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Devon Says "And is it true him and Lizzy want another Baby now Daisy?"

Cue Lizzyjackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Daisy sighed "well yeah, but i cant have any more kids by my self and Lizzy told me that she would go throught surrogacy with me"

Daisy sighed "well yeah, but i cant have any more kids by my self and Lizzy told me that she would go throught surrogacy with me"

Devon Says "That's very nice of Lizzy for you and Enos now as well, and Bonnie wants to help Cooter with something as well. Uh listen, Cooter and Lizzy worked out a plan and Julie's old car is going to be repainted and fixed up and Lizzy is giving it to Bo now because she knows how much he likes it as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Devon Says "That's very nice of Lizzy for you and Enos now as well, and Bonnie wants to help Cooter with something as well. Uh listen, Cooter and Lizzy worked out a plan and Julie's old car is going to be repainted and fixed up and Lizzy is giving it to Bo now because she knows how much he likes it as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Daisy said "thats nice"

Daisy said "thats nice"

Micheal Says "Hey I didn't know about that you want us to keep that a secret Devon."

Devon Says "If you will now, it would help now as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Daisy said "Dukes and Strate honor, its secret"

Devon Says "Okay, and listen if Bo disappears as fast you say no wander he always gets tickets now as well and where in the world did Lizzy go to as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Devon Says "Okay, and listen if Bo disappears as fast you say no wander he always gets tickets now as well and where in the world did Lizzy go to as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Daisy said "strange, usually i can keep up with my best friend"

Daisy said "strange, usually i can keep up with my best friend"

Devon Says "Maybe they have their project in mind right now Daisy?"

Micheal Says "I think they left something turned on at home now Devon."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Devon Says "Maybe they have their project in mind right now Daisy?"

Micheal Says "I think they left something turned on at home now Devon."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Daisy sighed "probably to have another kid, you know, its okay, i have three" and starts crying again

Daisy sighed "probably to have another kid, you know, its okay, i have three" and starts crying again

Micheal Says "Devon, can we talk in private please."

Devon Says "Yeah."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Devon said "What did you want Micheal"

In Private Micheal Says "Devon, something happened to Daisy over two weeks ago and now she might want to be able to have kids again. And Huntley was taunting her and Julie at the Federal Detention Center she told Julie that the place where Lizzy was at had a no pregnant inmate policy and she hinted she would have a abortion and told Daisy she would never see her kids again as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

In Private Micheal Says "Devon, something happened to Daisy over two weeks ago and now she might want to be able to have kids again. And Huntley was taunting her and Julie at the Federal Detention Center she told Julie that the place where Lizzy was at had a no pregnant inmate policy and she hinted she would have a abortion and told Daisy she would never see her kids again as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Devon said "thats wrong in so many ways"

Devon said "thats wrong in so many ways"

Micheal Says "I know but I don't know what happened back at the cabin and plus Julie told me they had transfer papers they served on her in the middle of the night and they arrested Daisy right in front of her children the morning after we rescued her and Enos from Carl Marshall as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Micheal Says "I know but I don't know what happened back at the cabin and plus Julie told me they had transfer papers they served on her in the middle of the night and they arrested Daisy right in front of her children the morning after we rescued her and Enos from Carl Marshall as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Devon said "i can see her putting up a fight

Devon said "i can see her putting up a fight

Micheal Says "Do you think somebody raped Daisy now Devon? She's been acting strange as well and very upset."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Devon says "its a miracle that you didnt"

Micheal Says "I loved her since over eight years when I walked up to her car when somebody had shot out her tire and she was on the side of the road and she ignored me as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Micheal Says "I loved her since over eight years when I walked up to her car when somebody had shot out her tire and she was on the side of the road and she ignored me as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Devon said "Daisy didnt trust you as far as she could throw you either, Julie did though"

Devon said "Daisy didnt trust you as far as she could throw you either, Julie did though"

Micheal Says "Oh she just couldn't keep her eyes off me, and I couldn't keep my eyes off of hers with everything we've been through it's amazing that we got twin boys and are planning a wedding now as well Devon."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Micheal Says "Oh she just couldn't keep her eyes off me, and I couldn't keep my eyes off of hers with everything we've been through it's amazing that we got twin boys and are planning a wedding now as well Devon."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Devon nodded

Devon nodded

Micheal Says "You know if you would've told me that Julie and I would be parents to twin boys now we would've never believed you then. We was both fighting how much we like each back then as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Micheal Says "You know if you would've told me that Julie and I would be parents to twin boys now we would've never believed you then. We was both fighting how much we like each back then as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Devon nodds and looks at Daisy sitting in Dixie fumbling with her keys and sighes

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