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As I sat down today, and finished my six page essay over the Dukes of Hazzard for my Honors English 3 class, I got to thinking about making a thread on here about what the Dukes means to each of us. I'm going to post my essay on here for ya'll as it gives insight of what my opinions are and what my feelings are.

Hazzard County U.S.A.

As many people know, on January 26, 1979 the pilot episode, One Armed Bandits, of the hit 80's southern television show, The Dukes of Hazzard, aired on television for the first time. Many people, including the critics, at first thought the show was "idiotic," "racist," and "low rating." Fans across the world though, including myself, believe otherwise. The show was all about the closeness of one family and the political corruptness of the small southern town that the Dukes, along with some other friends, had to find a way to bring justice and peace to Hazzard County. Though, each sow might have a congruent plot, the Dukes get in trouble, car chases and crashes, and some good old country "shucking and jiving," each show also teaches young children and adults alike the true meaning of family, respect, and a good sense of responsibility, even good judgment towards others.

We all knew problems were bound to arise sooner or later. And for this great series it came to us Dukes fans as a hard hitting catastrophy. At the beginning of the fifth season our beloved Bo and Luke Duke left Hazzard County, and our television sets, to fulfill their dreams of being on the NASCAR circuit. Cousins, or as some would say, clones Coy and Vance Duke took over behind the wheel of the General Lee. Chaotic and vehement fans were displeased with the outcome of the feud that actors Tom Wopat (Luke Duke) and John Schneider (Bo Duke) had with Warner Brothers television company. The disagreement was over Warner Brothers cheating the two out of royalties from the sale of $190 million dollars of Dukes merchandise. For eighteen long and agonizing episodes, fans of the newly fallen show that once was a hit, turned their dials to something else. Though, when the episode, "Welcome Back, Bo and Luke," aired on t.v. millions of crushed "Dukies" rejoiced to see the original blonde and brunette back in the driver's seat. My personal views on the whole situation is that I believe if Tom and John would have actually took the time to sit down and think about their actions before acting on impulse, the show would still be on air right now. If it hadn't been for the "clones" to take their place for what short time they did, we wouldn't have gotten the other two great seasons we got.

Respect. I have deep respect for each cast member and writer. Because no matter what the issue or what the critics vamped about, they continued to do their job and they performed it splendidly. The writers and actors themselves had the guts to tell the critics that they didn't care what they thought, if the audience liked it, then they would continue to do what they do best, entertain us fans. And entertain us they did, for seven seasons we laughed, we cried, and we smiled.

I have been a fan for twelve years and am still a true die hard Dukes fan. Since I was five years old I have always looked at my family as the " Dukes of Hazard", or at least, like them in a sense. My family, as was the Dukes, is a close knit family who, if the occasion arises, fights the system when it needs to be fought against. Each member of my family plays an important role as did each member of the Duke family on the show. As I have mentioned before, many people have feelings of racism, hatred, and pure ignorance towards the show, but to some of us this show means so much more than just another eight o' clock Friday night television series. This show gave us something to live for, to be excited about each time we heard Waylon Jennings, the balladeer, or Bo Duke's infamous rebel yell, the powerful V-8 motor of the Confederate stock car, the 1969 dodge charge known as the General Lee, or even when we heard the first twelve notes of Dixie roaring through the air, our blood would run "orange" each Friday night as we hung on to our seats like Bo and Luke would as they gave chase to the bumbling Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane and his trusty side-kick, the lovable basset hound named Flash. We would giggle and make incoherent noises right along with the child-at-heart sheriff. The show taught us that all growing up comes with a little bit of pain, it taught us that our pride makes for a good servant, but a poor master. This show holds special moments for some of us, it touches our hearts in a way no one or anything else could.

Like peach ice cream at a church picnic, as the summary of the seventh and final season reads, nothing lasts forever. All good things must come to an end, and sadly, on February 8, 1985, the Dukes of Hazzard went off air. Millions of fans across the world mourned as if they had lost a loved one. And they did, they had lost a whole family of loved ones. But, thank the lord for technology! Fans would soon be hooping and hollering, as now the entire Dukes of Hazzard, seasons one through seven are out on DVD. Two reunion movies since then had been created, Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion! and Dukes of Hazzard: Hazzard in Hollywood. These two movies let us reminisce with the good ol' boys as they come back to Hazzard after twelve years, and even let us take a trip out of Hazzard to the busy streets of Hollywood U.S.A. Sadly though, as time passed before, during, and after the filming of these movies, we lost three beloved members of the cast. Greedy and devious Boss Hogg (Sorrell Booke) passed away, The Duke patriarch, Jesse Duke (Denver Pyle) passed away, and the loving Balladeer, Waylon Jennings, he too passed on. But, to help re-live Dukes' memories and some of Boss's schemes, writers across the globe write pieces of material called Fandom Fictions in honor of the Dukes. Writers, myself included, make up their own fictional Hazzard County characters to add to the plot lines or they use original characters from the show to reminisce a favorite episode or to re-write a favorite episode. And, as if all this great stuff wasn't enough, there's even a fun filled festival called Dukesfest created in honor of the show! That's right, if watching the high flying stunts wasn't good enough, you can come here to watch them live. Even hear great music, and are ya ready for the finale? Meet the Dukes of Hazzard cast!

As I bring us to a tragic ending, I'd like to share with you what a wonderful twelve years it has been being a fan of the great tv hit series, the Dukes of Hazzard. The Dukes plays an important role in my life. It acts as my guide, to lead me down the road of right. Ingenuity, Integrity, Honesty, Honor, Pride, Love, Team work, these are all words used to describe the show or the values it taught you. The Dukes mean more to me than, besides my family, anything else in this world. Nothing could possibly replace it. Scenes from the show warms my heart when the Dukes help an enemy or brighten the face of an orphaned child. Tears pool in my eyes when one of the characters pours out their heart because a friend is in grave danger. You may call it an obsession, you may call me insane, but no one knows what that show means to me or any other fan. For those of us who have a life full of hardships and difficulties, seeing Bo's bright smile, or Luke's dazzling blue eyes, or hearing Daisy's laugh, pay close attention and listen to Jesse's advice, or even watch a scene with Boss and Rosco's hilarious antics, it's hard for anyone not to smile at it and brighten up. Hazzard county has become a comfort zone to many and a safe haven for all.

And so, with all that being said, I'll hope to have sparked interest in many and help others gain insight on this glorious show. Keep it between the Ditches, as they would say in Hazzard County.

keep in mind some information such as dates could be wrong i've heard the last airing date was August 16th and the last airing date was February 8th so I don't know for sure.

Edited by LoriDavenport

[quote name=LoriDavenport;91585. . You may call it an obsession' date=' you may call me insane, but no one knows what that show means to me or any other fan. For those of us who have a life full of hardships and difficulties, seeing Bo's bright smile, or Luke's dazzling blue eyes, or hearing Daisy's laugh, pay close attention and listen to Jesse's advice, or even watch a scene with Boss and Rosco's hilarious antics, it's hard for anyone not to smile at it and brighten up. Hazzard county has become a comfort zone to many and a safe haven for all.

I couldn't have said it any better then that Lori.



What can I say? I read your entire paper on the Dukes of Hazzard. It was absolutely amazing! You know just how to write exactly what it is I'm feeling but don't have the talent to put words down on paper like you do.

I think you covered EVERYTHING! And, thank you so much for sharing! I bet that you will get an A on that paper!

Well done! And, thank you for that tribute to the Dukes, as well as us fans!

Laura Duke:D


Thanks guys lol. Had to turn the paper in today so we'll see what I get. Anyways, I guess I sorta summed up each fans' feelings in the essay which is what I was trying to do. If I hadn't been on here at the time I got the idea for the paper, reading posts about Dukes, and of course, watching Dukes I don't think I would have gotten very far with my paper, so I really got you guys to thank! But, those are my feelings of the Dukes, what are yours? maybe you have memories of the first time you ever watched it or the first time you fell in love with Bo or Luke or Daisy LOL.


Lori, if you don't get an A+ on that paper, yer Uncle Jesse is hopping in his white Ford pick up and going to have a talk with that teacher. Not only do you deserve an A+ for that paper but it was good enough that you should get an A+ for the entire semester without having to do anything else.

(Ignore my bias toward all things relating to Dukes. I do have a tendancy to get carried away on occasion.)


Well said, Lori!

I was both amazed and (I'll admit it!) touched by that. You really have a wonderful gift of being able to put down your thoughts and feelings into words. That essay was magical to us Duke fans! Thank you so much for sharing that, it was truly amazing. Not to sound snoopy here, but it would be interesting to know what you get. If you get anything less than an A I'll be forced to join Uncle Jesse in his trek down to your school to have a talk with that teacher of yours!

Anyways, not to get carried away, but that essay brought out a sense of pride (I'm sure in all of us) as well as an almost overwhelming desire to give a little "YEEEEHAW!" and sound that ol' Dixie horn.

Thank you so much for the great work, it was a blast reading it. That there showed true talent!

Now, I think I'll join Roger in that standing ovation!

(need a facial tissue, Roger? You always do get choked up when someone says something nice about the Dukes!! Oh, well... So Do I! But only on the inside! :) )

General Grant


Lol It wouldn't be snooping and I'll be glad to post what grade I get as we still have to go through the process of revising and editing the pieces of materials in the class. In all honesty, I've never written a better piece than what I did. Yea, General, just like whenever I watch the Dukes, it too brung out a sense of pride in me, made see the better things in life, and to ignore the bad things. I'm pretty sure though, I'll get a good grade as writing and reading is one of my fortes were I've done it so much in my life. Though, those feelings are just some of the feelings I have towards Dukes, some feelings are indescribable and can't be written on paper. But, thanks for the nice comments guys, it means a lot to me, raises what little self esteem I got in me.


Before I discovered Hazzardnet I didn't really know anybody else who shared my intense love of the Dukes. That why everybody here means so much to me. I truly feel like a part of a large family with a strong common bond. Things like Lori's school paper simply make that bond even stronger.

Thanks for the offer of the Kleenex General but I think I'm okay. I think my tears were just allergies. For some amazing coincidence, my allergies seem to always act up whenever I read posts like that.


Wow, Roger! I didn't know that your allergies seem to pop up everytime you read a post like Lori's! I hope you aren't allergic to the Dukes :D No, just kidding. I'm sure you would go absolutely insane if you found out you were allergic to the Dukes and couldn't watch them anymore, or read the posts on Hazzardnet, or listen to the theme song, or look at pictures....

Anyways, things have been pretty busy, so it is really nice talking to everyone on here. Hope to talk to you soon.

General Grant


That's great Lori. I'm not surprised that your teacher is smart enough to recognize a good paper when he or she sees one. After all you folks in Hazard are pretty smart...even though you don't spell so good.

(Hazzard should have two zs even if it ain't in Georgia)

Posted (edited)

Hey Lori,

Congrats on the great result on your paper-I think that you deserved it! :) Like I said before, it's an awesome paper! And, if you can get both Roger and General to applaud you, as well as make Roger misty-eyed (from allergies), I say that you've done an awesome paper! 8-)

I still remember getting the Dukes of Hazzard as a birthday gift almost 3 years ago. I actually (and it's hard to believe now) got it as a joke gift. A friend of mine was on vacation and watching the Dukes for the first time, and they caught the ending-about 10 minutes of watching the show, and my friend thought it was just an obnoxious show! (How wrong she was!) When she tried explaining the show to me, I just couldn't understand what she was talking about. So, on my birthday, she gave me the 1st season of the Dukes of Hazzard-a show I've never heard about until that moment I opened the gift. Well, when we sat down to watch the show-I was completely embarrassed. A girl sitting on her cousin's lap saying things like:

"If we weren't cousins, I'd marry you"

"Well that never stopped anybody in this family before"

The first few shows went on like that, and I had a really tough time watching it. But, I didn't want to hurt my friend's feelings and return the show, so I kept watching.

But, the more I watched, the more they toned down the show, and the more I watched, the more I enjoyed it. By the end of the 1st season, I was ready for more, and I just fell in love with it.

When I finally finished all 7 seasons, I still wasn't satisfied, I wanted more info on the Dukes. So, I went online trying to find some really cool sites. One of the sites I found was HazzardNet. I would read posts, and this site was awesome! This, in general, was the family site I was looking for, and the people on here seemed to genuinely care about the Dukes, as well as the people on this site. And the rest is history, I signed up and have just fell in love with the Dukes, and the fans!

Well, that's my story......

Laura Duke:D

Edited by Laura Duke


That was a wonderful paper - I hope it does very well in class.

Getting back to the thread...I can't really put into words what the Dukes means to me. Ever since it first aired it has been a part of my life. I remember watching the original run - from the first part of the opening, until the end of the end-credits, every week. I know that I must have stopped watching when Coy and Vance came on - and I returned with Bo and Luke.

After the first run I couldn't necessarily remember every plot, or everything that happened, but the lessons I learned and the sense of family I felt stayed with me long after the last episode.

I remember my excitement when the first reunion movie came out - I couldn't wait to see it. I sat in front of the TV with all the anticipation I'd had as a kid, waiting for that orange car to go flying through the air.

My life changed drastically between the time the first reunion aired and the second one did. I lost some people who were very dear to me, including my father, and I gained other people who have become incredibly dear in their own right. And most of those newer friendships, kinships, sprang up around a common love of this very uncommon television show that if the critics had had their way would never have seen more than one episode.

The Dukes has been a part of my life since the first episode -and I am so glad to have it as part of my life still. It will always be my favorite show - and much more than that. It will always be a part of me.


It looks like my allergies are acting up again *sniffles*

Seriously though, you folks are awesome. I really do feel like we're family here. This bond we have of loving the Dukes is so strong. Whenever I read posts like these I wonder how I ever survived without having a friendship with so many people who share that bond and understand what the show is all about. If I would have known a place like the Hazzardnet existed I would have learned how to use a computer a long time ago. I can't thank the people enough who are responsible for this website and enriching my life with it. I love you Meadowmuffin. You too Brian and MaryAnne.....and anybody else who has worked hard to make this possible. There goes theose allergies again. *reaches for Kleenex*


Aww....Everyone always knows just what to say to put a smile on my face! :p

lost_sheep3: It sounds like you fell in love with the Dukes for all the right reasons-it was a wonderful family show. I was really sorry to hear that there were tough times, like your Dad passing away. But, I think it's amazing how even though you went through all the hard stuff, you still kept a positive spin and said that you have met new friends. I think that is just so inspiring.

Roger: I couldn't agree with you more! Everyone on here is just awesome to be around! You're right, the moderators are wonderful to have had the dream of getting fellow Dukes fans together and following that dream. It's amazing! But, we are also lucky that you finally sat down and conquered the quest of figuring out, as you always say, the darn contraption! :p I for one can say that it's been wonderful getting to meet such wonderful, insightful people like you.

General Grant: Well, what can I say about you? You are such a life of the party, on every post you always throw in your touch of humor to make me laugh, but yet, you add so much class, that you sometimes make me get allergies! :p I've enjoyed all your wonderful posts!

Lori: Hats off to you! I always enjoyed being around you and consider you such a friend. But, my respect for you has grown so much since you started this thread. You have such an amazing gift of writing, and to use it in this way, I'm really proud of you! Thanks so much for starting this thread. And, I'm lucky that I found someone as kind as you on this site!

Laura Duke:p


I was going to post something.....but I can't see with watery eyes.

Isn't it amazing how much you can love a tv show. I think that the DOH did so well because there not the perfect family kind of tv show, the duke boys live with their uncle and their poor. But that doesn't stop them from remaining a close family! And ya the duke boys are always in trouble with the law, but who isn't now and then?

I'm just sad that the show couldn't last forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh, thank you, Laura, for that really nice compliment!

I still can't say how much I like that paper! It was wonderful!

I think you hit on something, DixieRoss! I think that may be why so many people (esspecially them country folk) love the Dukes of Hazzard. A lot of shows emphasize that the more you own, the happier you are. Well, it usually don't work that way. I think a lot of people realize that family is absolutely everything! Thanks for pointing that out, DixieRoss!

Oh, Roger, how are the allergies?! Looks like DixieRoss may have a touch of the Allergies, too, watery eyes is a real big symptom I'm hearing about!

Sorry, I couldn't help myself, y'all probably knew I was goin' to get a joke in there about Roger (and DixieRoss, too) getting an "allergy attack" on this thread!

General Grant


maybe the show didn't last forever, but sites like this can!

P.S. And now thanks to the fact that the whole show (season 1-7)is being sold on DVD, the Dukes have made a comeback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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