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Ellly: *Gets the basin and helps Julie* You all right now? I don't reckon you want to eat anything, but want some ginger ale? I know that always makes me feel better . . .most the time.

Julie Says "Yeah, Elly my stomach has done nothing but hurt since this morning and I can't even keep Jello down this part stinks you know how much I ate being sick especially like of all ways now. I can't even eat by myself for another six weeks and can't even drive for another six months as well. Oh hell, I can't even hold my own newborn twins for six weeks as well. I see the nurse if bringing them over you can finally meet Scarlett and Rhett Duke for the very first time they will not carry Calloway or McSweeney but someday I will have to tell them about their daddy thow it's going to be tough as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait


Elly: Don't worry Julie. I'll go get the twins if you want to atleast see them. Daisy, Bo, Luke and Enos are coming and should be here soon. Don't worry. We'll all be here with you when you tell the twins. You can count on that.

Elly: Don't worry Julie. I'll go get the twins if you want to atleast see them. Daisy, Bo, Luke and Enos are coming and should be here soon. Don't worry. We'll all be here with you when you tell the twins. You can count on that.

Julie Says "Thank You Elly, and another thing Aaron made with gun at my temple write a nasty letter to Daisy and Enos I couldn't read what I was writing as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke


Elly: Great*sighs* So . . .I'm guessing that they won't come? Julie, what does this mean? I mean Daisy . . .Enos . . .they know you'd never do something like that right? They know that Dukes don't fight Dukes. Hang on a minute and tell me what you think *Goes to get the twins and comes back* Now what are you thinking about what I said?

Elly: Great*sighs* So . . .I'm guessing that they won't come? Julie, what does this mean? I mean Daisy . . .Enos . . .they know you'd never do something like that right? They know that Dukes don't fight Dukes. Hang on a minute and tell me what you think *Goes to get the twins and comes back* Now what are you thinking about what I said?

Julie Says "Me and Daisy made up they understood I was forced to do everything I was doing. Elly, did you know on weekend he would leave me handcuffed to the bed and I didn't eat for the weekend and told the family we went on a romantic getaway the docter said that I was too thin when I delivered my twins as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Elly: Julie that's terrible.

*just then Daisy comes in with Enos and her own twins*

Daisy: hey Julie . . .how you doing? Who's this?

Julie Says "You Remember Elly Mae Duke right our cousin?"

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke


Daisy: No actually I don't, but then I do think I remember Uncle Jesse telling me that a lot of the charities we used to have went for your surgeries. You know Boss actually would have let you died.

Elly: No I ddin't. He is such a terrible man Boss Hogg.

Daisy: Well anyway. How you doing Julie? We got the news about him. Any plans to move now that he's gone?

Daisy: No actually I don't, but then I do think I remember Uncle Jesse telling me that a lot of the charities we used to have went for your surgeries. You know Boss actually would have let you died.

Elly: No I ddin't. He is such a terrible man Boss Hogg.

Daisy: Well anyway. How you doing Julie? We got the news about him. Any plans to move now that he's gone?

Julie Says "I ain't going back to that house I want my stuff back but all of Aaron's stuff you can burn in a big old bonfire Daisy and you can quote on that now. Is my medical bill from this past week and until whenever I get going to be high as well and Daisy can you have Cooter go over my car with a fine tooth comb as well I want every trace of Aaron removed from it as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait


Daisy: *nods* I understand Julie.

Elly: Don't worry Julie. I'll do it. With a jug of kerosene and a match.

Daisy: but Julie where will you live then? I will be happy to give you a home as long as you need to, but . . .I just don't know that it will settle for the twins growing up in their Aunt's house.

Daisy: *nods* I understand Julie.

Elly: Don't worry Julie. I'll do it. With a jug of kerosene and a match.

Daisy: but Julie where will you live then? I will be happy to give you a home as long as you need to, but . . .I just don't know that it will settle for the twins growing up in their Aunt's house.

Julie Says "Daisy and Elly when I'm healed up I want to work with Rosco and Enos and be a deputy and eventually I will have a place of my own I got a bank book that Uncle Jesse is keeping safe for me when I gave to him I told him give it to nobody but me and he didn't give it Aaron and there's some money in my account but I can't get a house and move with two broken arms and a shattered right elbow. I can't even eat by myself right now this stinks right now as well I hope they got all of the internal bleeding did you hear that Aaron and Freddy McSweeney died in the hospital as well our nightmare is over now as well Daisy."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke


Elly: hey y'all did i mention . . .oh reckon I didn't. I just met Uncle Jesse for the first time and dropped of my adopted daughter, who's only three with him. He was really surpprised. Did I mention I'm 25 . . .no I guess I didn't. Well anyway. I'll do whatever I can for you two.

Elly: hey y'all did i mention . . .oh reckon I didn't. I just met Uncle Jesse for the first time and dropped of my adopted daughter, who's only three with him. He was really surpprised. Did I mention I'm 25 . . .no I guess I didn't. Well anyway. I'll do whatever I can for you two.

Julie smiles and Says "Can you feed my twins for me then the nurse brought the bottles but forget about my broken arms and shattered right elbow right now as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait


Elly: Be more than happy to Julie. *takes one of the twins as daisy takes the other and they give the two their bottles*

Enos: Well Julie . . .I see you want to work on the force. It's a hard job Julie. I know you can do it. Just saying that it ain't easy for me.

Elly: Be more than happy to Julie. *takes one of the twins as daisy takes the other and they give the two their bottles*

Enos: Well Julie . . .I see you want to work on the force. It's a hard job Julie. I know you can do it. Just saying that it ain't easy for me.

Julie Says "Give me about six months that's how long my elbow will can't drive very well with these casts on Enos and you know what I don't want what happened to me to happened to any other woman now as well. Rhett's done, just a big burp from such a little baby don't you think so Elly."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait


Julie Says "There spitting mad about what happened to me and Coy is a big Cheese with the FBI right now as well. He's supervisor basically he gets to tell other people what to do and they got to listen as well. Elly it's okay about Rhett, I asked the docter and he said that sometimes that happens now as well and he's just fine as well. Hey Elly did you really give him a Beer or something you know he's too young right now as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke or anybody


Elly: Julie . . .I can't believe you'd think I'd do that. Never. I suppose I could tell you this now. I came around here to work at the Hazzard Orphanage. It's where I got my daughter too. I know they need help. I have some experience with being a doctor so I figured.

Elly: Julie . . .I can't believe you'd think I'd do that. Never. I suppose I could tell you this now. I came around here to work at the Hazzard Orphanage. It's where I got my daughter too. I know they need help. I have some experience with being a doctor so I figured.

Julie Says "I was teasing the docter says in somethings he's more mature in and I'm sorry it was just a joke and that's wonderful as well. And besides it makes me giggle when I can't get him to burp and it happens to the Nurse holding him as well. It's pretty funny there looking for some guy outside the room I'm just going to have to get used to that now as well. Your docter allreadry that's amazing so I guess you know what Rhett has then hey look at that we got a docter for a cousin now as well."

Daisy just lays back and sighes

Julie Says "Daisy did you know what it's been at least nine hours since my surgery and did you hear Rhett over there as well. Hey, he better watch now that's pretty funny as well coming from a newborn as well."

Bo heard the burp as well and Says "Hey buddy you allreadry have a Boars Nest Special over there must be good now as well and Julie you used to do that as well. I was always laughing and getting in trouble as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Elly: *laughs* you know Bo . . .i used to do that too. Me and my dad. Mom would get so mad.

Julie Says "I hope he doesn't do that in the middle of lunch when he goes to school now that would be embrassing to be called to school for now Elly."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

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