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When Lonely Hearts Meet...

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Jesse again just nodded gently, looking to him with a small smile.

"I don't doubt that you do son...but at the same time, its your decision to take this little boy into your life and he's going to need a lot of YOUR support and YOUR attention...and Bo probably isn't going to want to be sitting around the farm all day giving that to a child. We both know he ain't one to be patient...and he isn't as enthusiastic about looking after children either...he hasn't grown to the stage you have Luke and he probably won't for some years yet...he's going to want to carry on doing what he...well what you two always do at the moment. The problem he's having is that he doesn't want to do those things alone either..."

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"Well what the hell am I supposed t' do Jesse?!" he snapped. He didn't really mean to yell like that, but he had been feeling things he wasn't used to feeling lately. He wasn't sure he understood the feelings and when Luke didn't understand something, it upset and almost angered him.

He ran a shaky hand through his hair. He felt that, no matter what he did, he was going to hurt someone. It never bothered Luke to hurt someone in a fight at the Boar's Nest...or in a boxing ring. Heck, he had been trained to kill without batting an eye.

But this was different. He felt like he was being forced to choose between his baby brother and a child who might become his son.

He shook his head wondering to himself if he really was cursed to never find happiness.

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"For starters mind yer language...I understand yer upset but there's no need fer it..."

Jesse said gently but firmly. No matter what the situation he wasn't about to put up with that.

"Secondly you have to do what you feel you need to...there ain't anyone in the world who can tell you what's right for you. They can try...but at the end of the day its your choice. This is a shock for all of us, you especially and I think that's the reason your so angry. You don't understand why it is you want this...why this little kid has gotten under your skin in a way that hasn't happened since Bo arrived here on the farm when he was little..."

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Luke sighed. He would like to think that doing what was right for him was all that mattered. But the truth was that Bo mattered too. And Jesse. And Daisy. And Zack. Trapped. That's what he was. And what was even worse was that it was possible, if not probablethat he wouldn't be approved as worthy of Zack's guardianship. "I just can't win," said shaking his head. "I just can't win." With that he walked inside letting the screen door slam behind him.

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Jesse let out a long, weary sigh, stroking a hand down his face and beard gently and looking up at the stars. Part of him couldn't help but wish his wife were still with them. She would know exactly what to say, exactly what to do to help Luke...when it came to matters of the heart it had never been Jesse's strong point. When the cousins were little, it was always Lavinia who had soothed them after a nightmare, or cleaned their scrapes or dealt with the emotions that came with usual childhood troubles...and the unusal...helping them deal with the loss of their parents. Lavinia had always been the one they ran to when they wanted to cry or wanted to just be held...Jesse had been more apt at giving advice, little snippits of wisdom, teaching them about the farm...they needed a female in the picture to guide them...they always had done. When Lavinia had passed it had been a blow to them all...and for a time Jesse had tried being the one that Lavinia had been...but after a while they all sought out each others comfort that they had learned from her...Bo could be relied on for the hugs to the both of his cousins, and Luke and Daisy always used to walk together in the rain to just talk for hours on end when Bo had gone to bed...that's just how it was and it worked. But now, more than anything, Jesse wished she was here to help Luke move on to the next stage of his life...because he wasn't sure how to guide him.

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Luke went straight to the room he shared with Bo. The room they had shared most of their lives.

Had Luke still been the small, scared boy he had been when he first came to the farm he would have done what he did back then: crawl onto the bed and cry his heart out into his pillow.

He wasn't that little boy any more though... and he couldn't just cry his troubles into his pillow and have them magically go away when his aunt softly rubbed his back.

Now it was up to him and only him...and he didn't have a clue what to do. All he knew was that he was being forced to choose between two people he cared about...and it wasn't fair.

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Daisy watched him from the doorway, having heard the screen door slam from her bedroom. Jesse had of course told her all about the thing Luke wanted to do, and she couldn't be more excited about it.

From where she was standing though, she could see that something was bothering Luke and from the snippets of conversation she had managed to hear through the paper thin walls she could just about piece together what had happened. Stepping a little more into the room, she smiled and said quietly.

"Our problems were a lot eaisier to deal with when we were kids huh..."

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Luke jumped a little having been looking out the window when she came in. He simply nodded a little, saying softly, "They sure were." He sighed running a finger along the window sill. "But they weren't easy...even then.." he scowled. He knew, in his heart, that he probably sounded full of self pity...and it really wasn't his intent. He couldn't help feeling though that the hand life dealt him wasn't fair.

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Daisy couldn't help but smile a little more, sitting on Bo's bed carefully and shaking her head.

"And people said it was Bo with the big heart..."

Sighing gently, she bit her lip as she watched Luke before saying quietly.

"Can I...tell you something...as long as you promise not t'tell Bo I toldja...was kinda..a secret between me an' him.."

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Daisy nodded, scooting over on the bed a little and patting the space beside her quietly, waiting until he had sat down before saying gently.

"Now don't take what i'm about t'tell ya the wrong way ok...cause I ain't meaning it to sound like this is your or anybody's fault. S'just the way things happened an' the way Bo feels..."

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"Yeah," answered Luke softly. "Course I do." Of course he remembered. One day he was there...less than a week later he was gone. Oh there was still the occasional phone call, the greeting card at Christmas Time. But that was it. Luke shook his head. He never quite understood why Judd would spend all the money he supposedly spent trying to find his family. Luke figured now that that was just a lie. Maybe he had known where Luke was all the time. Maybe he just came to him when he needed help. One thing was certain- he hadn't stuck around long enough for Luke to find out.

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"Yeah...well...I remember wakin up..." answered Luke. It had been a confusing and scary moment- Bo holding his hand, tears falling rapidly down his face as he begged Luke to wake up. Luke swallowed, remembering how scared he had been to wake up in a hospital, scared of the way Bo was near sobbing...scared...that his brother being alive had all been a dream.

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"He didn't say at the time...we just put it down t'him being worried for you..." she replied gently, "Later on though he admitted t'me that...well he was kinda jealous at how he comes back and you both acted like you'd never been apart...when it took you an' him years t'build up the brotherly relationship you had t'gether..."

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Daisy sighed as she heard the snappy tone coming back into Luke's voice, not sure that she should tell him anything else when all it seemed like he was going to do was take it the wrong way as she had asked him not to. She hated when Luke was like this, hated it when he got annoyed because he didn't understand. It was eaisier to talk to the more rational side of Luke, because he tended not t'jump t'conclusions.

"If you don't want me t'tell you just say.."

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