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To Keep On Keepin' On


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Bo smiled and shook his head, amazed at how much one person had done to turn Luke's life around in such a short time. It had always seemed to him that what was in Luke's head could have filled 5 whole library's...maybe even more...but somehow Sara had gone through the lot and re filled everything so it was all back in order with any uneccassiry things being thrown out. There was such a change in his older cousin now, but even so, he was still the big brother Bo remembered.

Knocking on the door, he asked.

"Is it safe t'come in?"

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Bo grinned and opened the door, finding Sara and Luke as always sat side by side and having one of their more fun filled talks this time around. Sara had always made sure to balance heavy conversations with light hearted ones to keep him balanced and show him exactly what she was trying to prove. As bad as things could get, you can always find some kind of good side to it...as long as you took it on board and balanced out the argument, things never seemed as bad as they did initially.

"Hey cuz, how you doin'?"

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Luke gave a small smile. Unless that part of their lives had changed greatly, Daisy ALWAYS hated bringing fellas home to meet the family. No one was ever good enough for her, in Bo's and Luke's minds, and they usually let said fella know that.

As a rule Daisy hated their overprotectiveness, but on accasion she was thankful for it,especially when guys would drop her off and expect a kiss or two or ten in return. Then Bo and Luke would emerge: Bo in his linebacker stance, his 6 foot 4 inch form looking down at the fella from the porch, a deep frown on his normally fun-filled face. Luke would be there too, his thumbs hooked in his jeans. He was smaller than Bo in height, but everyone in Hazzard knew he was not one to cross... he was all muscle, and wasn't the boxing champion of the Marine Corps for nothing.

He was glad those things at least didn't change. Even so,he was afraid of what had changed and that was yet another reason he wasn't quite ready to go home.

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"We aint the only ones that miss havin' ya around the farm though...Maudine's goin' plumb crazy waitin fer ya t'come out and feed her...looks downright disappointed when she sees me come out."

Bo retorted, sounding kind of miffed that the family mule who had been there since they were both kids to a greater shine to Luke than she did to him. Though it could have been because with his blonde hair, he looked more like food than a person.

"And everyone in Hazzard keeps askin bout ya...Cooter sends his regards...says hurry up an' get yer butt back inta Hazzard cause he's runnin outta buisness...General ain't soundin right neither without yer tunin..."

He continued to muse, more talking to himself than taking to anyone particular in the room. Every time he came, he had a small hope that maybe Luke would finally be ready to come home, and while he never asked cause he didn't wanna push the subject, the result was always the same. He left alone, went to an empty farm house alone because Daisy was usually out playing tonsil tennis with her boyfriend someplace or working and slept in the big double room alone...

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