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To Keep On Keepin' On


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Daisy nodded a little, reaching out and taking his hands softly.

"We're here Luke...me an' Bo...and we're not yer only family either...you got Coy and Vance and Jeb...yer brother Judd...we could contact any of em and they'd be here within 24 hours ya know that...Jeb Stuart already offered t'come down and help take care of the farm but Bo said no...I might have t'call him back anyway and see if he'll still come..."

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Luke shook his head slightly. It was true that they were all family, but it wasn't the same. Coy, Vance, Jeb Stuart...he loved all of his cousins, but Bo and Daisy were different. They were more like siblings.

It was ironic that she mentioned Judd. After he had gone back to California, the two stayed in touch, but it wasn't going to ever be a real brotherly relationship between the two. They had two different lives and though they were alike in many ways, their relationship with one another was more friendship than family. It was true he would come up, true that he cared about his older brother, but Judd had his own life and truthfully, Luke have the trust built up in him like he did Daisy and Bo. It was hard to build trust through a bi-monthly phone call. Besides, he already had a brother.

He gave Daisy's hands a squeeze as he thought through all this.

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"Me?" She asked a little surprised...of everyone she thought that it would mainly be Bo he missed. She kinda just stayed in the background for most things, it was always Bo and Luke more than anything else...she didn't mind though, it just made the times that they all spent together or the time she spent with one of the boys that much more special.

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Daisy sighed and squeezed his hands again softly, just liking the feel of having him giving her a little source of comfort again. She had yet to find anyone who matched her older cousins strong protective arms...anytime she had felt scared or unsafe...it had always been Luke's arms she turned to to protect her...because she knew he would...it was strange feeling so insecure around him now.

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Luke could almost feel her uneasiness in the touch of her fingertips. The overwhelming feeling of failure swept over him, but he did his best to dismiss it, as Sara had been teaching him.

It seemed to Luke that the longer Daisy sat with him, the more uncomfortable she was getting. He wanted to fix it...fix everything, like old times, but he couldn't even fix himself.

Everything was a mess now. Their uncle was gone, Bo was hurt, Daisy was just plain uneasy. He could feel the lump forming in his throat, but said nothing. The last thing Daisy needed right now was to see him cry-it might relieve the many emotions inside, but it wouldn't do anything for Daisy but make her feel that her once so strong cousin was now a stranger to her.

No...he would save the tears til he was alone.

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As Luke squeezed her hands a little tighter, she bit her lip softly...she could see the fright hidden in his blue eyes and knew what he was thinking...sometimes it was something she thought about too...which one of their family members would be next...but then she had always talked to Uncle Jesse about it and could run through the conversations they'd had together many a time to soothe her. Shaking her head a little she stood up and leaned over, hugging him tightly.

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