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Eventually Bo managed to find someone who looked like he could help, going to one of the doctors he recognized as having helped his Uncle and tapping his shoulder gently.

"Uh...excuse me I...I need to talk to you..."

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Bo nodded a little, swallowing hard.

"My...my other cousin Luke...he urm...he needs help...he needs to be taken care of...he tried to commit suicide yesterday, and he seems really depressed and...I cant help him, and he needs someone to help him...please will you help him..."

He knew he started to babble, but he was scared out of his mind and was reduced to begging someone in charge to help him take control of what seemed so uncontrollable around him.


Bo shook his head quickly, his blue eyes shining with fear.

"No...No I dont trust any of them places...please I know there are doc's here like you I can trust...I know you wouldn't let anyone look after him that ain't capable...please I need to feel like I know he's safe..."


The doctor nodded his understanding. "Well...the first step is to get him admitted. The receptionist there can give you the paperwork to fill out," he said pointing to a nurse's station down the hallway.


Bo looked to where he was pointing - next objective sought out and pinpointed. This was how he worked under pressure, focusing on one thing at a time and muddling through it as best he could. Swallowing a little, he headed over there.


The receptionist nodded gathering together various papers, along with a clipboard and pen, handing them to Bo. "Please fill out these... I'll call an orderly to come get him..what's he being admitted for?"


Bo shook his head a little, looking down and starting to fill out the papers as he spoke.

"I...I dont really know...depression...and he needs...needs to be on suicide watch...I dont know what's happened to him but with all the stress of our uncle and everything I...I think he's had a breakdown.."


"Most of the doctors...here know him so they should know...its in his notes which are here...but...as far as I know all he's allergic to is certain types of anesthetic..."

Bo answered back, swallowing hard and moving his hand away as he kept on writing.


Bo passed the forms he had filled out shakily back to a nurse, leaning on the desk and running a hand down his face - weak at the knees because of what he was doing...he didn't know if it was the right thing to do...but he needed some sort of control..Luke needed help and this was all that seemed to make sense.


"Bo...I...I'm just gonna get a drink..." said Daisy softly though the real reason was she just needed some time...time to contemplate everything...time to mourn...for not only her uncle...but for the man Luke used to be as well.

Luke leaned more into Bo, drawing what comfort he could from his brother's hold.

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