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"I dont wanna send you away Luke...more than anything I wanna help you myself and just make you better...make you be my brother again but I dont know how to do it...you tell me how and I will but...the only people I know can help are doctors but that involves sending you away...I dont wanna send you away..."

Bo said in more a ramble than anything, hoping Luke would understand how conflicted he was feeling.


Daisy put her hand to her mouth to hide a sob. She lost her uncle. If they left Luke, she was afraid he too would never leave this place.

Luke simply nodded teary-eyed. He wanted to go home...with what little family he had left. But he needed help. Ill as he was, he recognized that he was well on his way down a path towards destruction. He could feel himself crumbling little by little, just like the cliff he had been on. He knew that one wrong movement would send him over the edge... and he was afraid he would take Bo and Daisy over the edge with him. He didn't quite understand how...or why he thought these things. He just knew what he felt... and now, right now, though he ddin't say it out loud, deep-down, he wanted revenge, revenge on the one person at fault for everything: Luke Duke.

He knew Bo was scared and alone. He had lost the only daddy he had ever known. In a sense, Bo was, for the first time, feeling like an orphan. Luke couldn't help fear that Bo would resent him, if he already didn't. That was why he clung to him so much now. He was afraid at any moment the worm would turn and Luke would be alone for good.


"Promise me you'll get better...promise me you'll co-operate with the doc's and come home soon...I can't do any of this without you for long Luke...please...promise me you'll come back to me brother..."


Luke hated that he did that. He would love to think that this was all up to him, but he knew better. If it was all up to him he would have fixed it all long ago.

But it wasn't up to him... sure he chose to listen to the docs or not, but what if the treatments didn't work? What if he was too far gone? He sure felt like he was.... how could he then make promises to get better?

"I'm gonna try," he promised. It was all he could do.


Bo shook his head, squeezing Luke's shoulders a little tighter in desperation.

"No...No Luke...you have to promise me you'll come back...I cant accept you telling me you'll try...I need to know you'll be back...I need it..."


Bo nodded a little with a small relieved sigh...Luke had never broke a promise to him before when he made one and so he trusted Luke would come back. Closing his eyes he pulled Luke close to him again, hugging him tightly - as much clinging to him as Luke was to Bo.


Bo shook his head, holding Luke close, not knowing when he would get another chance.

"You aint hurt me Luke...your hurting yourself....but it'll all stop soon...the doc's here'll help ya and you'll be back with us before you know it...we'll come see you every day cousin I promise..."


Luke's tears overtook him once more as he clutched onto Bo. He was more afraid than he would ever admit, not so much of what might lay before him treatment wise but more so that he had lost his family for good.


Daisy just held Luke, quietly crying with him, scared for her brother. Luke had always been the strong one, her protector. Now, it seemed he needed to be protected and she didn't know how.

"I'm sorry Daisy..." murmured Luke. He felt like he needed to apologize continually, though he wasn't even sure he could put a name to what he was apologizing for anymore. There were so many things he felt he had messed up...so many ways he had let down his family...

"You hush now honey," said Daisy softly into his hair. "We're gonna getcha all better...and we'll move on...together..."

Luke nodded, though he wasn't convinced he could ever move on and, much as he wanted to believe it, he thought he had ruined any chance of them being together again.

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