vinsmouse Posted November 28, 2008 Posted November 28, 2008 Getting to know your friendsHave Fun!1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper2. Real tree or artificial? Artificial, why kill a tree just so we can decorate it for a short time and then get rid of it. Not to mention, don't have to buy a tree every year.3. When do you put up the tree? About 10 days before Christmas usually, sometimes sooner but rarely later.4. When do you take down the tree? New Year's day or the day after.5. Do you like eggnog? Nope6. Favorite gift received as a child? Little House In The Big Woods, received from my 4th grade teacher. 7. Hardest person to buy for? My oldest daughter, she's too picky. 8. Do you have a nativity scene? A nativity scene? I have 3; pewter, kind of a papier mache type thing; and plaster. What can I say? I love nativity scenes.9. Mail or email cards? Mail10.Worst Christmas gift ever received? A can opener and yes my husband still hears about that one. The fool. LOL11. Favorite Christmas movie? It's a Wonderful Life, not Christmas without it.12. When do you start shopping for Christmas? October or November, usually done before Thanksgiving.13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Can't say as I have.14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? I have to choose? Oh, all right...deviled eggs and cranberrry sauce, I can't narrow it down any further.15. Lights on the tree? Absolutely16. Favorite Christmas Song ? My Name is Christmas Carol. It always makes me cry, but it's such a beautiful story.17. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? Stay home18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Yep...Dasher, Dancer, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, Vixen, Prancer and of course Rudolph.19. Angel on the treetop or a Star? Angel20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Christmas Day21. Most annoying thing about this time of year. TBS running A Christmas Story for 24 hours straight....Turn it off...please, I'm begging, turn it off.22. Favorite ornament theme or color? Love the old-fashioned wooden ornaments and the ones my children have made through the years.23. Favorite thing about this time of year? Decorating the tree with my kids while Christmas music plays and we sip on homemade wassil.24. What do you want for Christmas this year? My Volvo up and running, yeah, that would be good.25. Who is most likely to respond to this? Anybody and Everybody Quote
Redneck girl 01 Posted November 30, 2008 Posted November 30, 2008 Have Fun!1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? wrapping paper, but if Im takin em to school fer my friends they git wrapped and then put in gift bags...I wrapped three presents Real tree or artificial? Artificial...ain't gotta clean the mess up...n saves a lot of money.3. When do you put up the tree? Umm it depends...sometimes a month, sometimes a week before, and therre has been a couple years it's been up year round...kinda like the Christmas lights When do you take down the tree? Again depends...sometimes a week, a month, or it stays up to next year...when ever we git round to it.5. Do you like eggnog? Never had it.6. Favorite gift received as a child? My favorite gift would have to be a pink stick had a pink head, white blaze, white yarm mane, a blue stick and red halter...her main name is Strawberry but as I went from tv to tv show it changed...Trigger, Champion, Buttercup, Silver, just to name a few...I took that horse always has been my favorite and always will...proabably my most played with toy it sits in my room today...haha funny story: My daddy got sick of me draggin it everywhere so one day he threatended to cut the stick off and I started ballin my eyes out and hid from him...I honestly thought he would I was only like 6...I think I got it when I was 5.7. Hardest person to buy for? umm I daddy can be and then my Best friend she can be difficult to buy fer.8. Do you have a nativity scene? Yea a is a big one that is ceramic and sits in the corner...then I have a precious moments one that is adorable...umm a little people then nother lil ceramic one.9. Mail or email cards? Mail10.Worst Christmas gift ever received? I dunno if I ever got a worst gift...I have liked everythang I've gotten some more than others but none was gag gifts...lets see I got chopsticks...iI though that box was empty when I shook it...then I shook nother one n it rattled so bad I though I broke it...when I opened it, it was a box of gumballs...umm pink golf balls...there is more but I don't feel like listin em...they was funny.11. Favorite Christmas movie? The Santa Claus (The first one, I've watched it hundreds upon hundreds of times) Mary Christman, Christmas Comes to Willow Creek, umm Miracle on 34th Street and It's a Wonderful Life. I have three...but Santa Clause beats em all When do you start shopping for Christmas? Whenever I find something someone will all year round...n then one last run like a week or so before Christmas.13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? umm as in throw in recycle bin no...but my mama says there was quite a few she would have re-wrapped and gave it away to someone else...but she kept em...REGIFT! lol.14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Umm pumpkin roll...french cream fudge, all the yummy cookies my granny makes.15. Lights on the tree? DUH! sometimes multi-colored, sometimes red n green, one year they was purple even though they showed up pink. Then white lights and blue lights...The tree is gonna be blue and silver this year.16. Favorite Christmas Song ? Katey's Christmas Card(haha my name only spelled wrong!) - John Schneider,My Christmas Card to You- The Partridge Family, Snoopy's Christmas- The Royal Guardsman...n then a lot of the redneck christmas songs.17. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? Stay home...unless you consider goin 3 minutes away to my grandma' Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Yep...Dasher, Dancer, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, Vixen, Prancer and of course Rudolph. I was Blitzen in a Christmas pagent in elementry school one Angel on the treetop or a Star? We have depends on what year...course this year it will probably be blue Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Christmas Eve at my Grannies...n then at my house it's Christmas Day...WOO HOO!21. Most annoying thing about this time of year. Rude, Ignorant people that push and shove and think they deserve the present just because they can stomp on someone to git it.22. Favorite ornament theme or color? My mama likes the Betsy Clark ones...I like purple!! lol...I like the resin ones...anythang John Deere...unicorns, horses, bears...cute things...No big ugly things...oh n of course homemade ornaments.23. Favorite thing about this time of year? Decoratin...wrappin presents, Christmas music, COOKIES! Christmas lights!!!24. What do you want for Christmas this year? My brother back...but that won't happen...I want that more than anythang...*sighs* I dunno...Ummmm.....uhhh....huuuuuu......daaaaa.....ummmmm.....back to la la land Katie...Anythang Dukes, anythang John deere, duck tape, anythang horses, clothes, jewelery, anythang I collect25. Who is most likely to respond to this? Hopefully more than just me and vinsmouse...I thought this was fun...I enjoyed readin her answers and I hope that more people will do this...cause I wanna read more! is fun! Quote
Denver C. Posted November 30, 2008 Posted November 30, 2008 1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Depends on how hard it is to wrap!2. Real tree or artificial? Artificial - don't have to worry about the cats drinking the poisonous water that way, and it is easier on my asthma3. When do you put up the tree?At home - Whenever my sister and I can get my parents out of the house long enough - it is really hard to decorate with them around. At work - Thanksgiving night4. When do you take down the tree? At home - same problem as putting it up. At work - New Year's night5. Do you like eggnog? Depends on the brand.6. Favorite gift received as a child? A toss up between two. One was a black and white plastic cow that drank water from her trough when you pumped her tail, then gave "milk". Always kind of bothered me that you had to take her udders off and put in this little tablet to make the water turn white, though - just seemed wrong somehow. My other favorite was a little stuffed cougar that my sister gave me when I was two - not only did I drag her around all throughout my childhood, but she has gone everywhere I have lived, including my college dorm! 7. Hardest person to buy for? my parents - they really need hobbies!8. Do you have a nativity scene? A nativity scene? No - we have a ton of them between my sister and me. Her favorite is a ceramic one that her friends made for her by hand. I've never figured out how they did that! I think my favorite is one that I got from a little shop in my hometown - it is made entirely of bells. (I collect bells) 9. Mail or email cards? Both - I always mail them, but I have a cousin and a friend that love the silly e-cards, so I usually send them those, too.10.Worst Christmas gift ever received? The same Bee Gees tape over and over again for every gift giving occasion! (My ex could never remember which one he had given me, so he always got the same one. After nine years, you would think law of averages would have gotten me a different one eventually!)11. Favorite Christmas movie? The George C. Scott version of A Christmas Carol, and the real How The Grinch Stole Christmas (NOT Jim Carrey!!)12. When do you start shopping for Christmas? As soon as this Christmas is over! I'm usually done by Halloween and picking up little extra things until the week or so before. 13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?I plead the fifth!14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Hawaiian Pie! - always a favorite - and Strossner's fruit cake - they are almost all nuts, yum! 15. Lights on the tree? The more the merrier!16. Favorite Christmas Song ? Silly - Snoopy's Christmas, I Want A Hippopotomaus For Christmas, and the Eartha Kitt version of Santa Baby Traditional - Silent Night adn Away in a Manger17. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? Stay home18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Yep...Dasher, Dancer, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, Vixen, Prancer and of course Rudolph. 19. Angel on the treetop or a Star? At home - A Boyds bear angel At work - Star on one, a red bow on the other20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Both - One on Christmas Eve, the rest on Christmas Day21. Most annoying thing about this time of year. Crowds22. Favorite ornament theme or color? Any and all23. Favorite thing about this time of year? Carriage rides through Fountain Inn to see the lights, riding through the drive through displays at the science center with my sisters24. What do you want for Christmas this year? Can't think of a single thing25. Who is most likely to respond to this? Hopefully a lot of people - I love reading these things! Quote
artykidd Posted November 30, 2008 Posted November 30, 2008 1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper if and only if it's a square present. Otherwise, for the sake of my sanity, I use a gift bag.2. Real tree or artificial? Neither. We have two cats who seem to think they are squirrels or something so I just pull out the little ceramic tree with glass birds on it and set it on the coffee table.3. When do you put up the tree? Usuallythe week after Thanksgiving.4. When do you take down the tree? Well, last time I took the ornaments down and put the tree out was in........August. Don't laugh, that sucker was green all the way into summer.5. Do you like eggnog? Nope6. Favorite gift received as a child? A huge bucket of brick blocks. Those things kept me entertained for hours although last year my mom got me tickets to the Foo Fighters, row 13 center stage.7. Hardest person to buy for? My husband. He has everything. 8. Do you have a nativity scene? Nope. I did make one out of clay though and gave it to my mom.9. Mail or email cards? Um......I don't really do either.10.Worst Christmas gift ever received? A God awful dress that my younger sister picked out for me.11. Favorite Christmas movie? A Christmas Story. You'll shoot your eye out! lol12. When do you start shopping for Christmas? September13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Once. We had little money and the darn thing was still in the plastic wrapping around the box.14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Cranberry sauce on a wheat cracker with cream cheese.15. Lights on the tree? NOpe, no tree, remember?16. Favorite Christmas Song ? The Twelve Pains of Christmas. I laugh so hard I cry17. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? Stay home18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Why, did you forget?19. Angel on the treetop or a Star? My mom uses the Christmas angel my grandparents bought the year she was born.20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Christmas Day21. Most annoying thing about this time of year. My sister's work schedule. She never has off on Christmas Day so we usually end updoing Christmas on the saturday after.22. Favorite ornament theme or color? My mom buys a new ornament for each of us every year and she still uses the ornaments we made as kids.23. Favorite thing about this time of year? Driving through the local trailer park. These people go all out and have the best decorations.24. What do you want for Christmas this year? Gift certificates to the art supply store. I need more brushes and paint.25. Who is most likely to respond to this? Anybody and Everybody Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted November 30, 2008 Posted November 30, 2008 1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?It depends what the gift is and who it's for...mostly gift wrap though.2. Real tree or artificial? Real! No pink aluminum Christmas trees in our house! Granted, you get the sap and needles, put my cats will climb their way up might as well give their claws something to dig into than metal!3. When do you put up the tree? Last year we put it up on Christmas Eve...hopefully this year we'll get it up within the next week.4. When do you take down the tree? Day after Christmas usually5. Do you like eggnog? Yup.6. Favorite gift received as a child? Hmmm.... the one I remember most is coming down the steps into our den and seeing a dollhouse in front of eyes were so full of the dollhouse, I didnt realize that along with it my parents had bought me a full size church organ 7. Hardest person to buy for? My dad- he lives in the Phillippines so I hafta make sure whatever I get him can fit in his luggage without making it overweight, or mail to him, or be something he can use while he visits. A hard job...8. Do you have a nativity scene? Sure do. 9. Mail or email cards? snail-mail10.Worst Christmas gift ever received? Fruitcake...blech! 11. Favorite Christmas movie? I have a bunch.... I guess Elf is my new favorite though...12. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Black Friday13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? *blushing* No comment.14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? My Mama's Christmas Cookies and homemade fudge15. Lights on the tree? course!16. Favorite Christmas Song ? Oh my....ummm...any of John's from his two Christmas Albums...17. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? Stay home18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Yes of course!19. Angel on the treetop or a Star? Angel usually20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? One on Christmas Eve,,,,the rest on Christmas Day21. Most annoying thing about this time of year. Crowds22. Favorite ornament theme or color? Don't really have any theme or color...though when I was little our tree had blue ornaments and silver was beautiful.23. Favorite thing about this time of year? Sledding, going to Frankenmuth and seeing all the lights, going carolling at the nursing home24. What do you want for Christmas this year? j/ I would love is a plane ticket to Europe25. Who is most likely to respond to this? Anyone who is anyone on the Hazzardnet... Quote
North_of_Border1 Posted November 30, 2008 Posted November 30, 2008 1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper unless the gift's shape makes it impossible to wrap nicely.2. Real tree or artificial? Artificial but it looks real.3. When do you put up the tree? First weekend in December. A tradition dad started the year grandma passed away to cheer us up. Before that we'd put it up later.4. When do you take down the tree? Right after January 6th like many Europeans I know here. We always got our gifts on December 25 from Santa but in popular Italian folklore Befana visits all the children of Italy on the eve January 6th to fill their socks with candy and presents if they are good or a lump of coal or dark candy if they are bad. 5. Do you like eggnog? I liked the one mom made. The store one, not so much.6. Favorite gift received as a child? Probably the Barbie camper. I got the big one. 3ft long. Love it!7. Hardest person to buy for? Dad. He doesn't have much yet he has everything.8. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes9. Mail or email cards? e-mail.10.Worst Christmas gift ever received? Don't remember. Never got anything bad.11. Favorite Christmas movie? Movie I don't know. I must have seen How the Grinch Stole Christmas (not the Jim Carrey one) and Charlie Brown Christmas a million times.12. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Early December13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Nope14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Chocolate15. Lights on the tree? Yes16. Favorite Christmas Song ? Minuit, Chrétiens (Oh Holy Night) and O Tannenbaum (Oh Christmas Tree)17. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? Stay home18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? No, not all of them19. Angel on the treetop or a Star? Star20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Christmas Day21. Most annoying thing about this time of year. Cold weather and super full parking lots22. Favorite ornament theme or color? I like red and gold.23. Favorite thing about this time of year? Seeing all the houses and mall decorated with Christmas lights. People are in a great mood. 24. What do you want for Christmas this year? I'd love to have Mom back. I would like a job too. I think Santa might grant my wish for the second one...*fingers crossed* 25. Who is most likely to respond to this? Anyone who enjoys sharing about themselves. Quote
i1976 Posted December 1, 2008 Posted December 1, 2008 1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper2. Real tree or artificial? Artificial, you can use the same tree for many years without destroyng forests LOL3. When do you put up the tree? 8/11 4. When do you take down the tree? 6/12 (Epiphany... the last day of holiday)5. Do you like eggnog? Mmmmhhhh, I've never drunk eggnog6. Favorite gift received as a child? Books.... I've alway liked books (when I was a child I read Tom Sawyer, Little woman... and many children books in general) 7. Hardest person to buy for? My brother. 8. Do you have a nativity scene? Yeah.9. Mail or email cards? Mail10.Worst Christmas gift ever received? I don't remember. 11. Favorite Christmas movie? Polar express.12. When do you start shopping for Christmas? December. I don't like Xmas's shopping (I don't like shopping in general)13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No.14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Struffoli (beads of a sort of crusty pastry, fried and with honey on..... a south Italy tipical recipe) and of course Panettone (but without candied fruit).15. Lights on the tree? Yeah.16. Favorite Christmas Song ? Every christmas song.17. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? Stay home, absolutely18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? No......19. Angel on the treetop or a Star? Star20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Christmas Eve21. Most annoying thing about this time of year. I like Xmas but it makes me a bit sad 22. Favorite ornament theme or color? Red. 23. Favorite thing about this time of year? Peace and family.24. What do you want for Christmas this year? I don't know. An happy day. Quote
Val Strate Posted December 1, 2008 Posted December 1, 2008 1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Depends on the gift.2. Real tree or artificial? I put up an artificial that is about 30 years old because of household tradition. We call it 'The Charlie Brown Tree' because it's an old anquite and it's one of the first artificial trees ever made. Mom and Dad bought it when they first got married for their first Christmas in the 70's. So it's kind of special and I hope to inherit it when I get a place of my own. Which using the same artifical tree for years on end is very environmentaly friendly. If it wasn't for tradition, I would put up a potted real tree then go plant the pot after the holiday. There are environmental advantages to that and I've heard of that practice done before. 3. When do you put up the tree? Any time in December. I've put a tree up two days before Christmas before.4. When do you take down the tree? Late January usually.5. Do you like eggnog? Blah! That's my answer to that question. 6. Favorite gift received as a child? The chocolate slimline halter for my favorite cow that I got from my Grandparents. I still have it to this day and have used it in many cattle shows. 7. Hardest person to buy for? My Dad. I find things that are him but at the same time he don't really need them.8. Do you have a nativity scene? Yeah we have two.9. Mail or email cards? Mail, I like to make my own cards if I have time.10.Worst Christmas gift ever received? I don't think I have one... If someone took the time to give me a gift, it wouldn't be looked at as bad. It's the thought of the gift that counts to me, the fact someone was kind and thoughtful enough to think of me. So no gift is looked at as 'worst gift'. 11. Favorite Christmas movie? Elf. I love Will Ferell. He's so funny and sweet in that movie. I love characters like 'Buddy' who seem so sweet and innocent. 12. When do you start shopping for Christmas? December 26 of the following year and all through out the year at a slow gradual pace. I buy gifts as I see them and when I think of a person.13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yes. Hey why not?! Recycling is good for the planet and as long as it's something that hasn't been used and abused, why not? It's the thought behind the gift not the gift itself.14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? BUCKEYES!!!! (Ok, not the real ones because they are poisonous but the ones that are candies. Every Ohioian knows what the heck I'm talking about.)15. Lights on the tree? Uh duh, yeah.16. Favorite Christmas Song ? Elton John's 'Step into Christmas'. Yes I love Sir Elton's music, always have.17. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? Stay home and in neighboring area.18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? No... I know I failz as a Game Warden. *sigh*19. Angel on the treetop or a Star? Angel20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Use to be Christmas Eve, now it's Christmas Day.21. Most annoying thing about this time of year. Going to work and listening to nothing but Christmas music all night long and it's the same 30 Christmas songs we've heard over and over again on the loud speaker. 22. Favorite ornament theme or color? Green (in any shade) with gold.23. Favorite thing about this time of year? Seeing all my relatives and spending time with them. 24. What do you want for Christmas this year? I have to agree with 'North of the Border', I would totally dig a better job than the one I got. Maybe one where I have an office, a decent benefits package, and paid vacation. A job that is related to the degree I went to school for. Plus, the nation and automakers to get away from oil dependance. But if I can't get any of those, one of those cool table top rock relaxation fountains would be nice, Santa. 25. Who is most likely to respond to this? Hopefully Everyone! But mostly, I tag Commander MM, and MaryAnne to respond to this. *Tap, tap, tap* PPSSST! Hey, Gang it's December, time to get Christmasy! Quote
Sabrina Duncan Posted December 1, 2008 Posted December 1, 2008 1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Usually wrapping paper. I don't really care much for gift bags.2. Real tree or artificial? i usually go with artificial for a number of reasons, one being the fact that an artificial tree does not cause death to the tree, and the little woodland creatures do not lose their happy homes. 3. When do you put up the tree? BC (before cats) it went up the day after Thanksgiving. Now, it's a little later so the cats have less time to knock it over.4. When do you take down the tree? Before January 1st, per my momma's instructions many years agao.5. Do you like eggnog? Some of it, but not all. I do sort of like the non-alcoholic Southern Comfort brand (tasty!).6. Favorite gift received as a child? It's sort of a toss up, but as I have pondered the question, I have determined it must the Enterprise Bridge along with Capt. Kirk, Mr. Spock, and Dr. McCoy. It had the captain's chair, the science console, and a transporter! 7. Hardest person to buy for? Has to be my parents (As my sister has already stated).8. Do you have a nativity scene? yes, I have one that one of my sister's got me when they realized I did not have one ("everyone must have a nativity scene")9. Mail or email cards? I like both, but I always try to send the mailed ones to family and close friends, it seems more personal some how.10.Worst Christmas gift ever received? I really can not think of one. 11. Favorite Christmas movie? The old classics Charlie Brown, Frosty, Rudolph, and of course, Miracle on 34th Street 12. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I always say I'm going to start early, but some how i do not get to it until after Thanksgiving usually. 13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Who? Me? Would I do such a thing???14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Hawiian Pie (when Momma makes it)15. Lights on the tree? Of course - the more, the better - multi colored, chasing, blinking, synchronized to music - I do love the light show!16. Favorite Christmas Song ? Probably Snoopy v. the Red Baron, and then maybe Away in a Manger17. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? Stay home (I sure don't want to be on the road for a long period of time on Geezer day).18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Absolutely....Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and of course there is always Rudolph!19. Angel on the treetop or a Star? Angel20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? One on Christmas eve because Daddy can never wait, and the rest on Christmas Day.21. Most annoying thing about this time of year? The crowds and the traffic. Could also be the fact that some of the folks at work feel like you OWE them a gift.22. Favorite ornament theme or color? No theme, no color scheme, but if the ornaments light up and talk that makes it even better.23. Favorite thing about this time of year? The Christmas lights and Carriage rides with my sisters, but also the good times spent with family and friends.24. What do you want for Christmas this year? I can not really think of anything I really need, but a better job with better pay which actually requires the degree I have. 25. Who is most likely to respond to this? Not really sure, but I did reply to make my sister happy! Quote
Denver C. Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 Thank you, Sabrina! I'm impressed that you remembered how to sign in! lolFor the record - sorry about what happened to the bridge . I still blame your cousin, though! Quote
Emy-Rae Duke Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 Have Fun!1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Both2. Real tree or artificial? Artificial3. When do you put up the tree? November 12th, my bday4. When do you take down the tree? Whenever we want, we didnt even take it down since last year5. Do you like eggnog? Haven't had it in years6. Favorite gift received as a child? I can't remember since my mom died ive kinda learned to block out the memories7. Hardest person to buy for? My dad 8. Do you have a nativity scene? No9. Mail or email cards? Mail10.Worst Christmas gift ever received? Loved everyone of them.11. Favorite Christmas movie? The Polar Express 12. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Last minute13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Nope14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Pastels ( a local food in my country) 15. Lights on the tree? Yup16. Favorite Christmas Song ? I like the songs with a somber tone 17. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? Spend it with my dad18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Prancer, Donner, Vixin, blitzen, cupid, comet, dasher,dancer, rudolph19. Angel on the treetop or a Star? Star20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Christmas day21. Most annoying thing about this time of year. TBS running A Christmas Story for 24 hours straight....Turn it off...please, I'm begging, turn it off. ( I totally agree with you! its a nice move but sheesh!) 22. Favorite ornament theme or color? We dont have any23. Favorite thing about this time of year? spending time with my dad and family24. What do you want for Christmas this year? My dad to get money o pay off all his debts and for him ti get better he has high blood preasure25. Who is most likely to respond to this? I don't know Quote
JESSI DUKE Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 Have Fun!1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper.2. Real tree or artificial? Artificial3. When do you put up the tree? Thanksgiving night4. When do you take down the tree? New year's day5. Do you like eggnog? Nope6. Favorite gift received as a child? cabbage patch doll7. Hardest person to buy for? hubby8. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes9. Mail or email cards? Mail10.Worst Christmas gift ever received? Coffee cups11. Favorite Christmas movie? Christmas Comes to Willow Creek 12. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Last minute13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? don't have one15. Lights on the tree? No16. Favorite Christmas Song ? Little drummer boy17. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? stay at home18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? No19. Angel on the treetop or a Star? Angel20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? christmas day21. Most annoying thing about this time of year. The playing of A Christmas story and The Polar Express! 22. Favorite ornament theme or color? bells and angels23. Favorite thing about this time of year? The lights 24. What do you want for Christmas this year? For my business to take off and bring in a steady income in.25. Who is most likely to respond to this? friends Quote
Amanda Coltrane Posted December 2, 2008 Posted December 2, 2008 I actually got this through email, so I just copied it onto here!1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Depends on the gift. Wrap it if it's in a box...but use a gift bag if it has a funny shape and is too hard to wrap. 2. Real tree or Artificial? I have a wee artificial tree...but my fiance' wants to plant a real one outside the church.3. When do you put up the tree? Don't have to put it up...just decorate it.4. When do you take the tree down? In January.5. Do you like eggnog? Very much...makes a great coffee creamer.6. Do you sing Christmas Carols? Yes, although I prefer playing them on the flute.7. Hardest person to buy for? My Dad 8. Easiest person to buy for? Mom. She tells us right out what she wants.9. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes.10. Mail or email Christmas cards? sorta both...I make a photocard and email it to Mom...who then puts it in her Xmas mailings.11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? A little hairbow that played Jingle Bells when you squeezed it. Terribly annoying.12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Home Alone13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? After Thanksgiving.14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yes. I don't like chocolate covered cherries...but my sister found someone who did.15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Cinnamon rolls on Xmas morning.16. Lights on the tree? Yes. Had to replace them when the girls here discovered that American lights don't use Thai voltage.17. Favorite Christmas song? Deun flambeu Jeanette Isabella...because I can sing it in French. I also like O Holy Night, but I can't sing that high, so I just play it on the flute.18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Define home. I live in Thailand, so I'm home, but I'm not with family, so I'm traveling.19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer's? Of course.20. Angel on the tree top or a star? Star.21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning. Why get up in the morning if there's no presents?22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? In Thailand, they celebrate the Christmas season, but not Christmas Day. Everyone goes to work and the kids have school on the 25th. A common question is "When are you doing Christmas?" and the answer is usually a Saturday in December.23. Favorite ornament theme or color. Ornaments we (my sisters and I) made when we were kids.24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Something that does not include rice or noodles but does include fresh bread.25. What do you want for Christmas this year? Christian music CDs.26. Who is most likely to respond to this? I never know.27. Who is least likely to respond to this? I'll say Zach...cuz last time I did...he responded just to prove me wrong. Quote
Amanda Coltrane Posted December 3, 2008 Posted December 3, 2008 I noticed that my email version didn't have question 6.6. Favorite gift received as a child: My cabbage patch doll, Homer. Jam got one too, Suzanne, and our older sister Deb got Rhonda. That was the only year we got the "hot" item, as Mom had a second-cousin who worked at Toys R Us and our grandma had her set the dolls aside when the shipment arrived at the store. I have yet to meet anyone who has a male cabbage patch doll like mine. Homer would be worth something today if I hadn't loved on him so much. Still do actually. Quote
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