GADuke01 Posted December 14, 2004 Posted December 14, 2004 When CMT starts airing original episodes of "The Dukes of Hazzard" next month, I feel that the same exact thing is going to happen again just like it did when the old TNN aired the Dukes back in 1996. Dukes-mania!!! An entirely new generation was introduced to the Dukes in 1996 and I'm sure that we'll all see the same thing happen once again. Just think of all of the new Dukes-related merchandise that hit in late '90s because of the show's rebirth in popularity. Having the Dukes on the air again prior to the release of the new movie will definately help the new movie when it is released. What do you think?GADuke01 Quote
T-Man Posted December 15, 2004 Posted December 15, 2004 I am gonna have to agree with you on that one, i just hope they leave them on for longer than they did last time, and who knows what kinds of new merchandise they will come out with for the new movie, Quote
travelerF150 Posted December 15, 2004 Posted December 15, 2004 I heard it was only gonna be on in Canada. I hope they start playing it in the states. I agree. Having the show back on the air will do wonders for the movie as well as the possibility of new merchandise, like hopfully seasons 3 and 4 on DVD. Quote
dukesfan1979 Posted December 15, 2004 Posted December 15, 2004 Hey Ya'llI just bought The Dukes of Hazzard: Season one on DVD and I love it!!!My favorite extra is the Dukes of Hazzard Barbecue at the Paramount Studios Ranch. I highly recommend the DVd set to ever Dukes fan!!!I heard also the CMT will start airing the Dukes in January in the US so looks like 2005 will be a great year for us Dukes fans!!! take care ya'll Quote
T-Man Posted December 15, 2004 Posted December 15, 2004 Thats pretty cool, i cant wait for them to be back on, i also have the dukes season one on dvd, i got it back in august, the BBQ is pretty cool, i would also recommend it as well!!, i cant wait to get season two in a month or so too! I hope to get all the seasons when they come out, i take that back, i KNOW i will get them when they come out! Quote
fonzi242004 Posted December 27, 2004 Posted December 27, 2004 I heard it was only gonna be on in Canada. As I posted in the latest news section of this forum,Ben Jones(Cooter) posted on his site( the dukes are coming to cmt in the us in january. so hope this helps Quote
bad71chev Posted December 30, 2004 Posted December 30, 2004 hell.....i was 11 when they had dukes on tnn.....i've been in love with it since......i was soo pissed when tnn took it off the air. Quote
dukesfan1979 Posted December 30, 2004 Posted December 30, 2004 Me too....i was also very upset when The Nashville Network was bought out and changed to "The National Network" and now its "Spike TV".....Thank God that CMT is coming to our rescue. By the way CMT is owned by CBS and thats where the Dukes originally aired for all of its you see, its like history is gonna repeat its self in a way....thanks CMT.....and CBS. Quote
jamie_duke Posted December 30, 2004 Posted December 30, 2004 greetings ya'll. three things: 1. CMT has made a wise decision, like we all didnt know that, and i do hope that a whole new generation gets fired up about the Dukes.2. i am, as i have heard it put, nervous as a long tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs about this "new" movie. if it goes anything like "Starskey and Hutch" there are gonna be alot of unahppy citizens in Hazzard County, naimly me.3. Return of the General Lee for PS2 is an absolute joy!! got it for christmas from the in-laws and love it! much better than the last 2 games.well friends and neighbors that is all i have for now. keep between the please email me the song "Carryin' On" from the reunion movie. i of course have it on the movie but dont have the right equipment to do a really high quality rip of the song. according to my research it does not exist anywhere....someone HELP!!! Quote
mototerry Posted December 30, 2004 Posted December 30, 2004 Hollywierd is making the movie a racial issue. The current script has Bo and Luke SURPRIZED to find out Cooter painted the Battle flag on the General Lee WITHOUT their knowledge.....Give me a BREAK!!! When they encounter a group of African Americans that point out the flag to them, Bo and Luke have to apoligize. They blame it on Cooter and then get PERMISSION from the group (gang?) to park the General.......How can you even consider seeing the movie? The heart and soul of the Dukes IS the GENERAL. You're going to pay Hollywood to use the General as a PAWN to rake in money for THEM!!! They don't have any love or affection for the Dukes....STAY HOME and watch re-runs of the REAL thing or go be a stupid Hollywood pawn yourself. I'm NOT going to be insulted by the political correct....What say you? Quote
BubbaDuke Posted December 30, 2004 Posted December 30, 2004 I am also a long time dukes fan, but I reserve judgement until the movie comes out and I can see for myself how it turns out. As for the song "Carryin' On", I found it on Bearshare a while back and downloaded it. Quote
mototerry Posted December 30, 2004 Posted December 30, 2004 So, your okay that Warber Bros. will portray Bo and Luke as being so stupid that they don't even know the fFlag has been painted on the top and then wind up getting PERMISSION from the group of Blacks to park the General......It's your money.......sucker.. Quote
BubbaDuke Posted December 31, 2004 Posted December 31, 2004 You are absolutely correct when you say that it will not be like the show. They know that they cannot make it the same. It is not possible. You don't know for sure if that is true to the story as of yet. It is one version of a story that has not even been released yet. So I say that for someone as closed minded as yourself don't go see it, I bet they won't even notice that you are not there. Quote
mototerry Posted December 31, 2004 Posted December 31, 2004 Your right........They won't notice I'm not there....They know there are enough suckers like yourself to line their pockets...Just don't come crying to the forum after they rip you off....... Quote
BubbaDuke Posted December 31, 2004 Posted December 31, 2004 You need not worry about me doing that, although it appears from the posts that you have made that you only joined so that you would have somewhere to piss and moan and attempt to belittle people. Quote
mototerry Posted December 31, 2004 Posted December 31, 2004 Well my dumb ass friend you couldn't be more wrong.......I'm trying to get people to pressure Warner Bros. NOT to BELITTLE the Dukes of Hazzard which they ARE doing....As long as pin heads like you do nothing but line up at the box office with your tiny little so called open mind you'll see Bo and Luke as too stupid to even know the General has been painted........All they care about is how much money the film will make, stupid........Recent example, Will Smith as James West?....What's next, Snoop Dogg as Davy Crockett? I'm through arguing with you... Quote
Capt_Redneck Posted December 31, 2004 Posted December 31, 2004 Enough......This is HazzardNet. Folks get along here. There is no need at all for any name calling. Please do not argue if someone has a different opinion than yours. That is what makes this forum interesting, different ideas for the movie and casting.Read what you want into the WSJ article. None of us know what will be in the final cut of the film. Relax a little and enjoy yourself. Please no more nasty stuff.....Darrell Quote
JESSI DUKE Posted December 31, 2004 Posted December 31, 2004 Mototerry, In case you didn't notice this is a family web site. We treat each other with respect. We don't dis one another and call names. If you don't want to see the new movie when it comes then don't, but don't force your opinion on the rest of us. Jessi Duke 8) Quote
dukesfan1979 Posted January 1, 2005 Posted January 1, 2005 Hey Ya'llJust reading these posts here and Mototerry I feel you are way out of line.I myself am rather opinionated and sometimes I feel I let myself get a little carried away but I like the folks here at Hazzardnet and I have to respect the people running this really great website. Im not a moderator or anything like that for Hazzardnet but I dont like to see good people get slammed for no reason. We as Dukes fans are excited about the new movie coming out because it is something new for the fans. The new movie will pay homage to the original Dukes in some ways, but the new movie will have to be different in some ways too. I really think Warner Bros will try very hard to satisfy the Dukes fans of yesterday while at the same time attempting to draw in a brand new audience. Please sir, give this new movie a chance, who may just like it. Happy New Year ya'll and God Bless. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 1, 2005 Posted January 1, 2005 I am from the OLD SCHOOL too. I watched DUkes Of Hazzards first show for the first time. I don't think I will lilke the new movie but intend to watch it just to see what Hazzard has become. I may like it. But the others are right --- Hazzard is a place for us al to come and fell welcome. Yes, we know there are Boss Hoggs in the world only after the money -- but if you recall Boss even had a good side occassionaly. Remember Uncle Jesse is watching and we should ALL strive to be good citizens of Hazzard. Have a good New Year!!!!!!!!!!!DixieDavenport Quote
mototerry Posted January 1, 2005 Posted January 1, 2005 I apologize for being out of line in this forum. I do find it interesting that I'm told it's not nice to force my views on anyone and at the same time your going to line up and pay Warner Bros. to force their views on you by disrespecting the General, Bo, Luke, and Cooter. Enjoy your movie. I won't disrupt this forum again.Mototerry Quote
BubbaDuke Posted January 11, 2005 Posted January 11, 2005 According to the news section of the Dukes will begin airing on CMT on Friday 2/25/2005 with a 1 hr special at 8:00 pm followed by a weekend long marathon. Quote
Rayford Flicker Posted January 11, 2005 Posted January 11, 2005 Yeah I was in first grade when it came out in '96 ( im 15, and in 9th grade)I was hooked on it ever since i saw the first episode. I have about 1/4 of the dukes shows on VHS, I have the complete 1st season except for Daisy's song. I just beat the new video game "Return of the general lee".Im excited for the second season, it comin back on CMT, and the movie. Is there like a site where u can download dukes episodes? thanks Quote
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