daisydukeXenosstrait Posted March 29, 2009 Posted March 29, 2009 Uncle Jesse Says "Hey Daisy, listen Luke and Julie will be okay trust me okay."Cue AnybodyDaisy said "i know"
Julieduke Posted March 30, 2009 Posted March 30, 2009 Daisy said "i know"Uncle Jesse Says "Daisy, they will be okay I had seen that Bo was upset he had to leave when they checked out his sister as well. And I know we'll see her graduate as well and Luke will be awake to see this as well, I just know this is my heart you see. You got to have faith and hope for them awaking up and I wish she would take care of her diabetes better than she does you got to practically yell at her for her reading half the time which ain't good right now. She should go and do that just automatically she doesn't like when somebody else helps with it she always saying were trying to stick her now and the only she will let help is Bo now. She trust him an awfully lot now, he's really upset that she slipped back into a coma now and I don't blame him for it she was awake for a whole hour when it happened again, I didn't even get a chance to talk to her now Daisy. This just isn't very fair is Daisy, and you know what having Jeb around is a big help and Coy and Vance said they was coming here as well to help us it seems that Bo wants to stay by his sister's side until she wakes up and he's being stubborn about this right now. He seems to think him being there that she'll wake up faster, but I don't know it might work because the last time she woke up Rosco was there and he said something that made her wake up and I wanted to ask her what it was but she slipped back before I could he won't tell me what he told her as well."Cue Anybody
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted March 30, 2009 Posted March 30, 2009 Uncle Jesse Says "Daisy, they will be okay I had seen that Bo was upset he had to leave when they checked out his sister as well. And I know we'll see her graduate as well and Luke will be awake to see this as well, I just know this is my heart you see. You got to have faith and hope for them awaking up and I wish she would take care of her diabetes better than she does you got to practically yell at her for her reading half the time which ain't good right now. She should go and do that just automatically she doesn't like when somebody else helps with it she always saying were trying to stick her now and the only she will let help is Bo now. She trust him an awfully lot now, he's really upset that she slipped back into a coma now and I don't blame him for it she was awake for a whole hour when it happened again, I didn't even get a chance to talk to her now Daisy. This just isn't very fair is Daisy, and you know what having Jeb around is a big help and Coy and Vance said they was coming here as well to help us it seems that Bo wants to stay by his sister's side until she wakes up and he's being stubborn about this right now. He seems to think him being there that she'll wake up faster, but I don't know it might work because the last time she woke up Rosco was there and he said something that made her wake up and I wanted to ask her what it was but she slipped back before I could he won't tell me what he told her as well."Cue AnybodyDaisy sighed "i hope Bo is taking everything well"
Julieduke Posted March 31, 2009 Posted March 31, 2009 Daisy sighed "i hope Bo is taking everything well"The Night Nurse looks at Bo and Says "Sir, are you okay and I just heard from the Dr. House she's in a diabetic coma and I was wandering have you wandered if you have the samething as your sister now it runs in familys now."Cue Anybody
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted March 31, 2009 Posted March 31, 2009 The Night Nurse looks at Bo and Says "Sir, are you okay and I just heard from the Dr. House she's in a diabetic coma and I was wandering have you wandered if you have the samething as your sister now it runs in familys now."Cue AnybodyBo said "yeah, and ive wonderd about Daisy too, shes mine and Julies cousin and she might have it"
Julieduke Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 Bo said "yeah, and ive wonderd about Daisy too, shes mine and Julies cousin and she might have it"The Night Nurse Says "But shouldn't you go and get something to eat she'll be okay I'm here we and don't need nothing else happening we somebody there for you Uncle and cousins now."Cue Anybody
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 The Night Nurse Says "But shouldn't you go and get something to eat she'll be okay I'm here we and don't need nothing else happening we somebody there for you Uncle and cousins now."Cue AnybodyBo said "i aint hungry"
Julieduke Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 Bo said "i aint hungry"The Night Nurse Says "You know how she got into a diabetic coma because she wasn't taking care of herself Bo."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 The Night Nurse Says "You know how she got into a diabetic coma because she wasn't taking care of herself Bo."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstraitBo says "i know"
Julieduke Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 Bo says "i know"The Night Nurse Says "Well just let me know allright, I don't mind now and she's okay and she'll be okay she's has one of the best nurse all of her and that's me. I remember when this happened to you Bo, and she was waiting for you to wake up and I had to go and bug her to eat as well and it was your Uncle Jesse that made her realize the real truth in the matter. You make sure your getting your readings everyday right."Cue Anybody
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 The Night Nurse Says "Well just let me know allright, I don't mind now and she's okay and she'll be okay she's has one of the best nurse all of her and that's me. I remember when this happened to you Bo, and she was waiting for you to wake up and I had to go and bug her to eat as well and it was your Uncle Jesse that made her realize the real truth in the matter. You make sure your getting your readings everyday right."Cue AnybodyBo said "you should check Daisy too, shes hypoglycemic"
Julieduke Posted April 2, 2009 Posted April 2, 2009 Bo said "you should check Daisy too, shes hypoglycemic"The Nurse called Dr. House and told him what Bo had told her and she said that you know that it seems their pretty stubborn this family.Cue Anybody
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted April 3, 2009 Posted April 3, 2009 The Nurse called Dr. House and told him what Bo had told her and she said that you know that it seems their pretty stubborn this family.Cue Anybodythe nurse sighs "yep"
Julieduke Posted April 3, 2009 Posted April 3, 2009 the nurse sighs "yep"Dr. House comes and see's how Julie is doing just talking to her as she was awake and he looks at her brother and Says "You should get something to eat, she'll be fine while your gone now."Cue Anybody
Julieduke Posted April 3, 2009 Posted April 3, 2009 Dr. House comes and see's how Julie is doing just talking to her as she was awake and he looks at her brother and Says "You should get something to eat, she'll be fine while your gone now."Cue AnybodyHarley Malone had heard that his two older brothers were in the Hazzard County Jail, and he was going to get rid of that witness once and for all. He had heard she was in coma and all he had to was get a pillow or pull the life support and she be out of the way. But he focused in and wandered what she looked like now as well, Harley was walking down the hallway and heard a nurse say something about a Julie Duke and he assumed the brunette in the room was her and he comes in and Says "Are you Julie Duke?" Harley Says "It don't really matter, I'll just get rid of you as well!" He walks over to the empty bed and picks up the pillow and then he see's somebody walk in and he is throughly surprized as well.Cue Anybody
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted April 3, 2009 Posted April 3, 2009 Harley Malone had heard that his two older brothers were in the Hazzard County Jail, and he was going to get rid of that witness once and for all. He had heard she was in coma and all he had to was get a pillow or pull the life support and she be out of the way. But he focused in and wandered what she looked like now as well, Harley was walking down the hallway and heard a nurse say something about a Julie Duke and he assumed the brunette in the room was her and he comes in and Says "Are you Julie Duke?" Harley Says "It don't really matter, I'll just get rid of you as well!" He walks over to the empty bed and picks up the pillow and then he see's somebody walk in and he is throughly surprized as well.Cue Anybodythe brunnette Harley thought was Julie was acutally Daisy and she said "what are you doing!"
Julieduke Posted April 4, 2009 Posted April 4, 2009 the brunnette Harley thought was Julie was acutally Daisy and she said "what are you doing!"Harley backed off and looked and Says "Uh I'm looking for Ms. Julie Duke she won a brand new Mustang from Ford Dealership."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait
Julieduke Posted April 5, 2009 Posted April 5, 2009 Harley backed off and looked and Says "Uh I'm looking for Ms. Julie Duke she won a brand new Mustang from Ford Dealership."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstraitHarley drops the pillow realizing she ain't going to tell who she is and runs out the room, and then he thinks back and he remembers that his brothers told him that blonde is Julie Duke and the brunette was Daisy Duke but the blonde was more important to their case right now. He looked around for information and was wandering where that little blonde could be at right now, she wasn't in the same room as Daisy is at right now and she was pretty spooked by what he was about to try and he knew he couldn't come back there now and he had to try to get to Julie and get to be around no more.Cue Anybody
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted April 6, 2009 Posted April 6, 2009 Harley drops the pillow realizing she ain't going to tell who she is and runs out the room, and then he thinks back and he remembers that his brothers told him that blonde is Julie Duke and the brunette was Daisy Duke but the blonde was more important to their case right now. He looked around for information and was wandering where that little blonde could be at right now, she wasn't in the same room as Daisy is at right now and she was pretty spooked by what he was about to try and he knew he couldn't come back there now and he had to try to get to Julie and get to be around no more.Cue AnybodyDaisy started to panic thinking the guys were up to no good and wanting to hurt Julie
Julieduke Posted April 6, 2009 Posted April 6, 2009 Daisy started to panic thinking the guys were up to no good and wanting to hurt JulieHarley leaves before she calls the nurses button and he realized she probaly allreadry pushed right now.Cue Anybody
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted April 6, 2009 Posted April 6, 2009 Harley leaves before she calls the nurses button and he realized she probaly allreadry pushed right now.Cue AnybodyDaisy soon became so dizzy she passed out
Julieduke Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 Daisy soon became so dizzy she passed outHarley had asked a nurse where Ms. Julie Duke was and she Says "Are you her fiance or close family to her because that's the only way anybody will tell you and listen were looking for somebody named Harley Malone right now."The second man Says "Were her brothers Nurse and well we just want to see her that's all."The Nurse Says "Oh you ain't, I know her brother Bo and you aren't him there's a big difference you had better leave right now before I call security right now."Cue Anybody
Julieduke Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 Harley had asked a nurse where Ms. Julie Duke was and she Says "Are you her fiance or close family to her because that's the only way anybody will tell you and listen were looking for somebody named Harley Malone right now."The second man Says "Were her brothers Nurse and well we just want to see her that's all."The Nurse Says "Oh you ain't, I know her brother Bo and you aren't him there's a big difference you had better leave right now before I call security right now."Cue AnybodyThe Second Man looks and grabs the Nurse and Says "Now you will tells us where she is right now and I do mean that as well."The Nurse Says "I will not, she needs her rest and I seen the other guy almost smother Daisy Duke with that pillow she was lucky as well. And your not going anywhere near her cousin as well."The Second Man Says "Harley, we got us a witness right here she seen what we almost did to Daisy now and we don't like witnesses they cause us to go away for a long time as well."Dr. House came up and Says "Let go to the nurse right now and both of you will leave right now I know where Julie is and she is a patient of mine and she doesn't need your kind of attention as well she enough problems of her own right now so just leave right now."By this time Bo had seen the second man had grabbed the nurse and holding her rather tightly he had seen that Dr. House was talking to them and he needed some help as well. He had went to get something eat like the nurse and Dr. House had suggested and he had he had heard what the nurse had said about Daisy as well.Harley didn't even know that Bo was coming up and he watches as his friend got removed for the nurse arm and got punched by a angry Bo Duke right now, and he just looks and Says "Hey I have no qualms with you but listen my two older brothers had put me up to and I don't care I can just leave if you want to right now."Cue Anybody
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 The Second Man looks and grabs the Nurse and Says "Now you will tells us where she is right now and I do mean that as well."The Nurse Says "I will not, she needs her rest and I seen the other guy almost smother Daisy Duke with that pillow she was lucky as well. And your not going anywhere near her cousin as well."The Second Man Says "Harley, we got us a witness right here she seen what we almost did to Daisy now and we don't like witnesses they cause us to go away for a long time as well."Dr. House came up and Says "Let go to the nurse right now and both of you will leave right now I know where Julie is and she is a patient of mine and she doesn't need your kind of attention as well she enough problems of her own right now so just leave right now."By this time Bo had seen the second man had grabbed the nurse and holding her rather tightly he had seen that Dr. House was talking to them and he needed some help as well. He had went to get something eat like the nurse and Dr. House had suggested and he had he had heard what the nurse had said about Daisy as well.Harley didn't even know that Bo was coming up and he watches as his friend got removed for the nurse arm and got punched by a angry Bo Duke right now, and he just looks and Says "Hey I have no qualms with you but listen my two older brothers had put me up to and I don't care I can just leave if you want to right now."Cue AnybodyHarley grumbles "lets go"
Julieduke Posted April 7, 2009 Posted April 7, 2009 Harley grumbles "lets go"The Nurse looks and Says "next time you come around asking about Julie Duke, I'm calling the Sheriff about the two of you understand."Cue Anybody
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