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(This is a fic that I'm gonna develop in a different way with different characters (ie, not having me as his GF) for FF.net.)

Bo Duke couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe what she'd just told him. Beth Smith, his girlfriend, and the love of his life, was pregnant... And she was only 16, and he was 17. How could he have made such a stupid mistake? Uncle Jesse was gonna kill him, if Luke didn't kill him first.

Beth hated the way he was looking at her... Like a scared little boy. Bo wasn't a scared little boy, and seeing him like this tore her apart inside.

"I'm a danged fool," Bo said, punching a tree so hard it made his knuckles bleed.

[Feel free to pick up, and I don't care if you use my character...Won't bother me]

  • 3 weeks later...

Luke was in the barn finishing his chores when Bo walked in. Luke had his own problems but it didn't take Luke long to notice Bo's hand had been bleeding and was swelling and bruising. "What happened to you?" Luke asked.

Bo replied, "Nothing." He said working his hand trying to determine if he had broken anything or just bruised it.

"Bo you had to hit something pretty hard to do THAT to your hand." stated Luke.

Bo's hand hurt but no more than his heart did. "You would not understand."

"Are you and Beth fighting?" questioned Luke.

Bo relied, quietly, "Not exactly."

Luke said, "Then what?"

Bo replied, "I guess you want to tell me what's up with you dating EVERY girl in the County?"

Luke glared at his cousin. "No, I don't"

Bo replied, "Well, then we're even."

Luke thought, "Only until Uncle Jesse, sees that hand!"

Bo and especially Luke thought they knew it all at this time in their life.


Bo and Luke went inside, each just a little angry at the other. Bo had his hands shoved in his coat pocket, and the cloth of his pocket was sticking to his bloody knuckles. His hand was sore. He tried bending his fingers again, and it was possible, but painful. And he couldn't believe how stiff his fingers were. "Da--," he said softly, as he tried to keep bending his fingers.

"What was that, Bo?" asked Jesse, raising his eyebrows.

"Nothin', Uncle Jesse," Bo said softly.

"That's what I thought," Jesse said. The boy was acting strangely. He looked at Luke, hoping that his other nephew would give him some indication of what was wrong. But Luke simply shrugged. No matter how mad he and Bo might be at one another, they had an ideal of family honor, and they would never rat on each other.

The boys sat down at the table, Bo's right hand still tucked painfully in his pocket. He ate half a biscuit before asking Jesse if he could go upstairs. Jesse knew that something must be very wrong, because wild horses and natural disaster couldn't keep Bo away from the supper table.

Luke followed his cousin up the stairs quickly, followed by Daisy. Jesse knew something was up, but the wise old man was never the type to rush upstairs to find out what was going on. He knew that his nephews and neice would come to him when the time was right.


Upstairs, Bo was fighting tears, due more to his heartache than his hand.

"Now, Bo, what's wrong with you? You look like a coon hound somebody just beat." Daisy said, taking her cousin's arm.

Bo turned away, not saying anything for fear he would cry. "Show 'er, Bo" Luke said, resting his hand on his cousin's shoulder.

Bo pulled his hand out of his pocket, "Sh--," he whispered as the pain got stronger.

"Oh, my Lord!" Daisy said, taking Bo's hand gently in both of hers. "What did you do?"

"Nothin'," Bo said.

"Nothin' my foot," she replied. "I'm goin' to get some stuff and clean that up."

"It's fine, Daisy," Bo protested, but to no avail.

Daisy brought in the water bowl and a washcloth. And Bo cringed to see the lye soap she was carrying. That was going to hurt.

Daisy went to work, and Bo protested the whole time. "Dang it, Daisy, that hurts!"

Daisy kept working, though, and soon had his hand bound in a cloth bandage.

Then she leaned her head over onto his shoulder in a sisterly manner and said, "Now, Bo, honey, tell me what's botherin' you."

Cue Dixie


Bo could be very stubborn when he wanted to be and at this minute he wanted to be. "Can we call it a temper tantrum and be done with it?"

Luke pushed, "Sure we can as soon as you tell us what made you so mad."

"Forget it then!" replied Bo.

"Alright then I'm going to tell Uncle Jesse, right NOW!" said Daisy and turned to leave.

Luke stopped her with his arm.

Bo had said, "Wait!"

She froze in her tracks.

Bo asked, "Can I talk to Luke, alone? It's guy stuff."

Daisy looked from Bo to Luke. Luke nodded for her to go on, which meant he'd most likely tell her later. She left the two ofthem alone.

Bo was pacing like a caged tiger. "Luke, I know you have ah, well, you know. With a girl and all?"

Luke nodded yes.

"Have you ever messed up?" Bo asked.

The meaning of his cousins question hitting him in the face. Luke replied, "BO!" he paused briefly. "You DIDN'T? Did YOU?"

Luke's exagerated reply and lack of understanding caused Bo to become even more angery. "Da--!!!" he said as he swung at the old Oak dresser, before Luke could stop him. The Oak dresser had withstood much more in its time and DID NOT budge for Bo's right hand and arm.

Luke heard the crack even before Bo winced in pain. Not wanting Jesse to know about this all yet Bo reached for his pillow as Luke steadied his hand. What few sounds he made were quieted by the pillow.

Luke said, "Here, let me see." Now, Bo was having a cursing fit! "I hate to be the one to tell you but you need me to go tell Jesse and get Doc out hear. Otherwise you'll be begging for him in the morning."

Bo insisted he was 'fine'. Luke watched him toss and turn all night. He had not pushed any farther but was pretty sure the nature of Bo's pain and it was pretty far from the hand that was throbbing at this moment!

When Bo woke early the next morning from the pain in his wrist, he ..........


yelled, "God! What the..."

"Bo, you alright?" Luke asked, coming out of his bed.

"No, da--it! My wrist hurts like he--."

"You better tell Jesse. You need to get to Doc Applebee."

"I ain't tellin' Jesse nothin'. You can take me to the doctor..."

"Bo, I ain't got that kinda money... Moonshiners don't have insurance, ya know. And besides, Doc's gonna know somethin's up and tell Uncle Jesse."

"Da--," Bo breathed. "Reckon you're right. But we gotta get me somewhere and get this took care off."

"Da--it, Bo, if you don't manage to get in the worst messes." Luke shook his head, mostly in disbelief.

"Well...what say we go tell Jesse I gotta go to the doctor... I was sleepwalkin', and I hit the dresser in my sleep..." Bo tried desperately to think up a good alibi.

"Bo Duke, I think that's the stupidest thing I ever heard. Lord have mercy." Luke shook his head. "Jesse won't believe that you just all the sudden took to sleepwalkin'."

"You got any ideas?"

"Tell him the truth?" Luke suggested.

"Dang it, Luke... I can't even tell you or Daisy the truth... much less Uncle Jesse."

"Well, if 'the truth' is what I think it is, I don't know if I could tell Uncle Jesse."

"Thanks for the encouragement," Bo said, angrily.

"Bo, don't act like that."

"You never messed up this big anyhow, so don't tell me how I can act."

"You wanna tell me exactly what's goin' on?" Luke asked, his hand now resting firmly on his cousin's shoulder.

"Not really...But if I don't tell somebody, it's gonna eat me alive."

"Well, that's what I'm here for."

Bo nodded. He had to work with the words to get them past the lump in his throat. "Luke... Beth's pregnant."


Cue Dixie!


Luke asked none too calmly, "Beth is WHAT?" Luke wanted to shout.

"Would you keep it down? Don't you think I have enough problems without Jesse finding at right now?"

"Oh, Yeah. You have problems alright! For starters, just how in blue blazes do you expect to support her and a baby? She wanted college. You and ME were going to run the NASCAR circuit. You have got to be the biggest fool I know. You get careless and now you have involved all of us in YOUR mistake. Not to mention there is a" he lowered his voice, "ba - by that didn't ask for you to make a mistake that is deserves to have what it needs and wants. Bo you can't live on Love. I know Beth she's a good girl but now she'll end up not getting to do anything she has worked all this time to do." Luke exploded.

Had Bo's hand not hurt so much he would have liked to have decked Luke on the spot. He had just voiced everything that had been going through his own head.

"Bo just what do you intend to do about this? And I'll remind you running away is NOT an option." asked Luke as he stared daggers through his cousin.

"Well for one thing, running away from it hadn't entered my mind. I really love her, you know?"

Luke looked him dead in the eye, "I really hope you do. Forever is a long time to stay with someone you don't!"

"Luke you are not helping here." stated Bo as he brought his hand up to look closer at it.

"Bo there's nothing I can do to help you on this except get you downstairs and let you tell Jesse about your wrist so Doc can fix it up." Luke said studing the badly bruised swollen hand. "For now, I'll even let you get away with telling Jesse that you were mad at me and hit the dresser instead of me."

Boshoock his head, "You know you are all heart."

Cue Beth


"You're d--- straight, I'm all heart. I could tell Jesse right now!"

Luke followed his cousin downstairs to keep him from bolting back to his room. The two young men walked down to where their Uncle was quietly reading the newspaper. "Mornin', boys," Jesse said, eyeing Bo suspiciously.

"Mornin' Uncle Jesse," they replied.

Bo couldn't voice the words he wanted to say, so he looked a Luke helplessly.

Luke understood. "Uh... Uncle Jesse, Bo needs to go see Doc Applebee. He hurt his hand."

"Well, lemme take a look," Jesse said, taking Bo's sore hand in both of his to look it over. "Lord, boy, what'd you do?"

"I got mad at Luke..." Bo lied. "I wanted to hit 'im, but I didn't wanna hurt him too bad, so I... ah... I hit the dresser."

Jesse looked even more suspicious of the boy. First of all, there was never a time in history where one of the boys had hit something else to avoid hurting the other when there was a problem between them. And secondly, the cuts in Bo's knuckles were too bad, not clean enough, to have been caused by hitting the dresser alone. But Jesse never challenged his nephews honesty...or lack thereof... "Well, first of all, is anything hand broke? That dresser is harder'n a rock."

"I don't know, Uncle Jesse," Bo said.

"Can ya move it?"

Bo tried, but he couldn't. "No sir."

"Well, it's broke, then. We need to get you to Doc, but first, lemme clean them cuts."

Bo cringed when Jesse came out with the jar of moonshine used mostly for wounds. That stuff hurt worse in an open wound than salt did. Jesse cleaned Bo's hand up, careful to avoid moving his broken wrist. "Get in the truck. I'll be out in a minute."

"Uncle Jesse..." Luke said, in the respectful tone the boys always used with their Uncle.

Jesse turned to look at Luke. "Yeah?"

"I'll take 'im. I gotta go over to Cooter's anyhow," he said, making up an alibi.

"Uh-huh?" Now Jesse was suspicious of both boys.

"We'll be back after while," Luke said.

"You takin' General Lee?" Jesse asked.

"Figured on it," Luke replied.

"Better figure again. Gettin' in that car ain't gonna be easy with a broke wrist," Jesse said.

"Good point," Luke agreed. "We can take Tilly."

"No... worse idea. You'll be stopped by every police car in the county thinkin' you're runnin' shine."

"'Nother good point," Bo said this time.

"Take the truck," Jesse said. "And when you get done at Cooter's, come straight home."

"Yessir," Luke said.

The two boys walked out to the truck. "Have I told you yet what a dang fool you are?" Luke asked Bo.

"Yeah... and I'd prefer you didn't remind me," Bo said.

Luke shook his head. His cousin had made more than his share of mistakes, but this one was the most stupid one he could think of.

The two of them climbed into the truck, Bo very much upset that he couldn't drive. "Dang it, Bo," Luke said, when his cousin complained. "Ain't you got alot more important things to worry about."

"Well, I'd like to be alive to take care of the baby," Bo said sarcastically.

"Boy, it don't matter what kinda stupid mistake you make, it don't straighten you out."

"Shut up, Luke."

"If that's how ya want it."

Bo rolled his window down with his good hand and let the cool breeze blow in his face. Why couldn't Luke just leave him alone?

Cue Dixie!


Bo deep down knew why Luke wouldn't leave he alone about this. He knew Luke cared which is why he made up the story to get to take Bo to the Doctor instead of letting Jesse take him and maybe corner Bo before he was ready to talk about this mess.

Good ol' Doc Applebee fixed Bo up in no time placing a cast from his elbow to his fingers. He gave Luke his bill for $25 and told Luke to tell Jesse they could 'work out a trade' if Jesse wanted to and that Jesse would know what that meant. Luke also knew what it meant, Jesse's shine was a better, cheaper antiseptic and pain killer than anything else Doc could buy from those fancy suppliers. "I'll tell him Doc."

Doc reminded, "Bo when the swelling starts going down that cast will get loose. If it gets too loose it isn't helping so come on back by and I'll change it."

Bo said, "Yes, Sir." and thenlooked at the floor.

Luke went by Cooter's just because he said he was and didn't want to lie.

Cooter spotted the white cast on Bo's arm, "Whoa, what happened to you some angry Father get a'hold of ya?" leave it to Cooter.

"No, Bo, here took out his anger at me on the Oak dresser in our room." replied Luke.

"Now, fellas, I know Dukes don't fight Dukes but ain't that takin' it a bit to far there Bo?" asked Cooter.

Bo replied, "Yeah, I guess it was." Bo continued to look at the floor.

"Well, Cooter we just stopped in for a minute. I've got to get Jesse's truck back." said Luke.

Cooter said, "I almost forgot to tell you Dixie might be for a spell. Dad is scared to have a daughter around to look after." Cooter laughed.

Luke replied, "Just tell him to call Uncle Jesse. If he can raise Daisy, I'm sure he can help him!"

Luke and Bo drove back to the farm.


Jesse was waiting for the boys when they arrived. "Well, Bo?" he said, looking at his nephew suspiciously.

"Well, it's broke for sure, and Doc Applebee had to set it. Gave us a bill for $25, but he said y'all could work out a trade."

"Sure..." Jesse said.

"Uncle Jesse, he gave me some pain killers, and they're makin' me sleepy. Can I take a quick nap?" Bo said.

"Sure. That's just fine, Bo."

Bo went upstairs, but not to rest. The pain killers weren't even hitting him hard yet. He needed to think, alone. And so he thought. About himself, and Beth. About how he'd ruined both their lives. About how she'd been so set on going to college, and he'd ruined her plans. About how everything was his fault, and now he would have a child to raise. And more than anything, he wondered how he was going to tell his Uncle and Beth's parents, and his younger cousins. Jesse was going to kill him, right on the spot. And then Beth's daddy was going to take what was left of him and feed it to the buzzards. Yep, he was thoroughly messed up. His whole life was basically over.

Cue Dixie


Beth hadn't heard from Bo since she had told him she was pregnant. She wanted to call but felt he needed his space. Yet, she was feeling very much alone and very much trapped in a world she had not planned. She just sat and looked at the phone hoping it would ring.


Bo waited until everyone had gone to sleep to sneak over to Beth's house. She slept on the first floor, so he went to her window and tapped on it gently. "Beth?" he whispered.

She opened the window as silently as possible. "Bo," she whispered.

"Can we talk?" he asked.

"Bo..." she said, trying to be the strong one. "It's after midnight."

"I know. But I have to talk to you."

She nodded, and climbed out the window, where his arms were waiting to catch her if she lost her balance. He kept on hand on her to keep her from losing her balance. As soon as she got out, he put his arm around her shoulder. She pushed his arm off, not quite sure how to feel. She wanted to let him hold her, but wasn't letting him hold her the whole reason they were in the mess they were in?

"I'm sorry, Bo," she said softly, afraid that she had hurt him.

"No. I understand. I really do. I... I want to say I'm sorry for doing this to you," he was looking at his feet, but forced himself to raise his sad blue eyes to meet hers.

"Bo..." she looked at him, fighting tears. "I love you, Bo." She moved close to him, letting him hold her this time, her head buried in his chest. She let all her tears go. The ones that had built up over the past two or three days, and they all spilled over to soak Bo's yellow t-shirt.

Every tear seemed to cause Bo physical pain. "I'm sorry," was all he could say against the knot in his throat.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Meanwhile, at the farm, Luke was a whole lot smarter than Bo gave him credit for. He knew that Bo wasn't asleep, but had let Bo think that he thought so. Luke had pretended to be asleep. When Bo had left, Luke had decided to give him some space. But when he didn't show up after three hours...

Cue Dixie


Luke checked the clock. Bo had now ben gone three hours and five minutes, "Dang it Bo." Luke whispered. 'There's gonna to be a lot of explaining in a short while if your not back in this house.' thought Luke. 'And I'll be the one trying to explain it!' He tossed his covers back, took his jeans off the bed post, put them on, put on his shirt, picked up his boots and jacket, then went to the window Bo had went out of. This isn't the first time either of them had went either in or out of this window so Jesse wouldn't hear them. The problem with Uncle Jesse was that they only got away with it occassionly and they weren't even sure if it had worked or not sometimes. Jesse would bring it up in conversation as much as two weeks later something like 'Luke while your at it the hinges on the door on the SIDE of the house need oiled too' when they all knew that there wasn't a door on the side of the house. It seemed that Jesse was part blood hound of course you add to it that Jesse and both Bo and Luke's fathers as well as the others had grown up right here in this house too. As Luke dropped his boots out the window he wondered how many times Jesse himself had done this too. Once out of the window, Luke put his boots on and began to walk the 'short cut' to Beth's house. Driving would have been quicker but there wasn't a vehicle at the farm Luke could have gotten out of their without waking Jesse.

Luke followed the path through the woods and was almost to the end when he saw them. He knew Bo hadn't heard him coming. These guys could move in the woods very quietly out of habit. It was taught to them before they began working the stills. Bo was leaning up against a large tree with Beth in his good arm and the hurt one proped on his raised knee. Before Luke took another step he said very quietly, "Bo its me."

Bo turned his head quickly, a bit startled. "Luke what are you doing out here?"

Luke looked at Bo in disbelief, "What am I doing out here? Well, for starters, I figured it would be easier to find you and hopefully get you back in the house than to EXPLAIN to Jesse where you were. Have you lost all your senses? Out here all night. It's too cold for Beth to be out here like this Bo."

Bo looked at Beth. "Yes, Luke knows." Again, the only thing he could say when he saw the hurt in her eyes was, "I'm sorry."

Being the only one of the three who had a jacket on. Luke took off his jacket, "Beth put this on." It swollowed her small frame but it was warm. Luke looked at the sky it was getting daylight. Luke could see Beth's house in the distance across an open field. "We're never going to pull this off. Beth what time does your parents get up?"

Before she could answer the light coming on in a upstairs window answered for her.


"Oh, Lord," was all Luke could say as he realized that they were all in deep trouble. And, as always, he was caught in Bo's trouble. He hadn't done anything but come looking for his cousin, but he was the one in trouble.

"Oh, Lord," Bo repeated. Beth was shivering. It was so cold, and Bo felt bad for bringing her out. But he had to talk things out with her, and the sooner the better.

Luke put a brotherly arm around Beth. "Are you alright, Beth?"

"I'm...OK. Other than being a little cold."

"A little cold?" Luke said. "Girl, you're probably near-froze."

Bo was walking alone behind his cousin and his girlfriend. He felt alone. Very alone. And very stupid.

Luke and Beth walked up to her house, Bo close behind. The older Duke turned to the younger. "Well?" he said, somewhat sternly.

Bo looked at his cousin helplessly. Lucky for both of the boys, Beth was a quick thinker. She handed Luke his jacket and went back to her bedroom window. "I'm gonna try to just slip in," she said softly. She raised it and climbed through with Bo's help. She leaned back out the window to kiss him on the cheek, then closed the window. Relief washed over the boys as they headed back into the woods.

Cue Dixie


Beth might have gotten in without being heard but there was NO WAY it would be that easy at home thought Luke. "You know, ALL she needed was to get caught outin the woods with BOTH of us! In my jacket! I am the only one over eighteen! Just who do you think her Dad would shoot FIRST?" Luke was not happy!

Bo's wrist was hurting, and Luke sure had a way sometimes of making him feel knee high to an ant and now was one of those times. "I didn't ask you to get involved."

They were now in the middle of the woods that ran between the Duke farm and Beth's house. Luke shouted, "NO, you DIDN'T ask me, but you sure left me little choice either. Like now! I don't have a cerfew, but I'm beating I'm just as grounded tonight as you are. Now what do you plan to tell Uncle Jesse when we get home after he's opened the door to wake us and we aren't there?"


Bo felt like he didn't have a friend in the world at that moment. But friends or no friends, he thought he had a good idea. "Luke, why don't we sneak in the barn and get our bow and arrows and tell Jesse we went early morning huntin'?"

Luke looked at Bo. "We don't do no huntin' in the morning that you don't need dogs for. And besides, Jesse knows we wouldn't hunt with bow and arrows when we're just now learnin' to use 'em. We'd need shotguns."

"We could tell him we decided to try our luck with 'em."

"Bo, you have some dumb ideas." Luke shook his head. "But it's better than goin' in there without a good reason. Or tellin' him the real reason."

The boys walked up the back way to the barn and opened the back door to the barn. They sneaked in and took their bows and arrows out. "They're too d--- clean," Luke said. "Jesse'll never believe it."

"Well, get 'em dirty," Bo said, heading out the door. They did what they could to get the bows a little dirty.

Then they walked up to the house. Jesse was waiting in the livingroom. "So you boys finally decided to come in, huh?" he said.

"Well, huntin' was no good," Bo said. "I still need to get the kinks worked out of this thing."

"You sure them kinks didn't have somethin' to do with your broke wrist makin' it impossible for you to use a bow and arrow?" Jesse said, sadly realizing that the boys were lying to him.

Bo hung his head. "Yessir. That's probably it."

Luke gave his cousin the look.

"So where were you boys really at?" Jesse said, this time looking at Luke.

Cue Dixie


"Now, Uncle Jesse....." Luke began.

"Don't you Uncle Jesse me." Jesse didn't take kindly to being lied to no matter what the reason was.

"I woke in the middle of the night, Bo wasn't in bed. I thought maybe his wrist was bothering him or he was sick or something so I went looking for him ...." said Luke.

Bo had given him a worried look when he started out with a total truth.

Jesse replied, "I see you found him. Where was he?"

Luke continued, "Bo had went for a walk. He and Beth are having problems."

"That right Bo? What kind of problems?" asked Jesse.

Bo wasn't sure to kiss or kill Luke now. He had told basically the truth but may have put it a little too close to home for Bo's liking considering the 'problem' they had. "After taking a walk and clearing my head, I see the problem is temporary and will work itself out. It's really nothing for you to worry about."

NARRATOR: Yeah, I've always considered pregnancy at 'tempory' problem. It doesn't look like old Jesse's buying the story though.

"Well, let me tell you a thing or two Mr. When I wake up and my nephews are gone that mind you I have to wake up every morning I know something is wrong. I also know a shuck and jive when I hear it. Remember I taught you how to do it! Breakfast is on the stove. There's a wood pile out there in need of chopping. And, boys, I'll be asking for the keys to the General Lee until your ready to tell me just what is going on." said Jesse holding out his hand for the keys.

Bo and Luke handed over both sets of keys and headed to the kitchen like a couple whipped pups.


Luke poured coffee into a thermos, knowing that as cold as it was, strangely enough for September in Georgia, they were going to need something warm while they were chopping wood. But strange or not, it was cold. And the coffee was going to be handy.

As Luke chopped wood, Bo was trying to figure out how to do it with one hand. He finally realized that he wasn't going to be able to, so he was going to have to do something else. He carried the wood to Luke, Luke chopped it, and Bo carried it to the house. "Hey, Luke," he said, as his cousin chopped a pile of wood.


"What are we gonna do? Jesse's got the keys to the General, and..."

"You shoulda thought about that before you snuck off," Luke said angrily. There was a race that weekend, and he was entered in it, but with no General Lee, there would be no race.

"Well, I had to talk to Beth. Da--it. I messed up so bad."

"Sure as he-- right about that."

Luke was mad at Bo. Not only had his cousin been incredibly stupid, but his stupidity had cost them both the keys to the General. Not that the boys didn't know how to hotwire, but that would have only dug their hole deeper.

Luke wouldn't talk to Bo anymore, so Bo just turned away. "Fine."

They finished their work silently.

Cue Dixie


The boys chopped the wood pile until called to wash up for supper. Jesse was sure that especially since Luke had done all the chopping that he would have soon convienced Bo they should tell the truth. To be honest Jesse had forgot about Bo's wrist the until after he'd sent them to chop the wood. He wouldn't have sent them to do a one sided job though Bo was working one handed pretty well. Jesse figured they'd be back to talk after they'd chopped enough wood to satisfy him and then they would all have a talk. Now Jesse was worried. Whatever they were hiding must be pretty bad. He was used to them backing each other but neither had keys to the General Lee. He could count the times on one hand he'd used this punishment and none had lasted this long. Supper pasted without two words being said. It was known to the entire family Luke had a hot date lined up tonight, yet nothing had been said. Jesse saw they were about done with dinner and said, "Boys, if you two are done, stack your plates, your room is calling."

Luke looked at Bo. Then asked, "Uncle Jesse can I call Mary Beth to tell her I won't be there tonight?"

Jesse was shocked. Luke would do without the General Lee and cancel his date over this. "Luke, yes you can if that's your choice, but you are both grounded until I get the truth.

Luke dropped his head just a bit, went to the phone, cancelled his date, put his plate in the sink and went to his room. He was followed quickly by Bo.

Luke layed on his bed with his newest car magazine.

Bo flopped on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

This went on for about an hour, before Luke said, "Bo I can't even tune the General without the keys for the race Saturday should we get to race. I have cancelled, ......" Luke sighed, kicking himself for the thought that had ran through his head. He knew Bo didn't want to hear it, but here it went. "cancelled a 'sure' thing, God help me for that thought under the circustances, but it was. I am now grounded to my room after chopping wood all day because you went out last night. So help me Hannah, you make one move towards that window tonight and Jesse will have the WHOLE story by the time you get to the drive way. Bo, DA-- it! Enough is enough. You have got to tell Jesse." Luke hoped Bo would tell the truth but he'd be happy if Jesse just thought it was the truth.

Bo had layed unmoving on his bed. He knew Luke told him the truth. Tears well up in his eyes as he said, "Luke, ........ I ........ can't. ...... I just can't."


The next day was Thursday, and Bo and Luke were awake before dawn. Luke was still in a bad mood, and Bo was in an even worse one. Jesse had let them know that the barn needed attention, and as soon as the sun was up, they had to get to that. But before that, Luke sat Bo down for a talk.

"Cousin... you've got to tell Jesse what's goin' on!" He was not going to give up on that race Saturday. Especially considering that he had $100 riding on that race. That, and a whole lot of pride. His competitors included Ralph Green, his main rival. The man who'd taken his first girlfriend, Robin, away from him. And he had to when that race. Which was going to be impossible without the General Lee.

"Luke, you know I can't do that. You don't understand. I love Uncle Jesse to death, but if I told him..."

"Bo... Listen. You're gonna hafta tell him sometime. Besides, when Beth starts showin', everybody's gonna know. Jesse knows Beth wouldn't cheat on you. He'll know the baby's yours. So do yourself and everybody else a favor and just tell him.

"Luke, you know what he's gonna do to me?" Bo demanded.

"Yep. He's gonna tan your hide."

"Well, thanks for the encouragement. But, yeah. That's what he's gonna do. And I sure as h--- don't want that."

"Well, you shoulda thought about that before you started messin' around with that girl, and not usin' your good sense."

"What do you call it when you mess around with every girl in Hazzard, not just one?"

"That's beside the point... Besides... did you ever think about what anybody else wants? I've been plannin' on this race for almost a month. I owe Ralph one more good helpin' of havin' his rear-end whooped, and I can't even tune the car without the keys."

"Have Cooter hotwire it for ya."

"No. Jesse'll tan my hide and Cooter's too."

"Luke. I can't do it. Not yet. Give me some time. Why's my life got to revolve around you and Robin and Ralph anyhow?"

"Shut up, Bo. Just shut up."

"Fine." Bo shook his head, hoping maybe he'd wake up, and it would all go away.


Luke fumed for a few minutes at Bo's comment about him, Robin, and Ralph.When

it sunk in he said, "Why does your life have to revolve around me, Robin, and Ralph? I don't BELIEVE YOU! Look what you've gotten me in the MIDDLE of." Luke said rather loudly.

Bo exclaimed, "Would you tone it down?"

"Yeah, oh, yeah. I'll tone it down. I tell you what." Luke's voice had indeed gotten lower but he was seething with frustration. "Bo, ......" Luke had almost threated again to tell 'Bo's secret' but suddenly thought that may not be the answer. "I'll tell you something I haven't told another living person. To this day there's only two people who know it. You asked me if I'd ever 'messed up'."

Bo's eyes widened.

Luke waved him off. "Just listen and hear me out. There WAS a time I thought Robin and I messed up. Yes, believe me I do know how you feel and it did scared the he-- out of me. Thank goodness it was only her stressing about her finals." Luke paused, "Bo, with in a day I had came up with a plan at least. Here this has been going on for what almost a week. I wasn't sure if I needed a plan but I had figured at least some things out. All I've seen you do is sulk. I'm sure Jesse will be upset but he loves you every bit as much as the rest of us. You know no matter how much trouble we've gotten into Jesse has always backed us."

Bo knew much of what Luke had said was true. Though he had been trying to make a plan he just couldn't get past the fear of telling Jesse and Beth's parents, besides Robin's parents had practically adopted Luke even before he started dating Robin. Beth's father had no use for Bo.

Luke decided that he'd now tell Bo the rest of what he had decided. "It's 7 am. I am going to the barn to do what Jesse wants done. Stay here and think. Call Beth if you can. Get her over here if you want to talk to Jesse together. Come up with something to tell him." Luke was showing his frustration again. He said pointing his finger at his younger cousin. "Bo, I had better have my keys back to the General by noon or I'll call Beth myself, then I'm going to spill the whole can of worms. Mark my word. I have never 'ratted' you out but enough is enough." Luke wasn't even sure if Bo did tell Jesse the truth that he'd get his keys back since he covered for Bo on something as important as this but they weren't getting anywhere like this.

Luke closed the bedroom door behind him as he headed to the barn. Jesse stopped him in the kitchen.

"Luke have you decided to tell me what is going on?" Jesse asked sternly.

Luke looked at the floor to avoid the hurt he knew he'd see in Jesse's eyes. He simply replied, "No, Sir, but soon."


Bo walked downstairs. "Uncle Jesse, I need to use the phone," he said, so softly that Jesse barely heard him.

"Well, go ahead," Jesse hoped that Bo would soon come to his senses and tell the truth.

Bo walked into the kitchen and picked up the phone. He called Beth, and listened to the phone ring. "Hello?" said a child's voice. It was Beth's little sister, Laura.

"Hey, Laura," Bo said.

"Bo!" Laura was just a little girl, 7 years old, but she adored Bo.

"Hey. Is Beth there?"

"Yep. She's in her room. Lemme go get her."


Beth answered the phone a second later. "Hello?"

"Hey, honey? It's Bo."

"Hey, Bo," she said softly, her voice filled with a sadness Bo had never heard in her.

"Honey... I... We need to talk to Uncle Jesse," Bo said, knowing that Beth wasn't ready for this just yet.

"Bo... I can't. Not yet." Beth was on the verge of tears. SHE couldn't even believe that she was pregnant, and she SURE wasn't ready to tell anyone else.

"Listen, Beth... Luke said if we don't tell Jesse by noon, he's gonna tell him."

"Why'd you have to tell Luke anyhow?"

"Beth...honey... I had to talk to Luke. I thought he'd know what to do."

"Bo... I can't tell Jesse! Or my parents."

"Well, honey... I can't tell him alone. I really wish... Well... Please honey! I need you. Do you want Luke to tell him?"

"No! No. But..." she trailed off. They had no other choice. "When do you want me to come?"

He thought for just a moment. "Come over at 10. Jesse's always better after he's had several cups of coffee."

"All right. I'll be there."

"OK. Oh, and Beth?"


"I love you. And I'm sorry."

"I..." she trailed off as tears threatened to choke her. "I love you, too."


True to her word, Beth arrived at the Dukes at 10 on the dot. She parked her red and black Z28 and walked toward the porch. Bo ran to her from the barn.

He took her hand in his own. He looked her in the eyes for a long moment. "Well, Sunshine," he said. "Whatever happens, happens to both of us."

Cue Ms. Davenport!


Jesse was in the kitchen he had started supper before going outside to start the needed work. He heard a car pull up. The boys knew better than to have company when they were grounded. Jesse figured he'd let it ride hoping what ever was the problem would finally get worked out.

Luke followed Bo out of the barn. As Bo and Beth started toward the house Luke called, "Bo, ya'll come here a minute."

Jesse saw from the kitchen window Bo and Beth walking back toward the barn where Luke was. Bo had his good arm around Beth's waist as they walked.

Luke said, "Look, I know this is not easy on you two. He--, I ain't involved and its became hard on ME. Which is why, Beth, I told Bo I'd tell Jesse if you two don't. Bo, we don't go against each other and I can't now. Just tell Jesse you were fighting about Bo looking at a girl, about him hurting his wrist, anything. I can imagine being in your situation. I can see the hurt in both your eyes. I can also see being mad at me for forcing your hand into telling this before you are ready. Beth did he tell you neither of us have had the General's keys since the other morning?" Luke saw it in her eyes and nodded. "I thought not. Jesse knew we were lying when we got back and has the keys until we tell him where we were. I can't even tune him for the race we're not going to get to race in on Saturday."

Now, Beth understood why Bo or Luke hadn't been seen out which was a strange thing. "Bo Duke! You were planning to just go on like this without the General?"

Bo was feeling really trapped between a rock and a hard place. He knew they needed to tell Jesse. Beth had told him she wasn't anymore ready to talk than he was. Here was Luke spilling his guts to his girl. Now she was mad about the General Lee. Well, Bo was mad too at himself, Luke, irrationally he was even mad at Jesse for taking the keys. Bo was so very mad at himself for getting them all into this mess. He balled up his right hand and swung hard at the barn.

Jesse had decided he had given his two grounded nephews enough lee way and started to the barn when he saw Bo punch the barn with his broken wrist.

Bo knew he'd really messed up the in the split second his now healing hand hit the barn. Between the anger and pain Bo fell to his knees as Jesse, Luke and Beth were at his side. Jesse picked up Bo's right hand. Where the cast had been around his hand when he hit the barn now his fingers were swelling. Unless Jesse missed his guess he figured Bo had refractured the wrist also which would be swelling too. "Luke go get the pickup before this starts swelling any worse."

Luke was back in an instance with the truck. Jesse, Bo, Luke and Beth all got in the truck without saying a word.

After getting Bo's wrist reset Jesse drove them back to the farm. Doc had left the 'pain relief' to Jesse who got Bo a small glass of moonshine and locked the kitchen door in case the other kids came back anytime soon. Jesse returned to the living room, gave Bo the shine and locked the front door. Beth sat on the couch to Bo's left. Luke was standing staring out the window when Jesse said, "Luke take a seat. You three have been quieter than church mice. Whatever is bothering you all, I know you all three know about it. You two sneak out in the middle of the night. I've had the General's keys almost two days! Bo here has been to the Doctor twice now. Somebody is going to tell me why before we leave this room." Jesse looked Luke in the eye when he said this statement. Jesse knew Luke too well, he'd not go against Bo if it was Bo's problem. Whatever was wrong had to center around Bo.

Luke just looked at his hands in his lap. Beth took off her shoes, pulled her feet up on the couch and held on to Bo's good arm a little tighter. Bo had a lump in his thoat so big he wasn't sure he could speak. He tried to clear his throat, "Un ... cle Jesse, .......

Cue the future Ms. Bo Duke :lol:


"Yeah?" Jesse said, trying to get Bo to keep going.

"Un...cle Jesse, me and Beth. We did kinda have a little bit of a problem. Not a... not a fight so much... but... a problem," he said. "Da--..." he added under his breath. "I ain't never had to say nothin' like this before."

Beth took Bo's good hand and squeezed it. He looked at her as if to ask if it was OK for him to continue. She read his mind. "Yeah, honey," she said softly. "Go ahead."

Bo nodded. "Uncle Jesse... me and B...Beth... We got us... We got a baby on the way." He immediately hung his head.

Jesse was raging mad. "You WHAT?"

"We're havin' a baby, Uncle Jesse." Bo didn't look up. He couldn't. He couldn't look his uncle in the face after what he'd told him.

Jesse walked over to Luke and handed him his set of keys. Under any other circumstances, he would have been celebrating, but seeing Bo and Beth both so scared, he could do nothing but take the keys and walk silently out of the room. Jesse walked over to Bo and Beth. "I ain't tryin' to be un-neighborly..." Jesse said. "But, I need to talk to Bo... Alone."

Beth nodded. "Yessir. And Uncle Jesse?"


"I'm sorry. Please don't be too mad at Bo."

Beth walked out of the house and to her car. She couldn't help worrying about Bo.

In the house, Bo knew what was coming. Jesse walked over to him. The old man knew that his nephew was nearly grown, but at this point, he didn't care. He made Bo lean over the couch and tanned his hide. Bo didn't fight. Not even a little bit. He just took it. Then Jesse took out his old worn-out Bible and read Bo so many Bible verses it made Bo's head spin.

The old man finished reading and said, "Now, Bo... I love you. I love all you kids, just like you was my own. But I expect you to take responsibility for this."

"I plan to, Uncle Jesse. Do you know how much that girl means to me?"

"Well, I hope she means enough for you to treat her right. 'Cause if you don't... her daddy won't have to hunt you down. I'll do it for him."

Bo nodded. "I love her, Uncle Jesse. I love her, and I'm gonna take care of her and the baby... My... my baby."

Jesse nodded. "You better, Bo. You sure better."

Bo got up off the couch and walked across the room before Jesse said, "Bo..."

Bo turned around, a lone tear in his eye. He felt so ashamed, and so sorry for hurting Beth, and Luke, and Jesse so much. "Yessir, Uncle Jesse?"

Jesse smiled a sad smile. "Here's your keys, Bo."

Bo took the keys, managing to choke out, "Thanks, Uncle Jesse."

"You better go help Luke tune the General," Jesse said. "Wouldn't want Ralph to lick 'im."

Bo couldn't help smiling. Neither he nor Luke had said anything to Jesse about the race.

Cue Miss Davenport!


Luke had taken the keys to the General Lee but hadn't gone far from the house. He had never wanted to leave Bo but figured he might make things worse if he didn't take Jesse's strong hint to leave. Then, when he saw Beth come out behind him he knew Jesse wouldn't have continued even if he had stayed. Luke's eyes were glued to the back door when Bo finally came out heading for the barn. Luke caught up with him. They walked to the barn in silence.

Jesse watched them go from the kitchen window. Now he knew. Now he knew why Luke had taken not having the General's keys for, looking at the clock, for over two days during a race week. Jesse had to smile at those boys loyality to each other. If he knew Luke at all he figured that Luke had been trying to get Bo to tell him but Luke wouldn't go against Bo to tell before Bo got ready. Jesse thought 'Well, now, a baby.' he smiled to himself, 'This won't be the first Duke ever born less than nine months after their Daddy and Momma wed, but no Duke man ever had ran from his responsiblities. He'd see to it that Bo didn't either, then he'd take out the family Bible and let Bo and Beth do some math one day.'

Luke gave Bo some space once in the old barn. He sat back letting him know he was there but didn't push. After watching Bo brush the horse for almost half an hour Luke said, "Bo?"

Bo answered the unspoken question, "Yeah, ....... I'm ...... Ok."

Luke could tell Bo was crying, "I'm here when you want to talk." Luke got up to leave.

Bo was crying because he hurt Jesse. He hurt Beth. He had even hurt Luke. He had caused so much pain with something that had felt really right at the time. Bo said, "Dang it, Luke. I'd like to talk, really I would but I think someone has opened a flood gate here." He wiped his face with his shirt sleeve.

"It's Ok, Bo, really. I know it was hard in there. I'm sorry I left." said Luke.

Bo said, "Don't be."

Luke knew now what had happened.

"I think the Bible verses hurt more than the belt." replied Bo.

Luke almost grinned, "We'll see about that next time you get in the General Lee." Luke reflected on his last meeting with that same belt that Jesse had kept for just that purpose since they were kids. Jesse was not one to 'abuse' even a grown child, but he wasn't one to 'spare the rod -- ruin the child' either. Come to think of it the reason for Luke's whipping had been over a girls reputation too. Her father had called in the wee hours of the morning looking for his daughter who had went out with Luke. The father woke up and she wasn't home. Luke remembered just how hard the passenger seat of the General was for almost a week because he'd kept a girl out too late. 'Poor Bo.' he thought, knowing Jesse would have given him a fair share more to think on for getting Beth pregnant.

Bo wasn't thinking real quickly and said, "What?"

Luke point to his back side. "There's a pillow on the couch I suggest you putting it in your seat in the car." Luke paused, "Remember the night I broke down with Ashley? And was late getting her home? Jesse gave me a real hard incentive to learn more car mechanics."

Bo remember, "Oh, yeah, I remember that. You complained everytime we went anywhere."

"Thanks why I'm suggesting the pillow." said Luke seriously. "What do you think about running to Cooter's for those parts then we can give the General a good going over?"

Bo replied, "That sounds like a good idea. I sure missed having the keys in my pocket even though I can't drive him for awhile yet." He looked at his broken hand and wrist. "You know, Luke this was probably the stupidest thing I've done in forever."

Luke dead panned, "Second stupidest and you did it TWICE!"

"You know how to make someone feel better." Bo said sliding in the passenger side of the General Lee.

Luke started the engine and took off letting dust and grass fly as he spun out.

Jesse again looked at the clock. 'Almost a whole hour. Humm." (since both sets of keys were returned.)

At the end of the driveway Bo said, "Luke you were right about this seat!"

Luke smiled in sympathy. "So you all told Jesse. When do you intend to tell her parents?"

"One thing at a time Luke!" Bo replied not wanting to think about that. Though he did intend to go to Ruebottom's while in town.


At Cooter's Bo was kind of slow getting out of the General Lee, between his wrist and his behind.

Cooter noticed but had the good graces not to ask.

Luke asked, "Are the parts in yet."

Cooter replied, "Been here for two days. Where were you all? People's beginning to talk that maybe you all died or something. Rosco hasn't even had to fuel up since the weekend."

Luke waved off the questions, "It's a LONG story! We'll fill you in when the time's right." Luke needed Cooter and a lot of his help. "What are you doing after closing?"

Cooter eyed the older Duke a bit suspiciously, "Why?"

"I was thinking that you have been looking a little thin in the skin and might be in the need of some of Jesse's cooking." Luke looked hopeful.

"What haven't you got done to him? Luke the race is a day and a half away." Cooter replied.

"Cooter old buddy, I haven't even started on him yet and Bo's not going to be a lot of help one handed." Luke said.

"Why on Earth haven't you started? I figured that was where you'd been for the last two days." Cooter asked disbelieving that Luke hadn't started race preparations knowing how badly he wanted to not just win but to beat Ralph Green who was bragging all over town that he was going to beat Luke. Luke's first serious girl friend had plans to be married within a year after graduation. Luke didn't have the same plans. Now she was engaged to the turnip brain who had been a thorn in Luke's side since they played football on opposite sides.

"Its kind of hard to work on him without the keys." Luke said flatly.

Bo ducked. "Luke I got to check on something. I'll be right back." he stiffly walked out of the garage.

"Without the keys?" Cooter questioned.

"Jesse had them for over two days." Luke said. He knew he owed Cooter at least a partial explaination for all the help he was asking form his friend.

"Uncle, .... Mr. Jesse had your keys? What was wrong with Bo's?" Cooter could be a bit slow at times.

"He had BOTH sets." replied Luke.

Cooter looked shocked, "I ain't never known him to take your all's keys before. Not after you've went to jail for fighting, or racing, or all those tickets, not even after we all got drunk at the farm that time, not even after he fussed at you all for jumping Dry Creek! What could you have done THAT bad."

Luke said, "We lied to him and he knew it."

Cooter ducked on that one. "SHHHHHhhhhhhhh -weeeee! I know Mr. Jesse doesn't take kindly to anyone lying but for you TWO to lie to HIM."

"Now, do you see why I need your help?" Luke questioned.

"Yeah, yeah, I think I do." said Cooter. Then as an after thought, "Is it safe?"

Luke nodded, "It two days for the truth to come out. But, yeah, it's safe. ..... I think." he said the last part very quietly.


At Ruebottom's Bo was wanting to check on something. He also knew Ruebottom's was 'gossip central' for Hazzard. He knew what he wanted to see would set off a wild fire that the whole Hazzard Fire Brigade couldn't contain.

"Bo, we haven't seen too much of any of you all this whole week. Is everything Ok? How's your Uncle Jesse?" asked Mrs. Ruebottom.

"Yes, Ma'am everyone's just fine." He held his own right arm a bit behind him hoping she'd not notice it. "We've just been busy."

"So, what did your Uncle send you for?" she asked.

"Well, actually, I was just browsing. I'm looking for something for Daisy for either Christmas or her birthday." Bo said.

"Oh, we like people who start shopping early. We even have a lay away plan." she offered.

Bo hadn't thought of that.

"What were you looking for?" she asked.

"I was thinking how she likes jewerly." he replied.

She smiled, "Yes, she does. She admires the jewerly case everytime she's in here.

Bo walked over to the jewerly case. Looking at the tray of engagement rings as Mrs. Ruebottom pulled out try after tray of charms. He tried to act interested at what she was showing him. "You know Daisy's birthday is in April. Isn't that a clear set?"

"Well, yes it is. Though I really don't have any birthstones right now." she replied.

Bo indicted the tray of rings he was looking at. "What about these?"

Mrs. Ruebottom smiled. 'Men!.' she thought. "Honey those are engagement rings."

Bo shrugged, "They have clears sets."

"Well, yes as a matter of fact they do....." she started to explain that they were more costly than the birthstones. But, she'd had that same tray of rings for forever. It had been ages since they had sold an engagement ring. Besides, he was only looking. She set the tray on the counter.

Bo found one that was different. It wasn't the smallest or the largest but the set was a heart. He picked it up to look at it and see the price. It was priced at a $150.00 for the half carat heart shaped diamond. He could do this. "How much to lay this one away?"

Mrs. Ruebottom said, "$15.00 will do it."

Bo pulled out his wallet checked it's contents. He still had his share of the enterance fee and the part money with $20 left over. He handed $15.00 to Mrs. Ruebottom.

Bo felt better right now than he had in the week he'd known about 'his mistake'.


Bo smiled as he walked back into the garage. It made him feel better knowing he was doing the right thing. He knew Jesse would be proud of how he was planning to take care of Beth and their baby. He couldn't wait to pay off the ring, tell Jesse, and then propose to Beth. He loved her. He really did. And he wasn't going to let his mistake change that.

In the meantime, however, they had a race to get ready for on Saturday. And Bo needed his part of the prize money to put another payment on the ring.

The boys spent the rest of the evening tuning the General Lee. Cooter was a magician when it came to cars. It was amazing. He had the General Lee ready to go in short order.

Bo and Luke took the General out on a test run, this time, Bo was sitting happily on a pillow. As Luke floored the gas, the General took off flying, riding and driving smoother than he had in a long time.

"Hot d---!" Bo said, "Cooter may not be real smart, but he's a genius!"

Luke had to agree with that somewhat confusing comment. The boys knew that the car was ready. And that made 'em right happy.

BALLADEER: If y'all don't know the Duke boys that well, nothin' make's 'em happier than a fast car or a perty girl.

As the boys pulled back into the driveway, they couldn't stifle one good, "Yeeeeeehaaaaaaaa!"

Cue Dixie

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