bethie88 Posted May 7, 2009 Author Posted May 7, 2009 Luther looked at the young Duke standing in front of him, "You listen here, Luke Duke," he said. "I've known your Uncle for years, and I trust Dukes with everything in my life... But I cannot, and do not trust you with Dixie... It ain't nothin' personal Luke, but you know as well as I do that I don't have much reason to trust you with her."Luke nodded. He knew Luther was right. "Listen, Luther," Luke said. "I care about Dixie a lot, but she's just like a sister to me. I couldn't imagine dating her, let alone... doing anything you'd be upset about." Although, as Luke spoke, he realized he was trying to convince himself as much as Luther. "She's just a little girl, Luther," he said. He wasn't too sure he really believed that, either.He shook his head, trying to stay awake long enough to finish the conversation. Satisfied, for the time being, though, Luther looked at his son. "Cooter, get Luke home before Jesse starts worryin'."Luke was surprised at how easily Luther had let it go, but felt sure that he better not let it happen again.What neither of the men knew was that Dixie had been listening from her window, and at Luke's pronouncement that she was "just a little girl," had to fight back tears.~ ~ ~Meanwhile, back at the farm, Daisy was cooking breakfast while Jesse talked to Beth.... Quote
DixieDavenport Posted May 11, 2009 Posted May 11, 2009 "Just a 'little girl'! I'll SHOW him a 'little girl'!" Dixie vowed.~~~~~~~~~Once in the wrecker, Cooter looked at Luke and said, "So, what did take you two so long? You were leaving the garage right behind me and you hadn't gotten Dixie back home until now."Luke began, "Cooter it has been a day, but I'll start with leaving here behind you. We were on the way to ya'll farm when Luther radioed for you to bring the big wrecker to him." He conviently forgot to add the part about him and Dixie going to the lake. "I knew you likely didn't want to be disturbed so I to Luther I'd bring the truck. Dixie of course wanted to go, so I turned around and was heading back to the garage when Rosco pulled me. He wasn't happy when he searched the General Lee and found nothing so we had to wait for him to get a couple agents out here. They took him apart, so I insisted they put him back together again, which both took some time and really peeved them off. We finally got the wrecker to your father and hooked to the wrecked truck which I was to take only about a mile up the road so your dad left for home. As I was pulling out guess who Agent Roach had pulled over at the other end of the wreck scene?"Cooter looked at him blankly."Bo and Jeb! So I had to stop. Come to find out that Little had orginally pulled them over and put his own set of 'high security' handcuffs on them, sure that he was going to fine shine in the car. When the car was clean, Little took off leaving them cuffed and a couple of doors to the patrol car in the ditch. I had to get Jesse back there." Luke knew Cooter knew that Jesse had been running with the boys. "About the time Jesse got there Agent Roach had gotten another agent to bring a key they hoped would work and it did. I finally got the truck dropped off and then headed to your house without even going after the General Lee."Cooter said, "So you and Dixie were with cops, Dad, or Jesse all evening?"Luke nodded, "Pretty much.""If you'd told Dad that he probably wouldn't have been so upset. I don't see why he was so upset anyway, I mean, not only is Dixie a kid, but you wanting to 'date' her would be about like me wanting to date Daisy. Now, don't get me wrong, Daisy is a beauty, but she is yours and Bo's cousin. She is like a sister to me and I'd never cross that line with you two, let alone risk the friendship I have with ya'll or her. Cause even if we would go out surely nothing more would ever come of it and there could be hard feelings on one or both sides. Ya'll mean to much to me to risk that." Cooter said in one of his more profound moments. Luke was glad to hear Cooter express things his head had been trying to tell him for a few weeks now, but merely said, "Yeah." Then he added with a tired sigh, "He was upset because of what people would think about Dixie basically being with me all night. With things that have happened with the other girls, I can see his reasons. It's different her going with me during 'reasonable' hours."Cooter agreed, "Yeah, I guess I can see that."Luke was glad to see the farm come into view. "I sure hope that nothing gets in between me and my bed. Thanks for the ride. We'll be by later the get the General Lee."Cooter replied, "Not a problem and I'll even try to smoth things over with Dad after he's had some sleep."Luke nodded, "Thanks. See ya in a week or so when I wake up, if I get to go to bed at all." Luke knew Jesse's rules about sleeping in the day time. Unless you were sick, really sick, it wasn't normally tolerated.~~~~~~~~~~~~Jesse and Beth were on the porch with coffee as Luke and Cooter pulled up. Jesse asked Luke as he got on the proch, "Didn't Cooter want breakfast?""He and Luther had eaten before we got there." Luke said tiredly. "I dropped off that truck and headed straight to their place. I figure we can get the General later. I was close to falling asleep," he hinted, "and I knew Luther would be concerned when we weren't there when he expected us."Jesse had nearly forgotten that Luke had been on the go all day the day before and into this morning. "Help the others with the morning chores and grab a couple hours."Luke gave his uncle a greatful smile, but had planned to hide out in the hayloft if he hadn't been given the chance at least at a good nap. "I'll grab a cup of coffee and get started."Jesse nodded his appreciation for Luke's willingness, then he turned and looked at Beth as Luke went into the house, "Ok, Dear, we need to talk about last night. All of last night......." Quote
bethie88 Posted May 13, 2009 Author Posted May 13, 2009 Beth nodded as Jesse began talking. "Honey," he said, a gentle smile on his face. "Dukes has been runnin' shine long as there's been a way to do it. We hauled it in buggies before there was cars..." He took a sip of his coffee. "And there's been trouble along the way. This ain't an easy job, Beth." He looked at her, knowing what struggles this caused for her. "And I reckon it'd be easier if we all quit this and went to work regular jobs, but... We're Dukes, and Dukes make and run moonshine. It's just the way it is. Bo wouldn't be able to do anything else as well as he can do this. But last night, Bo didn't have any moonshine, we made sure of that, for your sake... We don't want that little one born with his daddy in jail anymore than you do. Big Ed Little is looking for moonrunners everytime he gets behind the wheel of that patrol car, and he thought he'd caught two when he found Bo and Jeb. But he hadn't, and that's what set him off, and made him leave the boys in them fancy cuffs."Beth nodded. "But Uncle Jesse, what if next time, Bo does have the shine? What if Big Ed locks him up, or worse? I don't know what I'd do if he were gone, and I had to have this baby without him."Jesse nodded. "Now, I understand your worry, Beth, but............" Quote
DixieDavenport Posted May 14, 2009 Posted May 14, 2009 you may also like to know that Bo and Jeb weren't the only ones who got stopped empty last night." Jesse emphasized 'empty' to her, then continued, "Luke and Dixie also got stopped last night in the General Lee,...... then were empty too." He pasued for several minutes before saying, "I had the load. I'll not put my 'kids' in any danger that I won't do myself. Think of this thing as sort of a shell game. They may know we're running, but the where, when, who and how, IS the thing. In two hundred years we've had some close calls, mighty close calls but not one of us has gone to prison for it and I don't plan on letting it happen now. I'd do anything in my power to keep those boys out of trouble, ........ even if it meant loosing all this." he waved his hand out in front of him to show the farm his family had worked so hard to get and keep, "This may not be much but it's years of hard work to get and keep it. I'm not like JD and some of the others who wan to live beyond their means and get rich, I'm just trying to keep our heads a float and make enough for when you get too much rain or not enough rain or the tractor breaks down again." He sighed.Beth nodded, "I know that, Uncle Jesse. Prison? You do mean jail?""No, Sugar. I mean prison." Jesse looked her dead in the eye and said, "What you may not know is you can do Bo and the rest of us all more harm than good when you make him worry that you are worried or mad."Beth dropped her head.Jesse added, "I allowed you to be told even before you were family, because I knew what could happen if Bo was gone and you didn't know where he was. He was afraid you'd think he was lying to you and that he was out with another girl. I have not given permission for many of the boys' girls to be told about what we do. Course some of them already know because their paws or brothers know, but I haven't permission for them to tell but you and,.............." he thought, "Two more girls."Beth thought about this. Two more girls. She knew Luke had be serious about Robin. She hadn't known Bo, Jeb or Luke to be serious enough about any other girl, ever. She had to wonder who the other girl was. "Two? I can see me and maybe Robin, when Luke was serious about her, but???"Jesse smiled and just said, "Trust Bo. Trust Luke, Jeb and me to get the job done like we all know how. None of us need Bo behind the wheel of a car wound so tight that he can't breath. That boy drives like nothing I've ever seen and though Luke and me taught him, I'd put him up against the best ridge runner or agent that I've ever seen. He can drive."Beth............~~~~~~~~~~~Luke drank his coffee, helped with the chores, took a shower and headed for his room. With his jeans over then end of the bed and his shirt draped over it. He stretched out over his sheets and pulled the sheet and blanket up to his neck and sighed. His bed felt so good............ He layed there waiting for sleep to over take him and ............. nothing. He turned over and fluffed his pillow, settled down and, ..... .. nothing. Seeing the light from outside coming in, he got back up pulled the shade which closed out most of the bright sun light, layed back down, covered up closed his eyes ............ several minutes later his eyes opened wide. He signed, turned back over, re-fluffed the pillow, closed his eyes, took a deep breath to try to clear his mind of all the activity of the past day. Luke felt sleep taking him away only to begin to dream about none other than Cooter's 'little' sister. They were driving along in the wrecker which wasn't uncommon. The next thing he knew they were in a wooded area. Alone. Then his words from the night before hit him like a ton of bricks as he heard Dixie's voice ask, "Am I such a little girl now?"He saw her begin to unbutton the top button of her shirt..............Luke knew even in his dream this was TROUBLE, but he deep down he wanted to see what was under the shirt! Luke suddenly set upright in the bed! That wasn't right. He knew that. He took a few deep breaths and decided he may as well get up. He knew he wasn't going to sleep now anyway. As he dressed it felt as if his jeans had shrunk at least a couple of sizes. He swore as he zipped the now too tight jeans, heading for the bathroom hoping a cold shower would make him feel better as well as make his jeans fit better. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back at the Davenports, Dixie was thinking of all the ways for Luke to see her NOT as a 'Little Girl'. First she called her friend Mary Lou Pringle and once she was on the line Dixie said as a sleepy Mary Lou answered the phone, "Mary Lou? This is Dixie. Do you think maybe you can come over tonight?""Dixie I haven't even got out of bed yet, but maybe after I get up I try to arrange it. Why?" Mary Lou's curiosity was up at why Dixie was calling her so early. Dixie started to talk then suddenly realized she COULD NOT tell everything that happened. "I went on a wrecker run with Luke Duke and .................." she paused to cut out a bunch of the story, "It was just a minute ago before Luke brought me home...............""Wait! Stop!!! Luke DUKE just brought you home??? I have got to hear this!!" Mary Lou was up and getting dressed. Quote
bethie88 Posted May 27, 2009 Author Posted May 27, 2009 Beth nodded her head. "Yes, sir, Uncle Jesse... I'm sorry. I just... I don't know what I'd do if I lost him, and a baby on the way..."Uncle Jesse put his arm around the girl. "You'll be just fine. Me and the boys been doing this all our lives. We know better than to put ourselves in anymore danger than we need to."~ ~Bo heard the water come back on upstairs and cocked his head sideways. He knew they'd gotten plenty dirty doing the chores, but he further knew that Luke hadn't been dirty enough to need two showers, unless he needed help with something else.He grinned as he realized what exactly was going on and waited for Luke to get out of the shower for a good old fashioned ribbing.~ ~Dixie could barely keep her excitement to herself as she waited for Mary Lou. She couldn't believe that Luke had brought her home to start with, much less so late, and without getting into trouble with her dad. This could only work out for the best for her. That is, if Luke lost that notion that she was just a kid. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted May 28, 2009 Posted May 28, 2009 It was shortly after noon when Mary Lou was dropped off at the Davenport farm. Cooter and Luther had already went to the garage and figured Dixie would sleep in. To the contrary, she hadn't been to bed yet. Mary Lou who was a bit older than Dixie hurried on to the porch. As Dixie met her at the door, Mary Lou looked around for Dixie's Dad and brother before asking, "SO????"Dixie answered the unspoken question first, "We're alone and for the rest come on in and I'll tell you."Once in the kitchen Dixie started her story and again realized that she was going to have to come up with something to fill in places where she couldn't mention the moonshining. "Well, we were all at the garage, Dad got a wrecker call, Cooter was running late for a date, Luke offered to take me home......""This was when?" Mary Beth interupted to ask. "A little after nine, I think." Dixie answered and continued. "Luke asked me if I was in a hurry to get home? I said no, so he took the long way home up by the lake to see if anyone was out racing or such...""Oh, man, YOU went to the lake WITH LUKE????" Mary Lou asked in disbelief. Luke was the older guy that every girl in her class had heard rumors about and secretly wanted to go out with though most were too afraid to admit that because Luke had the reputation of 'using girls' to get what he wanted and most figured Luke had bigger 'fish' to fry, besides no self respecting girl wanted to 'damage' her own reputation being in the wrong place with someone who had that sort of reputation. "We drove up by the lake and no one was out. We stopped and talked a bit." Dixie said, again being interupted."Did he 'try' anything?" Dixie replied honestly, "No. We just talked awhile and then headed back toward the house. We had just left town when my dad called on the CB for the big wrecker. Luke answered and said he'd take it. So we turned around to go get it and who should get behind us and pull Luke over but Sheriff Coultrane." Dixie said."WHAT??" Mary Beth exclaimed. "Oh man! What did Luke do to get pulled over?"This is where Dixie had to shuck and jive a bit, "Nothing. But you know he was in jail a few days ago over a fight and seems the Sheriff wanted to make sure he was minding his P's and Q's. So that took some time to convience the Sheriff of and he finally let us go. We got the wrecker.....""Wait!" Mary Beth said. Even in Hazzard at this time it was 'big deal' to hear that someone in your age group got pulled over by the law. NARRATOR: See folks back then, ol' Rosco was playing above board, well mostly and was a fair to midland lawman. Mary Beth asked, "Was you scared when you seen ya'll was getting pulled over?""No not really. Luke was doing under the speed limit so he had no idea why the Sheriff pulled him over. Seems it was like I said earlier to make sure he was minding his P's and Q's and to basically give him a hard way to go. We finally got to the wrecker and left for Chickasaw County where a big rig had went in the ditch near the cemetary. Well, it took him and Dad a bit to get it out of the ditch," Again, Dixie could fudge here because Mary Lou knew nothing about the wrecker calls. "So, Dad told Luke where the truck needed to go which was just up the road and Dad came on home." "You mean your Dad let you stay with Luke after he came home? DIXIE, I know you are pretty new here and all but, you have got to have heard about Luke's, .........." she paused and whispered even though they were alone, "Reputation and I KNOW your Dad knows."Dixie replied, "Well, I don't get to go out in the big wrecker often and he knows that, besides we should have basically been right behind him.""Should have been? Why do I get the feeling you all weren't?" Mary Lou asked.Dixie gave her a bit of a grin, "Because we weren't. After Dad left, Luke got in the wrecker and we went to pull out. At the other end on the wreck scene he seen a familiar car. You know the primer black car that Jeb has been fixin' up?"Mary Lou shook her head 'yes'."Well, it was on the side of the road with Jeb and Bo. Seems Sheriff Little stopped them, .........." Dixie was stopped dead in the middle of the sentence.Mary Lou had a couple older brothers, "Dixie! Little can be bad news." She looked around again to make sure they were alone, "I don't know or nothing but my brothers talk and I hear things. I hear there are guys our ages running moonshine. You don't reckon that's how the Duke boys make the money to keep that car goin' and always have enough money to go out on the weekends do ya?"Dixie asked honestly, "If Luke was making that kind of money, would he be working for Dad? Besides, when would he have the time?""I guess you are right." Mary Lou replied, waiting on the rest of the story."So Luke had to stop, even had to call Jesse to come over which took time, finally Bo and Jeb were turned loose. We still had to take the truck to it's drop off point, then Luke brought me home." Dixie said.Mary Lou said with suprise, "So you basically spent all night alone with Luke DUKE? And, he didn't try a THING?"Dixie looked at her friend rather depressed, "Yeah, and I think that's what bothers me." She held up her hand to stop her friend's comment, "It's not just Luke." She told the full truth there, but it was Luke's attention she would prefer, "Ever since I been here, I'm known as Cooter's 'little sister'. I hate it. Just once I might like to have to put a roaming hand in it's place, butttttt, ..........."Mary Lou replied, "Sugar your Daddy and that brother of yours both have a reputation of their own and not many guys want to cross them."Dixie looked at her friend and asked, "So how do I make them want to re-think that?"Mary Lou replied, "That my friend may take some help from Diasy. Lord knows she has about every guy I know trippin' over their heels and some nearly ready to face Bo, Luke, Jeb and even Jesse! We need to call her!"Dixie replied, "Ok." and picked up the phone.~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bo was waiting, when Luke exited the bathroom, "You sure didn't 'sleep' long."Luke mumbled something about not sleeping at all.Bo raised an eyebrow and asked, "Did you forget you took a shower BEFORE your nap?""What nap? and NO, I didn't forget anything." Luke grumbled. "So, what has you 'bright eye'd and bushy tailed so soon?" Bo grinned evilly.Luke flat out said, "Go jump in the lake Bo.""Would that be a cold lake? And a cold shower you just took?" Bo took advantage of the fact they were alone in the house, "God, I'm glad I don't have to take cold showers anymore!" Bo was on a roll an added, "Seems you would have gotten enough cold showers in jail. I would have though that you would have 'fixed' that sort of problems last night, being your first night home and all....."Both guys would later be glad Jesse, Beth nor Daisy were close enough to hear the sounds that followed. First, Bo's head hit the wall as Luke lifted him up by his neck; second, Bo gulped air as Luke held him against the wall for a split second; third, Luke said, "I was too busy trying to get you out of Little's cuffs!!!!"; fourth, Bo sliding down the hallway wall as Luke let him go and he ended up sliding down the way to the floor as Luke stormed off! Then the front door slammed as Luke went out.Bo shook it off, got up and said to himself, "I think I pushed that a bit toooooo far! Wonder exactly who is under Luke's skin?" Bo had seen him like this before and it usually meant there was a girl just out of his reach that he wanted. Luke would be like this awhile. Either until he 'got' what he wanted or until someone else took his mind off 'her'. "I may want to tread a bit lighter for a day or so." Bo laughed as he went out on the porch to find, ......... Quote
bethie88 Posted June 2, 2009 Author Posted June 2, 2009 Bo laughed as he went out on the porch to find his wife with a scrub brush, down on her knees scrubbing the porch swing."Beth, what in the world do you think you're doing? You're liable to put yourself in early labor with that," he said.Beth shook her head. "Now, Bo Duke, I aim to carry my weight around here, and you know that.""Of course I do, and I respect it, but Uncle Jesse won't want you doin' that any more than I do. There's plenty you can do that won't make the little one come early."Beth sighed. "Bo, you've got things to do, now go."He shook his head and walked over to her, squatting beside her to hold her back. He wrapped his arms around her, trying to take the brush. She fought him a little, and he lost his balance, falling back with Beth on top of him. They both erupted into laughter at what they were sure was a pretty amusing sight.Beth sat up just a little and leaned over to kiss her husband. "Bo, you're a mess!" she said. "Couldn't you just let me do it?"He shook his head. "No, ma'am. Just wouldn't be right."She shook her head, and tried to recapture her brush from his hand. Unfortunately, Bo was tall, and had long arms... And being pregnant didn't make stretching for it very easy.She huffed. "Now, Bo!" she said.Just then, the phone rang, and Bo helped Beth up before answering the phone. "Duke farm," he said, holding the receiver in one hand, and the brush far above his head with the other. Beth stretched on her tiptoes, trying to take the brush, while Bo easily kept it out of her reach, all while carrying on a conversation.Dixie spoke from the other end of the phoneline. "Daisy there, Bo?"Bo grinned, moving his arm again. "Yep, sure is, Dix. Hang on, I'll get her for ya." Quote
DixieDavenport Posted June 8, 2009 Posted June 8, 2009 Bo turned to see Daisy hanging out the wash and yelled, "Daisy, phone!"She hung up the last pair of blue jeans and said, "Coming." Once in the living room she took the phone and began wrapping the cord around her hand as she said, "This is Daisy."Dixie could still hear Beth and Bo laughing in the background as Bo was still playing 'keep away' with the scrub brush. Dixie said, "Do I want to know what those two are up to?"Daisy had to move to keep from getting stepped on and replied, "No and I don't think I want to be in the middle of it either.""Good. So why don't you come over later and maybe spend the night? Mary Lou is over and is spending the night too?" Dixie said hopefully. Daisy replied, "I'm off tonight, but I'll still have to ask Uncle Jesse at lunch before I can let ya know for sure."Dixie said, though she had no other plans to go anywhere, "That's no problem, let us know when ya can. We should be here most of the day."~~~~~~~~~~With the chores done and Bo setting in the hallway floor, Luke had stomped out of the house, got in the General Lee and took off, going both 'somewhere' and 'nowhere' at the same time. He drove with a purpose on well known roads but when he parked the car and got out he realized that he had not intended to go to Still site number 3, but that was where he found himself. Luke seen Jesse at the pickup before he parked but he was already there.Jesse heard the familiar engine approaching before he saw the car. He waited at the pickup to see who and why the boys were coming to the still site without him having to tell them to be there. Jesse said to Luke, "I figured you'd still be alseep, but since you are awake and here, how about grabbing the rest of that corn and sugar."To anyone else that may have sounded like a request, Luke knew better and mentally kicked himself for picking the one of many Duke still sites that Jesse just happened to be working that day. He took the fifty pound bags on each shoulder and started up the mountain trail toward the still site. Once Luke had put the corn and sugar down where it went outside, Jesse nodded toward the cabin that helped hide this particular still, and said, "Coffee's on and it looks like you could use a pot or two."Luke nodded grimly."Want to tell me about it?" Jesse offered.No Luke didn't but he had to say something so he decided part of the truth waws better than none at all, "Well, it's those danged terms of the probation and liek lasst night not being able to go on the run."Jesse had heard this same sort of complaint when Luke was five and much more often from Bo and it was usually followed by 'and it just ain't fair!', but Luke saw Jesse's eyebrows raise expectantly and had not completed his thought out loud. Jesse reminded, "Son, you made your own bed in that matter."Luke kinew Jesse was right, but he just wished several parts of his body weren't thinking of another sort of bed. He tugged at his collar thinking how warm it was getting this early in the Spring. Luke was hoping for a bit of 'private time' without Bo's pestering and suggested, "Well, if you won't let me go on the run can I at least tend the still tonight? It would make me feel like I'm pulling at least part of my share."Jesse ................. Quote
bethie88 Posted June 13, 2009 Author Posted June 13, 2009 Jesse knew Luke and he knew that the young man needed some time to himself one way or another. Given the terms of his probation, tending a still was probably not the best idea, but Luke was smart, and it would be tough for any revenuer, no matter how talented, to find Jesse's still sites."I reckon you can do that, Luke," he said. He paused for a moment, then added, "But for Pete sakes, be careful!"Luke nodded. "Thanks, Uncle Jesse."~ ~ ~Beth had given up on getting the scrub brush away from Bo, but had turned her attention to other jobs, and was currently dusting the living room with a vengeance. Bo was convinced if she sent much more dust flying, the baby itself was going to start sneezing.Once convinced no area had been left undusted, Beth went to the kitchen for the broom.Bo shook his head. This woman was bullheaded... And that was a huge reason for how much he loved her.~ ~ ~Hours later, after an OK from Uncle Jesse, Daisy was on her way over to Dixie's.... Quote
DixieDavenport Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 Once at Dixie's, the girls fixed pizza as an early supper, then, began the usual girl talk. Seeing that Dixie wasn't going to let the cat out of the bag just yet, Mary Lou decided to, "Daisy, we all know that you have captured the minds and dreams of every guy in three states."Daisy started to object, but was waved off by Mary Lou.She then continued, "Now, I know we can't be you, but can you give us just a few tips to make just a few of them consider crossing my Dad and Dixie's Dad and brother?"Dixie added, "I'm thinking about asking Dad about a party for my birthday. I'd at least like to have a little attention for a guy or two on the biggest birthday ever!"Daisy grinned widely and asked, "Just what makes you think I know that?"Mary Lou replied, "Because, there are more than a few nearly ready to cross Jesse and the boys."Daisy wasn't really modest, just truly didn't think she was anything special. With a laugh she replied, "Well, I don't know about all that but let's start with this." She reached over and tugged gently on Dixie's pony tail. "What's wrong with a pony tail?" Dixie asked.Daisy occasionally wore her hair in a pony tail too. Like when they were spring cleaning or painting house or the General Lee but mostly she didn't. "Nothing. Sometimes, but not always. Uncle Jesse always told us that the best way to catch a fish was to change the bait. And, nothing is more noticable at a first glance than a new hair do."While the girls began exploring new hair styles, Beth and Jesse were setting the table at the farm. Bo and Jeb had done the evening chores and Bo had wisely done Luke's share. He figured if Luke hadn't calmed down some that he'd much rather do his share of them than to deal with Luke in the mood he'd left in. After getting washed up, Luke still wasn't around as everyone was taking their seats. "Where is Luke? I haven't seen him since he went to lay down earlier. Surely he's not still asleep?" Jeb finally asked not noticing that the General Lee wasn't home.Jesse answered, "No, he's not asleep. He's feeding the still tonight."Bo's hands had been more than full with Beth these past few days to realize there was something up with Luke. Before he could asked anything further of his uncle an approaching car could be heard. NARRATOR: Here come the law!All the Dukes, including Beth knew the sound of the patrol car as it approached the farm house. Looks passed between Jeb and Bo. Both said at once, "I didn't do anything."Jesse glared at them both wondering why he was getting company from the law here at suppertime. Rosco knocked on the back door of the farm house.Jesse cast the boys another look, then answered the door. "Rosco, dinner time has been the same time here for the last hundred years. Just what is SO important that you'd interupt a man when he's getting ready to talk to his maker."Rosco studder for the briefest second before saying, "Well, .... um, ..... Jesse I sure am sorry about that, ....... but it all smells REAL good. ...... Yesss, Sir, it does at that!........."Jesse was near fuming, "Just get on with the 'why' you are here."Rosco looked around before speaking. All the Dukes were there except Daisy and LUKE. "Looks like there's a couple of the family that are late for supper?" Rosco knew Jesse Duke did not tolerate being late for supper. Jesse shook his head 'no', No they ain't late. Just not eating here tonight?"Rosco grinned widely. He was on to 'something', "So where are they eating tonight?"Jesse not only didn't like the interuption at the dinner hour, but also didn't like Rosco's snooping into his families business. "What's it to you any how?"Rosco grinned before letting a really big 'cat out of it's bag', "Well, now it might not be anything to me about Daisy, I was just making conversation. But, as for Luke, ........."Bo jumped at that before he could see Jesse trying to signal him to let Jesse handle this, "What about Luke?"Rosco gloated, "With him on probation and all........"He was cut off by Bo was standing up, "Probation? What are you talking about Rosco?"Jesse gave Bo a 'look'.Bo frowned and hushed for now.Rosco smiled a nasty smile and finished his explanation, "With the terms of that probation, Jesse I am more than in my place by wanting to know where Luke is to make sure that he is being peaceful, lawabidding and sober and is still within the Tri Counties area."Bo's eyes flew open, followed by his mouth. Jeb's reaction wasn't much different.That explained a lot as to why Luke hadn't been to the Boar's Nest or as far as the boys knew han'd drank even a beer since being home from jail.The look they were getting from Jesse was that he knew what was going on and that he would explain later. Jesse decided to be truthful, yet not give as many details as he knew. He knew the boys carried fishing poles with them and there was a stream near the still site. "Well, Rosco, I'll tell ya what I know. Luke went fishin', but he didn't say where he was going exactly, but I'm sure he's in Hazzard."NARRTOR: Folks, that's like looking for a needle in a haystack somewhere in Hazzard County.Rosco said eagerly, "Fishin'." Then, at processing the rest of information, added a bit more glumly, "Somewhere in Hazzard?"Jesse replied smuggly, "Yelp."Rosco grumbled and mumbled as he went out the door toward his car.The Dukes were silent until they knew Rosco was gone, then .........~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At the still site, Luke had indeed banked the fire, got his fishing pole and was in the process of catching his supper down at the near by stream. NARRATOR: Ain't it a wonder how much Uncle Jesse knows them boys.While Luke sat waiting for his supper to swim by his bait he was thinking about and regretting what had happened with Bo earlier. It was just a crazy dream. Surely he was dreaming about Dixie because he'd been around her so much the past couple of days. Surely he wasn't interested in her, that was crazy. She was Cooter's little sister. Taking a deep breath he began to go over the list of girls in his mind, much like he had while in jail. He named them off, considered them and found he'd discarded every single one of them from a year or so older than him on down to Daisy and Dixie's class. That class was easy to go through. Most were childish, inmature and far to blushing and giggly for Luke's taste. With Daisy being his cousin that only left Dixie and Mary Lou Pringle. Mary Lou was a nice girl, good girl of about 17 -- enough reason right there to not to even consider her. Sure Luke was looking for a long term relationship, but he didn't see it happening with someone he had to remind to look both ways before crossing the street either. Then, there was Dixie. Da---, he was back to Dixie again. She was nice, certainly a good girl, but she wasn't inmature or childish. She didn't squeal at the top of her lungs like most of the girls her age just because a spider was on the other side to the garage. No, she'd go kill it or rescue it if it happened to be a Grand Daddy Long Legs. Luke laughed, how many other girls in Hazzard would rescue a Grand Daddy Long Legs? none he could think of except maybe Daisy. But, still she was younger than him and more important, Cooter's sister AND Luther's daughter. That was enough right there to reasonable not even think of considering her. Somewhere in the back of Luke's mind, he remembered Dixie telling him about her birthday coming up soon. He laughed at how excited she was when making plans for her big birthday. Luke remembered with a smile just how excited that Daisy was when she turned 18, then quickly turned to a frown when he remembered how happy several of the local guys were after finding out Daisy was 18! Somewhere in the back of Luke's mind the thought that there should be no problem with an age difference of 18 and 20. Then, he wisely thought of Luther and Cooter Davenport. There was NO way, even if he was interested in 'dating' Dixie, which he wasn't, that either one of them knowing his reputation, would let him live to complete that sentence if he would try to ask permission to take her out. Nope, Dixie was out of the question.Luke began to plan that IF he managed to live through the next 5 months, 3weeks, 5 days, 6 hours and twenty minutes of probation, then he could go to some of the places they delivered Jesse's finest to and meet someone new. Luke nearly laughed at himself as he thought about that. He knew what types of 'girls' that were at most of the places they delivered to. Most of them would be as bad for him or worse than the ones he'd made his reputation with in Hazzard. Certainly, none that he'd seen, would be any he would really want to take home to Jesse!! Luke's thoughts were interupted when his dinner decided to go after it's own last meal. The sudden jerk on the pole sent Luke into action getting the large mouth bass out of the stream and into his hands. It was large enough that Luke wouldn't have to fish anymore until morning. He went about cleaning and preparing the fish to cook over the same fire that would cook the mash in the still as well as heat the small cabin. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted June 18, 2009 Posted June 18, 2009 After his meal Luke had gottten out his sleeping bag and was watching the fire of the still when he bagan thinking again the girls of Hazzard. Only a few years ago there were plenty of possibilities, now he could group them into good girls that had gotten married, moved on, or were exgaged. The girls who were 'not good girls' that he likely helped make that way. Then there was a few 'good girls' that he didn't want to 'make that way'. The busy hours since getting release from jail were rapidlly catching up with him as he started to doze off. Luke slept light and would wake when the fire began to die down or to the slightest sound while watching the stills. Jesse knew this, which is why of all the boys, he rested better knowing Luke was at the still. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted June 21, 2009 Posted June 21, 2009 The next moring Luke was up a bit after sun up. He had fed the still through out the night and Jesse showed up a short while later. Jesse seen that his oldest didn't look 'bright eyed and bushy tailed' when he got there and asked, "Luke are you alright?"Luke rubbed the back of his neck and replied, "Yeah, Uncle Jesse, I'm fine. I guess that's just the most and best sleep I've gotten in awhile. Even though I was up and down feeding the still, I slept soundly and doesn't seem that even coffee has helped to get me awake. I'm seriously thinking of jumping in the stream to get woke up."Jesse had to laugh, "You know even in August that water has ice cubes floating in it.""I know." Luke said as he opened the door of the cabin.Jesse called after him, "Suit yourself!"Luke walked down to the stream that still had a bit of fog raising from it. He saw a momma deer and two fawns drinking just above where he was going to get in at. Not wanting to disturb their morning routine Luke silently set down against an oak tree and watched the deer while letting his mind wander back to the dreams he'd had last night. The night before Luke had some of the best dreams he could ever remember, right up until he saw just WHO else happened to be in the dreams. But even the memories of the dreams pushed Luke to get up and head toward that cold water even before the deer left. he asked himself as he undressed, 'Why do I always want things I can't have?' Then he said to himself, 'No, I don't 'want' Dix at all. All this has got to be where I haven't 'had' anyone in awhile. Yeah, I'm sure I could go to the Boar's Nest and pick up about anyone and never have those dreams again.' The only problem was that Luke wasn't so sure about that as he hit the icy water. A bit later on his way home, Luke circled through Hazzard Square, parked, got the mail, and was headed back to the General Lee when Mr. Muncy stopped him. "Luke tell Jesse I need twice my usual. Today if possible." Mr. Muncy said, then added, "Family reunion time and all don't ya know."Luke nodded, "I'll tell him Sir."As Luke headed toward the General Lee he remembered that Jesse would be at the still all day and if he went back to tell him. Then, Jesse would like send Bo and Jeb on the run. It was a local run up a side road that most folks thought ended at Mr. Patricks house, but Luke and all the Dukes knew mr. Muncy had fixed his families old homestead up as a place where his family could get together and talk about the old days when Mr. Muncy's family made shine up there that was almost as good as Jesse's. Due to health problems and many of thier younger generations disinterest in moonshining, it wa easier to just get it from Jesse. Luke knew there was enough shine at site 2 which was the closest to cover the order. He also knew that Beth was putting Bo so far on edge that he was likely to end up being 'Humpy Dumpy' who took a great fall. Luke knew what he needed to do. It was nothing he had never done before and Jesse never minded in the past. But in the back of his mind he knew Jesse would mind this time. Logically, Luke could be at the still, fill the bottles, load the car, deliver the load, have the money in his pocket, and be home before anyone knew about it which kept Bo safe and helped Jesse.NARRATOR: "Ain't it amazing how those boys can talk themselves right into TROUBLE!!!"Luke hopped in the General Lee, went to the still, loaded the car with twice the normal load. In broad day light with the back of the powerful car riding a lot lower than it had in town, Luke calmly pulled on to the main road and headed toward Mr. Muncy's. There was no need to hurry or be breaking the speed limit as Luke knew that would only draw un-needed attention to him, so he was just taking his time. Luke see Rosco coming down toward him in the patrol car and hoped they could just pass each other and both continue on their ways.NARRATOR: "And they may have worked if it would have been anywhere other than Hazzard!"Rosco passed the General Lee and looked at it as he passed. Rosco had been in Hazzard and Sheriff long enough to know the car had a load of something, most likely moonshine in its trunk and Luke Duke was driving. He giggled in spite of himself as he calmly turned the patrol car and eased back behind the General Lee.Luke seen Rosco coming up on his back bumper, then he seen the blue lights signaling him to stop. Luke let fly a string of curse words that was likely to make even the most seasoned sailor blush. He knew if he stopped all Rosco had to do was open the trunk and he was gone to prison, not jail. He also knew that if he didn't stop Rosco would likely try to hang a probation violation on him, but Luke didn't think he could prove much on that, so he did the only thing he could do. geared teh General Lee back to passing gear and hooked it up! Luke headed up the road and umped the top to the steep hill that he had to go down. He would later be told by Dixie and a few others at the park at the bottom of the hill, that they could count the bolts under the General Lee as he went airborne at the top of the hill and landed almost half way down the hill. At the bottom of the hill was a three-way intersection. Now, Mr. Muncy's place was to the right, but Luke took a chance and headed straight. He knew the road went into motorcycle trails which started just past the three coal mining sites. This is where he and Robin, his ex-girlfriend had went to talk when they decided not to continue dating. Luke had also ridden motorcycles with her and her brothers up that road so he knew it well, but IF Rosco stayed with him, he'd be boxed in. Luke's hunch paid off as he roared up the street in front of his ex-girlfriend's house. The gates and garage doors were open. Her father and older brother were in the driveway. Luke glanced back, he didn't see Rosco, he hoped that he was far enough ahead of Rosco to pull this off. He down shifted and braked hard, hoping not to leave skid marks on the road as he turned left into Robin's driveway then a sharp right to pull into the garage, praying that part of the garage was empty. As he pulled inside, he saw the garage door come down behind him. Seconds later he heard Rosco fly by. Taking a second to breath a sigh of relief before yelling to Robin's brother, Mark, "Open the door!" The door opened, Luke backed out, turned to go out the gate and for the first time saw that Robin was in the yard hanging up clothes. He didn't have time to think about all that now. He hurriedly pulled out of the driveway back on to the road. At the intersection, Luke turned left heading to Mr. Muncy's hopefully before Rosco figured out that he had been give the slip! Luke delivered the shine without further incident and decided to take the long way home through the woods. Once home he parked the General Lee inside the barn which wasn't normal. He had made it home just in time for dinner. He walked inside the house through the back door, washed up, then as he started to set down at the table he layed three crisp one hundred dollar bills beside Jesse's plate. The rest of the family exchanged looks, then looked from Luke to Uncle Jesse.Jesse looked at the money, then into Luke's eyes as he asked, "Do you want to tell me where that came from?"Luke answered frankly in one of the few instances where he spoke before thinking, "No."Jesse was in no mood for twenty questions, but asked, "Do you think you NEED to tell me where that came from?""Probably." Luke answered again letting his mouth work while his brain was on vacation. Bo and Jeb both were more prone to to talking without thinking and knew how much trouble it had caused them in the past. Both grimaced at hearing Luke's reply. They knew Luke was in deep and digging a deeper hole as he went. Jesse glared at Luke and said gruffly, "WELL?""I ran in to Mr. ....." Luke paused. Beth was family and knew about the family business but didn't know everything, "Anyway, I talked to a man who wanted double his order IF he could have it today, so I took it to him."Jesse was appreciative on Luke making extra money for the family but knew he had takena big chance and couldn't help but think there was more to the story. Quote
bethie88 Posted July 5, 2009 Author Posted July 5, 2009 Beth knew without a shadow of a doubt what kind of risk Luke had taken by running that much shine on his own. It was downright dangerous, and she worried about all of the boys if that was the kind of danger they were putting themselves in.Bo and Jeb were both silent, knowing what their cousin had done. This was going to not go well, if the past was any indication.Jesse looked over his nephew, a million thoughts in his head before finally saying, "Eat your supper, Luke."An astonished glance passed among all of the younger people gathered at the table. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted July 5, 2009 Posted July 5, 2009 They couldn't imagine Luke getting off with Jesse that easy after being mouthy to him. Luke knew it wasn't over as he ate his dinner. Sometimes a calm Jesse Duke was more to worry about than an out and out mad Jesse.As Beth and the others cleared the table, the phone rang. Jesse was closer to the phone and answered it, "Duke Farm."It was Jesse's friend and Robin's father calling, "Jesse, I just wanted to make sure Luke got home Ok today?"Jesse eyed his nephew. He knew he had to talk to him, but felt his was about to get some of the story Luke hadn't told, "Yes, he did." Jesse answerd so the others didn't kow who or what he was talking about.Bill said, "Well, the way he pulled in the driveway I knew something was up. Then, when Rosco went screaming by I knew why he was in a hurry to pull in the yard."Things were a bit clearer to Jesse as he replied, "Yes, well thanks for calling. I'll talk to you more when I see you." Jesse normally used the front porch for his talks with the boys, unless the woodshed was in order. The barn was usually when he wanted more information before going to the woodshed. He sat his coffee cup down and said firmly, "Luke I think it's time we had us a talk. Outside."On the front porch, Luke wasn't suprised to see Jesse continue off the porch and head in the general direction of the barn or woodshed.Inside Bo, Jeb, Vance and Coy flocked to the window to see where they were going. Beth looked at the four, "What ARE you all doing?"Bo replied, "Trying to gauge how much trouble Luke is in."NARRATOR: Looks like more than he was five minutes ago. Jesse and Luke had only made it half way across the yard when they heard engines. Rosco pulled in front of Luke and Jesse as Enos slide in behind them.The Duke porch was immediately filled with Dukes. Jesse held up his hand for them to stay put.Rosco was out of his cruiser and flashing a paper as if it were a prize, "I've got you this time Luke Duke!" Luke frowned at Rosco.Before Luke or Jesse could say anything further, Enos had came up behind him already putting one hand cuff on him. Luke was so suprised that Enos had not only gotten behind him and gotten the first cuff on that before he could react Enos had cuffed the other hand to the first one behind his back.Luke tried to resist as he felt the last cuff lock into place, "Enos what are you doing?"Jesse looked at Rosco, "Do you want to tell me what this is about?"Rosco beemed with pride, "Well, I'll tell you Jesse. The here is a warrant for Luke, here's arrest. It seems he evaded me yesterday and that is a no, no when you are on probation!" Rosco giggled wildly!Luke argued, "Even IF I did, how can you prove that if you didn't catch me?"Rosco said, "I've know you boys since you have been in this world and the General Lee isn't that hard to spot."Luke was now obviously hot, "That's bull and you know it!" He now looked at Jesse, whom he'd been less than respectful earlier, "Jesse?"Rosco said, "It was good enough with the judge to get you picked up on. You can tell your side of it the Judge Hardcastle and see where it goes. I also have a search warrant for the General Lee as soon as Enos gets Luke in the car.""Search warrant for what?" Luke nearly yelled.Rosco said, "Any evidence that shows you were hauling moonshine yesterday when you refused to stop for me. It sure was riding low."Jesse reached to see the paperwork. After looking at it, Jesse replied, "Looks legal enough to me. I guess since you didn't want to talk to me earlier, you can talk to the judge later.""Now wait just a darned minute here, " Luke continued to argue.Rosco took the cuffs in his hand and turned Luke toward the patrol car, "We've waited long enough, time is a wastin' and I have a car to search yet."Jesse watched Luke be placed in the cruiser, then called for Bo. "Bo, you take the Sheriff to the General Lee. He has a search warrant to search it and since it is half yours you need to be there."Bo, ............ Quote
bethie88 Posted July 7, 2009 Author Posted July 7, 2009 Bo, always with the rebel streak, said, "Now, Uncle Jesse, Rosco ain't got no call to go searchin' the General."Jesse shook his head. "Now, Bo, Rosco's got a warrent. We can't tell him he can't search the General."Bo begrudgingly led Rosco to the barn and let him in to look the General over. He knew Rosco wouldn't find anything. Luke wasn't stupid enough to leave evidence in the General when he was on the farm.The sheriff walked in and started searching the General, and all the while, Bo wondered just WHAT had gotten into his cousin. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted July 12, 2009 Posted July 12, 2009 After trying several different hair styles Dixie and the girls had went to a little park not far away from where the Davenports lived. They hadn't been there long when they saw Luke come flying by on his way to deliver the moonshine. They didn't know what he was doing or where he was going but knew he was in a heck of a hurry to get there. They were in just the right spot to see up the road and see Luke cut into a driveway.Dixie asked, "Isn't that Robin's driveway?"Daisy nodded 'yes'.Even Mary Lou couldn't help but ask, "Why's he pulling in there?"Dixie couldn't help ask, "I thought they weren't seeing each other anymore?"That's when they saw Rosco go flying by not far behind Luke. Then, seen Luke hurriedly pull out and come flying back down the road and cut left heading past the park unknown to them to Mr. Muncy's to deliver the moonshine. Daisy replied, "They aren't or weren't, but it didn't look like he stayed long enough to do much talking or anything else. Remember, ya'll Luke is also friends with he big brother Mark."They were at the park long enough to see Cooter heading up past Robin's and a bit later come out pulling Rosco's patrol car. He had managed to wreck or get stuck even though Luke wasn't anywhere near him! They stayed at the park a long while and never seen Luke come back by.Mary Lou asked, "Where could he have went up that road. It dead ends about a mile up."Daisy grinned, "No it don't, it just gets smaller and if you know what you are doing like Luke does, he could come out in at least three other areas of the County."0101010101010101Rosco had Bo open the trunk. He was disappointed to see nothing in the trunk but a spare, jack, tool set, and a few other tools. Other than that the trunk was clean, neat and orderly. Rosco had already searched the rest of the car and was turning to leave when he stopped. Bo was already in the motion of shutting the hood when Rosco said, "Hold it! Hold it a minute. He stepped closer, looked at something he seen laying near the jack. He picked up a single kernel of seed corn. "That's seed corn."Bo growled, "And THIS is a farm! Look around ya, Rosco there is corn growing all over the place. That could have been there months or years!"Only then did Jesse get into this conversation, "Rosco, if that were Luke, if he were hauling shine and all, that one kernel of corn couldn't prove a thing. You know you don't cook shine and haul it the same day, even that stuff Boss makes!"Rosco frowned and stormed off toward his patrol car, motioning for Enos to head out for the jail.Luke knew that this late in the day it would be tomorrow before he saw Judge Hardcastle. Even though he expected Rosco to do no less it didn't make the fact he'd be spending another night in jail any more pleasant. He just hoped the Judge was more resonable than Rosco was. 0101010101Back at the Duke farm, Bo walked back to the house after Rosco and Enos had left for town with Luke. Beth was waiting on the porch. She saw a look on his face she didn't like. Beth ............... Quote
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