware store. There was a long list figures on one sheet of paper and Jesse appeared to be drawing something. Jesse notice Luke looking over at the paper curiously. Jesse took a drink of coffee. "You two remember me telling you that we will all get through this ..... but there would be adjustments we would all have to work at." He looked at Bo, "The way I see it, after getting you two hitched the next thing to worry about is this." He handed the papers the boys. "Now, I know you boys have shared that room in there since you have been here, but the facts are we are all just out growing this old house. I intended to go to JD and up the morgage to get supplies to add us two new rooms. We can knock out the window at the end of the hall and add on there."Bo was surprised. He knew things were tight as they were. He felt really guilty to cause his family to have more bills. He said, "Now, Uncle Jesse, ......"Jesse smiled warmly, "Bo, Beth can't stay in the room with you and Luke. It would be wrong to move Luke into the boys room." Jesse paused, and said frankly, "I know you nor Beth want her to continue to share Daisy's room after the wedding. You two will and need your privacy. It will be alright. We'll just have to work hard and get this done as quickly as we can, then we'll have to up production considerable to make the bills. I don't have to tell you that if we up production we increase the chances of getting caught."Bo said, "Uncle Jesse I'm sorry to bring all this on you all like this."Jesse shook his head, "Boy, the time for being sorry is over. Now is the time to dig in and get down to work to provide for your family." Jesse looked at Bo's hand. "When does that come off?"Bo replied, "Not as long as it has been! Ya'll don't let me do a dang fool thing like that again, huh?"Luke said, "Twice!"Bo rolled his eyes at Luke.Jesse just smiled at the two. He loved those boys but sometimes they really made him wonder why!Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted March 1, 2005 Author Posted March 1, 2005 Two days later, the Smith's had unloaded the U-Hauls and moved back into their house. Mr. Smith had told his wife angrily to get anything of Beth's out of the house. He didn't want her things. "Give 'em to her or give 'em away. I don't want anything around here to remind me of her." So Beth's mother packed up boxes of her things and loaded them into the back of Beth's car. She drove over to the Dukes', and went to the door. She knocked softly, and the door was opened by Bo, who smiled kindly. "Hey, Miss Smith," he said softly."Hey, Bo. Is Beth here?""Yes ma'am. She's right in there with Daisy."Mrs. Smith walked into the livingroom. Beth immediatetly rose to her feet and walked over. "Mama!""Hey, honey," she said, hugging her daughter. "How are you?""I'm fine, Mama. I... I miss you.""I miss you, too. But I brought you some things... Your daddy told me to get them... to give them to you or get rid of them, so I figured you might need them."Beth shook her head. "I don't want anything from him. Just give it away.""But Beth... I helped to pay for and make alot of those things, so technically, they're from me, too. And you worked hard to pay half the cost of your car. So it's at least half yours fair and square. And... Beth, please. It's the least I can do.""Mama, that piece of paper that says I can marry the man I love was the most wonderful, most important thing you've ever given me. You don't have to do this.""But I want to. Consider it my 'housewarming' gift.""Mama, at least... just let me give you some money or something. Please.""Honey..." she began. Bo walked over."Please Miss Smith... just let us give ya somethin'. We ain't got much, but we do have alot of pride. So...""Bo," Caroline said kindly, but firmly. "These are Beth's things, she doesn't need to pay me for them. Just take them. You aren't the only ones with pride."She smiled at Beth, who was currently wearing a pair of Daisy's jeans, which fit just a little too tight, with one of Bo's yellow button downs buttoned all the way up, with the sleeves rolled up two or three times just to try to get them to her wrists. "Please, honey. Just take them."Beth looked at Bo. He thought for a minute, then nodded at her. "Go ahead."She took the clothes from her mother with a smile, then took her keys. "Thank you, Mama," she whispered into her mother's ear.~**~**~**~**~The next morning...Cue Dixie Quote
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